Happy Thanksgiving?

Enjoy this special day if you're an American. Even if you're on a diet, please try to eat at least some of the food your family worked had to prepare. And most of all, don't forget to be thankful!! I'm thankful for this board and all of you!

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  1. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago



      Enjoy this special day if you're an American. Even if you're on a diet, please try to eat at least some of the food your family worked had to prepare. And most of all, don't forget to be thankful!! I'm thankful for this board and all of you!

      My usual Thanksgiving tradition is to go to the gym first thing and have a heavy leg day. Really going for it, PRing shit. Abs and low back at the end. Then I go see my family and eat a ton of turkey.
      Grateful every day that I have full mobility and can go for walks, ride my bike, lift, etc.

  2. 7 months ago

    Thanks kind anon. I am thankful for the pump that God has allowed me to receive this year, and for all of the mires I have been granted. Golfing with my bro and pops this morning while the wife prepares some food for the feast. Should be able to get in a few sets before dinner with the senpai. Love and juicy pecs to you all

    • 7 months ago

      (Senpai) autocorrects to Senpei. did not know that

      • 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    I feel sorry for the fatties who are going to have to starve themselves today while everyone else helps themselves to the turkey and mashed potatoes and pie. If only the had the willpower to not relapse after a single day of breaking their diet.

  4. 7 months ago
  5. 7 months ago

    Have a great Thanksgiving, bros.
    Enjoy yourselves and I hope you're sharing it with people you love.

  6. 7 months ago

    Lifts for this feel?
    >have not had a real family holiday since I was 7 years old when parents divorced
    >classic broken family and all the issues one has coming from that shit, bunch of extreme sounding shit I’m not going to elaborate on to keep this concise
    >also am super, and I mean extremely fricking uncomfortable around my family feel on edge on eggshells and anxious as frick around them, verge of panic attack being in same room as them
    >have nothing to say or share with them anyways, haven’t felt like I had a family since I was a kid
    >now in my adulthood my mother and father are speaking often again, hanging often trying to do thanksgiving and other holidays
    I never take part. It sends me into a full blown panic attack just being around them which I don’t even fully understand why. All I know is I dislike it. I’m sure many think the idea of their seperate parents becoming close again sounds great, I know I used to. But it’s changed nothing. Would have been REALLY FRICKING NICE if they could have done this when I was a child still in my formative years or tried this before ruining my fricking life.
    And the worst part is they guilt me about this and have zero idea of the damages they’ve done. It’s my responsibility to fix how I am Im not saying otherwise, but frick this bros. This shit isn’t fair. How the frick do you break your family prioritize the new people you’re dating over your own children then after effectively ensuring you fricked them up just suddenly reconnect and try to be a family again when they’re grown, and guilt them for being highly uncomfortable with it? That’s not how it works. This is fricked up. I don’t even hate the holidays I wish I was comfortable around them…

    • 7 months ago

      That's a lot of words just to say
      >X makes me feel mentally unhealthy. Should I keep doing X?
      IDK, anon. If eating McDonald's every day made you feel a net negative would you continue to do it?

      • 7 months ago

        How is this within my control? Are you telling me to cut my family off?

        • 7 months ago

          Yes. If you are so miserable.

        • 7 months ago

          Yes. If you are so miserable.

          That's a lot of words just to say
          >X makes me feel mentally unhealthy. Should I keep doing X?
          IDK, anon. If eating McDonald's every day made you feel a net negative would you continue to do it?

          >How is this within my control? Are you telling me to cut my family off?

          One day ... when you're mother / parents / grandparents pass away, then the family dynamics will change, and "glue" will loosen, especially as people marry and have kids of their own.

          Priorities and relationships will change. Real feelings, sometimes shocking, will come out!

          It depends on how close you are to your family now, how they treat you, and the value you place in these people.

          You are free to cut off relations with family, especially if they are psychologically and emotionally an abusive burden.

          In cold harsh terms, it depends on your own cost and benefit analysis regarding these relationships.

