Gym Mires

Do you ever get people looking at you exercising? Which exercises? I've noticed people only like looking at me do pull ups.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Doesnt apply to the geeks here

    • 6 months ago

      Then get off your doughy ass and count your calories and lift.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm jacked. And have you seen what this board turned into? All the ethnic incels and discord troonys ruined it

        • 6 months ago

          I haven't lurked here. I used to think having my hobbies mixed with IST would ruin them for me. Mainly used to use it for trolling purposes.
          >ethnic incels
          My shitty gym is filled with them. I just ignore. And when they ask me how to lift or what exercise I'm doing, I just try to be as blunt as possible so they don't get friendly.

        • 6 months ago

          >I am ugly and short but knowing the blackpill kind of ruined my mental health to the point I want to kill myself because nothing good will come in this life due to my genetics. I want to get rid of this blackpill incel shit and go back to being the happy-go-lucky guy I was before browsing this place. Now all I can think about is my ugly face and short height and how it is ruining my life.

          • 6 months ago

            I don’t really know about all this black pill stuff you nerds talk about but I can say that people enjoy being around fun positive people. It’s insane to me that people allow themselves to get demoralized by some fricking nerd on the internet when there is so much more to living life. Read, upskill, lift(& cardio), socialize, get 1-3 friends(men) who will stand by your side even when you are wrong and you will be well on your way to making it.

  2. 6 months ago

    When I'm doing cable flyes with a chest pump chicks look even when I have a baggy shirt on because they can see the muscles contract. My delts also show through the shirt when I'm fully stretched doing flyes. Helps being tall and shredded. I'm always the tallest guy in the gym, and if anyone is taller they're always a string bean.

  3. 6 months ago

    I don't go to the gym for attention like some woman

  4. 6 months ago

    >Do you ever get people looking at you exercising?
    Yes, every gym session. Every. Single. One. Sometimes they even come up to me and talk to me. This even got a lot more when I switched fully to OLY lifts. I know that I look extremely good, but my lifts aren't even that impressive. I feel like some kind of celebrity and it annoys the shit out of me. I just want to be left alone and do my workout without all the staring and cringy small talk. Or maybe I should just open an instagram account and try to earn money.

    • 6 months ago

      Just set yourself up as an escort.

  5. 6 months ago

    I do weighted dips with 90lbs for 3x6. I get lots of looks and have had a few strangers come up and chat with me about it.
    Recently I've started to see a lot more people doing weighted dips in my gym, I had never seen anyone doing them until I started.
    They are my favourite exercise.

    • 6 months ago

      >90lbs for 3x6
      That's impressive to people? I need to pay more attention. I just assume I don't get mires because I'm not a roid troony.

      • 6 months ago

        Man shut the frick up you humble bragging piece of shit go fix your fricking attitude

  6. 6 months ago

    Literally every time I'm in the gym. I'll get people asking me for tips maybe once a week, and other big guys will just strike up convos with me.
    Typically get most mires from deadlifts, I'll pull 600lbs+ and people will literally stop what they're doing and turn directly at me and wait for me to do my set.

  7. 6 months ago

    >be me on arm day
    >almost finished biceps, doing 21’s with a barbell
    >for the record i turn quite red and really go ape mode when doing the last 7
    >finish first set when i see a girl walking to me
    >”hey i was wondering what is that exercise you’re doing?”
    >i explain it to her and how it’s one of my favorites
    >she wants to try it and i feel like i have to stay and guide her through it
    >she gets to the last 7 and wants to give up after 2
    >i tell her i’ll help her lift it when needed and to just give it her all
    >she finishes the set and says she didn’t think she had it in her
    >i do my next set and she now (barely but still) helps me on the last few reps
    >she says she feels a bicep pump unlike ever before
    >i am now finished so i wish her a nice workout and she thanks me

    my mind went straight to asking her out, is that creepy and should i be content i made a gym friend? seen her around at the gym before but never talked until this happened, should’ve asked for her number atleast.

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      The frick are 21s?

      • 6 months ago

        7 Reps full rom, 7 reps flexed half of rom (for curls that would be from halfway or 90 degrees up to the hand at the shoulder), 7 reps stretched half of movement

        • 6 months ago

          whats the point? why not just do long partials at the end of the sets?

