Girls and their drinks: why do they love it so much?

Like picrel. How bad is it for your health? Is it an addiction or what?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It's women with no self control and no understanding of consequences for their poor actions. These girls live the most hedonistic degenerate lifestyle and when they finally start to see their looks/health deteriorate they think they can just pave over it with makeup/surgery/hair dye and think no one will notice.
    >overly groomed eyebrows
    >lip injections
    >fake blonde hair
    >pudgy face from goyslop diet
    >tiktok thot makeup
    >empty soulless eyes from birth control, antidepressants, and hundreds of hookups
    >constant look of contempt even though she can't even get ethnic guys to commit
    And that was what she was willing to post with filters and the best shots selected from hundreds... imagine what she looks like irl.

    • 10 months ago

      Who hurt you?

      • 10 months ago

        You dumb dirty fricking ugly bawd, how does it feel to know that the only thing keeping you from being a mute obedient frickhole slave are other men? The only reason you're allowed to voice your moronic opinions is because men allow you.
        I hate women so much you cannot imagine, I'd make you scream in pain until you'd pass out and when you'd wake up I'd do it again.
        Goddamn dirty fricking useless holes. I fricking hate women.

      • 10 months ago


        Incels may be the whiniest homosexuals ever to exist. I feel sorry for your parents. Imagine how much they are torn up wondering what they did wrong for their son to become such an abject, miserable failure.

        >no argument
        typical f*id response

        • 10 months ago

          With dialectics and “arguments” the rabble comes to the top read neetzsche sometime

        • 10 months ago

          No argument because there was nothing to argue about lol. But here's my take on it that no one asked for.

          A lot of people suck, men and women both. In fact, you could say half of all women and all men are shittier than their peers. And its a big ol' bell curve too, so most people are within a standard deviation or two of being plain old average.

          I think incels spent most of their formative years putting all women on a pedestal, thinking they are supposed to be special, delicate snowflakes. Then women don't live up to their not-based-in-reality expectations, and it ruined them.

          What few unicorns exist that do meet their expectations get hitched with the other unicorns, because why the frick would they not. And incels are not the cream of the crop, so they get the leftovers (which is the majority of humanity). They just aren't willing to accept it.

          • 10 months ago

            >They just aren't willing to accept it.
            Stopped reading there

            • 10 months ago

              Congrats you made it to the end.

              • 10 months ago

                Hello nufren

          • 10 months ago

            >reddit spacing
            No. The reason """incels""" like me are angry and bitter is because we expected a half decent woman somewhere out in the world that doesn't try to have her cake and eat it too but they are nowhere to be found. You try to be optimistic and hope to find someone decent.
            >ok so you've had more than a few casual flings
            >ok so you aren't that good with money
            >ok so you're over 25 and still act like a fricking child
            >ok so you're over 25 and still shit with money
            >ok so you're over 25 and still like high school girl tier drama
            Like holy fricking shit. I know I've fricked more than you and there are maybe 3 women that I can look back on and say they weren't that bad. But the rest were just exhausting to be around.

            We're mad because trying to form a relationship with a woman shouldn't require to navigate so much stupid bullshit that can easily be avoided.

            • 10 months ago

              i've had 4 relationships and at least one of those only applied to two of them. i don't think i'm lucky, it's just not as bad as you make out. i bet you are the problem

              • 10 months ago

                >i bet you are the problem
                Go on. I wanna know how.

              • 10 months ago

                idk, i'm just saying it hasn't been hard for me to meet women that don't meet any of those criteria you listed at all. maybe you have just been incredibly unlucky.

            • 10 months ago

              Kind of sounds like you just have shitty taste in women lol. I wonder how exhausting you were to be around for them. The majority of women I have dated in my adult life have been pretty ok, even when it didn't work out. I wouldn't have dated them otherwise.

              >reddit spacing
              Also kek, I don't give a shit. I write for a living, I like breaking my shit up. Not gonna change that for you autists.

              • 10 months ago

                >I wonder how exhausting you were to be around for them.
                Nice projection, bud. How many women have you dated in your adult life?

              • 10 months ago

                >"muh projection"

                Fricking kek, you just keep trotting out all the classics. Holy shit bud, what's next?

              • 10 months ago

                >i barely get any pussy so i know what i'm talking about
                Again, how many women have you dated, bud?

