Grow you pieces of shit.

Grow you pieces of shit.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Have you tried lifting+eating?

  2. 2 years ago

    Did you know that fasting for 24 hours can significantly raise your body's natural HGH? Fast for 24, workout, eat, repeat.

    • 2 years ago

      Dont listen to this fricking loser
      Bulk and lift is the answer

    • 2 years ago

      Checked, but it is really bad advice. You need energy to lift. I usually eat dinner and then lift in the morning, then continue with the fast until the next day. This way you have energy for lifting and your GH levels will rise while you're recovering. You grow after lifting so it works out

    • 2 years ago

      wow did you also know testosterone also dips during a fast? it's almost like your body wants to stay at homeostasis

      fasting c**ts really are as bad as ketolards

      • 2 years ago

        You don't go into ketosis within 24 hours you Black person.

        • 2 years ago

          reading comprehension

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    learn to supinate

  5. 2 years ago

    Dio dips brother

  6. 2 years ago

    Yeah grow your forearms ffs

  7. 2 years ago

    It's over

  8. 2 years ago

    I switched out DB curls for waiter curls and I'm feeling it so much more in my biceps

    • 2 years ago

      for me, it's overhand close grip curls and preacher curls with the ez bar

      • 2 years ago

        >go for the ez bar
        >feel bad about my biceps because I can only load 15 lbs on each side for 5 reps
        I won't stop until I can somehow curl 1pl8 lmao

        • 2 years ago

          15lbs on the easy bar is like 6lbs on regular lmao

  9. 2 years ago

    grow grow grow

  10. 2 years ago

    >curl 90 lbs for working sets
    >gf changes weights on my ez curl bar to 110 for deadlifts (I hardly change the weight)
    >I don't notice for like a week
    >the second I notice, the sets feel harder
    >gains are being had though

    • 2 years ago

      based gains gifter gf

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking wild how much of a mental aspect there is to lifting

  11. 2 years ago

    I am doing preachers curls 5x5. I feel like i am not progressing at all. What exercise is the best for bicep? Should i have more than one exercise that is focuses on biceps?

    • 2 years ago

      for hypertrophy????

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, why? Am i doing it wrong? How should i do it?

        • 2 years ago

          1-5 for strength, 8-12 for hypertrophy
          and doing low reps for accessory exercises is moronic even if you were going solely for strength without caring what you look like at all, fatigue to reward ratio too low

          • 2 years ago

            Is that for every exercise like that?
            I do every exercise (Squats, benchpress, ohp, deadlift etc.) as 5x5. Only thing do higher is pendlay rows and facepulls are 5x9

            • 2 years ago

              My brother in christ 5 x 5 is strictly for strength training. If you want to increase size you need to hit hypertrophy by doing sets of 12-15 at lower weights.

              • 2 years ago

                So i guess i wasted my time then? I mean i could higher some wheight but i doubt i can do 12-15 reps with the same weight i do now.
                So its 5 sets to 12-15 reps? It kills me to lower the weight.

              • 2 years ago

                Think of it this way when you lift 5 x 5’s you’re working on raising your weight ceiling which is great BUT if you want to gain size you need to focus on how much volume you’re putting into a specific muscle group hence hypertrophy.Your goal should be anywhere between 7500-10000 total weight moved 10000+ on a heavy lifting day. Look into german volume training for more info.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean, you could do 5x5 on compounds to gain strength and 10-12 for 3-4 sets on every accessory exercise for hypertrophy, that's what a lot of people do anyways
                how the FRICK do you not have the most basic equipment for calisthenics? Don't you have a park near you that has some?

                What sets/reps should i do for the following then?
                My workout plan is this (created my own which i do for 5 days and only 3 exercises because of work killing most time):

                ACBC(A*) - BCAC(B*)

                Deadlift - 100kg 5x5
                pullups - 5 sets until failure
                Bench(A) / OHP(B) - 65kg 5x5 / 40kg 5x5

                Squats - 50 kg 5x5 (i lowered the weight because of a knee injuriy recovering)
                Penlday Rows - 37,5 kg 5x5


                FacePulls - 40kg 5x9
                Leg Raises (with weights at feet) - 13,75kg 5x5
                Preachers Benchpress - 8,5kg 5x6

              • 2 years ago

                I would say you need to start by focusing on specific sets of muscle groups a day.

