Hair loss: the supplement. Despite what you see fitness gurus saying. People DO lose their hair on Creatine.

Hair loss: the supplement.

Despite what you see fitness gurus saying. People DO lose their hair on Creatine. Anecdotal evidence is still evidence and it's overwhelming everywhere you look.

You're basically paying Supplement Industry to: be bloated, lose your hair(the most important aesthetic factor in men). They gain, you lose.

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  1. 8 months ago

    I did, also don't take it if you have mental issues. Sets off manic episodes

    • 8 months ago

      It can affect your mental health. I recommend BBC 2-3x a week of you can tolerate it to offset the negative effects of creatine

  2. 8 months ago

    Oh nononno. ISTtrannies won't like this one.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Anecdotal evidence is still evidence
    Ive been taking creatine daily for the last 5 years and my hairline hasnt changed by a milimeter, thats an anecdote

  4. 8 months ago

    I’m currently on test/mast and taking creatine and my hair is healthier than ever. Imagine being a genelet and losing your hair from some DHT kek

    • 8 months ago

      Hair loss only affects people with poor genes and/or extreme poor health.

      Sure thing.

      • 8 months ago

        >everyone smarter than me is da j000000000s!!
        More moronic than I thought

  5. 8 months ago

    Hair loss only affects people with poor genes and/or extreme poor health.

  6. 8 months ago

    I've experimented with creatine a few times over the last couple of years to see if it's affecting my hair loss. And while I still shed even after being off of it for over 1 month, the shedding noticeably increases every time I get back on it.

  7. 8 months ago

    Creatine didn’t make you lose your hair. Your hairline is at the back of your neck because you use 3 in 1 shampoo every shower moron

    • 8 months ago

      I don't use creatine you projecting Black person. I'm not dumb enough to risk my beautiful thick hair for some bloat gains.

      You got israeliteed

  8. 8 months ago

    Just started using this again after 2 years
    Shower full of hair again
    Shit sucks

    • 8 months ago

      This. Went for a while without it and only two months back on it I’m pulling tons of hair out of my comb.

      • 8 months ago

        I have a theory it upregulates 5-a-reductase enzyme in the scalp tissues, so it won't show up on blood tests as higher DHT, it will be only local to the head.

        My other theory is that creatine affects methylation in the body, which affects genes, which could be triggering hair loss genes.

  9. 8 months ago

    >1 more rep on my 135 bench??? totally worth risking my hair for

    • 8 months ago

      IST has most moronic posters like these, never looking anything up just mindless moronic babble and parroting.
      Normal doses of creatine don't even increase DHT at all, the only factor contributed to hairloss with creatine. The only research done with creatine that implies hairloss was done only once and can't be replicated, and that was when they pumped some nogs in south africa from 90s with 30g of creatine everyday for a week.
      TLDR: Creatine doesn't cause hairloss and you are moronic

      • 8 months ago

        >Normal doses of creatine don't even increase DHT at all
        Wrong. The only studies done that actively tracked DHT show an increase in DHT levels.

        >The only research done with creatine that implies hairloss was done only once and can't be replicated
        Wrong. It has never even been ATTEMPTED to be replicated. Creatine is the single most studied supplement in the fricking world, and they have made ZERO effort to show that it doesn't affect DHT levels. Why is that? Because they either don't want to prove what they already know (that it increases DHT) or they have proved it and burned the evidence to not hinder sales. Show me ONE study that proves it cannot be replicated. ONE study that shows no effect on DHT. I've argued this with dozens of anons and BEGGED them to prove it because I would fricking love to take creatine, yet they have nothing.