          • 6 months ago

            Actually sounds tight as frick thanks

            It's more of a fun variation/pump driver than a "scientific best exercise". Every once in a while I throw them in as a finisher, or do 21's with other exercises like tricep extensions. Best used with isolation movements for sure. As the other anon said you can easily mix the formula up to see what feels good, like upper half, full, then partial.

          • 6 months ago

            you wouldn't get it, dyel

        • 6 months ago

          Actually sounds tight as frick thanks

        • 6 months ago

          this but i do the 7 reps full rom at the end

          whats the point? why not just do long partials at the end of the sets?

          i like it and it gives me an insane pump

    • 6 months ago

      It doesn't have to be a binary of hit or pass.
      Just say "good workout, see you next time".
      If she likes you she'll make sure there's a next time.

    • 6 months ago

      No harm in asking her out. it's only weird/creepy if you are approaching girls in the gym with the intention of asking them out. You two had an organic positive interaction free of ulterior motives. Asking her out here is an extremely normal progression, I would even say it's almost expected if you are single and attracted to her. If she is single and attracted to you she will say yes, otherwise she will say no but won't be offended that you asked.

      Since you didn't ask in the moment though, I'd say for now just be content you made a gym friend and don't plan/expect anything. Be ready to say hey / what's up and smile next time you see her but don't necessarily force a prolonged interaction. If you two happen to have another positive organic conversation then you can look for an opportunity to ask her number.

  8. 6 months ago

    Snatches, clean and jerks, muscle ups always get mires.

  9. 6 months ago

    they all sound completely and totally unhinged

  10. 6 months ago

    I get so many mires that it drives me crazy that I don't pull any b***hes. Weird state I'm in and it's been years now

    • 6 months ago

      mires from dudes don’t count i’m afraid. if you get girls mirin and can’t convert (atleast a few) it into more you’re doings something wrong

    • 6 months ago

      Practice your chit chats, and don't listen to the guy telling you mires from dudes don't count. Dudes see the same thing girls do.

      It's just positive affirmation of your progress.. the other night, this asian dude pointed at me and flexed.. he was like holy shit, look at how jacked that dude is. Feels good.

      Guess what? The girls there are seeing the same thing.

  11. 6 months ago

    >Do pushups and treadmill
    >Shows they do more than just lifting weights

    Those are literally the most basic b***h of exercises. Stop lifting for pussy, start lifting for yourself.

  12. 6 months ago

    A woman once complimented my front squat form. I then spilled my spaghetti.

  13. 6 months ago

    Part 1
    So this guy comes into the gym with his girlfriend all the time, they're probably both around 20 years old, and he's a little overweight but his gf is in great shape. Like a 5/10 in the face but has a really good body. Always wearing tight shorts that show her petite ass and the guy always wears oversized graphic t-shirts with shorts that don't match - just looks like a total goofball. It's obvious that she got into fitness and wants him to get into fitness as well, for example she will do squats with great form, like 95lbs and he will go after her and she's instructing him and shit and he's also doing the same weight but half repping and just looks like a goof ball. looks miserable all the time like he doesn't want to be there.

    So anyways a few days ago she's at the water fountain by herself and I walk up next to her, take a sip and ask if she's a personal trainer (knowing full well she's not) and of course she just explains that she's there with her boyfriend trying to get him into fitness yada yada and I'm all acting "aww that's so cool!" and and how good of a hobby it is blah blah but I introduce myself and get her name - seed planted.

  14. 6 months ago

    Part 2
    So the next day I come in at the same time and I'm doing back and I see them walk in and get setup at a rack and start warming up on bench. So my ass immediately stops doing back and I get on the incline bench next to them and load up 225 and hit it for a quick 6. She loads up 65lbs, reps out whatever and then he gets under the bar and just looks all goofy frickin unbalanced as frick and barely gets 10 reps. I get up, walk over, "Hey what's up man, good reps, don't mean to cut in but try to pinch your shoulders blades together and on the way down pretend your chest is like a rubber band and explode on the way up, do another couple of reps and I'll try that out" and he fricking does LMAO gets out another 3 and on the 3rd I'm literally frickin yelling CMON YOU GOT IT ALL YOU ALL YOU EXPLODE!! and he barely gets the bar up and I give his frickin GIRLFRIEND a high five LMAO, she's just as excited as me hahaha

