Girlfriend going off the pill. How much time do I have to get jacked

My girlfriend and I discussed her changing from the pill to a copper IUD because I told her about how much long term use of hormonal birth control can frick women up. She’s going off it in a month. Can a DYEL 5’10’ 150 lb man get to 1pl8 bench in that time? I’ve heard women only like chads after they get off the pill. Any advice? Have I unintentionally fricked myself?

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  1. 10 months ago

    So you’ve taken her off birth control to put her on more birth control?

    But this is true, girls on birth control are more likely to be attracted to soys.
    About 2 months ago I got my girlfriend to remove her IUD and now she’s completely natural. She’s even a little more attracted to me now and even more horny. And I’m still dyel by fit standards, but everyone man should get their girl off birth control to make sure they are enough of a man or still have work to do. If your girl won’t get off birth control for you she clearly doesn’t respect you and would resent having your babies.

    • 10 months ago

      She wants to be on birth control for the time being because she’s deathly afraid of an unwanted pregnancy at our age but doesn’t want any hormones that might frick with mood etc. I’m definitely fit and do tons of cardio just not jacked, so hopefully the only change is her libido getting higher. I’ve been trying to get into lifting but I know the gains are slow and it will take a while to get muscles besides the abs I have now

      • 10 months ago

        Ask yourself this..would she be deathly afraid of a pregnancy if she got knocked up by a 6ft 5 rich famous rugby player?
        If you’re serious about gaining muscle just spam, oats, yoghurt and eggs and run a 6 days a week push pull legs routine making sure to hit each individual muscle group. Also take a solid multivitamin, that’s all you need.

        Is this true? I’d say I’m average looking at best, but my hot ex was insanely attracted to me, which I never understood. Guess she only found me that attractive because she was on the pill…

        You can be masculine without being muscular despite what IST would have you believe but it is harder to achieve. Becoming strong and muscular is the easiest way to achieve masculinity which is what they are attracted to.
        So maybe you naturally exude a masculine energy or maybe she’s just zogged out.

        • 10 months ago

          >t. polchud

      • 10 months ago

        Condoms are a thing

      • 10 months ago

        >she’s deathly afraid of an unwanted pregnancy
        Unironically, let her read up on the symptothermal method and have her practise it for some months. Even if she doesn't use it for birth control, she learns so much about her body and cycle that it might mitigate her fear.
        Happened to me, although I never took hormones, but I never liked sex much because of being afraid of pregnancy. Now that I have a very good idea how everything works, especially in my personal case, I'm much more carefree when I have sex and that much more often. No fear of pregnancy any more, because I know what's what.

        Aside from that, never let your girlfriends or wives get on hormones, guys. It messes with them. Imagine a girl going on the pill as soon as puberty hits. She's never experienced her own sexuality how it was meant to be.

        • 10 months ago

          Fear of potential pregnancy makes it that much hotter though.

      • 10 months ago

        >doesn’t want any hormones that might frick with mood etc.
        Hormonal birth control is a lot worse than that. It's like a steroid cycle that completely fricks her entire endocrine system, and every tissue that's affected by hormones.

      • 10 months ago

        The IUD made my girlfriend way crazier than normal. Haven't seen her on the pill though.

        • 10 months ago

          Was it copper homie. There’s a hormonal IUD and a non-hormonal one

    • 10 months ago

      Is this true? I’d say I’m average looking at best, but my hot ex was insanely attracted to me, which I never understood. Guess she only found me that attractive because she was on the pill…

      Ask yourself this..would she be deathly afraid of a pregnancy if she got knocked up by a 6ft 5 rich famous rugby player?
      If you’re serious about gaining muscle just spam, oats, yoghurt and eggs and run a 6 days a week push pull legs routine making sure to hit each individual muscle group. Also take a solid multivitamin, that’s all you need.

      You can be masculine without being muscular despite what IST would have you believe but it is harder to achieve. Becoming strong and muscular is the easiest way to achieve masculinity which is what they are attracted to.
      So maybe you naturally exude a masculine energy or maybe she’s just zogged out.

      Exactly the same happened to me aswell.. left me after quitting the pill.. it was shortlived fun

      Exact same thing happened to me. 2 year long perfect relationship where she was almost obsessed with me. Then switched from then pill and suddenly her love for me died almost overnight. Never made the connection until this thread

      my new cope: im too masculine for women on the pill (90% of them). thank you IST for showing me the light. it really was everyone elses fault the entire time

      • 10 months ago

        i'm not sure why you think it's so far-fetched

      • 10 months ago

        it's definitely true though. the pill domesticated women like porn domesticated men

        • 10 months ago

          >porn domesticated men
          Circumcision domesticated men.

