Hair systems or wigs

There was a thread posted a few days ago about these. What do you guys think of men wearing wigs or "hair systems" as a cope for balding or being bald? Is there anyone here that has one? Can you tell me what your experience with them is like? I'm balding like crazy and not sure if I want to risk getting on finasteride. As pathetic as it may sound to some people, I'm legitimately considering this.

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  1. 1 year ago

    It is better to have real hair or be bald.

    • 1 year ago

      I agree with real hair but not with bald

      What does this have to do with fitness?

      Hair loss isn't fitness related? What's with all the fin/min threads then?

      I have one and i was never happier in my life. I went from "i molest your kids" to a 7/10 in a matter of Minutes.

      Good Systems are pricy but last Arround 2 years. You could do Almost everything with them. Swimming, Sauna, gym....
      I wouldnt advise doing some more extreme stuff when the glue is coming off but it never Fell down tbh.

      Its also easier getting a Partner with it. Sure you have to tell them but most will understand and even think its cool.
      I would advise you to try it out if you have the money

      Glad to hear man. How much do you spend on them per piece?

      • 1 year ago

        >What's with all the fin/min threads then?
        Jannies are afk. There are porn threads up as we speak.
        >Hair loss isn't fitness related?
        Why would it be?

        • 1 year ago

          >Why would it be?
          It's health related. People make threads about their ailments, height, meds, vitamins, etc. I don't see why hair loss or hair health for that matter wouldn't be an appropriate topic for this board. Your hair is apart of you like any other thing on you body.

          • 1 year ago

            how is hair health related?
            a bald guy isn't less healthy because he's bald
            some homies go bald even with very good health
            some homies keep their hair while puffing on rack pipes all day
            there is no correlation

            • 1 year ago

              How is fat related? Fat people are as healthy as thin people, and yet we have fat people hate.

              • 1 year ago

                >Fat people are as healthy as thin people
                Are you dumb?

              • 1 year ago

                I'm a woman. A big beautiful woman. A super saiyan big beautiful woman.

      • 1 year ago

        I got two to switch and they cost like 1,3k €

        my scalp itches just to think about that shit

        Yeah it sometimes does after like a week and some days

        >Its also easier getting a Partner with it. Sure you have to tell them but most will understand AND EVEN THINK ITS COOL.


        Then take the baldpill my friend

  2. 1 year ago

    What does this have to do with fitness?

    • 1 year ago

      I assume some fake natty e-celeb also happens to be a fit mod/janny and is now advertising wigs. I don't care to look up which one, but the list of candidates isn't that big in fact.

  3. 1 year ago

    I have one and i was never happier in my life. I went from "i molest your kids" to a 7/10 in a matter of Minutes.

    Good Systems are pricy but last Arround 2 years. You could do Almost everything with them. Swimming, Sauna, gym....
    I wouldnt advise doing some more extreme stuff when the glue is coming off but it never Fell down tbh.

    Its also easier getting a Partner with it. Sure you have to tell them but most will understand and even think its cool.
    I would advise you to try it out if you have the money

    • 1 year ago

      my scalp itches just to think about that shit

    • 1 year ago

      >Its also easier getting a Partner with it. Sure you have to tell them but most will understand AND EVEN THINK ITS COOL.


    • 1 year ago

      > Sure you have to tell them but most will understand and even think its cool.
      I'm not trying to shit on you but you can't possibly think this is correct.

    • 1 year ago

      >Sure you have to tell them but most will understand and even think its cool.
      Dont tell them lmao

    • 1 year ago

      oh my god. this has to be bait. imagine gluing a rug to your head on a daily basis and actually believing that anyone would find it cool

  4. 1 year ago

    If I was balding or even had a shitty haircut I'd consider a wig for certain contexts. Like, it'd be cool to have a bunch of them and rock a different hairstyle for parties and shit like that.
    Wouldn't make it an everyday life thing tho. Sounds annoying. No one really cares that much how you look anyways.

    • 1 year ago

      >No one really cares that much how you look anyways.
      Millenials really think this.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm gen z.

  5. 1 year ago

    Thank god I don't have to worry about this shit. I've got plenty of other things to worry about, imagine adding losing hair to the list.

  6. 1 year ago

    minoxidil and scalp massage method gave normal looking hair still have the mature hairline though.