              • 10 months ago

                >I barely get any pussy so I know what I'm talking about.
                "Nice projection, bud."

                Lol, pick a number. Its IST, everything is fake. Whatever number I might say, big or small, you'll attack. Seems like a waste of time, considering how uninteresting your whining has been so far. I think I'll go have dinner instead. Have fun seething.

              • 10 months ago

                >no u
                >writes several sentences to 1 question
                Shit troll or mad shitlib.

              • 10 months ago

                >no u
                >writes several sentences to 1 question
                Shit troll or mad shitlib.

                >if number was high it could be used as a learning moment for not only me but other anons

              • 10 months ago

                You write for free, arguing with incels on an anime board

    • 10 months ago

      This but it's men's fault for not keeping women in check

    • 10 months ago

      You dumb dirty fricking ugly bawd, how does it feel to know that the only thing keeping you from being a mute obedient frickhole slave are other men? The only reason you're allowed to voice your moronic opinions is because men allow you.
      I hate women so much you cannot imagine, I'd make you scream in pain until you'd pass out and when you'd wake up I'd do it again.
      Goddamn dirty fricking useless holes. I fricking hate women.

      Incels may be the whiniest homosexuals ever to exist. I feel sorry for your parents. Imagine how much they are torn up wondering what they did wrong for their son to become such an abject, miserable failure.

      • 10 months ago

        Sounds like it's their parents fault then

      • 10 months ago

        This “abject failure” cleared 70 big Gs last year and can ohp 155. Your mouth is writing checks that your ass can’t cash

        • 10 months ago

          >keyboard warrior
          >we got a badass over here

          My fricking sides, they are in orbit. Imagine bragging about making a whole $70,000 a year. Lol. Lmao even.

          Nice OHP though.

          • 10 months ago

            You're right, he should larp about making 6 figures, WFH, as a code monkey with no college like everyone else here.

          • 10 months ago

            70kg isn't really impressive

            • 10 months ago

              Depends on his weight, but unless he is 210 lbs or more, OHPing 155 lbs is advanced level. Maybe not earth shattering, but still pretty good.

            • 10 months ago

              >If you're not pulling professional athlete numbers you're dyel

    • 10 months ago

      very good analysis

  2. 10 months ago

    It's likely because they want to enjoy things but human females can't poop. So they drink liquid stuff with all kinds of flavors to enjoy life more and they can just pee them out later.

  3. 10 months ago

    Some people are just moronic anon, it's not that complicated. The "having my Staaaarbucks!!!" thing is just a female equivalent of "watching Marvel with the boys!" for guys: consooom herd animals whose function in society is to add mass to the plans of superior people. En masse they serve a valuable role in hive species like humans. Napoleon can't invade Egypt alone - he needs 40,000 consooomers to do it for him

  4. 10 months ago

    Girls just want to have fun

  5. 10 months ago

    Roasties like the illusion of improvement while not at all improving.

    Drinks aren't "visible calories" in that you don't have to chew/bite it like regular food. Thus they lie to themselves saying that there aren't many calories in boba/frappucinos whatever, when in reality they have as many kcals as a bowl of ramen.

    Hence, they then balloon to huge sizes while crying "but I only had a salad" ignoring how they had the equivalent of 3 extra meals across 4 days.

  6. 10 months ago

    A sugary drink is just a very easy fast dopamine hit, especialy for women. You're bored? Take a sip. You're angry? Take a sip. You're sad? Take a sip. Combine that with Instagram scrolling/notification checking and you get a person who can basically hit the dopamine button at any point in time in multiple ways.

    One of the worst nightmares for most women is just leaving them alone with their own thoughts even just for like 5 minutes. They require constant escapism and dopamine hits.

    • 10 months ago

      I assume you speak from your extensive experience of skillfully handling a large number of attractive, intelligent women in their various life stages and in their widest range of emotional states

      • 10 months ago

        You are correct, I am the woman expert. AMA

        • 10 months ago

          Why am I not sex with beutifull blonde girl sir

          • 10 months ago

            Because you eat food with poophands ser

        • 10 months ago

          Where what and how the vagene ?

  7. 10 months ago

    Coffee and tea drinks are just an excuse to drink milkshakes and really sugary juice in the morning. Plus they like walking around with the Starbucks cup. It’s a way to tell everyone they’re not broke.

