Hair loss?

Alright IST, think im finally getting visited by the reaper. Seems like these are hairs on my hairline miniaturizing? So nows the time to be proactive and start finasteride or something right? Am i supposed to go to doctor for that or something? I have very thick full medium length hair, so didnt think this was gonna happen. Half the threads on this board talk about hair loss, do you guys have some definitive guide yet? Also was just coming off creatine for the past few months when i noticed it, would like to get back on but probably a bad idea now.

Anybody have experience with this? Also my scalp and the front where the hairs are seems to feel slightly irritated but maybe thats my hypochondria

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  1. 7 months ago

    You don't get visited by any reaper, you dumb fricking idiotic Black person.

    You just spend too much time here and now you're a paranoid frick. But sure, hop on troony roids and destroy your dick forever.

    • 7 months ago

      post hairline

    • 7 months ago

      stop trying to get medical advice from your troony sites. it's prescribed to trannies for the same reason it's prescribed to other males, to stop hairloss. it actually increases testosterone, no wonder a troon article is outright wrong. you will never be a woman, you have no eggs, etc.

    • 7 months ago

      3 months on fin here. feeling better than ever
      but I do feel a bit moronic, sometimes I take a shameful amount of time to solve mathematical/logical problems that are pretty fricking easy, maybe this is the brainfog people talk about while on fin or I'm just getting older, we will never know

  2. 7 months ago

    I’ve been on fin. Proactively, my dads half bald and has been for 30 years, and I was worried that one of my temples was receding
    I take 0.25mg every day, that’s a 1mg pill split into quarters. Works out to being 40 bucks a year for me
    No sides

  3. 7 months ago

    Rogaine is expensive but will keep what you have (and by "keep what you have" I mean both your hair and your erection strength)

    • 7 months ago

      topical minoxidil is like $40 for a year's supply and a single bottle of that stuff can last you a whole year if you take topical min orally, 2-4 drops a day is equivalent to the dosages in pill-form oral min.
      It'll probably go bad before you even finish it so I wouldn't buy more than a 6 bottle supply.

      • 7 months ago

        If you're already norwooding, would Dut or Fin be best to pair with topical min?

      • 7 months ago

        started doing this and it really revived my hairline. read that the solution loses potency around 3 months after opening in case anyone else tries it

      • 7 months ago

        What about using the drops sublingually?
        Also any experience using oral min as a pump pwo? It's a vasodilator like Cialis or citrulline.

      • 7 months ago

        stops working after 2 years though

    • 7 months ago

      rogaine doesn't stop hairloss, it's a growth stimulant and only works for as long as you use it. you still need a 5ar inhibitor or a topical antiandrogen with it

  4. 7 months ago

    dude how old are you

    • 7 months ago

      30, why?

  5. 7 months ago

    need a before shot

    • 7 months ago

      is this the reaper? what do IST?

      • 7 months ago

        4 different scenarios, 4 different angles. Frick off

      • 7 months ago

        No way, you were Jerma985 a year ago? That dude made it rich off of baldcoin

  6. 7 months ago

    Did you shampoo recently before the pic? It's normal for some smaller hairs to fall down over your forehead like that when your hair has no grease in it. See how it looks when you comb it back when it's a bit oilier.

  7. 7 months ago

    I have these while on fin. Hairline has stayed put since starting 4 years ago so I’m not too worried.

    • 7 months ago

      anyside effects at all? Also what dose

      • 7 months ago

        No sides at all, 1.25mg Proscar

  8. 7 months ago

    How many hours do you spend a day reading or scrolling about hair loss? You've been psyoped lol.

  9. 7 months ago

    What about me? I'm 22 and I'm getting paranoid since it's starting to become kinda noticeable from my left side (since I comb it to the right). Or maybe I've been on this site too much too.

    • 7 months ago

      as a guy who looks for it since I have it mildly, yeah you're receding. Unless the front-mid has looked like that since you were 15 or something. The only thing to look at before you hop on fin/min/microneedling is nutrient deficiencies and present symptoms of other issues. A multivitamin / liver and d3 solve most of the nutrient issues. For other things, have you developed chronic dry skin, flakiness, or acne on your scalp under your hair? If so your loss could be due to seborrheic dermatitis or foliculitis. Or something else. Those are the 2 most common in order though. Treatment will vary person to person. Your scalp in pic looks p good though so you might just be destined to hop on fin/min. Rosemary oil helps too from what I've read.

      • 7 months ago

        My scalp does feel kinda dry but damn I've gotta stop coping anyway, I'm trying that rosemary shit but it's only been a week, if I get any results from that and "fixing' my diet (which isn't even bad to begin with) I'll post again in a few weeks. Thanks man.

