Gymcrush rejected me. It hurts bros

I got shot down by my gym crush.
it actually hurts seeing her at the gym now. I'm pretty sure I'm in love and it sucks.
When I see her working out with her male friend I feel physically ill.

I asked her one time if she was dating that guy (before I made my intentions obvious) and she said no.
I want to dislike her for keeping beta orbiters around, but honestly what girl doesn't do that nowadays?

I feel hopeless bros. I'm 29 years old. Never had a girlfriend because I can't find a girl worth wifing up. the good ones are all taken or they think they're out of my league.

I'm thinking about just degenmaxxing at this point. Maybe make a trip down to thailand and just frick hookers until I'm no longer capable of loving a woman.

I'm going to try and distance myself from her. I'm not gonna switch gyms but I'll ignore her and try my best not to look at her. It just hurts at this point. I'll play dumb and just pretend like I didn't see her if she ever waves at me or something. But honestly I don't know what to do. When I fall for a girl, I fall HARD. I just want this soul crushing feeling to go away.

anyway, thanks for reading my blogpost. I don't really have close friends irl so I don't have anyone else to tell this to.

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  1. 9 months ago

    In the same situation except with someone I work with. Just sucks bro. Glad you ar least gave it a shot though.

    • 9 months ago

      That's why you don't try to pick up people in locations where you both go regularly.

  2. 9 months ago

    You should start stalking her, you know her full name right?

  3. 9 months ago

    It sucks bro but life goes on. Ironically when I finally gave up looking for a gf and accepted loneliness forever is when I found my now wife. If you are really fricksd up about it there's no shame changing gyms. Good night anon.

  4. 9 months ago

    You're gonna hear this every time you tell this story to someone, but I'm gonna say it anyways: there are 4 billion women in the world. I guarantee you there are at least 1 million copy pastes of her advertisement-grown personality and you will meet/come into contact with at least 100,000 of those before you die.

    My point is, she's not important. You tried and failed and that's admirable, so you did nothing but win here. Your story doesn't end here but hers will with those basic ass orbiters. Move on and know you were the one with the balls to start something, even if it finished bad.

    And go frick a new girl

    • 9 months ago

      >Your story doesn't end here but hers will
      Crema The La Crem Cope

  5. 9 months ago

    no one cares incel, this isn't a support group

    • 9 months ago

      It is. This is a positive reinforcement center. Wagmi.
      I mandate each of you to chat up a random girl, even if they're 5/10

    • 9 months ago

      >the state of fit in 2k24-1

      • 9 months ago

        Everyone hates incels including incels because it makes people think they're normal

  6. 9 months ago

    >shot down by gym "crush"
    >I'm 29 years old. Never had a girlfriend because I can't find a girl worth wifing up.

    14 year olds have a "crush" you silly little homosexual. You're 29 years old, haven't had a gf, yet you're focused on finding one to "wife up"?

    Stop being a little b***h and let this be a lesson. You need to work on yourself and become a man. Don't "orbit" around women. They're not your friend, they don't care about you and they'll use you as an emotional support aid if you let them.

    Train harder, work harder, get more done and stop feeling sorry for yourself yoh pathetic little c**t. Do this and you can take your pick of the women later on once you've finally become a man.

  7. 9 months ago

    "Never had a girlfriend because I can't find a girl worth wifing up"

    that's some homosexual shit right there

  8. 9 months ago

    Chin up op. My gym crush brought her bf or some dude, and made out in front of me to send a message I don't understand. I mean.

    Whatever, I'm married and it's hard to find a side piece tbh so I'm not crushed but now I'm autismo when I see her.
    Go to do dips last night...she's there, eye contact for half sec, turn my back to her and do dips. Better position anyhow tbh.

  9. 9 months ago

    >I'm thinking about just degenmaxxing at this point. Maybe make a trip down to thailand and just frick hookers until I'm no longer capable of loving a woman.
    You have been saying this for fricking months. Either shit or get off the pot, bro.

  10. 9 months ago

    Dude, you're 29. As that other guy said you're acting like you're 14 or something, 19 year old autist hard maximum. Most people have had many romances and are often married with kids at your age. You were a """man""" for the past 11 years.

    Your romantic life has been a catastrophic failure in every imaginable sense. You're coming here looking for some sort of support, as if you were half your age. You should be going to a therapist of some sort that is friendly to talk about your particular issue and try to figure out how you could have fricked up so much that this is where you in life.