          • 10 months ago

            What about europe?

            • 10 months ago

              we left europe for a reason

      • 10 months ago

        It's a reasonable assumption assuming you aren't hideous.

    • 10 months ago

      >But this is true, girls on birth control are more likely to be attracted to soys.
      Think about how serious a thing this is. Your entire love-life and feelings in the world is being altered by israelite meds and people go on as if it doesn't matter. If it makes a difference to who you're attracted to, then it's bound to also make a difference to how you treat other men to some extent.

      Nobody should ever take phamaceuticals that alter their personality and behaviour to others to such a degree, they should be illegal. It's an absurdity, I can't be the only person that sees something wrong with the choice of who you're spending the rest of your life with being determined by israelite meds.

    • 10 months ago

      >uhmhmhmm da babies
      Yeah bro, on my way to frick my life up with some screaming and shitting potato just to see if some roastie is attracted enough to me kek.

  2. 10 months ago

    Is this true? I’d say I’m average looking at best, but my hot ex was insanely attracted to me, which I never understood. Guess she only found me that attractive because she was on the pill…

    • 10 months ago

      Exactly the same happened to me aswell.. left me after quitting the pill.. it was shortlived fun

    • 10 months ago

      Exactly the same happened to me aswell.. left me after quitting the pill.. it was shortlived fun

      Exact same thing happened to me. 2 year long perfect relationship where she was almost obsessed with me. Then switched from then pill and suddenly her love for me died almost overnight. Never made the connection until this thread

      • 10 months ago

        Bro… you’re making me terrified that’s exactly the same situation

      • 10 months ago

        The opposite happened to me. My ex turned on me after she started taking birth control for the first time in her life. She went from worshipping the ground I walk on to calling me an butthole after 2 years together. It’s nutty how driven by hormones women are. They’re automatons with human skin.

        • 10 months ago

          >The opposite happened to me. My ex turned on me after she started taking birth control for the first time in her life.
          That's the same phenomenon OP is worried about you fricking mouth breather. Not the opposite. A corollary.

    • 10 months ago

      Exactly the same happened to me aswell.. left me after quitting the pill.. it was shortlived fun

      my new cope: im too masculine for women on the pill (90% of them). thank you IST for showing me the light. it really was everyone elses fault the entire time

      my wife of 8 years left me after getting off the pill after being on it for 7.5 years
      bros..... don't make my mistake.
      Don't let them get on the pill in the first place.

    • 10 months ago

      My gf left me after starting the pill. Wtf

      • 10 months ago

        Refer to

        >The opposite happened to me. My ex turned on me after she started taking birth control for the first time in her life.
        That's the same phenomenon OP is worried about you fricking mouth breather. Not the opposite. A corollary.

  3. 10 months ago

    iirc the pill makes women more attracted to same-immune-system men, and being off it makes them more attracted to opposite immune system.

    Your children would have been weak, if it makes it any better.

    • 10 months ago

      this, it's a MHC (major histocompatibility complex) thing

  4. 10 months ago

    what's the point of marriage if pharma pills bind and divorce the bride and groom, is this some sort of weird american ritual?

    • 10 months ago

      If you want the answer all you have to do is ask yourself: "Who benefits?"

  5. 10 months ago

    >gf going off the pill
    >1pl8 bench
    LMAO can't make this shit up

    You should be telling every girl you meet to guzzle birth control pills, skinny little shit.

  6. 10 months ago

    My wife went off the pill two times to get pregnant from me, which took about a year each time when I was fat and dyel and we had sex pretty often. Our sex life plummeted temporarely a bit first a few years into parenthood, when on the pill again.

  7. 10 months ago

    How are you a grown man at 5 10 not benching 135? Tell your girlfriend to call me and I’ll fill her womb up

  8. 10 months ago

    This has been DEBOONKED

    • 10 months ago

      As usual, psychology proven to be random as shit.

  9. 10 months ago

    1 pl8 bench doesn't change anything about you
    You need to reach 2 pl8 to really make a noticeable chance

  10. 10 months ago

    My ex put on like 20 lbs after the iud. Not recommended

    • 10 months ago

      because you let her

    • 10 months ago

      no correlation, don't be a fricking pig.