    So for the next 3 days I do this exact same shit. Walking over, saying hey like we're friends, not even looking at the dude just straight up chit chatting with his girl and giving that little cuck pointers, making him do reps and "checking his form" just emasculating him in front of his gf. And anyways today she comes in by herself, no boyfriend... I eventually run into her and say hey and ask where her bf is. "Ohhh he didn't feel like coming today" LMAOOOO. "Oh that's too bad, well just holler if you need a spot" and she just smiles and says "sure, you too" HAHAHAHAHA

    Bros I'm going to frick this guys girlfriend, 100%. Anyways share your stories. This one was just too good not to share. Pic related is me for context

    • 6 months ago

      >and she just smiles and says "sure, you too"
      We let them vote btw

      • 6 months ago

        is election manipulation a moral imperative?

        • 6 months ago

          There shouldn't be elections in the first place but that's another story. More so referring to the weakness of the moral make up of women precisely because they're prone to the sort manipulation that would pull her away from her bf. I guess the same can be said for men these days anyway. In any case, lies and deception rarely carry moral import. Voting in and of itself is gay but if we're gonna vote then the franchise shouldn't include women, only landed men with one vote per family

        • 6 months ago

          There shouldn't be elections in the first place but that's another story. More so referring to the weakness of the moral make up of women precisely because they're prone to the sort manipulation that would pull her away from her bf. I guess the same can be said for men these days anyway. In any case, lies and deception rarely carry moral import. Voting in and of itself is gay but if we're gonna vote then the franchise shouldn't include women, only landed men with one vote per family

          Every time someone tells me "don't forget to vote" or asks if I voted I chuck a car battery into a nearby body of water.

    • 6 months ago

      >only repping 225 for 6 looking like that
      you are a troony

      • 6 months ago

        >implying that's my max
        What a moron

        • 6 months ago

          >doesn't know how to train
          yeah you are a troony
          why are you arguing???
          you got cheated on then you did roids and now you target low value females for revenge?
          great plan

          • 6 months ago

            >pumps out 6 reps
            >"NOOOO you don't know how to train and you got cheated on and you are arguing bad and you're targeting people!!"
            Hahaha you're so fricked in the head

            • 6 months ago

              bro you are 5ft tall

              • 6 months ago

                >and you're a manlet!
                So much rage hahahaha the quintessential IST incel

    • 6 months ago

      >he probably just didn't feel like coming
      >she is just being polite and did not ask for a spot
      >nothing she has said or done implies your schizophrenic plan is working
      you need meds bro

      • 6 months ago

        Lol whatever helps you feel better lil celly

        • 6 months ago

          >he probably just didn't feel like coming
          >she is just being polite and did not ask for a spot
          >nothing she has said or done implies your schizophrenic plan is working
          you need meds bro

          wow I gave you incredible advice that fixes your life instantly and you just fricked off perma, frick you fricking homosexual
          come back here and post to my face like a man instead of hiding

  15. 6 months ago

    Dips and pull-ups. Yesterday a boomer said he has never in his life seen someone do dips with more than 45lbs attached and was genuinely impressed.

  16. 6 months ago

    When I was fat and into powershitting half the gym would stop and stare to watch me squat 5pl8 in my normie LA fitness. Now that I'm lean and just do brosplit hypertrophy nobody even acknowledges my existence anymore.

  17. 6 months ago

    Today I saw a squatting with almost 200kgs. Guy didn't even reached 45° though

  18. 6 months ago

    >be me
    >6’ 195lbs 12% bf
    >running outside for my daily 5k
    >woman in park stops me
    >asks me why I don’t run with my shirt off
    >laugh and tell her because I’m too fat
    That’s one
    >be me
    >chinky friend has boba shop
    >go to boba shop for coffee because he always gives me free coffee
    >group of chinky girls standing by large windows looking at phones
    >boba friend tells me he can see the reflection of their phones on glass
    >says they’re taking picture of me
    That’s two
    >be me
    >waitress at restarting I frequent is constantly hanging out around me when I go
    >friend informs me she is obviously crushing
    >she sits down and tells me how she’s over this job and wants to just settle down with a nice guy and have a family
    >keeps touching my shoulders
    >is pretty but is bar girl
    >not interested
    >she sees me out one night with one of the chinky girls from boba shop (she loved my bwc btw)
    >is a visibly angry
    >won’t even look our way
    >don’t go out for a few years
    >go back to that restaurant
    >see waitress is still there
    >she got fat and I’m still fit
    >see her get embarrassed and trying to stay in back whenever I look her way
    That’s 3

  19. 6 months ago

    Just icks. A lanklet manlet so I get smirks. I’ve stopped making eye contact for a couple years.

