Gonna perform self-surgery, need advice

Gonna do gynecomastia removal surgery on myself need advice. I decided to do it on myself since it seems simple enough and others have done it with good results. I plan to record this but I need advice on how to do it as safely as possible

Here is my plan:
1.Use lidocaine and tattoo removal to numb the area
2.Make incision with shaving razor since it's the sharpest thing I own
3.Remove actual tissue with tweezers and scissors
4.Do this all near a hospital so I can get stitched up after (cheaper than the actual surgery)

Critiques and advice are greatly appreciated

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  1. 9 months ago

    Rip bozo

  2. 9 months ago

    >4.Do this all near a hospital so I can get stitched up after (cheaper than the actual surgery)
    Do it near a morgue instead so they don't have to walk as far

  3. 9 months ago

    stream it

  4. 9 months ago

    there is an old /b/ thread from a decade ago where someone removed their gyno themselves. you should look it up.

    • 9 months ago

      I was just thinking that, is this an ancient copypasta?

      • 9 months ago

        I can't even find it anymore. I'm pretty sure the internet memory-holed it.

  5. 9 months ago

    you are the dumbest Black person alive

  6. 9 months ago

    I've thought about doing this too kek. Is it really that dangerous?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think it is, it's been done before. This indonesian guy did it with great results. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgPwhZd_X-Q

      • 9 months ago

        Holy shit

  7. 9 months ago

    You have lidocaine to inject, right? How are you going to know if you're cutting something critical as opposed to just fat? At the least go get some equipment from a medical supply store, like a scalpel

  8. 9 months ago

    How about you skip steps 1-3 and go to the hospital for the surgery?

  9. 9 months ago

    You'll go into shock and bleed out

    Do not do this

  10. 9 months ago

    i was trying to find the vid of the kids that did it in the kitchen table but is probably unlisted on yt.

    i was on the same train, but i decided to just lower my body fat % to see how it looked, and i realized that as long as i dont go bellow 10-12% is only noticeable when i use light color clothes or i lift my arm.

    i saw cases where it looks worst after because there is this loose skin around the nipple or the nipple looks deformed like OP pic.

    i also had the same experience with 2 girls where they sucked and bited my chest during sex and they didnt even mention it. the people that tried to make fun of me were guys with 10 inches arms.

  11. 9 months ago

    >to photos of OP's pic
    The guy literally just lost some weight

  12. 9 months ago

    Gyno surgery isn't even $10k just save up for it

  13. 9 months ago

    I'll bite and hopefully this will prevent the death of some anon who got the balls but doesn't have the brains.
    >confirm you have gynomastia
    >set up
    >practice practice practice
    >butcher yourself with a friend
    Has a ddoctor confirmed that what you have is truly gynomastia? You might just be a fatass. How about your surgery room set-up? Have you thought about how you are going to angle the mirrors/cameras in order to see what you are cutting or pulling? You are going to do this in an awkward angle. Have you practiced this on pork strapped to your chest? How about cutting your own flesh open? You only have one shot at this and get some practice. Do you have a fellow moron to accompany you while you have a nice day? A lot of things might go wrong and cause you to pass out.

    You won't die from gynomastia but you CAN die or get horribly deformed from this. Take a year to prepare everything. Make a diagram of your set-up. Test and sterilize everything. If you ever have a scintilla of doubt, stop and review. good luck and post video when you actually do it.

  14. 9 months ago

    just travel to a country with cheap healthcare and get the surgery tbh. not the same thing but my friend got eye laser surgery for like $500 in korea for example

  15. 9 months ago

    I know this is gonna sound reddit but posts like these should be on IST humor.
    Can't tell if op is shitposting but even if he isn't he won't do it. It takes a 1 in a billion moron to do this and it's rare for them to stream it. Too many fake vids flying around.

  16. 9 months ago

    cant you just walk in the hospital and threaten them that youre gonna do it yourself if they dont it for free?
    youre gonna end up there anyway, ight as well offer to make their job easier

  17. 9 months ago

    You’re going to give yourself sepsis and die you frickin knob. Just save up and go to a legit plastic surgeon.

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