Go on without me bros. I'm not sure I can take this anymore.

Go on without me bros. I'm not sure I can take this anymore.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Ok. Either get up and make it with us, or lie in the dirt like the dog you are. Success waits for no man.

  2. 9 months ago

    Shut the frick up and keep going.

  3. 9 months ago

    it’s all about face and height man, I have up a long time ago

    • 9 months ago

      Then why the frick are you on IST?

      • 9 months ago

        i'm here because i'm an ugly manlet with muscles, but muscles don't negate being an ugly manlet. being fit makes me feel good, but it doesn't do a damn thing to improve my attractiveness.

    • 9 months ago

      Demoralization gays get picrel

    • 9 months ago

      i'm here because i'm an ugly manlet with muscles, but muscles don't negate being an ugly manlet. being fit makes me feel good, but it doesn't do a damn thing to improve my attractiveness.

      It's all about confidence and personality.
      nobody likes a quitter, and lifting weights with arbitrary numbers ins't a personality.

  4. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Oh shiet. Now I'm getting up and I'm not even OP

    • 9 months ago

      Just stood up in the middle of my office, people are staring at me now

    • 9 months ago

      Alright fellas we ball.

    • 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago

    Started talking to a qt bartender who I've been flirting with for years. We went on a few dates and they were the best nights I've had in like a decade. She stood me up last night.

    My run times have been going up but I feel so miserable and dead exercising. I used to imagine carrying her in a wedding dress when I was running for motivation.

    • 9 months ago

      My dad used to tell me that you can't look up while you're running. Looking at how far you have to go only saps your strength.

      Look at just what's in front of you. See where the other runners are. One foot forward at a time. You'll get to the finish line eventually. You just gotta keep going.

      • 9 months ago

        That's how I run. But it's better to start my inner monologue or imagination while doing that to keep my brain off of the breathing pattern and pain

      • 9 months ago

        The finish line is death and ever lasting rest.

    • 9 months ago

      Kek bartenders are huge bawds. She’s had her back blown out by countless guys before you and has flirted with countless more. Stop obsessing over some c**t who would end up resenting you and shit testing you constantly few months into the relationship that you’ll just end up hating in the end anyway. The warm comforting thoughts of your fantasy would have been swept away by the harsh winds of reality had you continued seeing her

      • 9 months ago

        Not saying you're wrong but I'm not a scrub here. We flirted for years and I always just thought of her as a friend. We live in a bumfrick town and she just has pathetic old boomers and Army boots as her clientele. I assumed she just preferred talking to me (well traveled guy in my 30's) over them. Never that she was actually interested in me.

        It wasn't until she would literally come sit next to me at the bar after her shift ended before I asked her out. Even then it took me a few times before I got the hint. After we started talking she told me that she was throwing signals my way for years and I straight up told her that thinking a bartender is hitting on you is like thinking a stripper loves you. She's still texting me but I'm really not interested in being someone's back burner.

        • 9 months ago

          homie you are wrong for flriting with a BARTENDER for years. your story is moot, grow some self respect and move on

          • 9 months ago

            Oh so when the beautiful girl working there decides to stop infront of you instead of the 20 other homies there you're supposed to say "sorry ma'am move along". If anything it's fricking practice at the very least.

            waitress are biggest prostitutes, you dogged the bullet

            This is the best way to look at it

        • 9 months ago

          waitress are biggest prostitutes, you dogged the bullet

        • 9 months ago

          >She's still texting me but I'm really not interested in being someone's back burner.
          Maybe you should tell her this, tell her how you feel. Better to get the truth out there than to forever guess at what may have been.

          • 9 months ago

            That’s exactly what he should do if he is a MAN

            • 9 months ago

              I plan on it. But I'd rather say it in person to not sound insecure. But I'm waiting on her to reach out to me after last night. If she doesn't the message is clear.

  6. 9 months ago

    I don't give a shit about this thread or you OP but I want to have the full version of this image. Thanks.

  7. 9 months ago

    OP, we all feel like quitting sometimes. This is not a bad thing. But you should really be asking yourself what it is you're giving up on; quitting is a natural part of nature, and humans are just slightly more intelligent in how we go about it compared to other animals. Thus, I ask you this; what is the reason you're giving up? Are you failing to meet yours or somebody else's expectation? Being dishonest with yourself or another?

    I'll offer up a mercy killing for the part of you that needs to die so the rest of you can go on, assuming you're the guy talking about the bartender.