    A woman deliberately passed in front of me several times the other day, just to give me a disgusted look I was avoiding.

    Men just avoid association. What am i here for

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe shut the frick up and go get good at something. You'll naturally make eye contact if you actually do shit with your life instead of fapping and watching anime all day

  20. 6 months ago

    I killed a Black person and cut its head off then put it on the treadmill and starting jogging and while kicking it.
    Every single person in the gym couldn't take their eyes off me

  21. 6 months ago

    Someone asked me to help move their weight back to the rack. I’m not even sure if the memes about it being a woman’s way of shooting their shot is a real thing or not

  22. 6 months ago

    Before any of you pipsqueaks get excited, remember, they're talking about 6'3"+ guys that weigh more than 200lbs doing pullups. You can rep out 30+ pullups as a skelly or manlet and they don't care.

    • 6 months ago

      >that pic
      Kek those were good times.
      I remember one where the AI turned a fatty into a cute potbelly pig

  23. 6 months ago

    one time, a middle aged lady applauded after a set of T push-ups, just 20 lbs a side

  24. 6 months ago

    Yes, people at my gym have told me that I inspire them to work out harder. After I got decent at weighted pull-ups, it seems like a lot more men at my gym have started doing weighted pull-ups as a part of their back day. Several of them told me that they started doing them because they saw me doing them.

    I honestly don’t think about anyone else at the gym. I just go there and do what I need to do for that day. It’s awesome that others are motivated by me to better themselves.

  25. 6 months ago

    I get mired all the time, but I get ZERO pussy cuz im too autistic and sensitive

    Sucks cuz I got moletered by a old homosexual when I was a kid and now im a fricking b***h at heart no matter how much I lift

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        tfw shes too rough and im to delicate

        • 6 months ago

          Just give in to lust, give up to lust.

      • 6 months ago

        tfw shes too rough and im to delicate

        My brother these women look like freaks

        >no response
        What the HECK did I say wrong here?
        I get like 10-15 matches a day and have 3 or 4 girls sending me the first message :/
        I literally have never fricked

        And this one looks fat

        Dont take it so seriously just frick them if you desire and never speak to them again

  26. 6 months ago

    squats & deads mostly, I look dyel thoughever

  27. 6 months ago

    >no response
    What the HECK did I say wrong here?
    I get like 10-15 matches a day and have 3 or 4 girls sending me the first message :/
    I literally have never fricked

    • 6 months ago

      My brother these women look like freaks
      And this one looks fat

      Dont take it so seriously just frick them if you desire and never speak to them again

      And women not responding on dating apps is common dont overthink it. When you message these hoes dont spend so long talking about autistic hobbies and interests make some small talk and then try to set something up, if theyre not serious then move on

      • 6 months ago

        >make some small talk and then try to set something up, if
        I literally dont know how

        This is our entire convo, that was her opening message cuz in my bio I sai I wanted a "strong woman to choke me to death with her powerful thighs"

        How do I make this happen?
        I need step by step insturction

        • 6 months ago

          tfw shes too rough and im to delicate

          >no response
          What the HECK did I say wrong here?
          I get like 10-15 matches a day and have 3 or 4 girls sending me the first message :/
          I literally have never fricked

          I get mired all the time, but I get ZERO pussy cuz im too autistic and sensitive

          Sucks cuz I got moletered by a old homosexual when I was a kid and now im a fricking b***h at heart no matter how much I lift

          >its literally this easy for tallgays, pussy straight up THROWN at them
          >morons still mess it up

        • 6 months ago

          It is immediately obvious to me from your messages that you aren't as into kink as your bio implied. It was obvious to her too, and since that was what drew her in to your profile she lost interest after (correctly) assessing that you aren't the sexual match she was looking for.

          >cringe slang instead of just having the balls to say kinky
          I've never heard anyone in my 7 years of active BDSM play describe kink as "spicy". This makes it seem like you are afraid to say whatever word you're replacing because it isn't something you're used to talking about.

          >asking her if she's "a bit kinky" after she has already been kink-flirting with you
          again seems like you aren't accustomed to the scene. she has already started bantering about kink, you don't need to confirm. Banter about kink back.

