Hairlinemaxx Scalpmaxx

derma roller bros, what routines do you follow
how many sets / reps?

I usually do 2 sets of 10 reps, 1 horizontal 1 vertical, for every part of the scalp, 3 times a week.
then after it bleeds a bit, i apply minoxidil. In the shower, I use head and shoulders except for the head where I use a Ketoconazole. Studies have shown it reduces DHT levels.

I would take finasterol but I have no idea how the whole healthcare system works and I've never been to the doctor so I don't know how to get it prescribed. I don't care about the side effects, I don't have a gf anyway and I'm not able to keep a girl interested for more than a week or two

Diet wise, its the same but I take multi vitamins every day which should have the necessary nutrients

I think I'm already starting to see hair follicles grow where there was completely flat before.

but god damn does my scalp itch

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  1. 1 year ago

    >poking holes in your skin will make hair follicles magically grow in the wounds

    • 1 year ago

      it works breh

      like exercise where you get micro lesions in your muscle fibres that leads to greater strength next time around. same for the scalp. but obviously if you overdo it you'll look inhuman like a gorilla

      • 1 year ago

        based it's time for me to become the wolfman

        • 1 year ago

          >time for me to become the wolfman
          Based. Got a chuckle out of me.

      • 1 year ago

        That's not how it works at all actually. What it does is create small cuts in your skin which causes an increase in bloodflow, and subsequently IGF-1 around your hair folicles
        >inb4 nerd glasses emoji

        • 1 year ago

          Scientifically, we don't even know whether microneedling really does work on its own (the Chinese studies on it didn't show statistically significant results) nor how it works if it does.

          • 1 year ago

            In my broscience anecdotal experience: Microneedling + minox is way more effective than just minox.

            • 1 year ago

              That's not broscience, that's what the actual science says. Minoxidil + microneedling or minoxidil + tretinoin > minoxidil by itself.

      • 1 year ago

        It's just to increase bloodflow and thus nutrient delivery to the follicles. The physiological reasoning for balding is a lack of nutrients delivered to the follicles and they slowly but surely choke to death

        Weirdly it does actually work especially when used alongside minoxidil. My sister also used a dermaroller on her stretch marks after she was pregnant and it basically made them disappear.

        What length am I meant to use for my scalp?

        I've been on finasteride for about 7 months now and had some regrowth (~0.5NW gains on each side along with density gains), zero other effects. But since I want to reach NW1 again, I started taking dutasteride alongside and so much new hair is starting to grow just two weeks after starting. Too bad I get brain fog from daily dutasteride so my plan is to take finasteride every day and then twice a week dutasteride.

        fin is really easy to get prescribed, just talk to your GP and say you're dealing with premature balding, and ask over it. That's all it took for me. Also I haven't tried a derma roller but I use a derminator once a week and have seen good results. I find the best way to avoid itchyness is to do the head pokey in the morning or mid day, rather than closer to bed time. Outside of that I've never dealt with itchyness though.

        I just stopped losing my hair thank to this homie right here, letting you guys know, been there done that with the roller and the rosemary oil, and no i won't troonymax with fin thank you.
        Basically balding means that something is fundamentally wrong with your metabolism and hair is the first thing you body let go.
        >but women don't do bald
        Your metabolism going to shit manifests differently in different people; some get bald, some get mentrual cramps, you get the jist.

        • 1 year ago

          forgot pic, Ray Peat
          Just to add, I didn't do roller and rosemary long because soon you will realize that balding is just a symptom from a greater dysfunction

          • 1 year ago

            Are you seeing regrowth or is did the loss just stop?

            • 1 year ago

              what helped you the most from his advice ?, is it just the diet ? i tried his diet and it definately slowed my hair loss but i was still losing hair at a slow rate, i weren't able to regrew any hair.

              Lying baldcel detected
              Only finasteride or dutasteride work and DHT is a trash hormone in adult males.

              I have a strict diet but what a good diet is will differ from people to people. Two things I avoid 100% of the time are PUFAs and cereals/gluten. I don't think the diet is what led to my hair stopping to fall. The hair didn't regrow so far, it just stopped falling. I have relatively long hair and I'm used to run my hands through them and pinch my fingers, I had at least 2 hair coming off every time I did that for the past 2 years, now most of the time 0, sometimes 1. Same after showering, so much less hair on my towel and when combing them.
              As for the supps that led to the improvement; the most likely suspects are 25mcg T3 (thyroid) per day that I have been taking for 3 months now, 160mg of aspirin that I take once every 2 days, and cyproheptadine that I took for 2 week 2mg/day but it was getting me too drowsy and sleepy so I stopped.
              Thyroid (T3 - triiodothyronine) might be hard to obtain but it might resolve not only the balding problems but other issues you might have. I suggest taking your temperature in the morning, if it is below 36.6c (97.9f) you're not good, you want your waking temp to be between 36.6c and 37.0c. Same for pulse, too low is no good; I know endurancecels will seethe but they are destroying their bodies. Thyroid should increase your basel temperature and pulse.
              If you want a very accessible book about the benefits of thyroid read "Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness" by Broda O barnes. It is from 1974 so I shill nothing. It is available on libgen for free and quite fast to read.