                You could do a more focused bodybuilding approach which looks like this.

                Mon Chest/Tri
                Tue Back/Bi
                Wed Legs
                Thu Shoulders
                Fri Tri/Bi

                Or you can do a 6 days a week plan PPL where you’re hitting every group twice a week.

                Mon Push
                Tue Pull
                Wed Legs
                Thu Push
                Fri Pull
                Sat Legs
                Sun Rest

                or you could do a mad cow 5 x 5 if all you want to do is reach new PR’s

                Mon Squat/Bench/Bent-OverRow

                Wed Squat/Overhead Press/ Deadlift

                Fri Squat/Bench/ Bent-Over Row

                Alternating between the workouts week to week.

                Set wise I start off doing 5 x 15 and work down to 4 x 12-15 and finally to 3 x 10-12 depending on how I feel and how far into the workout i am. on an easy day I’ll program between 5-7 focused movements on a heavy day I might do 10+ focused movements.

              • 2 years ago

                I have only limited time and i just started that workout plan, i would rather keep it until i get more time after workload dies down.

                I find these plans all to complicated. Why do i need to decrease sets? Why cant i just do like 5x15 and dont change it, only higher the weight?
                I will save your workout plan for later, when i am about to change my plan.

                Is your last set at least to failure? So you maybe get 7 or 8 reps and the muscle is completely fatigued? That would almost acceptable. In any case 5x5 is not good for isolation exercises, you want to pump more blood into the tissue. All the anons correcting you are correct and stress the muscle fibers instead of your nerves.

                Heavy bicep curls can also frick up your tendons, or worse give you a bicep tear if you are not conditioned properly. That conditioning starts with higher reps.

                You must also lower the weight.

                Yes lasts sets are always to failure but atleast minimum what is written as rep. So every isolation workout with more reps? Can i just do everything on the same set/reps to make it easier for me? The plan i posted i would change all the exercises to 5x12-15.

                Looks reasonable. The 5x5 on leg raises should be higher reps like 3x10. You can do them unweighed. I'd also experiment with Yates rows instead of Pendlay if you are looking for hypertrophy, also in a slightly higher rep range.

                40kg Facepulls is sick, unless your machine is calibrated weird. I do 20kg (i think) for 15+ reps focusing on form

                I'd also reconsider the Preacher bench press (don't even know what that is tbh) and do some direct bi- triceps work.

                I did leg raises unweighted but i could do like endless many until i feel something. With the dumbell between the feet i actually feel my abs.
                I look into yates Row instead of pendlay. I have a small homegym where i can do the basics shit, so i gotta look if i can do it.
                Yea, the machine says 40kg and i only feel something after +8 reps or so. Preachers benchpress is if you have your bench on the diagonal and put your arm on it, it works with full extension of the arm.

                Alright, ill look what i can swap. I still am not sure what to keep as 5x5 and what to change as 5x12-15. I dislike mixing stuff too often on reps. I want one plan and keep for it for some months only increasing the weight. I guess i just change every exercise to 5x12-15 and change the volume lower so i can actually finish the sets and then ill see.
                I guess i had false knowledge about 5x5 and high volume is bigger muscles and shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >I still am not sure what to keep as 5x5 and what to change as 5x12-15.
                Compounds (Bench, DL, OHP, Squats) = 5x5
                Isolations = Higher reps. You can frick around with dropsets, negatives, really pump and destroy that muscle. Probably don't need 5 sets - experiment.

                You can grow fine with 5x5 on the big exercises because you activate so much muscle mass. It's the spot between strength and hypertrophy and has been used for decades. But for isolation exercises it's all about the pump and tendon health. Best of luck, fren. Wagmi

              • 2 years ago

                What if i do something in the middle between 5x5 and 5x12-15?
                Yeah i need to google what dropsets and negatvies are. I guess the idea is to just make the muscle hurt.
                Lets say i do my set but cant finish the 5th rep, should i decrease the weight to something light and do one set until failure?

              • 2 years ago

                >What if i do something in the middle between 5x5 and 5x12-15?
                You can do just about anything. It depends on what your goals are. If you want to have a world record strict curl for instance, you will also have to do heavy singles on curls... But 5x5 is a very good basic rep scheme for beginners that will give both strength and size (on compounds). If you want to focus more on hypertrophy (size) you can do something like 3x8+ on everything, if you want to keep it simple. The "+" meaning as many reps as possible on the last set.