          So far it's salvageable because the impression you're giving off is that you ARE into kink, but that you are inexperienced. This is still fine from her perspective and you might still be a viable match. But then:

          >"same, but just a tad for me to be totally honest"
          This is the worst message by far. I'm not sure if this is an accurate reflection of yourself but the extremely clear implication it sends is that she is kind of coming on strong with her level of interest in kink. This is a huge red flag if you are actually into kink. When I meet a girl who is into kink too we are both thrilled to have found a new potential play partner because it is quite rare compared to how many people want to have unappealing vanilla sex. If you are already backing away from the idea of kink it makes it obvious you are not one of us and you will also be bringing unappealing vanilla sex to the table.

          If you are someone who thought that line was funny but you aren't actually submissive/into kink, then just delete it from your bio. It is going to be a lightning rod for women you aren't interested in. If you are submissive and kinky then show it when bantering.

          • 6 months ago


            >make some small talk and then try to set something up, if
            I literally dont know how

            This is our entire convo, that was her opening message cuz in my bio I sai I wanted a "strong woman to choke me to death with her powerful thighs"

            How do I make this happen?
            I need step by step insturction

            The dude is obviously just looking for love and companionship, but has a misguided idea that what he needs is casual sex. Just put some romantic shit in your profile OP, you'll find it with the right woman. You don't need to pretend to be kinky to get women's attention.

          • 6 months ago

            jesus christ youre so autistic. this makes me realize how lucky I am to be born amazing at flirting.

            >long messages
            >exclamation points
            >upside-down smiley face
            >engaging with a literal troony
            >engaging with a woman that has something moronic in her bio like sucking canned cheese off her toes

            You need to stop overthinking your messages and be authentic. Being agreeable is not how you attract a mate. If you be yourself you will put off some women and you will intrigue others. Here you are being a completely blank slate, trying to be polite and nonoffensive, and talking to women that you clearly are not interested in. Stop being so desperate. Talk to the girls you think you will like, be yourself, and don't care whether it ends poorly or well. Agreeable people do NOT get what they want in life.

            To expand on what I mean by this: you are trying to navigate each chat to avoid saying something wrong and scaring the girl off. But the result of that is that you sound like an NPC with no personality. First of all, this is inherently unattractive. But that is not the main problem. The main problem is that you won't get what you want if you are not outwardly showing what you want. If you show what you want, you will naturally attract people who want the same things, and you will naturally repel people who are looking for different things. Eventually, you and a good match for you will find eachother.

            Why the frick are you acting like anything this b***h is saying is normal? She seems deranged and unhinged. You are not so desperate that you have to tolerate this brother, you're jacked. Tell her to frick off.

            wow I gave you incredible advice that fixes your life instantly and you just fricked off perma, frick you fricking homosexual

            • 6 months ago

              To expand on what I mean by this: you are trying to navigate each chat to avoid saying something wrong and scaring the girl off. But the result of that is that you sound like an NPC with no personality. First of all, this is inherently unattractive. But that is not the main problem. The main problem is that you won't get what you want if you are not outwardly showing what you want. If you show what you want, you will naturally attract people who want the same things, and you will naturally repel people who are looking for different things. Eventually, you and a good match for you will find eachother.

              Why the frick are you acting like anything this b***h is saying is normal? She seems deranged and unhinged. You are not so desperate that you have to tolerate this brother, you're jacked. Tell her to frick off.

              jesus christ youre so autistic. this makes me realize how lucky I am to be born amazing at flirting.

              >long messages
              >exclamation points
              >upside-down smiley face
              >engaging with a literal troony
              >engaging with a woman that has something moronic in her bio like sucking canned cheese off her toes

              You need to stop overthinking your messages and be authentic. Being agreeable is not how you attract a mate. If you be yourself you will put off some women and you will intrigue others. Here you are being a completely blank slate, trying to be polite and nonoffensive, and talking to women that you clearly are not interested in. Stop being so desperate. Talk to the girls you think you will like, be yourself, and don't care whether it ends poorly or well. Agreeable people do NOT get what they want in life.

              It is immediately obvious to me from your messages that you aren't as into kink as your bio implied. It was obvious to her too, and since that was what drew her in to your profile she lost interest after (correctly) assessing that you aren't the sexual match she was looking for.