    • 10 months ago

      He said a copper IUD. Use brain. A hormonal IUD can mess with a person, but the copper not really. All it really does is make the uterus create a lot of mucous so eggs can't implant.

  11. 10 months ago

    Are you all secretly cuckolds?

  12. 10 months ago

    Such fricking with hormones of today in 100 years is going to be seen like how we see 1800s medicine today. Oh they feel depressed? Just give em a pill that does something to seratonin that we don't fully understand.

  13. 10 months ago

    The IUD still affects their hormones you fricking moron.

  14. 10 months ago

    >I’ve heard women only like chads after they get off the pill.
    no, they stop liking S O Y B O Y S when they're off the pill. just don't be a submissive coward b***h, act more like your grandfathers, don't share negative emotions.

  15. 10 months ago

    i had a qt at work who told me she switched to a quarterly injection birth control and from that moment she started complimenting my smell when i was sweaty. was she mirin my pheromones?

    • 10 months ago

      Is she genetically similar to you
      Are you masculine looking

      • 10 months ago

        she’s a tiny redhead and i’m decently buff with a beard

        • 10 months ago

          Is she genetically similar to you

  16. 10 months ago

    This works both ways. Roids turn men gay because it destroys their natural test production.

    • 10 months ago

      nattybros and nattysisters keep winning

  17. 10 months ago

    LOL 150 pound man? Sheeeit, get to steppin.

    Are you in America? Is she?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeahhhh, definitely gives me some more energy in the gym. Yes to both why

  18. 10 months ago

    She’s gonna start cheating on you bro

    Lol jk. If she’s already grown attached to you she may even like you more now. Girls are more complicated than “ooh but muscles” and anyone who thinks otherwise is almost surely a weirdo who spends too much time here.

  19. 10 months ago

    Settle down, I had quite the dad bod in the span I dated two chicks off birth control and they wanted to frick me 24/7, were attracted to my body hair (I’m a frickin Sasquatch) and didn’t mind I had a bit of a gut on me. I do have a decent chest and arms, broad shoulders which helped but I didn’t need to be a frickin Greek god to attract girls of birth control by any means. Just throw some extra weight on and don’t be afraid to grow out facial hair either

  20. 10 months ago

    I'm pretty sure this is why Millenials and Zoomers are so dog shit looking. Its not just the lower races, its also the fact that GenX and the younger Boomers were all strung out on birth control pills, so the weakest, gaygiest looking italian types got the girls.

    Im GenX so I know this is true. In my own family, girls married Italians because they all bought into the Pacino, DeNiro,Fonzie, Travolta, Rambo, Stallone (manlets, israelites and/or gays, all of them) pushed by Hollywood in the 70s and Eighties. Their offspring are all short ugly toads now.

    If your mother has blue or green eyes and you dont its because she is one of these disgusting prostitute types who listened to Hollywood and birth control pills.

    • 10 months ago

      >If your mother has blue or green eyes and you dont its because she is one of these disgusting prostitute types who listened to Hollywood and birth control pills.
      No you moronic guido greaseball.
      It's called a recessive gene

      • 10 months ago

        Why didn't she frick a guy with blue or green eyes

        • 10 months ago

          Because women are goofy like that

  21. 10 months ago

    Idk man
    My ex was on birth control and she'd sniff my armpits directly because she got off on the scent
    She'd literally shove her face into my armpit and smell
    Maybe sigma male youtube channels aren't always right

    • 10 months ago
  22. 10 months ago

    >inb4 OP's GF's sexuality doesn't change at all but OP's insecurity wrecks the relationship anyway and he copes by going full MRA moron

    • 10 months ago

      Hey hey hey I’m trying not to psych myself out and I’m DEFINITELY not letting her know my thoughts on this except for the initial “yeah I heard getting off it can wreck some people’s emotions for a couple months until it stabilizes” since I’m sure that would be sealing my own fate by making me look like I’m worried about it

  23. 10 months ago

    It's amazing to me how many don't know that their hormonal birth control SUBSTANTIALLY increases the risk for several types of cancer, let alone the other, minor risks.

    Do they not know this? Does the doctor not tell them that when they get their prescription? Do they just nod their heads and don't understand what their being told? Is getting nutted in without protection just too good of a pull for them to care about anything else?

    • 10 months ago

      Whoring it up is like so super important to a girls development only literal fascist white supremacists nazis would do anything that might hamper that end.

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