        • 7 months ago

          Same anon as above and I've done entirely too much research on this.
          If it's a legit nutrient deficiency you would find it fast with anything that checks the box that is the nutrient.
          That means 'fix the diet' isn't fixing a lack of something (which is p easy), but it's fixing the symptom by eliminating whatever may be triggering it. If you're serious about such a thing then maybe the best starting point is an elimination diet. The most scientifically backed one of these is the whole-30 diet. Basically expect a lot of root vegetables and simple proteins for the next while.
          For what it's worth I highly recommend this route. Even if it doesn't help your hairline, you might be like me and realize 'dang my mental state feels like I'm a kid again' simply because you eliminated some dietary things that weren't working for you.

          Last thing, if it's just your scalp that feels kind of dry and you haven't had other skin issues on your chest / shoulders / etc then it might not be seb derm. Odds are probably that you'll just need the normal pattern baldness treatment of fin/min/Ketoconazole Shampoo/microneedling. If you're above pic related at your age you should be fine even if that is the only issue.

          Word of advice on the fin: keep it as low as possible. DYOR. Plenty of guys out there using pill cutters / taking it every other day. There's also topical fin which I don't know much about. Most of my research was a few years ago and it's much newer. 80% of my problems were solved by dealing with my seb derm luckily. I'll still probably be at a greatly reduced hairline by my 60s though, but that much I don't care too much about.

          • 7 months ago

            I see, very interesting. I'll try that out then, thanks man. Also I do have acne but nothing too bad at least compared to many others I've seen here and out there but it's getting better with age so I've no idea how it could relate (if it does relate). Looking at that whole30 diet you recommended it doesn't look that different from my usual diet lol so it shouldn't be too hard to cut what isn't included in it.

      • 7 months ago

        My scalp does feel kinda dry but damn I've gotta stop coping anyway, I'm trying that rosemary shit but it's only been a week, if I get any results from that and "fixing' my diet (which isn't even bad to begin with) I'll post again in a few weeks. Thanks man.

        Same anon as above and I've done entirely too much research on this.
        If it's a legit nutrient deficiency you would find it fast with anything that checks the box that is the nutrient.
        That means 'fix the diet' isn't fixing a lack of something (which is p easy), but it's fixing the symptom by eliminating whatever may be triggering it. If you're serious about such a thing then maybe the best starting point is an elimination diet. The most scientifically backed one of these is the whole-30 diet. Basically expect a lot of root vegetables and simple proteins for the next while.
        For what it's worth I highly recommend this route. Even if it doesn't help your hairline, you might be like me and realize 'dang my mental state feels like I'm a kid again' simply because you eliminated some dietary things that weren't working for you.

        Last thing, if it's just your scalp that feels kind of dry and you haven't had other skin issues on your chest / shoulders / etc then it might not be seb derm. Odds are probably that you'll just need the normal pattern baldness treatment of fin/min/Ketoconazole Shampoo/microneedling. If you're above pic related at your age you should be fine even if that is the only issue.

        Word of advice on the fin: keep it as low as possible. DYOR. Plenty of guys out there using pill cutters / taking it every other day. There's also topical fin which I don't know much about. Most of my research was a few years ago and it's much newer. 80% of my problems were solved by dealing with my seb derm luckily. I'll still probably be at a greatly reduced hairline by my 60s though, but that much I don't care too much about.

        hair thinning out at the front is classic MPB and fixing his diet won't do shit for DHT miniaturizing his hair follicles

    • 7 months ago

      Two years left, max.

  10. 7 months ago
    open that scalp up anon. sooner you start the less you have to get back

    • 7 months ago

      is that you in the vid kek

    • 7 months ago

      stop shilling this moronic bullshit in every hairloss-related thread. it doesn't do shit, blood flow has nothing to do with male-pattern hairloss, only DHT-induced hair follicle miniaturization does. the arteries supplying blood to the scalp run under the skin above the muscles and the blood supply to the scalp is already excesive, e.g. cosmetic procedures involving removing certain arteries in the scalp don't even have any effect on hair, anyway.
      I don't get how anyone can be moronic enough to believe this nonsense when transplanting DHT-resistant hair to "poor bloodflow areas" doesn't cause the to miniaturize and transplanting hairs from the balding areas to anywhere on the body still doesn't prevent them from miniaturizing.

      • 7 months ago

        >I don't get how anyone can be moronic enough to believe this nonsense

        Basically, what balding does to a mf lol. Anything goes once the norwood reaper ravages their hairline and it's too late.

  11. 7 months ago

    Jumped on dutasteride yesterday. 3 months on minoxidil stopped all hairloss.

    What am I in for with dutasteride oral+ topical minoxidil ?