        >and that was when they pumped some nogs in south africa from 90s with 30g of creatine everyday for a week.
        Standard loading phase of 25g per day for 7 days followed by maintenance of 5g a day.
        >Results: After 7 days of creatine loading, or a further 14 days of creatine maintenance dose, serum T levels did not change. However, levels of DHT increased by 56% after 7 days of creatine loading and remained 40% above baseline after 14 days maintenance (P < 0.001). The ratio of DHT:T also increased by 36% after 7 days creatine supplementation and remained elevated by 22% after the maintenance dose (P < 0.01).
        Even if creatine only raised DHT during the loading phase (it doesn't) it would still be evidence that it affects DHT you absolute braindead moron.

        We know that DHT affects hair loss in those with MPB (that is, the overwhelming majority of men) so if we knew for a fact that creatine does not affect DHT levels then we would have PROVEN it by now, but nobody has.

        Literally the only people who don't take it are worried about their hair. Why haven't they put the final worry about creatine to rest?

        • 8 months ago

          natty seethe

          • 8 months ago

            Creatine shill cope

        • 8 months ago

          >because I would fricking love to take creatine,
          So you are just scared.

          • 8 months ago

            I'd love to take steroids too but I don't want to deal with the health consequences beacuse I don't believe they outweigh the benefits. I do not fear steroids.

            5% increase in lifts is not worth 5 years off my hairline. Most people feel the same, and they deserve to make informed decisions about what they take instead of being hoodwinked by shills like (you)

  10. 8 months ago


    Thanks OP vegan AF

    • 8 months ago

      >you need to eat a kilo of tuna

      • 8 months ago

        You eat a kilo of meat/eggs per day easily.

        OP is a vegan

        • 8 months ago

          TIME TO GO VEGAN

          Thanks OP VEGAN AF

          I already trashed you in a previous thread you moronic Black person idiot.

          You will never get as much of creatine as you get from 5g of supplement in nature. You moronic frick.

          • 8 months ago

            5g of creatine in 1kg a meat
            Most people here eat more than that

    • 8 months ago

      I would be a shame if the creatine didn't get destroyed by cooking.

  11. 8 months ago

    There were already thousands of reviews for ON creatine for years on Amazon before a few people mentioning hair loss started showing up in 2015, which was several years after the rugby study (really, the rugby study abstract) started doing the rounds.
    Men start losing their hair all the time. Men decide to get fit all the time and start taking the number one supplement. Sometimes all of this happens at the same time.

    • 8 months ago

      Literally all they have to do is just prove it doesn't increase DHT and we can stop having these threads and they can start advertising it as a zero side-effect wonder supplement.

      Right now even the leading "experts" in creatine are doing interviews and when asked about hairloss the absolute best they can say is "I don't know, probably not but we just don't know".

      They do know.

      • 8 months ago

        The rugby athletes were above their baseline when they went on the maintenance dose, but still below the median DHT, interesting for an athletic population.
        I'm very skeptical but err on the side of caution by taking a very low dose of topical finasteride with occasional weeks off. The increased energy in my workouts and in the second half of my workdays is too much to ever give up.

  12. 8 months ago

    noone ever talks about creatine induced dreams

  13. 8 months ago

    Creatine has zero effect on DHT, the cause of MPB.
    Anyone who thinks their baldness is from creatine is genuinely too moronic to understand correlation =/= causation

    • 8 months ago

      And yet somehow many men start balding after taking it.

      • 8 months ago

        Men who are at the same exact age they're expected to start losing hair see that they've started losing hair because they look closer after hearing about creatine. Again, too moronic to understand correlation =/= causation.

        anyone who thinks creatine is necessary is moronic

        Nobody ever claimed it was necessary. What the frick are you on about? Beneficial sure, but nobody even said the word necessary until you.

    • 8 months ago

      anyone who thinks creatine is necessary is moronic

    • 8 months ago

      >Creatine has zero effect on DHT
      Prove it

      You can't

      • 8 months ago

        That's not where the burden of proof lies, tard. But here
        >In summary, the current body of evidence does not indicate that creatine supplementation increases total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT or causes hair loss/baldness.
        There was a single flawed study you morons will mention as proof, but ignore the other dozen that saw insignificant or zero change in hormones.
        Now show me the studies to back up the claim of baldness, cus the totality of evidence indicates there is no effect. Y'all are fricking brainlets.

