Has anyone here able to fix their hair loss without finasteride and minoxidil?

Has anyone here able to fix their hair loss without finasteride and minoxidil? Pic related is only with scalp massages and iron and vitamin d supplements

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  1. 4 months ago

    >bro if you grow out your hair you look like you have more hair!

    • 4 months ago

      >you can go from looking like you only have 1/3 of your hair left to full head of hair just growing it

    • 4 months ago

      >if you grow more hair youll look like you have more hair

      • 4 months ago

        Excelent manga

    • 4 months ago

      look at the 0 months from 13 months, guy definitely has hair loss problems. I would be already back to emo bangs on all sides at 13 months from a buzz cut.

      glad he's made some progress so far

    • 4 months ago

      Diffuse thinning like that looks worse when it's grown out since the hair are miniaturized. That's regrowth.

  2. 4 months ago

    anon if the world's richest men haven't found a way to fix their shitty hair, it means there's no known way

    • 4 months ago

      buzz cut that's it, if you don't have a full head of hair it's the best you can do, a nice even buzz cut

    • 4 months ago

      world's richest men don’t look strong, must mean there is no way to grow big.

    • 4 months ago

      elon musk was literally like norwood 7 in his younger years, he had a transplant

    • 4 months ago

      the world's richest men use fin, get transplants or they didn't take action before it was too late, like bezos

      elon musk was literally like norwood 7 in his younger years, he had a transplant

      >elon musk was literally like norwood 7 in his younger years, he had a transplant
      he was norwood 5 at best, but yeah

    • 4 months ago

      Eh? you see athletes and actors getting successful transplants all the time. If you see the megarich without any it's probably because they don't care that much, not because they can't.
      Matt Damon and Steve Carell spring to mind, they've had transplants for years and look natty (at least to the average normie who doesn't think about this shit 24/7).

    • 4 months ago

      You can fix hair loss with oils, supplements, massages, etc. only if your hair loss isn't androgenic/MPB.
      Even if you manage to grow hair using these methods, it'll get murdered by DHT in your scalp at some point and you'll start panicking and running in circles again wondering how the frick it happened since it worked before.

      The only way to actually stop and reverse androgenic hair loss is by suppressing the DHT in your scalp.
      You can use topicals for that if you don't want to use pills that go systemic. Remember that topical dutasteride isn't absorbed topically due to its molecular weight/size, whereas topical finasteride is.

      Eh? you see athletes and actors getting successful transplants all the time. If you see the megarich without any it's probably because they don't care that much, not because they can't.
      Matt Damon and Steve Carell spring to mind, they've had transplants for years and look natty (at least to the average normie who doesn't think about this shit 24/7).

      Pic rel.

      >bro if you grow out your hair you look like you have more hair!

      lol pic related seems like diffuse hairloss not the usual AA baldpattern
      also you cant even tell if he has thicker hair or not because the hair has different lenght
      if i shave you can clearly see that i have hairloss
      when its long you cant
      and its even harder to tell ith diffuse thining because you dont have clear patches
      also imagine massaging your scalp 20minutes every day

      >different length
      You guys are so moronic and blind that it's hard to comprehend.

      • 4 months ago

        Holy shit the guy that did his hair transplant should get a medal because that's one of the most natural looking hairlines I've seen

      • 4 months ago

        >only if your hair loss isn't androgenic/MPB.
        is there any other types of hairloss?
        some essential oils and keto shampoo is said to block dht to an extent, like topical fin.

        i wish we had more documented usage of essential oils, massages and rlt.

        • 4 months ago

          scalp irritation (dry flaky skin, itchiness) can cause hairloss
          vitamin deficiencies (D, iron), malnutrition can also cause hairloss

          >i wish we had more documented usage of essential oils, massages and rlt.
          there are human & mouse studies for topical peppermint oil and rosemary oil, as well as combo therapies like peppermint + minoxidil vs just minoxidil
          There are also scalp massage studies with loads of pictures. Scalp massages require a lot of commitment tho, 20-30 min a day forever

          • 4 months ago

            yeah Ive seen those studies. turns out rosemary is half as effective as minoxidil.
            would you recommend essential oils for a middle aged man with nw2? I think I lost hair due to scalp acne, dry skin, vitamin deficiency and dht. i know this because my problematic right side is way worse than my left temple.