    It's only really cope if you don't do anything with it. Like if you're going to just wear a wig and hide world and be a meek little person or are you going to really use that confidence to propel yourself into having a socially fulfilled life talk to a lot of ladies ect.

    Not that I disparage people doing pointless expensive shit for vanity, I lift after all.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm NW3 and started balding in my teens, I've made peace with the current state of my hairline but I take fin 3x a week basically as an anxiety pill, it let's me stop worrying about the thinning and recession and just get on with my life knowing that I'm realistically doing all I can to stop it

  7. 1 year ago

    I have zero problem with wig bros. Being bald is basically a death sentence for young men in 2023.

    Get on fin if you suspect thinning bros, save urself

  8. 1 year ago

    Please bros, get a hair system or meds. do something before its too late

    • 1 year ago

      if you look like that you have to become a sleazy and loud-mouthed israeli mob lawyer, there is literally no other path in life

    • 1 year ago

      Those glasses are a poor choice that accentuate his round head. Shave the hair, get contacts, lose some body fat and he'll double his attractiveness

      • 1 year ago

        Unfortunately, 1 x 2 is just 2, no much difference

    • 1 year ago

      He could just cover his head with his schnozz

  9. 1 year ago

    For frick sakes op.

    You need to torrent RSD Blueprint Decoded for free to heal your mind and not wear some fricking wigs to feel un-stoppable and confident.

    • 1 year ago

      The right image I was looking for.

      • 1 year ago

        Good pic.

      • 1 year ago

        >"we mostly care if you can own your flaws"
        >proceeds to ghost you when she finds out you're short/bald/ had the "ick"

        • 1 year ago

          just the same old bullshit. Its fake as hell. I guarantee you if you asked that ""female"" they have never dated a bald man themselves

    • 1 year ago

      how do i unironically acheive permanent and total self acceptance? i had a rough childhood and parents and never recovered.

      there's one skill i'm exceptionally good at and mog every single one of my peers, and get mad respect for it.
      This is the only part of me where i truly have unconditional self-worth. My confidence here doesnt depend on what the outcome might be because the only outcome is to mog and be the best as usual.
      "but what will other people think?" does not apply because other people get mogged by me.

      However the difference between when i'm on my way to perform said skill and when i'm simply chilling with friends is like night and day. In the former i feel like a chad because i am a chad, on the latter my self confidence is non existant because it feels like ive failed myself too many times.

  10. 1 year ago

    Don't do it unless you are completely gone and irredeemable.
    It's fake, it's not yours, it doesn't grow, it doesn't act like normal hair, it requires special maintenance, it requires a big money investment (yes, more than a transplant in the long run), and if someone finds out you will be inevitably mocked.
    Wigs should be the absolute last resort for the hopeless. Regrowth through treatments and/or transplants should be your first option. Trust me it's way better for you overall

    • 1 year ago

      >and if someone finds out you will be inevitably mocked.
      at a local pharmacy the cashier has a wig and it's so obvious. I'm not a dick but for some reason I'm so fricking tempted to just ask him how much his wig costs for the lulz lmao. Idk why, I'm not the kinda guy to be a dick to a person for no reason but I'm just dying to see how he'd react kek. Should I do it bros?

      • 1 year ago

        He knows he's insecure about it, and if you can tell it's a wig, everybody can. His insecurity is biting him hard enough as is so I say no need to rub it in. But if you must, do so at your own risk and you'd better bring to us a story that we can all enjoy so that we can either laugh at him (he doubles down on his insecurities) or you (he rolls with the flow or breaks your nose).

  11. 1 year ago

    I use one. I only use it as a means to an end though.

    Several years ago i was an idiot that hastly went and got a hairtransplant and it failed miserably. Now I have a hairline scar on my forehead. I could deal with being bald fine, but this scar is a insecurity on a whole new level.

    Pluss, i look objectivly a lot more handsome with hair. I use it because it increases my chances of getting of getting laid. Just like getting fit does, skincare, hygiene and style.

    A means to an end.
    Getting hair is not magically gonna fix you, but it will increase your SMV in terms of raw statistics.

    • 1 year ago

      Why and how did the transplant fail

      • 1 year ago

        Why did your transplant fail?

        Because i was a moron who did no research. Did it cheap aswell.

        • 1 year ago

          Can you elaborate?

          • 1 year ago

            First of all my balding was too severe. Both in front and ontop. I didnt start fin either. The hairline they made was terrible. Clinic only cared about my money and not the results.