        • 8 months ago

          >burden of proof
          The only proof we have is the rugby study, meaning that the burden is on you to debunk it if you think it invalid

          Wow, another completely useless "study" that doesn't actually study anything. Just a word salad trying to confuse you into thinking that a 56% spike in DHT followed by a 40% increase above baseline after 14 days and a 22-36% increase in DHT to Serum Test ratio is insignificant.

          >To date, 12 other studies have investigated the effects of creatine supplementation
          >Two studies reported small, physiologically insignificant increases in total testosterone after six and seven days of supplementation
          >while the remaining ten studies reported no change in testosterone concentrations.
          >In five of these studies [67–71], free testosterone, which the body uses to produce DHT, was also measured and no increases were found.
          I've been linked this bullshit many times before in these threads and already been through each study. Not only is "physiologically insignificant" a gross misrepresentation that is directly in opposition to what the studies actually say, but literally NONE of these twelve studies measure DHT. They measure free test, which while the body uses free test to create DHT as they say to try and swindle you, is irrelevant if the DHT RATIO is going up. Likely through increase in 5-AR which they even fricking admit in that link, despite then pilpulling that since 5-AR doesn't directly affect hair loss, this somehow magically stops the DHT that it creates from doing so.

          You haven't even read the studies you're citing, you're just parroting a fricking summary that is written by literal creatine shills. Go through those 12 studies, as I have, and find me ONE that proves that creatine doesn't increase DHT. Not free test, but DHT. You can't, because there are none. They all measure free test, which is irrelevant if the DHT ratio is increasing via 5-AR.


  14. 8 months ago

    Has anyone recovered much from finasteride? I've been on it a few months but I'm not seeing anything.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah but it took 1.5 years for me to notice a difference, also when I started eating more & more carbs.

      • 8 months ago

        How much of a difference did you get? I quit minoxidil and lost some, hoping I'll gain hair back from just fin

  15. 8 months ago

    Don’t really know if it was the creatine but my training/diets been all over the place and I hit 1/2/3/4 for reps recently after starting on 5 g daily for the past 6 months. No hair loss either, people also say I look jacked now. I know it’s mostly waterweight but I can’t find any reason to come off of it.

  16. 8 months ago

    Jokes aside I never noticed my hair is thinning before taking it

  17. 8 months ago

    I did also notice my hair falling out a little more after I started taking creatine again, but I thought I was just tripping

  18. 8 months ago

    Creatine is a israeli trick that makes you bald and gives you asthma wake up

  19. 8 months ago

    >daily creatine misinformation thread
    do you even do anything else in your life? like, do you even lift at all?
    everyone knows the hairloss comes from extreme roiding activating their inherent balding genetics in full force

    • 8 months ago

      Nice try israelite

      • 8 months ago

        >the jude's tactics now is calling anybody who doesn't fall for his lies a israelite
        heh, it is like you're trying to demean your tribe on purpose, rat

        • 8 months ago

          Post head, baldy. There is nothing to gain from Creatine, only the loss. In the most important element of male looks, the hair.

  20. 8 months ago

    Creatine undeinably raises DHT. Yes we only have one study confirming it but it will never be replicated because those selling creatine don't want people to find out. IF YOU ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO MPD (meaning your folicles are DHT sensitve and will react by killing your hair) you will accelerate hair loss. If you are not susceptible to MPB, you will not lose hair

  21. 8 months ago

    >start finasteride 3 months ago
    >sex drive/erections definitely gone down
    >go and get regular blood test and compare to before
    >testosterone, free T, estrogen/test ratio and all the other good things have improved and hormonal profile is better than it was years ago

    This shit is in my head and I've no idea wtf is happening.