    Gym crush rejected me, what are we going to all live forever like Bryan Johnson? You have absolutely blown it for your life so far and unless you start turning things around fast will end up alone forever.

    • 9 months ago

      She is the hottest 19 year old at the gym. I deserve her. It isn’t fair.

      • 9 months ago

        You deserve to be killed

    • 9 months ago

      You just typed things he already knows but added a morone advice
      >Going to therapy

  11. 9 months ago

    >29 year old Virginia thought lifting could save him
    Lol, lmao even

  12. 9 months ago

    Gym crush rejection thread? I got one pretty recently.
    >regular at the gym
    >out of nowhere in the middle of the day a super petite latina shows up with bangs and braces
    >immediately attracted to her
    >see her maybe a handful of times before my dick takes over and forces me to introduce myself to her
    >goes well, smiles and eye contact from both of us
    >talk to her a handful of times just real light stuff till I finally get the balls again to try to further the interaction
    >notice like most girls she does tons of leg work so one day when I'm almost done with my workout see her kinda resting in a corner
    >start walking up to her, she sees me and takes off her headphones and gets ready to talk to me
    >small talk going well
    >hey so i'm doing legs and I know you do a lot of leg exercises, wanna workout together today?
    >immediately notice her demeanor change and her facial expression goes from smiling to semi weird
    >she doesn't answer but I can tell by her face she's not gungho at all about it
    >nervous smile and say maybe next time and don't give her time to reply before I turn away and walk off
    >afterwards COMPLETELY awkward between us
    >we will make it obvious we were avoiding each other to the point if i was on the 1st floor she'd beeline it to the 2nd and if she came down I'd go up
    >pass by each other in the hall we'd both look at our phones or turn the opposite way and look at the walls
    The weird part is she started staring me down again to the point she'd look at me when we'd pass by each other or try to workout near me when we wouldn't even be in the same floor as each other. Caught her looking at me once and she immediately and clumsily picked up her water bottle and zoomed off . Neither of us have made an effort to talk to the other though.

  13. 9 months ago

    Rejection sucks but look at it this way, she gave you enough respect to say no instead of leading you along like she does with mr orbit.

  14. 9 months ago

    >gym crush smiled at me and turned red again
    >pretended not to see her again
    hahaha I'm such a Chad, everyone knows the longer you completely ignore a girl the more she'll want you right hahaha

    • 9 months ago

      >Failing on tutorial mode
      Honestly hope you die

    • 9 months ago

      >gym crush uses shoulder press machine a lot
      >I start using hoping she'll need to use it when I'm there and she'll ask if I'm done and I can ask if she wants to work in with me
      >one day she finally asks if I'm done and if not can she work in
      >say I'm done and leave

  15. 9 months ago


  16. 9 months ago

    you measure up wife-potential AFTER dating them, not before.

    • 9 months ago

      no I knew enough about her to make that judgement.
      That's why it hurts so much. She's rare. Not a prostitute like most girls nowadays

      • 9 months ago

        >no I knew enough about her to make that judgement.
        no you fricking don't you goddamn moron. If you weren't even dating, how the FRICK would you know if you wanted to marry her? You know next to nothing about her, what she's like in private, her household habits, how she acts around your friends, etc etc etc. You people will create this excel spreadsheet of requirements before you even ask someone out without doing the minimum of seeing if she even likes you to begin with.
        > I'm 29 years old.
        >the good ones are all taken or they think they're out of my league.
        gee i wonder why, it definitely can't be because you're placing pussy on a pedestal and obsessing over it before making the first basic fricking move.

        You know I was a hugless kissless virgin until I turned 21, I sympathized with a lot of people on here. That was, until I actually tried just winging it. I was at a party, I flirted with a girl, and she flirted back. So I kept moving and pushing the enveloped bit by bit and I hooked up with her that night. Didn't end up going on any dates and she cut me loose soon after. And that was the most freeing moment of my life: sex and dating wasn't this magical unattainable thing and the world no longer revolved around it. I still didn't hook up much after, but the confidence that I didn't have to have this massive buildup. Since then I've asked out tons of girls, been rejected a ton, and got some numbers and even a few girlfriends out of it.

        Stop making it such a big deal. You're defeating yourself and creating imaginary obstacles that make everything harder for no fricking reason.

  17. 9 months ago

    I got a black girl from my gym pregnant and now I'm in the process of relocating. We were training partners before Covid hit and she invited me to her apartment during lockdown to swim laps. Ended up nutting in her one time after we had had a couple beers on the balcony after a session. For what it's worth, I'm married with my first child on the way and I don't want my wife to know what I've done. He was working EMS during the pandemic and had no idea i was dipping out during the day to visit my gym partner.