          • 7 months ago

            >if I voice this I will be ostracized and called immature and told I need to man up and let it go. Frick that.
            I am not the anon from the feels thread, this is the only thread I've posted in this week so far. But this line of text is exactly how I feel. I cut off my brother but can't avoid him outright since I still live at home, but there's no way I'd be able to voice this to anybody. My mom flat out refuses to admit that she did anything wrong, aka allowing my brother to act the way he does and never punishing him or scolding him when he fricks up, and the one time I did try to have a conversation about it she turned it into fuel for her victim complex. So my brother gets to walk around and be a massive c**t to everyone and that's "just the way he is" but the minute he gets upset by someone else, that person is public enemy number 1.

            Thankfully nobody has inquired about me not speaking to him so I don't have to defend myself, but people like my family and your sister would never admit to any kind of fault no matter how much concrete evidence we bring to the table. They can't conceptualize that the mature thing to do in a situation like this is what we are already doing. I wouldn't let a friend or a random on the street treat me the way my brother does. Why would I tolerate it here? The logic makes no sense. Everyone will tell you "its family so its different, blood thicker than water, etc etc" but like.. No? It doesn't have to be like that? If nobody else is going to hold them accountable in a way that spurs them to change for the better, I'm going to remove myself from the situation. Same with you, it seems. For me it's easy to dispel rumors just because my brother has a laundry list of people who he has wronged in the past 10 years or so. His gossip about me doesn't weigh nearly as much as the 40+ people who have personally been wronged and targeted by him and the unearned, undeserved chip on his shoulder.

            The b***h did what she’s done our entire lives and ate my fricking food I keep such little goddamn food for myself, WHICH I FRICKING PAY FOR, and this selfish entitled c**t just has to eat it. Frickibg take a bite from everything, leave shit out,double dip everything. Doesn’t matter if the b***h has an entire thanksgiving course out she’ll go straight for my shit.
            I’ve excommunicated her. I have no siblings.

            And guess what? Everything’s closed. All I have left are some potatoes because those don’t go bad.

    • 7 months ago

      It's understandable how you feel. You can get through/over it in time. Keep on living your life, doing what you love and also allow plenty alone silence time (cam be in nature) so that your mind can churn through all the trauma and find itself anew in the process. Best of luck.

  7. 7 months ago

    happy turkey day bros
    t. anon from turkey

  8. 7 months ago

    happy Thanksgiving IST. I hope you're all having a better day than I am. I hate my family so much.

    • 7 months ago

      Same. I hope someday I can celebrate thanksgiving alone with violent latina gf.

      • 7 months ago

        based. Rooting for you anon.

        I see posts like this every year, not just on IST. Why do you guys hate your families so much, do you not like to interact with them? I'm an Indian guy and my parents are too ethnic to celebrate American holidays, it gets lonely.

        Everybody's situation is different, man.
        >was out of a job for a while (not by choice) meanwhile parents act like I'm a burden because of it, only care about my ability to make money
        >my mom acts like my thoughts, needs, and opinions as a human just flat out do not matter because I'm unemployed
        >brother was a humongous butthole to me last year so I cut him off because I realized that I'm at a point where I don't have to allow people like that in my circle, but I still live at home
        >brother got incredibly offended by this because I'm the only person who has ever decided to cut him off instead of bowing down to everyone else's "oh that's just the way he is" logic and so I haven't spoken to him in over a year
        >stepdad is as disconnected from everything as can be but has been talking about charging me rent for "freeloading"
        >got a job 2 weeks ago helping a friend do carpentry work. Its way above my skillset so I just help demolition and move lumber but parents still treat me like I'm only half of a person
        >can't stand to be in the same room as them for longer than a minute because somebody makes some snide remark and it just dominos out of control
        >brother going out of his way to try to get under my skin recently, not flushing the toilet, wasting my floss, he spit on my car's windshield and it froze overnight
        >can't call him on any of it because I can't outright prove it but parents historically side with him on everything anyways even when he's blatantly in the wrong
        >cheesecake has been my favorite since childhood but my mom made it weird this year and it didn't thicken correctly so it was almost liquid
        >I frick up lifting up my slice, brother points and laughs at me, mom starts snickering too
        >can't argue with these people because nobody cares about anybody else, everyone just wants to be right and can't take things on the chin when they're not

        I used to hate thanksgiving and family too, until I lost them all. I'd kill to have those "terrible" holidays again with all of them.
        Try to enjoy it and be grateful anon

        Its hard to not hate your family when they already hate you.