    • 8 months ago

      DHT is 5 times stronger than testosterone and you just lowered it, so the total androgenic action in your body is lower than before despite testosterone going up.

      • 8 months ago

        Ok but my strength is the same, or better technically since I've lost about 10kgs since starting and have the same strength.

        • 8 months ago

          DHT is deactivated in muscle, but it affects all other tissues in the body including penis and brain.

          • 8 months ago

            Interesting, btw not doubting or whatever I know these discussions get heated. Doesn't the body adjust to these lower levels in time though.
            I'm going to titrate the dose to 0.5mg a day since I was taking 1 a day and from what I'm reading thats kind of overkill anyway.

            • 8 months ago

              Well, there would be some kind of adjustment, as there are complex interplays between all the different chemicals in the body.
              It's kind of like asking will your body adjust from lowering your testosterone from 1000 ng/dl to 300 ng/dl. Yes, it will adjust to the lower test, but what is the net outcome in terms of overall mental and physical function, health and wellbeing?

        • 8 months ago

          Also, the 5-a reductase enzyme converts progesterone into allopregnanolone in the brain which is an important brain neurosteroid involved in mood and anxiety.

          That's why some people get negative mood and anxiety effects from finasteride.

          scroll down to the "list of conversions" section

          taking finasteride affects the levels of all these hormones in the body, not just DHT

          • 8 months ago

            Finasteride permanently fricked up my dick and balls. Started taking 1mg per day back in early 2017. Initially my sex drive actually soared - which was a relief since it was the exact opposite of erectile dysfunction. But then I woke up one morning in like week 5 with almost zero blood flow to my penis. It shriveled up to half it's normal length and girth and was literally cold to the touch. I couldn't even get a semi-chub to save my life. And my balls shrank and were constantly tucked in super close to my body as if someone kicked me in the balls and then tossed me into ice water. This lasted over a year by the way. And keep in mind that I had zero issues with my dick prior to this. If anything, I was getting too many erections that were too hard. Sometimes I'd wake up in the morning having to take a piss super badly, but I had to wait several minutes for my diamond hard morning wood to go away.

            I went to several different urologists looking for answers, and none of them had even heard of this happening before and just prescribed me Viagra and Cialis and told me I could get an inflatable penis pump surgically implanted into my dick if I wished.

            Luckily, my dick and balls have very, very slowly recovered over the last 6+ years. I can get decent erections again by following a routine of taking 5mg of Cialis every day, 1,500mg of Citrulline twice a day, and using a penis pump for 20 minutes every day. And I've regained some of the size of my balls by consuming lots of l. reuteri probiotics every day (proven in mice to increase testicle size). But my erections are still harder to get, I don't get as many of them, they're not as hard, and they don't last anywhere near as long.

            And while I know my severe side effects are rare, it's happened to lots of other guys as well. Just look up Post Finasteride Syndrome to see.

            • 8 months ago

              Sorry to hear that buddy, that sounds stressful as hell. Glad you are recovering.

              • 8 months ago

                Lying Black person. Just because you are bald doesn’t give you the right to deny others treatment. PFS isn’t real, finasteride sides are rare and always reversible. Finasteride also has zero impact on brain neurosteroid production because it does not inhibit 5ar1 nor does it affect the penis after puberty because only testosterone is needed for maintaining your erection quality.
                >muh creatine bad muh finasteride bad just suffer like I do
                No, frick off and stay miserable, baldcel Black person.


                This be pasta.
                Alongside with the "My cousin/sister/or whomever has an autistic child and it's hell" blogs.

            • 8 months ago

              Lying Black person. Just because you are bald doesn’t give you the right to deny others treatment. PFS isn’t real, finasteride sides are rare and always reversible. Finasteride also has zero impact on brain neurosteroid production because it does not inhibit 5ar1 nor does it affect the penis after puberty because only testosterone is needed for maintaining your erection quality.
              >muh creatine bad muh finasteride bad just suffer like I do
              No, frick off and stay miserable, baldcel Black person.

            • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Finasteride does not affect neurosteroid production in the brain because in humans, it is a selective 5ar2/3 inhibitor only and 5ar1 is what’s mostly found in the brain.

  22. 8 months ago

    >start troony limp dick drug
    >why is my dick not working anymore

  23. 8 months ago

    I’ve been taking creatine for well over a decade, and it never messed with my hair and I am pushing 40. Back at the start of July, I was put on and enclomiphene (raises test and DHT, my free test doubled and probably would kept going up) and anastrozole (lowers E2, mine crashed) and my hair started falling out like crazy after a month. Also gave blood during the time and crashed my ferritin (also bad for your hair. I quit taking the medicine at the end of August and I literally just stopped shedding two days ago. The idea that creatine can make you lose hair is fricking hilarious to me. If it actually increases DHT it has to be incredibly marginal.

    • 8 months ago

      I was initially dismissive of this thread (my post ) but now I'm sort of curious after reading all these posts.
      It is true I took creatine for a very long time with zero noticeable hair issues but when I hopped on the other drugs (enclo + anastrozole), my hair loss was rapid and noticeable (after just 7 weeks, my barber had to go from a number 2 fade to a number 4 for me otherwise my scalp would have been too visible).
      Your hormones are supposed to return to a balance after a month or two when you quit those drugs (which I did back at the end of August) but I wonder my hair issues were multifaceted - so maybe the creatine wasn't enough to kill my hair but it helped speed up my decline when I got on the hormone drugs. My shedding has slowed down but I wonder if quitting creatine would aid recovery...

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds like your hair loss was the product of tanking your E/telogen effluvium. Any male prone to AGA will be maldy as frick by 40. But if dropping creatine will give you some peace of mind then go ahead. The benefits aren't worth carrying that kind of monkey on your back.
        Mind if we ask you why you were taking pooner drugs in the first place? Some kind of cancer I'm guessing?

        • 8 months ago

          As far as the enclo...Long story short, I'm 39, plenty strong and muscular for my age, libido is good, just had some slight fatigue and somewhat poor gym recovery. No sign of balding either, always have had thick hair. I got memed into getting my test levels checked. They were low but not out of range. Uro still offered me treatment. Didn't want to hop on test as that's a lifetime commitment pretty much and the doc (actually a PA) made it sound like enclo was low investment and low risk. I had never heard of it before and she made it sound like a miracle drug. So I started taking that, plus the AI because she thought my E2 would spike and I'd get b***h breasts or something. Of course the opposite happened and my E2 levels crashed so here we are.

          Not ruling out TE, but the timelines aren't really matching up - everything I've read about TE says it takes several months after the trigger for that to appear and I saw it much sooner than that. I actually saw a dermatologist about this and she said the patterning looked pretty standard MPB but the quick rate it fell out might indicate TE so I guess it could be that.

  24. 8 months ago

    Agreed. No reason to take it unless you play football/rugby or are autistic about hmin-maxing powerlifting numbers.

    The small difference in strength also comes with increased weight/bloat(thus less aesthetic). Enough people have reported hair loss on it where it is definetly a thing. It might not do it for you, but why pay money for this shit and risk it? To be more bloated and add a rep or two to a lift?

  25. 8 months ago

    12 Budweisers a day

  26. 8 months ago

    Hair loss: the supplement.

    Despite what you see fitness gurus saying. People DO lose their hair on water. Anecdotal evidence is still evidence and it's overwhelming everywhere you look.

    You're basically paying water Industry to: be bloated, lose your hair(the most important aesthetic factor in men). They gain, you lose.

  27. 8 months ago

    >Anecdotal evidence is still evidence
    No... it's not, it is pure bias based on a sample size of 1. Pls go to school.

    • 8 months ago

      Anecdotes are the weapon the anti-science crowd uses when they get btfo by actual studies. Pyramide of evidence ftw.