    • 7 months ago

      Alright IST, think im finally getting visited by the reaper. Seems like these are hairs on my hairline miniaturizing? So nows the time to be proactive and start finasteride or something right? Am i supposed to go to doctor for that or something? I have very thick full medium length hair, so didnt think this was gonna happen. Half the threads on this board talk about hair loss, do you guys have some definitive guide yet? Also was just coming off creatine for the past few months when i noticed it, would like to get back on but probably a bad idea now.

      Anybody have experience with this? Also my scalp and the front where the hairs are seems to feel slightly irritated but maybe thats my hypochondria

      1mg of fin daily for 7 months and 1mg of dutasteride daily for like, 3 months, hasn't done anything to my hair. I have seborrheic dermatitis though so I might just be fricked

  12. 7 months ago

    this is what a strong hairline looks like gents
    take notes

    • 7 months ago

      not sure if being funny but you've got classic follicle miniaturization especially over the temples, but over the whole hairline. Might even be eventual diffuse thinning.

    • 7 months ago

      Bro you are balding just like me lmao
      Anyway just accept it like a man and move on.
      Frick spending money every month to keep your hair intact. Were not females that need to look pretty

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        You can buy a derma roller on Amazon and boom, no more balding

      • 7 months ago

        yeah, why spend money on clothes or body wash either!??

        have fun Caillou

        • 7 months ago

          you look like shit

  13. 7 months ago

    how tight is your scalp skin/muscles?
    this has an anecdotal success rate of 75%, which is the best we have so far for any type of hair loss prevention

    • 7 months ago

      Not him but only my left temple is prone to hairloss. Since my skull is quite asymmetrical it all but confirms skull morphology / scalp tightness theory.

      • 7 months ago

        Im asymmetrical myself, the entire right side of my body is slightly smaller than the other side, the right side is also the side where Im balding faster

        • 7 months ago

          the muscles imbalances create tension around the skull and will eventually reduce the blood supply enough to start the balding process.

          Give your scalp a sports massage to release the tension and get blood back into those follicles. this shit is slow but it works

    • 7 months ago

      >Gee whiz!! Im gonna take advice from the guy who literally doesn’t even have MPB and charges people for his bullshit advice!!

    • 7 months ago

      >Gee whiz!! Im gonna take advice from the guy who literally doesn’t even have MPB and charges people for his bullshit advice!!

      >Gee whiz!! Im gonna take advice from the guy who literally doesn’t even have MPB and charges people for his bullshit advice!!
      this. here's a step by step deboonk of this ridiculous nonsense

      • 7 months ago

        Can I get a TL;DW please?

        • 7 months ago

          basically what I wrote here

          stop shilling this moronic bullshit in every hairloss-related thread. it doesn't do shit, blood flow has nothing to do with male-pattern hairloss, only DHT-induced hair follicle miniaturization does. the arteries supplying blood to the scalp run under the skin above the muscles and the blood supply to the scalp is already excesive, e.g. cosmetic procedures involving removing certain arteries in the scalp don't even have any effect on hair, anyway.
          I don't get how anyone can be moronic enough to believe this nonsense when transplanting DHT-resistant hair to "poor bloodflow areas" doesn't cause the to miniaturize and transplanting hairs from the balding areas to anywhere on the body still doesn't prevent them from miniaturizing.

          but several more points and goes through the studies

  14. 7 months ago

    I’m on 1mg of fin. No side effects hair on top getting thicker and hairline slowly coming back. Side effects were aching balls within the first week. But at the same time my dick was really sensitive. Really easy to get a hard on. Slight sexual thought I had while at work it would go up. But after 2-3 weeks sex drive sort of dropped. Meaning I would jack off once every 2-3 days. But even then I never had weak erections if I wanted to get hard I would just rub my dick thus hinting my body it’s time to jack off and I would get a hard erection not a soft one. But after 3 weeks since I began my sex drive has increased. I can jack off twice a day if I want. Now after 1 month I don’t have erection or sex drive problems. I feel good and optimistic

  15. 7 months ago

    DONT start fin, derma roller is all you need

  16. 7 months ago

    >finasteride or something right?
    Just start your transition already, you'll be a cute trans girl!

    • 7 months ago

      finasteride does nothing to stop testosterone and isn't prescribed as one, its a hair loss and prostate drug. it only stops T from being converted to DHT and I wish fit would stop peddling this meme

      • 7 months ago

        you're talking to a literal troony, who's been spamming screenshots from troon sites he frequents

  17. 7 months ago

    You can turn your hair into a subscription service, wear a hairpiece like a woman, or get a transplant that will eventually look ridiculous when the hairline recedes past it.
    The only real options are to embrace the shitty balding hairstyles and repulse people, or shave your head down to 1mm until your hairline is so far gone that you need to shave down to complete baldness.