              • 1 year ago

                nice, thanks for the post bro. Had hypothyroidism since I was 16 but over the past few years my meds have been coming down. Was on 200ug now at 50ug. Not sure whats happening, apparently the meds were supressing my TSH too much now. Thyroids are fricking weird things man.

              • 1 year ago

                TSH is one metric and you should not rely on solely bloodworks, I know doctors often do unfortunately. What matters is your waking temperature and your pulse like I wrote in the post earlier. Then you might have some other hypo symptoms on top of them.

              • 1 year ago

                200mcg is a hefty daily dose though, I would advise maybe trying to diet if you don't particulary pay mind to what you eat. Reading about Ray Peat and maybe about paleo diet is a good way to start imo.

              • 1 year ago

                the ray peat forum says that testosterone cures baldness and estrogen is toxic to humans

              • 1 year ago

                Do you take everything you see written here as gospel? Same goes for the ray peat forum. From I understand estrogen is not what is often depicted in the "scientific" community and it's also not "the female hormone". It's effect are most of the time not beneficial in tissues.

              • 1 year ago

                >bro don't believe everything you read there it's full of morons just like 4chin
                >but uhhh actually they're right about this one thing xD
                lol ok. let's just ignore the fact that women have much longer life expectancies than men do. but even when we exclude early deaths by looking at couples specifically, it's almost always the man who dies first. there's also the fact that testosterone can be converted to estrogen (aromatase) but not the other way around... weird huh? how could this mechanism have evolved if it's toxic? use your brain my guy

              • 1 year ago

                Inject yourself with estrogen if you're so sure you'll get to 150yo, idgaf, as if I didn't know about women living odler than men of about what aromatase, i'm wasting my time on a guy like you, read more

              • 1 year ago

                I can't even write proper because of how fricking moronic you are, just read pubmed articles my guy, or read the articles from Ray himself not what randos post on forums, dumb fricking c**t can't put 2 and 2 together

          • 1 year ago

            what helped you the most from his advice ?, is it just the diet ? i tried his diet and it definately slowed my hair loss but i was still losing hair at a slow rate, i weren't able to regrew any hair.

        • 1 year ago

          Lying baldcel detected
          Only finasteride or dutasteride work and DHT is a trash hormone in adult males.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't take DHT or progesterone but I have to intent to frick with pregnenolone in the medium term, I don't know if my conversion of cholesterol is very efficient yet, I'll have to get it done again in a bloodwork, it used to be sky high, maybe because poor conversion to steroid hormones.

        • 1 year ago

          >Basically balding means that something is fundamentally wrong with your metabolism and hair is the first thing you body let go.
          why do women lose way less hair than men despite being fatter?
          wake up

      • 1 year ago

        So I can become a gorilla with this thing? SIGN ME UP.

        • 1 year ago

          oral min makes you into a gorilla not needling

    • 1 year ago

      It's just to increase bloodflow and thus nutrient delivery to the follicles. The physiological reasoning for balding is a lack of nutrients delivered to the follicles and they slowly but surely choke to death

      • 1 year ago

        look at the big brains on brettt!!!!

        this guy for the win

      • 1 year ago

        have a nice day

    • 1 year ago

      Weirdly it does actually work especially when used alongside minoxidil. My sister also used a dermaroller on her stretch marks after she was pregnant and it basically made them disappear.

      • 1 year ago

        does minxoidil have negative side effects like fin

        • 1 year ago

          rapid aging and can give you a heart attack

  2. 1 year ago

    Bro there's no cure for male pattern baldness, just accept it or go get a hair transplant, all you're doing with the derma roller is delaying it.

    • 1 year ago

      there's no cure for death, all your doing by living is just delying it, so just kys now

      • 1 year ago

        so true!!1

    • 1 year ago

      there is a cure, its finasteride.... Minoxidil and dermarolling also works but it doesnt stop you from losing hair, it just makes you grow some extra hair

      • 1 year ago

        >there is a cure, its finasteride
        Yeah it works but you have to take it all the time, as soon as you stop you start losing hair again, not to mention the nasty side effects like your dick not working.

  3. 1 year ago

    i regrew new hairs on bald spots using it and the thinning areas thickened, my hairline started to proceed, i used a dermastamp at 1.75 length, used min and oils too

    • 1 year ago

      >1.75 length,
      a bit much, but maybe somebody has some better info than I do

      derma roller bros, what routines do you follow
      how many sets / reps?

