Grandma told me to focus on my arms. I got a bench and some dumbbells.

Grandma told me to focus on my arms. I got a bench and some dumbbells. For now im gonna do 3x10 benchpress, 3x10 inclined benchpress, 3x10 overhead press and probably 30 bicep curls. Anything else i should do?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Do not make up your own program

    • 1 year ago

      Why not? Uneven muscle development?

      • 1 year ago

        Uhu. Wait years befor making one

        • 1 year ago

          All right so what program do you recommend?

          • 1 year ago

            You only need a program if you’re a beginner+idiot or an advanced lifter.
            Otherwise you can just consider programs as suggestions for which exercises to choose

            • 1 year ago

              I am a beginner so im looking for exercise ideas.

              >no back exercises
              You will regret this

              Tell me more. Which ones do you recommend?

              • 1 year ago

                For your back do RDL's with the dumbbells.

              • 1 year ago

                Also get a door pullup bar. basically your single best investment for your home exercise. You get upper back work and ab work from it by doing hanging leg lifts.

                Don't listen to the people saying you need a program. What you need is to understand that your goal is to improve your performance so just start thinking yourself about what you need to do to go from 8 reps to 10 reps to 12 reps. go from 35lb to 40lb to 45lb etc. That is all that matters you are training to improve performance. If you aren't seeing performance results the program isn't working. As a noobie you can improve your performance by miles incredibly fast. The average gym goer following a program not designed for them in their specific situation with their specific goals don't make progress. Because they think just going in and doing their 6-8 exercise routine of 3x8 sets on body building machines is what is going to get them where they want to go. When what they should be doing is focusing on a specific compound exercise and just focusing on performance in that exercise.

                Ideally working on 3-5 major compound movements. The major compounds are Squat Deadlift benchpress OHP and pullup.

                Don't just treat these as the be all end all there are a virtual infinite amount of variations of these and a specific variation might suit you better than another. Following a random program on the internet won't help you find the ideal one for you you need to read and experiment.

                But as a beginner what you have is absolutely fine and honestly the way to go. No need to hit a gym and heavy weights yet. Max out your progress on calisthenics and these dumbbells and then look into gym membership. Get to 20 reps pullup 50 reps pushup and you will already be mogging 90% of the people at the gym you join. And you can progress towards these goals in the comfort of your own home.

              • 1 year ago

                Also if you truly are a beginner don't neglect your cardio. You need to build up work capacity in exercise. If you don't enjoy jogging or cylcing or jumprope or anything like that the circuit training with light dumbbells will serve as cardio. Start grabbing your lightest dummbells and just doing whatever with them jogging in place curling them etc for 10 minutes straight feeling your heart pumping. You should do this for your warmup.

                Look at the video below. Do these movements with the lightest dumbbells or if you can't do them with dummbells just do them empty handed to start. You don't need to do this massive circuit that he is doing but just do these movements randomly through a 10 minute period while you jog in place keeping your heart rate up.

      • 1 year ago

        Because you're a newbie. Find a program that focuses on compound lifts.

        • 1 year ago

          His idea does focus on compound movements. The only drawback is that it’s only for a part of the body.
          If he starts this, either he’s fine with just training that part or he’ll become interested enough to do the whole body once he’s done it for a while

    • 1 year ago

      There’s nothing wrong with that selection of exercises

  2. 1 year ago

    >no back exercises
    You will regret this

  3. 1 year ago

    It is fine to make up your own program OP. Just program around progressive overload. You havn't told us the weights of your dumbbells. I am going to guess you don't have a complete set. Instead of having something like 3x10 you are going to have to first figure out a "max" and then try and progress on that. Tell us the weights you have. Go for progressing in 2 things: volume and intensity. For intensity like I have guessed if you only have a small amount of weights you can do things like pause at the bottom and the top.

    But yeah tell us about what weights you have and we can tell you more. If you only have a few dumbbells that are light weight eventually do circuits. So AMRAP bicep curls into AMRAP overhead press into pushups without rest for example is a decent home dumbbell circuit.

    Just focus entirely on progressive overload. Don't neglect body weight exercises aswell. No reason you can't do pushups.

  4. 1 year ago

    You should really be doing some rows, chins, etc or you'll end up with fricked up posture from exclusively pressing. You might also want to do some isolation stuff for your triceps and side/rear delts.

    I'm assuming you don't care about lower body so not going to bother with that.

  5. 1 year ago

    Read the sticky

  6. 1 year ago

    Do each muscle 5 exercises 3 to 5 sets 10 to 15 reps each set chest back legs shoulders abs arms train your whole body homosexual if you dont know exercises just do slight variations of the ones you know eg hands facing in out to the side etc on the presses.

  7. 1 year ago

    u forgot rows... anon just pick a premade program

  8. 1 year ago

    You're going to need to do work for the triceps and for the back. Do rows, pullovers, and incline skull crushers as well. If you want nicer shoulders do Skiers and lateral raises. If you want nice legs do split squats and RDLs. You don't have to do everything all on one day. Aim to do each lift twice per week and you'll grow fine. Don't worry about the anons writing a wall of text

  9. 1 year ago

    Just follow an established routine, or you'll either grow tired of lifting, grow tired of seeing no "real" results, or realise you are only focusing on 1 area of your body so the rest of it doesn't look symmetrical.

  10. 1 year ago

    Do SS and just add upper body accessories
    -Lateral raises for delts
    -Skullcrushers/push downs for triceps
    -Cable fly/incline dumbbell press for chest
    -Bicep curl/ez bar hammer curl/wrist curl for biceps and forearms
    -Neck extensions

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