              >cringe slang instead of just having the balls to say kinky
              I've never heard anyone in my 7 years of active BDSM play describe kink as "spicy". This makes it seem like you are afraid to say whatever word you're replacing because it isn't something you're used to talking about.

              >asking her if she's "a bit kinky" after she has already been kink-flirting with you
              again seems like you aren't accustomed to the scene. she has already started bantering about kink, you don't need to confirm. Banter about kink back.

              So far it's salvageable because the impression you're giving off is that you ARE into kink, but that you are inexperienced. This is still fine from her perspective and you might still be a viable match. But then:

              >"same, but just a tad for me to be totally honest"
              This is the worst message by far. I'm not sure if this is an accurate reflection of yourself but the extremely clear implication it sends is that she is kind of coming on strong with her level of interest in kink. This is a huge red flag if you are actually into kink. When I meet a girl who is into kink too we are both thrilled to have found a new potential play partner because it is quite rare compared to how many people want to have unappealing vanilla sex. If you are already backing away from the idea of kink it makes it obvious you are not one of us and you will also be bringing unappealing vanilla sex to the table.

              If you are someone who thought that line was funny but you aren't actually submissive/into kink, then just delete it from your bio. It is going to be a lightning rod for women you aren't interested in. If you are submissive and kinky then show it when bantering.

              THIS ANON GETS IT
              people make fun of "jus b urself", but man the reason that advice is so popular is because it works

              Stop overthinking these interactions and just act natural dont worry so much about trying not to offend the girl and just say whatever comes to mind

              GOAT ADVICE

              • 6 months ago

                thank you bro now i can go to bed

        • 6 months ago

          jesus christ youre so autistic. this makes me realize how lucky I am to be born amazing at flirting.

          >long messages
          >exclamation points
          >upside-down smiley face
          >engaging with a literal troony
          >engaging with a woman that has something moronic in her bio like sucking canned cheese off her toes

          You need to stop overthinking your messages and be authentic. Being agreeable is not how you attract a mate. If you be yourself you will put off some women and you will intrigue others. Here you are being a completely blank slate, trying to be polite and nonoffensive, and talking to women that you clearly are not interested in. Stop being so desperate. Talk to the girls you think you will like, be yourself, and don't care whether it ends poorly or well. Agreeable people do NOT get what they want in life.

          • 6 months ago

            To expand on what I mean by this: you are trying to navigate each chat to avoid saying something wrong and scaring the girl off. But the result of that is that you sound like an NPC with no personality. First of all, this is inherently unattractive. But that is not the main problem. The main problem is that you won't get what you want if you are not outwardly showing what you want. If you show what you want, you will naturally attract people who want the same things, and you will naturally repel people who are looking for different things. Eventually, you and a good match for you will find eachother.


            tfw shes too rough and im to delicate

            Why the frick are you acting like anything this b***h is saying is normal? She seems deranged and unhinged. You are not so desperate that you have to tolerate this brother, you're jacked. Tell her to frick off.

    • 6 months ago

      Just give them one-word answers, arrange a date and no gay male friend blog posting. If you show emojis and high interest it gives b***hes the ick.

    • 6 months ago

      You're supposed to ask a question to get a conversation going, you damn sperg. Men lead the conversation and then the women determines if its interesting. Then after a few messages you segue into meeting up.
      A woman is never going to respond to "right back at ya <gay emoji>" because its boring as hell, goddamn. She already knows you think she's sexy. You have to unironically stimulate her mind first, then you can stimulate her pussy.

  28. 6 months ago

    This girl at the gym literally left her number with my stuff, I asked IST for help on what to say and we texted a bit, set up a coffee date but then idk it was awkward so I just switched gyms and stopped talking to her, nothing came of it

    im at a loss for what to do, I could bulk but then id lose my abs and ive already cut so hard that my arms look skinny

    • 6 months ago

      the convo

      >make some small talk and then try to set something up, if
      I literally dont know how

      This is our entire convo, that was her opening message cuz in my bio I sai I wanted a "strong woman to choke me to death with her powerful thighs"

      How do I make this happen?
      I need step by step insturction

      >no response
      What the HECK did I say wrong here?
      I get like 10-15 matches a day and have 3 or 4 girls sending me the first message :/
      I literally have never fricked

      tfw shes too rough and im to delicate

      I get mired all the time, but I get ZERO pussy cuz im too autistic and sensitive

      Sucks cuz I got moletered by a old homosexual when I was a kid and now im a fricking b***h at heart no matter how much I lift

      these are all me by the way, im literally hitting all my macros and taking ZERO rest days and still getting ZERO human affection

  29. 6 months ago

    I have to confess I see the strongest man in the gym watching me rep 1pl8 ohp and doing lateral raises with 30s not sure if he's impressed or if he sees some horrible flaw in my form

    maybe I'll start talking to the people at the gym, the IST botnet is tiresome

    • 6 months ago

      Its his paternal silverback instincts. He's just making sure you don't hurt yourself.