  28. 8 months ago

    >The weak fear the bald

  29. 8 months ago

    I started taking creatine and my hair loss actually stopped. Checkmate.

  30. 8 months ago

    but as a science man i want to know [why] the creatine causes hair loss
    is there a metabolic pathway that upregulates DHT conversion and receptors in the presence of excess creatine?

    • 8 months ago

      We'll never know, because despite being the most studied supplement on the planet they seem terrified to actually study its effect on DHT levels, likely because they know what they will find.

      The best theory we have so far is that it somehow increases 5-AR, thus increasing the conversion of free test to DHT. This explains the massive spike in DHT it caused during the only study done tracking DHT levels (the rugby study) and why the only studies they have been done since to "debunk" it measure total free testosterone, like the 12 alleged slam-dunks that this moron

      That's not where the burden of proof lies, tard. But here
      >In summary, the current body of evidence does not indicate that creatine supplementation increases total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT or causes hair loss/baldness.
      There was a single flawed study you morons will mention as proof, but ignore the other dozen that saw insignificant or zero change in hormones.
      Now show me the studies to back up the claim of baldness, cus the totality of evidence indicates there is no effect. Y'all are fricking brainlets.

      cites without reading, because the shills can then claim "Look! it has no effect on your free test levels! It's safe!" despite never actually measuring what is relevant; the DHT to free test ratio, let alone the mechanisms that might be responsible for increasing said ratio.

      The absence of information that would come from such an incredibly simple study to put this one and only concern about creatine to rest is incredibly suspicious, if not outright damning.

      • 8 months ago

        Some minor googling on my part makes me wonder if there's some metabolic pathway that relates creatine<->creatinin to 5-AR upregulation due to the base molecule's similarity to glycine.
        Glycine is found to upregulate 5-AR, and glycine is a reverse metabolic pathway of creatine synthesis.
        Most if not all reactions in biochemistry are equilibriums, so a shift backwards from creatine could cause an uptick in nascent glycine as well.
        This lines up with the molecular evolution and metabolism aspect as well. As glycine levels increase, proteins are likely being made or broken down, therefore metabolic pathways leading to muscle anabolism and testosterone signalling are more active.

        • 8 months ago

          Very interesting. I don't have much to say on the mechanisms but that does all make sense, thanks for sharing.

        • 8 months ago

          Very interesting. I don't have much to say on the mechanisms but that does all make sense, thanks for sharing.

          Well if it is due to glycine metabolism or the like, it might be looking into taking arginine supplements to shunt the excess glycine into the urea cycle as ornithine.
          That, and drinking more water.

          • 8 months ago

            But if creatine is not causing an increase in glycine, but rather just simulating it's presence thus causing an increase response in 5-AR, would arginine have the same effect since there would not actually be an excess of glycine? I'm not familliar with arginine's effects.

            Or am I misunderstanding in my interpretation that the increase in glycine would only occur after halting creatine intake to compensate for the body's upregulated 5-AR that occured in response to the creatine it registered as glycine.
            Or is it instead that glycin would increase alongside the creatine supplementation, in which case there would be an excess of glycine to dump

            • 8 months ago

              It might be worthwhile to study absolutely everything you're interpreting actually, but as my understanding goes it's,
              >Glycine metabolic products include a frickload of any protein you can think of and it itself acts as a central signalling molecule for protein synthesis.
              >Glycine + Arginine<-> Guanidinoacetate + ornithine
              >Guanidinoacetate <-> Creatine
              >Therefore, Createine <-> Glycine
              >If the equilibrium is creatine heavy, Guanidinoacetate will be made. If Guanidinoacetate is made in excess, it may equilibrate back into glycine and arginine to maintain equilibrium.
              >Le Chatlier's principal would say if you add more arginine to this system, it would drive equilibrium towards ornithine and guanidinoacetate production, and back foward towards creatine production so that the molecule is retained.
              This is only if the consideration is glycine's role in biosignalling. If creatine can work as an adjunct or itself bind to AR-5, then this would exascerbate the problem.
              The experiment would be then,
              >Take arginine and creatine
              >See if balding is held off, if any.
              >Drink a lot of water, buddeh.

