Gym twice a day

Does hitting the gym twice a day rewards more progress if i want to build more mass and muscle?

I'm a newtard, 5'8, weight about 61kgs, clean bulking with 3500 - 5k calories everyday and i've been going to gym consistently for about 2 months now, this might be a moronic question but will i get bigger if i train my muscles twice a day?

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  1. 1 year ago

    No; you get bigger from resting after going to muscular failure. If you can hit the gym twice a day, you're not training hard enough.
    Also you'll get fat eating between 3500 to 5k calories unless you're doing an immense amount of cardio which I doubt. At that height and weight you don't need that much calories. Again assuming you don't do much cardio.

    • 1 year ago

      I've always been really skinny, even with 60 kgs it doesn't even look like im someone who lifts because i still look small, if i did cardio i'd lose alot weight and appear even smaller than i am currently. I really struggled to even get out of the 50kgs during my first bulk, losing weight is not something i need for now.

      You did mention if i don't train hard enough, going twice a day would be alright, i spend 1 hour and a half or even 2 or more hours training with heavy progressive overload, ty for answering but im only planning to cut when i reach about 80 - 90 kgs

    • 1 year ago

      > going to muscular failure
      I just started lifting, but I think this is bullshit. Yesterday I did 10 sets of bent over rows for 13 reps (40ib dumbbells) and 45 second recovery time, not to failure. If I wanted to do a single set to failure, I could have only done 20 reps or so. So you are telling me that 20 reps to failure is better than 130 reps not to failure for muscle growth? I don't buy it at all.

      • 1 year ago

        Does hitting the gym twice a day rewards more progress if i want to build more mass and muscle?

        I'm a newtard, 5'8, weight about 61kgs, clean bulking with 3500 - 5k calories everyday and i've been going to gym consistently for about 2 months now, this might be a moronic question but will i get bigger if i train my muscles twice a day?

        Muscular failure, not exactly. Exhaustion yes, but you do not want to cause damage to the muscle, only give them enough stimulus to grow. You do not need to cause significant microtears in them to cause this stimulus though.

        If you do full body for those two days and offset them by 2-3 days for recovery, you’ll be fine. Just make sure to not cheat lifts or volume.

      • 1 year ago

        10 sets of 13 is absolutely junk volume, you are not lifting enough weight. If the exercise is not challenging, do you think it stimulates muscle growth? Why didn't you lift even smaller dumbbells for 20 sets of 40?
        There is a weight/volume sweet spot that is going to change slightly depending on your goals but you should be training close to failure if not failing. Your sets should be hard to complete, potentially with your last sets being harder to complete than the previous ones.

        • 1 year ago

          40ib, 13x10 is very good considering I only started lifting a few months ago. Even many intermediate lifters would struggle doing that much volume if their cardiovascular health isn't great.

          >asks for advice
          >gets good advice
          > “I’ve just started lifting, but this is bullshit”

          Do you fricking want help or not?

          When did I ask for anybody's advice? Been lifting since December and making incredible gains. 196ib and abs still visible with 21 inch shoulders, 17 inch calves, and 22 inch quads.

      • 1 year ago

        >asks for advice
        >gets good advice
        > “I’ve just started lifting, but this is bullshit”

        Do you fricking want help or not?

        • 1 year ago

          There's no harm in asking questions

      • 1 year ago

        You must be baiting holy shit. By your theory doing 4000 reps with no weight is better for muscle growth than 30-40 with adequate weight????? And in the OP you ask for advice on how to get more muscle mass, yet in your reply

        40ib, 13x10 is very good considering I only started lifting a few months ago. Even many intermediate lifters would struggle doing that much volume if their cardiovascular health isn't great.
        When did I ask for anybody's advice? Been lifting since December and making incredible gains. 196ib and abs still visible with 21 inch shoulders, 17 inch calves, and 22 inch quads.

        you talk about "cardiovascular health" (and no, intermediate lifters would bot struggle with 10x13 at 40lbs). If you want cardiovascular health, run, or swim, or whatever. If you want muscle mass, do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps until muscular faliure (NOT cardiovascular faliure or whatever moronic shit you are doing). What you are doing is both WAAAY suboptimal for cardio and WAAAY suboptimal for muscle growth. The worst of both worlds. Then you post yourself with NO lats, NO pecs, and getting tubby around your waist. I guess you also do 10x13 for your chest too, and you only use dumbbells as well? Lol. Get real. The only "gains" you are getting is fat. 62 kg to 90 in 3 months? Hahaah. 5k cals daily fir a manlet? Hahaha. Impeccable bait.

        • 1 year ago

          > And in the OP you ask for advice
          I'm not OP and you have terrible reading comprehension
          >NO lats, NO pecs, and getting tubby around your waist.
          That's because I'm 196ib (>20% bf) and not flexing. I wonder if you could bench press 100 reps with two 45ib dumbbells after 4 months lifting

          Now post body, height, weight, and how long you have been lifting so I know my timeline for mogging the shit out of you

          • 1 year ago

            It's because the muscle isn't there champ

            • 1 year ago

              >talks shit
              >doesn't post body
              Okay homosexual

    • 1 year ago

      I eat something like 4500kcal at 177cm and I don't do any cardio at all. Unless you count walking 20km/day as cardio, which I don't.

      • 1 year ago

        Does hitting the gym twice a day rewards more progress if i want to build more mass and muscle?

        I'm a newtard, 5'8, weight about 61kgs, clean bulking with 3500 - 5k calories everyday and i've been going to gym consistently for about 2 months now, this might be a moronic question but will i get bigger if i train my muscles twice a day?

        >this time on IST...
        >manlet "clean bulks" on a 1500+ surplus
        >claims greatest hypertrophy is achieved by doing 200 rep sets
        >more news at 8

  2. 1 year ago

    Unironically the biggest and strongest ive gotten in is being a lazy frick with my routine...

    Basically going hard for a few days, then taking a few days off, then going hard again, sometimes taking a week off after a few days of going hard.

    The whole autistic set specific days I never made much gains with.

  3. 1 year ago

    >5'8", 61kg
    >3500 - 5k calories everyday
    how to get fat for no additional benefit from less calories 101

  4. 1 year ago

    No. Training without sufficient rest will lead to injuries. If you are going to ignore my advice and do it anyways, then you should do cardio in one session and lift weights in the other.

  5. 1 year ago

    Is that a frog?

  6. 1 year ago

    the more you put in, the more you get out. 2 hours in the gym, 12 meals, cardio. turn your body into a machine

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