Grip Training

Sup guys, wanted to make a thread to discuss grip training, currently training with heavy grips grippers working on the 200lbs one trying to get to 250 as well as doing towel hangs, what do you guys do for grip strength ?

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  1. 9 months ago

    I put on and remove plates from my barbell then walk all the way to the spot I found them on and rerack it there.

  2. 9 months ago

    Rope Hangs
    Forearm Twists
    High volume crush grips
    Plate Pinch walks
    Hangboarding (both free-hang and grease-the-groove style training where I'm still on my feet but I kind of lean into it)
    Farmer's Walks
    Inward wrist curls
    Overhand pause deadlifts (recently cut out all straps from my routine, just bought chalk)
    Handstands (if you know you know)
    Belly-pinching (amrap)
    Nipple kneading
    Volume is king though, btw.

    • 9 months ago

      Worth saying some of these will frick your tendons up if you go in too hard too fast.

      OP, the tendons in your hands don’t heal in the way muscles do, you shouldn’t exercise them to failure and should instead stop as soon as your fingers get swollen/sore/tired.

      • 9 months ago

        Which ones are dangerous? I'm assuming:
        >Hangboard, Bouldering, and MAYBE forearm twists and plate pinches

        • 9 months ago

          Hangboarding is probably the worst for beginners.

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah I'd recommend beginners not actually "hang" from the hangboard, but slump their bodies down to apply tension while still having their feet on the ground.

            • 9 months ago

              Oh fair, I misunderstood you

    • 9 months ago

      dead hangs are under-rated as frick.

      I go rock climbing every couple of weeks. It’s not my main workout but it’s fun and I feel I get a very well-rounded workout on my hands.

      even rock climbing once or twice a month will make your forearms far stronger than that of the average lifter.

  3. 9 months ago

    I go rock climbing every couple of weeks. It’s not my main workout but it’s fun and I feel I get a very well-rounded workout on my hands.

    • 9 months ago

      rock climbing is crazy hard, difficult rocks make you grip really small places from what i've been told

      Worth saying some of these will frick your tendons up if you go in too hard too fast.

      OP, the tendons in your hands don’t heal in the way muscles do, you shouldn’t exercise them to failure and should instead stop as soon as your fingers get swollen/sore/tired.

      >OP, the tendons in your hands don’t heal in the way muscles do, you shouldn’t exercise them to failure and should instead stop as soon as your fingers get swollen/sore/tired.
      interesting, got two questions, why take swollen fingers as a parameter and how long should you rest for the tendons to recover ?

      • 9 months ago

        Climbing actual cliff faces is difficult (and requires expensive equipment, and cuts your hands up a lot) but if you live near a climbing or bouldering gym they usually have sections that are very beginner friendly.

      • 9 months ago

        Swelling is just another indicator for damage, alongside soreness/fatigue. I’m married and find that if I can’t fit my wedding ring on after a hand workout/ climbing session, my hands will hurt for later in the day and I know I’d need to go easy for the next several days.

        If you’ve got any lasting pain, especially as a newbie, you should leave your hands alone until it goes completely, which can take multiple weeks if you’ve been stupid. Hands heal way slower than anything else. It’s worth it though

  4. 9 months ago

    I want to see something like this but for really strong people.

    Someone like Magnus Mitbø doing grip challenges and throws in high lbs versions of pic related and they get destroyed.

    • 9 months ago

      One way you can keep the difficulty up on a thing like this is to put down some weight plates and use your finger to tip them up. Like a car jack.

  5. 9 months ago

    Towel pullups and hand grippers are pretty much enough for forearm gains

  6. 9 months ago

    has anyone noticed forearm hypertrophy from these, or is it mostly for pure grip strength? I used to do nothing for forearms but have noticed a small difference since doing some random reps with a 150lbs a few times a week, but I can't be sure if it's that or something else. Have definitely noticed a difference in grip strength though,really helps with a lot of exercises.

    • 9 months ago

      Forearms are one of those muscles that won't get stronger or bigger without a LOT of punishment, so if they're getting stronger they'll generally get bigger too. Vascularity will be one of the most obvious improvements.

  7. 9 months ago

    I just got a rope mounted to my ceiling only 7ft but if I start from sitting from ground its a good work out

  8. 9 months ago

    I go boudering once a week. It's really fun. I want to do some rock climbing too but then I'll have to find someone to belay with.

  9. 9 months ago

    >bought a hand dynamometer
    >28 kgs
    Time to implement wrist curls into my training regime

    • 9 months ago

      Is it just me or are these a total meme?

  10. 9 months ago

    On the hand grippers and their lies.
    If you can, try a few different styles out there. The GD 90, Ivanko and Vatiz are all notably better than the Captains. Most will likely prefer the Ivanko style better than the more popular torsion spring Captains of Crush. The weight is applied more evenly and accurately throughout the movement with Ivankos where the Captains get heavier the closer you get to closed and the weight isnt always accurate. There is 1.5s out there that feel stronger then the 2s, 3s lighter than 2.5s ect. The Ivankos are close to parrallel throughout the movement where the Captains are not until theyre closed. I believe these huge differences make the Ivankos feel more natural and ergonomic in the hand and these differences become more apparent once you switch to your non dominant hand. Not to mention youll need to buy all the different weights of the Captains as you progress where the Ivankos and other adjustable grippers mentioned above give you everything you need to progress with your intial purchase.

    • 9 months ago

      If I only have the uneven angular grippers, will using them upside down sometimes balance me out?

      • 9 months ago

        Training with the torsion style is still better than not training at all. Smoke em if you got em anon. Im not sure holding them upside down will make much of a difference.

    • 9 months ago

      damn those look way better than those typical chinese ones and CoCs

    • 9 months ago

      I just have some Chinese knock-offs. They are small and have colorful handles.

    • 9 months ago

      I already have a full set of CoC. Should I keep them?

      • 9 months ago

        If youre already that invested in them I would run what you got. If you have the money find a store that you can try the others and see what you like better.

    • 9 months ago

      Never tried the GD or Ivanko.
      I have a baraban deluxe. The screw-on extension for negs and holds is nice but I suspect the barabans with handles more like captains of crush might be better. Reason being the deluxe has grooves for your fingers so you can't really hold it in the way you'll hold one like a captains of crush.
      Baraban uses an extension motion which is a bit different than a torsion spring but this comes with a big advantage: micro-loading. You don't only get the regular levels. You can stick a rubber band on the top just to get a very slight increase.

    • 9 months ago

      Thank you anon

  11. 9 months ago

    Bumping because this is one of only a handful of threads on the catalog that relates to IST.

  12. 9 months ago

    literally just walk around with that gripper
    i did that too and i started when i had my ulnar nerve completely torn in accident
    I started with 20kh gripped in 2020 since my hand was healing i couldn't even form a fist and now in 2023 im pushin 150kg one
    Just keep them in your pocket, walk around with them and do it all the times like GTG training, also: deadlifts

    Rock climbing, towels, pullups and hangs are only needed if you have a lot of time and want to feel like you get jacked off by a gorilla each time you go fap

  13. 9 months ago

    Do forearm curls help with grip strength or is that a meme?

  14. 9 months ago

    If I grip maxed like 4 days a week what will I gain?

    • 9 months ago

      Better grip

    • 9 months ago

      do as many sessions as works for you but if your goal is closing harder grippers: do not be afraid to go very low in the sessions and the reps.

      I already have a full set of CoC. Should I keep them?

      there's nothing wrong with cocs. they're the standard.
      would recommend sending yours in to cannon power works to get rated.
      you may even wish to consider getting the ones you have beaten filed down to make them harder.

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