              • 8 months ago

                Fascinating, thank you anon. I'll save this for referrence and study it properly when I have the time to do it justice

      • 8 months ago

        >pathologically afraid of hair loss
        >norwood reaper lives rent-free in the back of your dome
        Why the frick aren't you on fin lmao

        • 8 months ago

          Projecting homosexual. Hair loss is a part of life, the overwhelming majority of men will experience it at some point, but there is absolutely no need to bring it forward by half a decade to get 5% extra on your lifts and I will continue to BTFO creatine shills who pretend that it has no effect on hairline to save anons from their lies.
          >j-just take the troony pills.
          No. If you have to take literal hormone blockers to make something safe it isn't safe. Creatine benefits are not worth ED. I have all the DHT I need, I don't need more and I don't want less.

          • 8 months ago

            Lifting and getting lean (if you're fat) will shoot your male hormones through the roof. Chugging creatine doesn't even come close. By your logic we should stay pudgy, soft and weak.

            >most males undergo AGA
            It's a binary thing. You're either a genelet and have to worry about this shit or you don't.
            The DHT increase from creatine might trigger a shedding phase or some shit in some brehs but evidently it's not enough to make or break your hairline, else we would have seen an astronomical increase of malding among the gymbreh population after creatine supplementation took off.
            A 40% increase in DHT is not a nothingburger but it would have to be sustained long-term to noticeably speed up AGA. My guess is that this isn't the case with creatine and creatinegays revert to a much lower baseline.

            • 8 months ago

              >By your logic we should stay pudgy, soft and weak.
              Horseshit. There is obviously an acceptable tradeoff you reductive moron. Things like lifting and eating right are non-negotiable as even though they cause an increase in DHT they are necessary for a minimum quality of health. Creatine is not. Take your reductivist binary logic and have a nice day

              >You're either a genelet and have to worry about this shit or you don't.
              The overhwelming majority of men. You'll likely find out when you grow up. Anyone who doesn't suffer MPB can sup creatine to their heart's content, good for them. Most anons however will benefit from being spared the lies of shills like (you).

              >The DHT increase from creatine might trigger a shedding phase or some shit in some brehs but evidently it's not enough to make or break your hairline
              Source; your ass
              >we would have seen an astronomical increase of malding among the gymbreh population after creatine supplementation took off.
              There is no data on this and again, it doesn't cause MPB it just accelarates it via increase in DHT. If you go bald at 35 instead of 40 you aren't necessarily going to notice and blame the creatine, you have to be room temp IQ to think like you are arguing. It doesn't magically make your hair fall out overnight and nobody is claiming it does, but all evidence points to it speeding up the process
              >A 40% increase in DHT is not a nothingburger but it would have to be sustained long-term to noticeably speed up AGA
              Only evidence we have is that it does, as the only study that has been done on DHT shows that DHT levels remain elevated during maintenence phase.
              >My guess is that this isn't the case with creatine and creatinegays revert to a much lower baseline.
              >My guess
              Disregarded. Your guess is worth about as much as your post: frick all.

              I've addressed your moronic and childish arguments and I won't do any more. Either post a study that shows creatine doesn't affect DHT or gtfo you dumb fricking moron.

              • 8 months ago

                Gymceling is not a prerequisite for a fulfilling life. You can cruise @ 18% BF and play the occasional pickup game of Black personball or whatever normalgays do.

                >malding at 35 rather than 40
                You should be married with children by 35 and thus have very little need for hair. If you worry about this shit you must be a late bloomercel, and if that's the case you should be on fin anyway.
                >muh troony drugs
                Yes. It's a faustian bargain. Like most things in life.