            I also think there is some truth to the scalp tension theory as i mostly chewed on my right side and my chewing muscles are just twice as large on my right side, which includes the temple.

            massages must be good but i cant force myself to do it 30 min a day every single day. its just painful. applying these shitty oils, washing (longer) hair is just enough pain in the ass.

            microneedling is superb. everyone should do it. im too lazy to be consistent but its good.

            red light therapy must work too and you can be done with it while shitposting. only problem is those shitty hats are overpriced as frick so i would recommend an rlt facemask instead and just flip it over your head and it helps with your face too. 2birds one stone.

            a rundown on useful essential oils and some anecdotal experiences would be nice. Im in a position where I cant give up more of my hair or else im gonna look like a clown.

            I used rosemary with castor for 4 months then 2 off and I see babyhairs. Problem is Im not sure if they were there before but it seems like they def grown in numbers and some got a lil longer too.
            now with my 2nd wind I will apply them religiously for another 4 months and we will def see whats up.

            picrel is said to be an effective scalp massaging device. cheap too. opinion?

            • 4 months ago

              >would you recommend essential oils
              I'm about to try peppermint + rosemary + castor. My sister is very happy with peppermint oil for hair density although this is obv different than androgenic alopeca

              not sure about that scalp massager, I have a cheap rubber one that does the job. I'm about to get a 2nd one so I can do the stretching & pinching massages with them instead of my fingers

        • 4 months ago

          >any other types of hairloss?
          Hair loss can be caused by a lot of different things.
          Traction alopecia (pulling on the hair), immune reactions, hair loss from stress, from bad diets (not enough vitamins/nutrients), scalp irritation as the other anon said, genetic disorders that cause hair loss, etc. I saw a post on reddit once of a guy with insanely thick hair that just spontaneously started losing hair all over his head (AKA not androgenic alopecia), but fixed it with minoxidil.
          Luckily (if that's how you can call it) almost all cases of hair loss in dudes will just be androgenic alopecia, so it's clear and simple what it is and how to combat it.


          yeah Ive seen those studies. turns out rosemary is half as effective as minoxidil.
          would you recommend essential oils for a middle aged man with nw2? I think I lost hair due to scalp acne, dry skin, vitamin deficiency and dht. i know this because my problematic right side is way worse than my left temple.

          I also think there is some truth to the scalp tension theory as i mostly chewed on my right side and my chewing muscles are just twice as large on my right side, which includes the temple.

          massages must be good but i cant force myself to do it 30 min a day every single day. its just painful. applying these shitty oils, washing (longer) hair is just enough pain in the ass.

          microneedling is superb. everyone should do it. im too lazy to be consistent but its good.

          red light therapy must work too and you can be done with it while shitposting. only problem is those shitty hats are overpriced as frick so i would recommend an rlt facemask instead and just flip it over your head and it helps with your face too. 2birds one stone.

          a rundown on useful essential oils and some anecdotal experiences would be nice. Im in a position where I cant give up more of my hair or else im gonna look like a clown.

          I used rosemary with castor for 4 months then 2 off and I see babyhairs. Problem is Im not sure if they were there before but it seems like they def grown in numbers and some got a lil longer too.
          now with my 2nd wind I will apply them religiously for another 4 months and we will def see whats up.

          picrel is said to be an effective scalp massaging device. cheap too. opinion?

          If you're a dude and your balding is just MPB, you'll have to consider fin/dut sooner or later.

    • 4 months ago

      only a midwit believes this

      no one actually gets ED on Fin. Its a myth.


    • 4 months ago

      How do these guys cope with the fact that 100+ years ago, there'd be nothing they could do to hide their balding? No fin, no min, no transplants. Everyone would see their bald domes and balding in early America was one of the worst traits that men could have. You'd literally be an incel 100% of the time.

      • 4 months ago

        100 years ago, there was some thing wrong with you if you were childless and didn't have your shit together by 22.

      • 4 months ago

        100 years ago, there was some thing wrong with you if you were childless and didn't have your shit together by 22.

        Prior to second-wave feminism and the Sexual Revolution, as long as you had a well-paying job, a house to yourself, and were able to court and carry a conversation with a woman, you'd have no problem finding a wife.

  3. 4 months ago

    Yeah. Go back in time and pick parents with better genes, Elisha.

  4. 4 months ago

    I went from the image at the top to a little better then the middle but not as thick as the 3rd using finasteride.

  5. 4 months ago

    Iron supplements are very dangerous. Do not take unless prescribed by a doctor.

    • 4 months ago

      what if i myself is a doctor

      • 4 months ago

        Then presumably you've already tested yourself and seen that you're deficient

  6. 4 months ago

    What's a good scalp massage technique?

    • 4 months ago

      lmao stop with this meme. it doesn't do anything

      • 4 months ago

        it's literally a bunch of nonsense stemming from early XX century theories, like fedoras causing hair loss, debunked over 50 years ago

        why are you obssessed with this minfin enthusiast?