            • 1 year ago

              Can you elaborate?

              Why did your transplant fail?

              Why and how did the transplant fail

              Hair transplants can be life changing if done right. Sorry to hear your experience.
              In june i will be going to one of the best clinics in turkey, gonna drop 10k on it or something.
              Afterwards i will quit smoking cigarettes and start taking cialis and viagra, plus some hair growth vitamins. Should get amazing results and go from NW3 to NW1

              • 1 year ago

                For 10k you can do much better than turkey (if you need 2k grafts, for 10k you could get a world-class surgeon)

              • 1 year ago

                I need around 3000 grafts so i would pay at least 8k euros (2.7 per graft) and maybe pay more to have it done unshaven (so i can combover the next months)
                There are some really amazing surgeons in turkey, but for each of them there are 30 clinics with no morals or work ethics.
                Pekiner, bicer and HLC have quality comparable to world class surgeons.
                I tried contacting some in spain and portugal but their waiting lists were insanely long, while in belgium its the opposite problem, short waiting lists but costs way more than others.
                In usa and canada prices are absurdly high and it just isn't worth it

    • 1 year ago

      Why did your transplant fail?

  12. 1 year ago

    I've been on finasteride for five months now, one of the best decisions I ever made. I was really worried and was fully expecting it to frick me up and in that case I would have dropped it but apart from some brain fog in the beginning I had no negative sides. In fact, weirdly enough, it actually made my erections stronger. I don't fricking understand but I'll take it. I was also crazy horny in the beginning, then it settled down after about a month to my normal libido, but my erection quality remains superior. I also feel better in general, more confident, more energy. I'm presuming I may have been low test before starting fin and since fin actually increases test as less is converted to DHT this was beneficial to me. For me it's the best drug ever lmao, YMMV.

    Oh, the only other side I have is my cum is a bit watery compared to before but I experimented by stopping finasteride for two weeks and it went back to normal after a few days. I take 0.5mg daily. GL OP.

    • 1 year ago

      >In fact, weirdly enough, it actually made my erections stronger.
      Has anybody else here experienced this on fin btw?

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, same effects and I started doubling down on Zinc too. Feels pretty great

    • 1 year ago

      same. No sides i think, but honestly it cured my anxiety. Holy shit i used to stare at my hairline for fricking hours everyday.

      • 1 year ago

        >No sides i think
        what do you mean "you think" lmao

        He knows he's insecure about it, and if you can tell it's a wig, everybody can. His insecurity is biting him hard enough as is so I say no need to rub it in. But if you must, do so at your own risk and you'd better bring to us a story that we can all enjoy so that we can either laugh at him (he doubles down on his insecurities) or you (he rolls with the flow or breaks your nose).

        I won't do it cuz I'm not a prick but goddamn I'm so tempted man lmao

  13. 1 year ago

    Ok I want to see one of you in a wig RIGHT NOW.
    Enough talk, lets see you in the wig and then we can judge.

  14. 1 year ago

    I'm 24 and just barely think i'm moving into a norwood 2. Its hard to tell if im just a schizo or if its really moving back and not just my hairline maturing normally. Either way I've started minoxidil on it just in case.

  15. 1 year ago

    Anon labs grow hair. Just look for one in your area.
    There’s one in Indianapolis that’s like WeGrowHairIndy I hear about all the time. You don’t need a toupee or wig when you can get real hair again

    • 1 year ago

      labs that grow hair??

      • 1 year ago

        What's so funny about it, anon? Do you think we're dumb?

        • 1 year ago

          Sometimes I feel like you homies don't deserve us fr fr

          thank you mr lab. you are doing the world a service by growing hair for the downtrodden men of the world.

  16. 1 year ago

    Sometimes I feel like you homies don't deserve us fr fr

  17. 1 year ago

    shave ur head. I use electric clippers rather than a razor to show off the fact that im bald on the top but I have a magnificent hair below the bald part. It just looks denser (but short), that way I can show off that I would still have absolutely beautiful hair because I take care of myself.

    Dadmaxxing is tierless and eternal, for I am the paternal

    • 1 year ago

      Why not just get really jacked, spike up your hair below your balding, get really good at fighting, and go Heihachi mode?

  18. 1 year ago

    kek this homie is gonna wear a wig "system"

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