                And it seems very unlikely that creatine supplementation can increase DHT by 40% long term. That's roidtroon levels of hormonal frickery. Your body will downregulate it somehow. And no, there's no studies about this shit just like there's no studies about the long-term T levels of fin users. Medical israelitery doesn't care about optimizing health.

          • 8 months ago

            Based anon
            Idk if someone mentioned this already but its study that was meant to answer all questions in this thread AND was funded by sups company that produces creatine
            It was cancelled tho, they said it was because of covid, sus imo

            • 8 months ago

              Cool, I didn't know this was ever planned.
              >sus imo

              >This study will examine the claim that creatine increases DHT concentrations and and DHT:T ratio, as well as provide novel data regarding whether creatine promotes hair loss.
              They don't even need to measure the hairline, just the DHT levels. This is literally the only study they have to do to put this shit to rest. If they did then I'd gladly say "looks like I was wrong, it's harmless" and start shilling creatine as hard as I am fighting the shills today. I have no dog in this race, but until I'm given a legit reason to believe it has no effect on DHT then I can only state the facts we have.

              • 8 months ago

                I feel you, I would also like to see some evidence about it. In my specific case shedding becomes noticeably increased while Im on it, but the strength benefits are more than 10% and muscles swell due to water retention to the point people ask me if Im roiding
                I wish I could do it without concerns

          • 8 months ago

            >I will continue to BTFO creatine shills who pretend that it has no effect on hairline to save anons from their lies
            my hero

  31. 8 months ago

    "Most studied" doesn't mean the studies weren't paid off by the big corporations that profit from Gymcels.

  32. 8 months ago

    >it happened to a few people therefore it happens to everyone and is GUARANTEED to happen to you

    • 8 months ago

      >to a few people
      You are delusional. Just search the fricking internet, be it here, reddit, gymcel forums, youtube comments.

      You'll find thousands of people saying the same thing.

      >everyone smarter than me is da j000000000s!!
      More moronic than I thought

      Just say you got scammed and now get defensive like a woman.

  33. 8 months ago
    oh look this thread again

    >literally doesn't do anything
    >no sizeable gains
    >no balding
    >no nothing
    the only reason people take it is for ab extra rep once a in a blue moon worth of extra recovery
    it does very little and doesn't cause half the crap morons claim it does, it's not steroids you idiots, it doesn't do jack

  34. 8 months ago

    I'm a 33 year old uneducated NEET wizard with a face for radio. At this point I only care about getting as strong as possible. The gym, and the associated lifestyle, is the only focal point in the remainder of this lifetime. It brings an ordered structure to my daily existence and provides me with a sense of well-being. This holds true even if parts of the lifestyle are ill-advised.

  35. 8 months ago

    >been clean shaving rocking a chrome dome since early 20s
    >start taking creatine years later
    >more fullness, better endurance, bit more strength
    >see this thread
    >call OP a Black person
    Black person

  36. 8 months ago

    I get muscle cramps from it. No hair loss tho

  37. 8 months ago

    Creatine doesnt affect hair, its a meme like nofap.

    • 8 months ago

      0.02c has been deposited into your account

  38. 8 months ago

    This is some of the dumbest shit I've read on IST

  39. 8 months ago

    Been taking creatine for around 3-4 years, since I was 19/20.

    The only time I noticed my hair falling out was when I tried used shampoo daily. Now I use conditioner and hair oil. Full head of long hair, still taking creatine.

    BUT, whenever I take creatine I get a headache lasting about 30 minutes, beginning about 10 minutes after dosing. There is a neuropathic interaction creatine has, but I don’t know much about it. Supposedly it’s good for Alzheimers and certain MTHFR gene mutations.

  40. 8 months ago

    I’ve never touched creatine and I don’t plan to. My hair is way too long, curly and beautiful to risk it. I’ve never had issues with weights progressing so never saw the need.

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