    Case in point, it's probably a good thing. I'd gladly swap positions with you because I don't deserve what's happening to me atm. I'm anxious 24/7

    • 9 months ago


      Of course anon is a homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      Daaaaaaaaaaaamn. Yeah that's not great.If your wife finds out... RIP anon.

    • 9 months ago

      >cheats on wife
      >I don't deserve what's happening to me atm

      I hope your wife finds out and you never see your son. Scumbag.

      • 9 months ago

        don't give it that much thought it's just a larp

    • 9 months ago

      > don't deserve what's happening to me atm. I'm anxious 24/7

      You absolutely deserve it. Little cheating piece of shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Hope she catches you homosexual. Cheating should be punishable by death.

    • 9 months ago

      Just tell both of them and be confident that you can raise both kids. Yeah theyll be mad for a bit but after a while theyll come around and you will have 2 wives. Its the dream
      >t. has a wife, a toddler and a mistress that gets along great with the wife

  18. 9 months ago

    cool. I have never been rejected by a woman, I guess it feels bad? lol

  19. 9 months ago

    I have a crush on a woman that works nearby to where I work. I've seen her looking at me but I have no idea perhaps she might think me as a creep. Should I approach her cold turkey and introduce myself or ask for her number? I don't know what to do anons, yesterday I lifted with her in my mind.

    • 9 months ago

      Chat her up and feel if she's interested first. Cold asking out people rarely works in real life.

  20. 9 months ago

    Never get oneitis homosexual. Time to find a new gym.

    • 9 months ago

      onitis isn't a choice bro, every time I think I'm starting to get over her I see her again and the feels all come back.

      but nah I'm not switching gyms. I like my gym. But I'll admit when she's there my workouts suffer cause I constantly think about her. I saw her today too and tried really hard to focus on teh wall or the floor so we wouldn't make eye contact. I can tell she noticed me too from the corner of my eye but I tried to remain stoic

      • 9 months ago

        My little brother you had no feelings for her, you didn't even know her that much and you did not share anything intimate. You had feelings for an imaginary image of her you projected on to your head.
        Rejection is a part of life and you need to learn to draw a line when that happens. You shot your shot, which is more than many of us have the guts to do. Didn't work out? That is fine, keep lifting, keep doing you and something better might appear in the horizon. It gets better with time, you will forget her soon.
        And as you said, do not change gym if you like it, what happened with your crush is irrelevant.

        For reference I am this moron

        I have a crush on a woman that works nearby to where I work. I've seen her looking at me but I have no idea perhaps she might think me as a creep. Should I approach her cold turkey and introduce myself or ask for her number? I don't know what to do anons, yesterday I lifted with her in my mind.

        , some shit happened with a girl months ago which pretty much ruined me mentally and I had to study philosophy and go hard on the gym just to keep on living and I am afraid of the other gender ever since. I avoid them like the plague and try not to think about them. And still I caught myself thinking of that girl. Its the burden of man I suppose, but I guess we must learn to live with it.

  21. 9 months ago

    Thailand is gonna be good for you

    • 9 months ago

      honestly seems like life is just driving me towards that path.
      It's a moral dilemma though. Because if I do end up going down that path, I can't reasonably expect my wife to not have a ho phase in the past.
      That's why I feel so defeated rn. all the good ones are taken in committed relationships at a younger age.

  22. 9 months ago

    >I'm 29 years old. Never had a girlfriend because I can't find a girl worth wifing up.
    >the good [...] think they're out of my league
    That's because they're out of your league. You sound fricking pathetic and unbearable to be around.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm objectively more financially successful than 99.9% of men in my age bracket. I'm also probably top 1% in terms of fitness.
      I'm really short though. So you're partially right.

      But I disagree, They're not out of my league. Young women just don't think logically. They'll come to their senses when they're 30, but by then it'll be too late for them.

  23. 9 months ago

    >he is able to speak to girls
    get off my board

    • 9 months ago

      lol trust me bro I belong here. Been on IST for 14 years at this point. I'm still awkward around girls, especially ones that I find attractive.
      My brain just shuts off and I don't know what to talk about.
      I still try, though

  24. 9 months ago

    >Never had a girlfriend because I can't find a girl worth wifing up.
    Women are like horses. They can smell fear. And your shit attitude.

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