    Hopefully you have a good head shape and face. If so, bald can be a perfectly fine and attractive look for a guy. You must stay in shape though.
    If you have a lumpy dysgenic head shape, you are pretty much just fricked. Oh well, way she goes.

    • 7 months ago

      >If you have a lumpy dysgenic head shape, you are pretty much just fricked.
      I've started balding and I have an actual deformed skull. Anybody here can give me some hope or should i rope?

      t. 23 yo khhv

    • 7 months ago

      bullshit, hairloss prevention works 100% if you're fast enough

  18. 7 months ago

    Microneedling and topical Minoxidil is all you need if you want to be proactive. You may still need fin at a later date. Also change your hairstyle if your hairline has shifted a little which it will do naturally. You'd be surprised what you can get away with even with a shit hairline, Go see an actual barber and ask him for advice as he'll know.

  19. 7 months ago

    I stopped fin after being on it for 5 years. I found that the sides came on slowly and got worse over the course of months and years. At first you don't notice but it will catch up with you eventually. Now I'm off it I have rock hard morning wood every morning and frick my giflriend up to 5 times a day. On fin I would often get no morning wood at all and sometimes my girlfriend would stay over the night and I wouldn't even frick her. Or I would frick her once or twice after popping a cialis.

  20. 7 months ago

    Almost every dude goes through some degree of hair loss. Look at every guy north of 40 years old. It's natural. I dunno why the immediate response of most guys online now is to hop on hormone drugs for the rest of their life.

  21. 7 months ago

    Dude, just shave it brooooo

  22. 7 months ago

    Why do you gays let the most minor of hairloss nuke your self esteem?

    • 7 months ago

      This board is mentally ill, it’s all about mogs, copes, jawlines, pills of various hues, chads, hunter eyes, freaking out about hairlines and getting depressed because you are few centimeters off a meme height limit… instead of being fit and healthy. At least the general threads are comfy and readable most of the time.

  23. 7 months ago

    Why have you not just shaved that pitiful scrap of hair off. Just let it go dude.

    • 7 months ago

      I really wonder if any of you "just shave it off" fricks are gonna follow your own advice when Reaper comes for you (and he will, unless you're troon). Will YOU shave if off? Or you will perish like a dog?

  24. 7 months ago

    why doesnt IST or IST have some definitive guide for this yet?

  25. 7 months ago

    fricking kys moronic thread op is a fricking autist

    • 7 months ago

      Really tho. I don't have anything to back this up outside of "stress bad" but fixating on your hair so much is absolutely making your hair loss worse.

      • 7 months ago

        true. had the same fixation a long time ago. had some recession on my hairline back then. took the buzzpill. stopped giving a frick about hair. hairline got better now though lol

  26. 7 months ago

    this one works

    • 7 months ago

      estrogen softens up the skin

    • 7 months ago

      his hair is still fricked, can you actually not tell these two pictures are taken at different angles?

  27. 7 months ago

    Sorry to hear this boss. My brother in laws hair looked like that three years before he went bald. Now he shaves his head every day.

    I'd value your hair while you still can tbh

  28. 7 months ago

    Wtf are you talking about, your hair looks fine

  29. 7 months ago

    I'm thinking about going to turkey to get a hair transplant I still have a hairline but it's fricking week in the front (few hairs per sqcm) VS lots of hair on the sides.

    Do you anons know a good clinic?

    • 7 months ago

      You'll need multiple operations to maintain.

      transplants fade unless you stay on pharmaceuticals and get touchups through out the rest of your life. get some blood to that head and start a routine

  30. 7 months ago

    Been shedding on fin/min for literally 3+ months. Literally clumps of hair daily when I comb after a shower.

    • 7 months ago

      same, but I'm seeing some hairs sprouting up in the bald areas too

  31. 7 months ago

    Just comb it, bro.

  32. 7 months ago

    >been on fin and min for over a year
    >still diffuse thinning all over

  33. 7 months ago

    why are these threads always savage arguing and no consensus on anything, i dont want to go to reddit for advice

    • 7 months ago

      Hairloss is one topic where reddit is usually better than IST. They aren't great but at least they stay on topic and report progress after X amount of time on various treatments.

  34. 7 months ago

    okay I'm 19
    how bad is it?

  35. 7 months ago

    Here, check out mine, it is receeding yet I still get complements that I look younger than my age, I have never cared about it until I came onto this site, I'm planning to keep caring for my look until like 35 maximum and then switch to strengthmaxxing to care for my family.

  36. 7 months ago

    I used to lose my hairline because I used protein powder with creatine. It messed with my hormone levels. I stopped using it and eat 4 eggs per day now and my hairline stopped receding.
    I'm at Northwood 2 so close call there.

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