    Your expectations are not in line with reality; you clearly don't know the person you're talking about nor have you been successful in developing a bond with this person anything deeper than surface level. If you knew more about her life, you would reject her and she probably knows this, but likes the feelings associated with the attention you give her. Barring huge changes to her personality, you likely won't accept her long term. Find someone else who actually lives up to your standards.

    Honestly, this feels like a troll post so I'm going to stop here. 8/8 b8 m8

    • 9 months ago

      I'm not the bartender guy, but it's similar situations.
      Women keep overtly flirting with me and sending me signals, but then rejecting me. This is basically the story of my life, and my wires are completely crossed.
      At the gym is the only time I'm happy, but every other moment is such a drag. It's just getting unbearable.

      • 9 months ago

        >At the gym is the only time I'm happy, but every other moment is such a drag. It's just getting unbearable.
        Wtf are you doing spending time outside the gym? The real world is shit, just lift

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, I guess you're right.

  8. 9 months ago

    Thus is all definitely moronic
    Hate going to the gym hate barbells
    Corny as fuvk
    But there's no other option for the slaves in these dystopian shit hole dumpster fires

  9. 9 months ago

    I am very depressed. I've been losing weight, I should be skinny and out of shape by the end of year. But the rest of my life is a fricking mess and I habs no idea how to fix. My loved ones are all copers, crabs, and christcucks. I don't know how to keep going. I'm not trying to be a demoralizer but jesus christ my life.

  10. 9 months ago

    Alright hasta la vista

  11. 9 months ago

    Aren't you interested in anything? politics? religion? the world? what life is? something to give your life meaning? haven't you ever wanted to fight in a war?

    you're not dead yet you're still making threads and ordering things online and using that big brain of yours you have plenty left to offer humanity and yourself you're being quite silly

    So get up, homosexual. It’s leg day

    • 9 months ago

      >Aren't you interested in anything?
      Gym and exploring.
      >the world?
      >haven't you ever wanted to fight in a war?
      I've been doing what I can, consistently, but I still feel empty without a romantic interest. The other stuff only compensates for a lack of romance temporarily. Eventually the weight of loneliness becomes crushing.

  12. 9 months ago

    how did you get stood up?

    • 9 months ago

      Not stood up. She just flirted with me/gave signals that she was interested. I met her in the gym and she said that I looked like captain America or the Hulk. We chatted for a while and then as I was leaving she asked for my number. The next day I asked her out to dinner, and we got along well, and we made plans for later "dates", but when I went to hold her hand, she rejected me and revealed she just wanted to be friends.
      I don't get why girls keep doing this to me. My wires are completely crossed because of this.

      • 9 months ago

        Hey I'm bartender guy. I know most people on this forum are probably ~25 years olds, so the idea of dating that bartender at some piece of shit college bar is insane to them, but they're fricking someone, so why not you? Also my bar isn't a downtown hooters, it's some sports bar in a rural ass town. Shit makes a major difference.

        As for you, read what I posted. I didn't ever think she was hitting on me until she threw herself at me. We were friends for years, and I never felt a heartache over her until we actually went one dates and she said she was crushing on me. I know there's a whole debate between the alpha and friendzone shit, but it's honestly extremely immature. Girls do go after "alphas" (read: want guys who other girls want out of their own insecurities) but that shit stops pretty quick. By 23-25 usually. Thats why you see qt latinas with absolute fat frick boyfriends who make 36k a year. All of my best hookups and relationships were made with either female friends or people I met through them. Truth is, the feminists are a little bit right. Like 70% of men out there are absolute fricking scum. Either straight up rapists, abusers, or so horny they'd frick an open leg wound on a dog if given the chance. Being seen as a friend with a female friend is a huge fricking perk. Women will see you with your friend and either think you're together (triggering that alpha mentality), or at the least see it as a major green flag that you don't try to molest every female you see. In some scenarios friendships even turn into relationships. Accept her as a friend. Message her and say youre sorry, you were getting the wrong messages, and that you would love to be friends regardless. Don't buy into the "friendzone" blackpill it's fricking bullshit. Something good will come of it. Trust me.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe if I see her again I'll let her know. I don't really like texting.

          • 9 months ago

            Just ease off. Say you're cool with being friends but just go cold. Anything else and she'll act weird. In due time she'll warm back up to you and then you just act like a friend. It's a reset that will take time but will likely be worth it. Just don't bank on it or put effort into it. That's when it feels bad.

  13. 9 months ago

    Same, but I still lift, pretty much the only thing I still do
    Quit my job after accepting the fact I'll never find a virgin wife. But I still work out because I refuse to get disrespected by normie monkeys like it used to happen when I was a skelly.

  14. 9 months ago

    haha that mf sipping mutant mass

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