      I usually do 2 sets of 10 reps, 1 horizontal 1 vertical, for every part of the scalp, 3 times a week.
      then after it bleeds a bit, i apply minoxidil. In the shower, I use head and shoulders except for the head where I use a Ketoconazole. Studies have shown it reduces DHT levels.

      I would take finasterol but I have no idea how the whole healthcare system works and I've never been to the doctor so I don't know how to get it prescribed. I don't care about the side effects, I don't have a gf anyway and I'm not able to keep a girl interested for more than a week or two

      Diet wise, its the same but I take multi vitamins every day which should have the necessary nutrients

      I think I'm already starting to see hair follicles grow where there was completely flat before.

      but god damn does my scalp itch

      >3 times a week.
      also, isnt it a bit excessive?

      • 1 year ago

        >also, isnt it a bit excessive?
        Yes. Big time. Derma rolling, using a stamp, or a more pro electric needle gun, should only be done about once a week. You need to allow your skin time to heal. The purpose is to increase blood flow, not to overly damage the structure of the dermis.

      • 1 year ago

        i do 1.75 because i don't bleed at 1.5 so i like to bleed i feel it's more effective that way, who knows, i got good results from it though

        • 1 year ago

          1.75 is pretty fricking deep for your scalp. Are you using a standard roller or a pen?

          • 1 year ago

            dermastamp, i'm thinking of getting a dermapen though because it seems to take less time to use and easier to cover the area

            • 1 year ago

              I use a stamp on my face along with hyaluronic acid to keep my pores clear and break up some remaining scar tissue. On the thinnest areas on my face I only go about 1mm max, I can see the results immediately after, the inflammation response, pin prick blood spots, etc. I can't imagine going 1.75 deep when you have nothing but hard bone under the skin. I guess you can't argue with results though. If it works for you then it works.

  4. 1 year ago

    What length am I meant to use for my scalp?

    • 1 year ago

      1.5 mm is most effective, i do it until i bleed or get some redness

  5. 1 year ago

    >my scalp is itchy
    If your scalp is a little itchy apply rosemary and peppermint oil once a day. If it's very itchy twice a day

    • 1 year ago

      When I do this I get red patches and flakey skin.

    • 1 year ago

      Keto shampoo is the only thing that actually works for an itchy scalp.

      • 1 year ago

        Ketoconazole shampoo. You can not get keto shampoo. Keto is a diet.

  6. 1 year ago

    I've been on finasteride for about 7 months now and had some regrowth (~0.5NW gains on each side along with density gains), zero other effects. But since I want to reach NW1 again, I started taking dutasteride alongside and so much new hair is starting to grow just two weeks after starting. Too bad I get brain fog from daily dutasteride so my plan is to take finasteride every day and then twice a week dutasteride.

  7. 1 year ago

    fin is really easy to get prescribed, just talk to your GP and say you're dealing with premature balding, and ask over it. That's all it took for me. Also I haven't tried a derma roller but I use a derminator once a week and have seen good results. I find the best way to avoid itchyness is to do the head pokey in the morning or mid day, rather than closer to bed time. Outside of that I've never dealt with itchyness though.

  8. 1 year ago

    Does this work on the face? I can't grow a beard

  9. 1 year ago

    This makes me sneeze really bad whenever I do it. Anyone else get the same results?

  10. 1 year ago

    Derma stamps are better than rollers.
    Even the best rollers that are true needles vs press cut discs are worse than a stamp because of the angle that the needle will enter the skin.
    A DrPen from Amazon is $20. Use it roughly 5 times, sanitize each time with isopropyl, buy a new one periodically.

  11. 1 year ago

    Is 0.25mm too small for scalp?

  12. 1 year ago

    Would derma rolling work alone (without fin/min) if your hair loss isn't aggressive and you're a diffuse thinner?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably not. If you have true male pattern baldness then you need to use Minoxidil bare minimum. In that case using a sort of needle routine will only aid in the active ingredient in reaching the tissue where it needs to act upon to stimulate hair growth.
      Over all the act of selective damage done to the top layer of your dermis promotes blood flow. This may send more stem cells, growth hormone, and whatever else to this layer of skin as a result. It can help rejuvenate your skin, keep your hair follicles healthy, but its no magic cure on its own.

  13. 1 year ago

    How do you clean these tho? I have one that I haven't use for years now but I want to get back to it and use it on my beard. Can you clean a roller without damaging the needle?

    • 1 year ago

      put it on a cup with some alcohol.
      If you dont have cleaning alcohol (96% or smthing) just use vodka! no problems there.

  14. 1 year ago

    How hard are you supposed to press it in?
    >[...]then after it bleeds a bit,
    Oh frick that hard? I guess I havent been doing it right then

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