        • 7 months ago

          Dude this shit blows I’m the anon with the long post about feeling anxious around his family.
          And oddly fricking enough I would feel more at ease having thanksgiving with a bunch of IST autists just talking about lifting and PRs and IST memes/happenings.

          Idk if you’re that anon form the feels thread I spoke to about cutting off my sister until she can apologize for a change, your post reminds me of some of what he mentioned though, but she’s over atm. I have not said a word to her or acknowledged her. Said hi and happy thanksgiving to my mom when she got here, completely ignored my sister this whole time pretending now to hear her try to say hi to me as if nothing happened.
          Just based on how she’s acting, if I voice this I will be ostracized and called immature and told I need to man up and let it go. Frick that.

          • 7 months ago

            >if I voice this I will be ostracized and called immature and told I need to man up and let it go. Frick that.
            I am not the anon from the feels thread, this is the only thread I've posted in this week so far. But this line of text is exactly how I feel. I cut off my brother but can't avoid him outright since I still live at home, but there's no way I'd be able to voice this to anybody. My mom flat out refuses to admit that she did anything wrong, aka allowing my brother to act the way he does and never punishing him or scolding him when he fricks up, and the one time I did try to have a conversation about it she turned it into fuel for her victim complex. So my brother gets to walk around and be a massive c**t to everyone and that's "just the way he is" but the minute he gets upset by someone else, that person is public enemy number 1.

            Thankfully nobody has inquired about me not speaking to him so I don't have to defend myself, but people like my family and your sister would never admit to any kind of fault no matter how much concrete evidence we bring to the table. They can't conceptualize that the mature thing to do in a situation like this is what we are already doing. I wouldn't let a friend or a random on the street treat me the way my brother does. Why would I tolerate it here? The logic makes no sense. Everyone will tell you "its family so its different, blood thicker than water, etc etc" but like.. No? It doesn't have to be like that? If nobody else is going to hold them accountable in a way that spurs them to change for the better, I'm going to remove myself from the situation. Same with you, it seems. For me it's easy to dispel rumors just because my brother has a laundry list of people who he has wronged in the past 10 years or so. His gossip about me doesn't weigh nearly as much as the 40+ people who have personally been wronged and targeted by him and the unearned, undeserved chip on his shoulder.

            • 7 months ago

              You’ve just about summed it up.
              My sister was never really punished for the ways she’d act towards me. So no shit now at age 32 she’s definitely not going to take accountability or change. She’s never really faced any consequences for anything. I can’t tell you a time I even actually interacted with her I I would imagine siblings do. Obviously siblings fight and torment each other, but that’s all it’s ever been. She wa a basically just some person living in my house growing up. I’m just over it.
              I’ve cut off friends for similar BS, it’s not really that different.

              Even if things were normal between, I can’t think of a single thing I would say to her.

              • 7 months ago

                >if I voice this I will be ostracized and called immature and told I need to man up and let it go. Frick that.
                I am not the anon from the feels thread, this is the only thread I've posted in this week so far. But this line of text is exactly how I feel. I cut off my brother but can't avoid him outright since I still live at home, but there's no way I'd be able to voice this to anybody. My mom flat out refuses to admit that she did anything wrong, aka allowing my brother to act the way he does and never punishing him or scolding him when he fricks up, and the one time I did try to have a conversation about it she turned it into fuel for her victim complex. So my brother gets to walk around and be a massive c**t to everyone and that's "just the way he is" but the minute he gets upset by someone else, that person is public enemy number 1.