      • 6 months ago

        Silverback's looking for a mating partner.

  30. 6 months ago

    There is some awkward dumpy old frick who's been at my gym the last few months. Absolutely no social etiquette and will stand or sit right in front of me (seen him do it to other guys too) and stare right at me with a dopey grin. If you make eye contact for even a second he'll start talking at you. Trying to ignore him since I don't like to be aggressive or rude, but I'm about to tell him he's making people very uncomfortable or something pretty soon. So yeah, I guess I do have someone looking at me, but not at all who you would want.

    • 6 months ago

      Just an old gay man tryna get some ass.

      • 6 months ago

        I half think he might be a legitimate old perv, because dude will honestly just show up there late (I'm there at like 10-12pm) and frick around not doing much work, staring at people and then be in the shower for like 30 minutes.

        • 6 months ago

          10pm to 12 am, I mean

  31. 6 months ago

    Some guy came up to me said that I have a great body after my cut. Idk if that count. I noticed a few girls looking at me but it can be just my imagination. Also I get asked to spot pretty often

  32. 6 months ago

    Yeah, you don't have to squat that much to get looks.

  33. 6 months ago

    >people looking at you exercising
    Yes. I sprint 11 mph and everyone looks

  34. 6 months ago

    Women change their opinion depending on what guy they want

    >See attractive guy in the gym doing cardio
    >They want that guy

    If they saw someone they liked doing weights or bench press then they'd say the same thing. There's this subconscious desire that these men see them saying those things and comes and talks to them

  35. 6 months ago

    >going about my business
    >trying to find an ez bar
    >it's next to a girl who's sitting on a bench doing db press
    >"excuse me, are you using this?"
    >she looks at me with a big smile
    >"no, go ahead"
    >grab the bar and start doing my thing
    >notice her staring at me in the corner of my eye
    >continues over a couple of weeks
    >finally start to talk to her
    >she opens up and talks for minutes on end, smiling
    >speak to her a couple of more times, very open and friendly
    >didn't speak to her this one time as i was exiting and she was on the other side of the gym
    >gives me the stink eye and looks away when i approach her the next day

    At least it was a learning experience.

  36. 6 months ago

    Dude it's all pointless, getting mires, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
    The younger generations are realizing early how fricked they are compared to the older gens.
    Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.

    • 6 months ago


  37. 6 months ago

    >gotten in the best shape of my life
    >sometimes when i wear suits i get "frick me" eyes which i've never seen before
    >still completely socially isolated
    >enjoy oversized clothes because my fat days made them more comfortable to me
    >talk to no one at the gym
    >still no gf
    it's like i did all this work for nothing

    • 6 months ago

      >sometimes when i wear suits i get "frick me" eyes which i've never seen before
      Why don't you talk to them after they look at you like that? Just say anything.

      • 6 months ago

        i'm just as shy as ever. and i don't get out much so when it happens I feel totally unprepared and freeze up

  38. 6 months ago

    Yesterday a gymthot with a fat ass was looking at me a bunch of times through the mirror when I was curling. Another time a black girl was "stretching" in doggystyle position when I was doing pullups and checking if I was looking. I was doing lmao2pl8 squats and a thicc girl was actually staring at me when I was mid-set but I needed to focus on my lift so I didnt look back.

  39. 6 months ago

    Got mired by a Pajeeta with a huge ass when I was walking around with a pump on Monday, and yesterday a cute hapa acted nervous when I asked if she was done with the squat rack

  40. 6 months ago

    Yes, this one fricking boot lipped Mexican keeps staring at me, it pisses me off. Why do you look upon my body with your unworthy wetback eyes. Next time he does it I'm sticking a barbell up his ass and will do landmine rows

  41. 6 months ago

    When I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt doing curls / hammer curls, they lookin, they mirin.

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