                >Lets say i do my set but cant finish the 5th rep, should i decrease the weight to something light and do one set until failure?
                On compounds? Probably not. The last set should be hard but doable. If you can't do it, you should deload (less weight next time) and then slowly increase weight over time.

                > Yeah i need to google what dropsets and negatvies are. I guess the idea is to just make the muscle hurt.
                Yes. You should probably spend some hours researching this stuff and figure out what your goals are for the next 6 months. You wanna be the biggest, the strongest, a mix of both? Don't get stuck in paralysis by analysis, though. What you are doing now is fine, just more reps on the isolations.

              • 2 years ago

                Looks reasonable. The 5x5 on leg raises should be higher reps like 3x10. You can do them unweighed. I'd also experiment with Yates rows instead of Pendlay if you are looking for hypertrophy, also in a slightly higher rep range.

                40kg Facepulls is sick, unless your machine is calibrated weird. I do 20kg (i think) for 15+ reps focusing on form

                I'd also reconsider the Preacher bench press (don't even know what that is tbh) and do some direct bi- triceps work.

              • 2 years ago

                Didn't waste time, strength and hypertrophy are positively correlated. You need the neurological response to activate more muscle, in turn more muscle can grow because you're activating more fiber. Yates did both hypertrophy and strength training, Zane and Arnold too

              • 2 years ago

                Is your last set at least to failure? So you maybe get 7 or 8 reps and the muscle is completely fatigued? That would almost acceptable. In any case 5x5 is not good for isolation exercises, you want to pump more blood into the tissue. All the anons correcting you are correct and stress the muscle fibers instead of your nerves.

                Heavy bicep curls can also frick up your tendons, or worse give you a bicep tear if you are not conditioned properly. That conditioning starts with higher reps.

                You must also lower the weight.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean, you could do 5x5 on compounds to gain strength and 10-12 for 3-4 sets on every accessory exercise for hypertrophy, that's what a lot of people do anyways

              tfw no bar

              how the FRICK do you not have the most basic equipment for calisthenics? Don't you have a park near you that has some?

              • 2 years ago

                This semi-forest thing has one but its fricking crowded with people at the time I work out

          • 2 years ago

            And don't do 7 reps because they do nothing at all

        • 2 years ago

          what the other anon said plus keep the rest time around 1 minute or less

          • 2 years ago

            Shit, so i have to lower the weight because with the current weight i can do only 5 reps. Frick.

  12. 2 years ago

    You gotta command them to grow

  13. 2 years ago

    How get bigger biceps with only calisthenics

    • 2 years ago

      don't gymnasts and calisthenic athletes have pretty big guns? Can't go wrong with good ol' chin ups, can you?

  14. 2 years ago

    >Working on going from dough golem to ripped
    >Lost nearly 30kg over six months
    >Arms only look bigger because I've slimmed down a lot
    >No vascular gains at all, so I still look soft
    >My feet, especially the arches, on the other hand is starting to have veins popping out
    Why must my body troll me so?

    • 2 years ago

      how is your body trolling you? Do you actually expect to store as much/more fat on the top of your feet than on the side of your forearm?

  15. 2 years ago

    homie just HAMMER them. This isnt your legs, bro. just fricking go to the cables and do 5*20 rope curls until your biceps explode. do it every workout and then do some more. ARMS NEED VOLUME!

    • 2 years ago

      Cables always give me the best arm pumps, they seem more beneficial on a pull day than weights.

      • 2 years ago

        cables are based for arms. protip: start your arm portion of the workout with rope pushdown / rope curl SS, 4*20. the only rest you get is the time it takes to put the pulley thing up and down. fricking blows them up and prefatigues your arms. follow it up with whatever but go for PAMP over anything.

  16. 2 years ago

    Instead of sets and reps maybe try doing really fricking intense rest pause for a large number of reps.

    • 2 years ago

      this. lmaoing @ morons doing 4*10 BB curls and b***hing about why their arms dont grow.

  17. 2 years ago

    >rips seams
    we made it.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice pic tranners

  18. 2 years ago

    Being mean to your muscles isn't going to make them develop faster. Be nice and have patience.

    • 2 years ago

      yet, they will only grow if you push them harder

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