                Thankfully nobody has inquired about me not speaking to him so I don't have to defend myself, but people like my family and your sister would never admit to any kind of fault no matter how much concrete evidence we bring to the table. They can't conceptualize that the mature thing to do in a situation like this is what we are already doing. I wouldn't let a friend or a random on the street treat me the way my brother does. Why would I tolerate it here? The logic makes no sense. Everyone will tell you "its family so its different, blood thicker than water, etc etc" but like.. No? It doesn't have to be like that? If nobody else is going to hold them accountable in a way that spurs them to change for the better, I'm going to remove myself from the situation. Same with you, it seems. For me it's easy to dispel rumors just because my brother has a laundry list of people who he has wronged in the past 10 years or so. His gossip about me doesn't weigh nearly as much as the 40+ people who have personally been wronged and targeted by him and the unearned, undeserved chip on his shoulder.

                Oh and it pisses me off how now that she’s found a guy who will likely marry her my family suddenly comes together again for holidays, just so she’s able to share some of our family with him. Where was this when I was growing up? It’s so fake and it’s bullshit to me.

    • 7 months ago

      I see posts like this every year, not just on IST. Why do you guys hate your families so much, do you not like to interact with them? I'm an Indian guy and my parents are too ethnic to celebrate American holidays, it gets lonely.

    • 7 months ago

      I used to hate thanksgiving and family too, until I lost them all. I'd kill to have those "terrible" holidays again with all of them.
      Try to enjoy it and be grateful anon

  9. 7 months ago

    Happy Thanksgiving bros! I did deadlifts this morning to prepare for this afternoon's feast.

  10. 7 months ago

    Happy thanksgiving man! For the old days

  11. 7 months ago

    What lifts are you doing to prepare for tonight’s bulk

  12. 7 months ago

    I'm thankful to be having an incredibly laid back dinner with only half of my immediate family, and for all of you losers on this godforsaken website.

  13. 7 months ago

    This amerimutt zog shit is now being pushed in my country.

  14. 7 months ago

    Uh, bros?… the oven isn’t on.

  15. 7 months ago

    Happy thanksgiving IST
    Hope your family get together is going okay.
    I’m stuck playing armchair therapist for my mom who just cried last night due to hormones and my depressed stuck in school little sister while my dad just wants to golf and chill out

  16. 7 months ago

    Does anybody eat good food on holidays? Green Beans and Ham suuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

  17. 7 months ago

    Happy Thanksgiving! I'm about to regret everything I eat today. Cardio in the morning to cleanse me of my sin.

  18. 7 months ago

    I did legs at the gym today. I wish I could have stayed longer but the gym closed early

  19. 7 months ago

    Enjoying food is objectively no different from being a coomer.
    Food intake should be a transaction, nothing more.

    • 7 months ago

      >and the joyless c**t of the year award goes to:

      • 7 months ago

        >Enjoying food is objectively no different from being a coomer.
        Not even close to being comparable. I swear homosexuals that say shit like 'food is just energy' should remove their taste buds

        >t. Foodbrains

    • 7 months ago

      >Enjoying food is objectively no different from being a coomer.
      Not even close to being comparable. I swear homosexuals that say shit like 'food is just energy' should remove their taste buds

      • 7 months ago

        They're just autistic LARPers who get off on feeling superior because of muh discipline.

        If they practiced what they preached they'd all drink soilent.

  20. 7 months ago

    >get bullied by my brother since I was a little kid
    >does awful shit like taking my stuff, triggering my OCD (I had very bad OCD back when I was a teen, and, while it's better managed, it's still pretty rough to this day), calling me horrible names, etc.
    >mother never defends me, painted me as the devil to the rest of my siblings
    >end up graduating as an Electrical Engineer with 3.6 GPA
    >brother more-or-less doesn't finish college but hops straight into some random job
    >mother tells me she wishes it was my brothers graduating instead of me
    >feel relieved when he finally moves out
    >ffwd to today
    >brother moved back in with his wife and kid and has been back for quite some time
    >he's been relatively cordial, sans the occasional remark to get under my skin
    >end up having some squabble with grandparent who I share a room with that ends up waking his kid (I end up forgetting that often).
    >starts spouting off OCD triggers and calls me something horrible in front of my family
    >mother hits me
    >forced to hide in my room
    >the intrusive thoughts won't stop

    I know I was being an butthole to my grandparent in the moment, but that didn't warrant my mom and brother fricking me up like that.

