Going from gym, to home gym, back to gym.

I started going to the gym in 2015, then in 2019 I got a home gym which I still use, however I noticed I hardly train anymore or even enjoy it.

I was thinking of getting rid of it (either selling or in storage) and getting a gym subscription again.

Has anyone been in the same boat? What are your experiences or what was your reasoning?

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  1. 9 months ago

    are you a moron?

    • 9 months ago

      maybe, why?

  2. 9 months ago

    To make it more clear:

    What i mean is: I dont like using my home gym, have no motivation or discipline so I thought getting rid of it and getting a gym subscription maybe makes me motivated again due to both the change in scenery and the "I am here so I have to work out" mindset.

    • 9 months ago

      Keep the home gym in case you have no time, or extenuating circumstances
      But get the membership and primarily go there

  3. 9 months ago

    like you know.... less distractions and such.

    So my question is: Anyone experienced something similar? If so please tell me about it


  4. 9 months ago

    ok well nevermind then

    • 9 months ago

      >oh! Well that's a fine howdydoo!
      Literal woman behavior

  5. 9 months ago

    You cant muster up the energy to walk five feet in your own home to workout, what makes you think you'll have the fortitude to get in your car, and drive to a local gym?

    • 9 months ago

      As I already wrote I used to be able to work out way better in the gym because you are there and then you have to work out anyway. Less distractions than at home where there is always what to do.

      if pic related is your home gym then sell it.
      not even worth using bc you're a weak gayet.
      get real equipment next time fricking loser

      No its a random pic, and I do have a half rack, cables, dead lift platforms etc. I just dont like working out at home so much

      Keep the home gym in case you have no time, or extenuating circumstances
      But get the membership and primarily go there

      Yeah I was thinking about that too. Thing is I do live in a small appartment and its taking up some space, but maybe its the most logical option.

      But yeah, anyone else experienced something similar? Because I heard people say home gyms dont work and real gyms are better because its easier to find the motivation and discipline to train there because its all you can do there

      • 9 months ago

        I have experienced the same thing. My homegym is in the same room as my computer and even if it's turned off it still feels extremely different from actually going to the gym. Doesn't help that the whole space is in a basement, but really for some reason it's just so much harder to work out it.
        I could spend 3 hours at the gym doing all kinds of shit, even conditioning and low-rest sweating work and I'd feel energized the whole way through, but at home it's just such a slog.

        The environment really does play a huge part, I think the main problem is still being in your "rest space" while at the same time at the gym, your brain and body has this place engrained as one where you recover and relax and so there's some deep physiological trigger that's making you want to do that and not vigorously exercise. + there's tons of other people at the gym and being in/around people makes one feel energized, even if you're not doing the actual activity "with" them specifically.

        One fun thing I've started doing is spreading my workout throughout the whole day - so like setting up for a lift then doing a set every 10-30 minutes. Can't really attest to its effectiveness yet but it lets me do like 10-15 sets of an exercise at working weight or more if I go harder which is good volume and I think it's nice that it keeps one somewhat active for the whole day, get a slight boost of energy after every set (and according to some le studies it's supposedly better for strength gain).

        Can just fool around the whole day and get lots of sets done.
        Just be careful and make sure to keep your muscles warm because going into a working set after 30 minutes of not doing anything could be dangerous.

        • 9 months ago

          so many typos and weird sentence structures, the whole post reads kinda jankily sorry

        • 9 months ago

          That method is very effective for mastering a lift from the technique side, it’s most often called greasing the groove and it’s probably not the best for gaining strength or mass but it’s awesome for getting bigger lifts without pushing your body crazy hard if you have the time for it

          • 9 months ago

            That's not greasing the groove, with gtg you don't go anywhere near failure, with what I'm describing you basically do more normal sets with longer pauses.
            For example with a 10 pull-up max you'd do gtg with like 3 pull ups but with this you'd do something like 9, 8, 8, 6, 7, 5, 5, 7, ... depending on how long your rest was and how much you can manage but it does lead to muscle fatigue (unlike gtg).
            Can also switch back and forth between lower reps higher weight and other way around.

            • 9 months ago

              That method is very effective for mastering a lift from the technique side, it’s most often called greasing the groove and it’s probably not the best for gaining strength or mass but it’s awesome for getting bigger lifts without pushing your body crazy hard if you have the time for it

              But I had forgotten about gtg so thanks for bringing it up, since I'd guess they could be combined (normal weight/reps on one lift and gtg on another in a day for example).

            • 9 months ago

              Ahh okay, my bad if that came off as patronizing. I only really played around with it for a couple weeks I think to get more volume on squats, and it is awesome for volume

              • 9 months ago

                Nooo it's absolutely okay anon it didn't come off bad. Did it help with your squats? I usually do these with bench, rows and sometimes pull ups because I didn't feel like squatting all day lol and usually just one set is enough to make me start heating up or almost sweating.

              • 9 months ago

                It did work, finally used all the plates from my starter bar set, so 300 pounds but I started jumping too much immediately after and had to back off because of hip/knee tightness.

                I was using kneesovertoes programs before and after I tried gtg because I was trying to improve my vertical but also had nagging knee discomfort from just moving at work, which oddly fixed my back problems but I feel like maybe the overly cautious programming (low loading and volume on everything, rest if there’s any pain) and split squats as a main lift set me up for a constantly tight knee.

                I should have just kept my volume high, squatted deep and lowered the weight. But I’m back to just doing what I feel like, 3 big lifts per workout. Sadly it’ll be a while before 300ib squat is in the cards again, maybe end of year I’ll be comfortably back

      • 9 months ago

        no I stop going to the gym 5 years ago and i train almost every day
        the only thing i miss is the variety

        this on is on you anon but if you need the gym to be motivated by all means go to the gym

        heck maybe i do a membership for 3 months just for fun

  6. 9 months ago

    if pic related is your home gym then sell it.
    not even worth using bc you're a weak gayet.
    get real equipment next time fricking loser

  7. 9 months ago

    It's not an uncommon phenomenon but the effort it takes to list all your shit on craigslist is literally less than it would take to just make yourself use the fricking thing.
    Or do you really miss standing around and waiting for the packs of seven zoomers to clear out before you get to use the squat rack that you already paid to use?

    Also I hope for your sake you didn't spend money on that memeshit in the OP.

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