    • 10 months ago

      See that’s the problem right their women don’t know how to act broke to stay rich ON THE OTHER HAND they have a better understanding than men of the fact that there network is there networth

  8. 10 months ago

    >why girls enjoy [excuse to take pictures of themselves]?

  9. 10 months ago

    I have a friend with terrible health and mental problems. Everything makes her sick or nauseous or something. Apparently, all she eats is yogurt. But, I look in her car or catch her at work and there's some fast food at times but always some bullshit Starbucks drink.
    I'm not sure she gets she's getting 1600 calories from the one drink or not. Even worse, she's always broke but buying cigarettes & starbucks every day.
    I love her like an Alabama sister but, know I can't just go "look b***h, you frickin up" with her or she'll shut down.
    I'm getting my own health in order and when I make it, I'm gonna learn all I can about Lupus and drag that b***h to Jesus & good eating.

    • 10 months ago

      >I can't just go "look b***h, you frickin up" with her or she'll shut down.
      What is with you fricking Amerilards and your inability to have an honest conversation? Just say what you wanna say but be polite. It's not hard. If they get pissy then you're right. If they continue to be pussy then walk away. Stupid passive aggressive mutts. Bonus points if you're from the Midwest or South.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s called being polite maybe you frog fricks could try it sometime

        • 10 months ago

          There's a difference between being polite and the passive aggressive bullshit you mutts do. FFS, your goddamn country created the language war we have today. Your doctors can't even call fatties fat.

      • 10 months ago

        Are the straights ok?!!

      • 10 months ago

        Ok israelitetard, I've only tried to be supportive & optimistic for my friend. I don't know what passive aggressive bullshit you're speaking about.
        Passive aggressive would be me telling you that I'm sorry no one showed you enough love in your life to teach you how to return it to others. Which, I genuinely am sorry about. It was something I've had to learn myself but, at least, I had a grandma who adored me until she died when I was six. So, at least, I have a memory of what I think she would do when I deal with my own loved ones. Maybe, you don't even have that or you did and lost it but haven't dealt with it in a healthy way. I hope you find it again, fren. We're only here to love one another. All else will be destroyed but how people felt you treated them will always remain.

        • 10 months ago

          >supportive and optimistic
          So you avoid the problem. What would do if she was doing crack? Would you still be supportive and optimistic about that and whatever she's going through or would you at least mention it's not a good idea? Again, typical American Speak 101. You c**ts will watch someone dig their own grave, cheer them on, and then act like you tried your best to help when they can't change their situations.

  10. 10 months ago

    Boys and their drinks xDDD

    • 10 months ago

      I only drink water and kefir

  11. 10 months ago

    so they can do 'duckface'
    some of them are so stupid they think it looks like theyre sucking dick to thirsttrap men, as if lol.

  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    >The way she manages to tactically hide facial fit in the middle pic with lighting, camera angles and carefully placed objects hiding it (hand, drink)
    It's genuinely insane how good women are at this. Excluding make-up which is obvious and universally known by everyone at this point, they still manage to create a completely different look in photos. It's basically not even the same person anymore. And this is used by basically every single woman on social media, dating apps etc. Reasons like this are precisely why Schopenhauer calls them the unaesthetic sex.

  14. 10 months ago

    Drinking beverages is a bizarre hobby, it taps into some sort of loophole in the human mind. Whether it's tea or coffee or soda, people just can't seem to understand that enough is enough (was going to add alcohol, but that kind of forcibly makes them think a bit differently about it). It's literally just something to hold and something to do. When you go out for coffee it's like you're actually getting something, it makes it sound like you're doing something. It sort of shifts the pressure off you from being productive and getting something done because you can say oh I did get something done, I had coffee.

    Even around your own house when you're playing videogames or watching tv it's fine. But if you're doing work of some sort every 15 minutes or so usually you'll want to go up and do something. It might be snacks, it might be a beverage, any excuse at all to take you from the work.

  15. 10 months ago

    >tastes good
    >wakes you up
    >has enough calories to keep you going til lunch time bc nobody eats breakfast anymore
    Simple as.

  16. 10 months ago

    >Is it an addiction or what?
    yes, it literally is. It's like freebasing sugar.
    Just a massive shot of sugar into a caveman body that wants easy carbs and fat.
    Also, they view it as a "treat" that doesn't count.

  17. 10 months ago

    give a chimp all the milkshake he wants and he'll get fat
    women are like men but totally devoid of discipline

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