    Sorry this isn't that coherent, I'm just really down in the dumps between my brother bullying me and the injury that's been bugging me for a week.
    I feel so alone, brothers. I wish it wasn't me just fending for myself.
    I've been having such terrible intrusive thoughts because of how ostracized I feel.

    I hope everyone who has a functional family has a happy Thanksgiving!!!

    • 7 months ago

      If your family is actually hitting you, then cut all ties with them if possible. It sounds extreme, but what are you still even there for? They obviously are jerks for treating you like that; just ignore them until they either properly apologize, or just tell them that they are dead to you

      • 7 months ago

        I have epilepsy, so I cannot use a car. Uber is pretty much non-existent in my county. I would move out if I could (I can certainly afford it).

        They owe me money as well, which I didn't want to give in the first place but a good portion was taken without consent.

        I am weak because I crave love and approval from my parents, and I have too forgiving of a heart. Perhaps that's why everyone in my family knows they can push me around like a loser. I sometimes think I should've been more of an butthole growing up, but then I would be no better than my brother. And I am sure there will be people I can give all my love and kindness too someday.

        • 7 months ago

          Sounds like Uber is your best bet, you’re a fricking engineer; you shouldn’t have money problems unless your company is fricking you over. Focus on getting enough saved up for an apartment.
          Depending on how much they owe, it may be better to just call it lost. If it’s a lot of money, ask at least once a week for them to pay you back small quantities.
          You are not going to find love there. I’m not trying to sound cruel or edgy, but it seems like they don’t really love you man. You deserve better than that abuse; good luck bro

        • 7 months ago

          > a good portion was taken without consent.
          Is that even legal for them to do?

          • 7 months ago

            No, they won't get my bank account off of theirs. Also I'm afraid if I take my bank account off of theirs before they finish paying me back they'll "forget" they took my money.

            As soon as they're done paying me back everything they owe, I'm going to make a brand new account.

            Sounds like Uber is your best bet, you’re a fricking engineer; you shouldn’t have money problems unless your company is fricking you over. Focus on getting enough saved up for an apartment.
            Depending on how much they owe, it may be better to just call it lost. If it’s a lot of money, ask at least once a week for them to pay you back small quantities.
            You are not going to find love there. I’m not trying to sound cruel or edgy, but it seems like they don’t really love you man. You deserve better than that abuse; good luck bro

            I live in a bumfrickville in a tax heavy state. Not a money issue so much as not having Ubers period. After my insurance kicks in, I will be lucky if I see $2000 of that per month.

            So, uh, yeah...

    • 7 months ago

      Move out then burn the house down.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm sorry you're going through that anon but seriously sounds like moving out is what you will need to do. Do you need to live with someone due to your epilepsy? If yes, is there anyone in your life currently that you could potentially live with (co-rent an apartment perhaps)? Some friend maybe?
      You will get through this.
      >I have too forgiving of a heart. Perhaps that's why everyone in my family knows they can push me around like a loser.
      You don't have to "not forgive them" or whatever. I've learned this having had a similar problem (but not been in a situation anywhere near as bad) - you can forgive and understand the people hurting you, you can wish them well and all that while making sure you also cut them out of your life.
      I think that's the way actually, no reason to hold grudges or whatever, those don't serve anybody well anyway most of the time. Just end contact on "good terms". Then you won't feel bad about it either.

  21. 7 months ago

    How do you guys who live at home deal with family members who don't like you at all?

    I can't seem to be able to find a groove when I live with a Black person who is really good at getting under my skin.

    I don't have the option of moving out (I wish I did).

  22. 7 months ago

    The irony of this is that, in spite of being so sad and empty, I am considering buying my mom a computer this year so she will love me more.

  23. 7 months ago

    Damn. I thought my family was fricked but they’re pretty good compared to some stories.

  24. 7 months ago

    Whilst I'm not an american I do hope you boys have a nice thanksgiving! Seems like a nice holiday if you're on good terms with your family, and food tastes better eaten alongside others

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