        • 4 months ago

          posting a video that's a direct breakdown of the specific video posted previously is "obsession"? lmao. but yeah, he's pretty much the only youtuber uploading hairloss content who actually reads the studies and their methodology, instead of the usual "here exists a case study confirming my bullshit claim in the title, therefore I'm right", otherwise I don't like him, because he's a gigavaxxed insane vegan

  7. 4 months ago

    I'll just leave this here:

    • 4 months ago

      it's literally a bunch of nonsense stemming from early XX century theories, like fedoras causing hair loss, debunked over 50 years ago

  8. 4 months ago

    > Pic related is only with scalp massages and iron and vitamin d supplements


  9. 4 months ago

    I've been massaging my scalp for 2 months, I didn't notice any progress so I stopped. A month later people tell me my hair got thicker. I'll start again soon but this time I'm taking pictures.
    It might work but it's pretty tedious.

  10. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >scalp cleanser
      wtf is this? seems like the biggest meme shit itt

  11. 4 months ago

    lol pic related seems like diffuse hairloss not the usual AA baldpattern
    also you cant even tell if he has thicker hair or not because the hair has different lenght
    if i shave you can clearly see that i have hairloss
    when its long you cant
    and its even harder to tell ith diffuse thining because you dont have clear patches
    also imagine massaging your scalp 20minutes every day

  12. 4 months ago

    his hair are longer in each segment. pic looks like a temporary shed caused by a nutrient deficiency, could be even a bad case of sesonal shed, not even close to male pattern baldness, the one that's relavant to 99% of balding men. and yes, finasteride is nearly 100% effective at stopping balding for at least10 years and regrows at least some hair in around 60% of people. minoxidil doesn't work at all for around half of the population and it doesn't stop hairloss, only regrows some hair for as long as you keep using it.

    • 4 months ago

      Doesn't finasteride have some nasty side effects like potentially growing man breasts?

      • 4 months ago

        no, all it does is reducing the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, so about 40-50% less gets transformed and you end up with slightly more test, about 10% more. if someone is extremely susceptible to aromatization, that small test increase could potentially increase estrogen, but it's very unlikely and any test increase by other means would've caused it too. this whole point comes down to being afraid of slightly higher test because of potential gyno, which is ridiculous

      • 4 months ago

        I take it and I had ed for like a week but I'm totally back to normal. been on it since october

      • 4 months ago

        nah, nothing major, just permanent brain chemistry changes. look up finasteride allopregnanolone for a fun little rabbit hole

        • 4 months ago

          >Currently, there is no direct link between 5-alpha reductase inhibitor use and depression
          stop spreading vague fear mongering bullshit based on mouse studies, which react differently to 5ar inhibitors. allopregnanolone isn't even related to 5ar type 2, the one affected by finasteride and only by 50% at that. we get it, you fell for the meme and now you're bald

  13. 4 months ago

    what does scalp message enable?
    topical iron vit.D? oral?

  14. 4 months ago

    I said frick it and hopped on fin. My hairline is regrowing just after 2 months. Feels good. No side effects and can still get hard whenever I’m in the mood. Honestly it has been shown that fat people have more estrogen in their body so it’s no surprise some normalgay says he has erectile problems when on average they’re fat. If you workout it should be no biggy

    • 4 months ago

      no one actually gets ED on Fin. Its a myth.

      • 4 months ago

        I signed up on hims and got topical fin+minoxidil. After a month I noticed I had ED. Stopped taking it and was able to have full erections three weeks later.
        Started taking it again at half-dose and after a month and a half noticed I had ED again.
        The first time I didn't read anything about the side effects because I was a 27 year old fit male with no chronic illnesses so I figured nothing would happen. That being said, I think it's indisputable ATM fin+min are the best we have for fighting hair loss, but to pretend there are no chance of side effects is misleading.
        Alternatively, while Nutrafol seems overpriced and full of unnecessary/useless ingredients, the one thing in there that seems the most promising is saw palmetto, since that seems to have an effect on the DHT conversion process in a similar way to fin.

      • 4 months ago

        I did, but i hopped off for a month, came back and now I’m harder than ever

  15. 4 months ago

    I firmly believe that people telling you to put onions into a blender and massage onion juice into your scalp are totally just fricking with you and want you to smell like onions as a joke.

    • 4 months ago

      You can use guava leaves too, they don't leave any smell https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9784754/#:~:text=The%20results%20suggest%20that%20the,as%20other%20androgen%2Drelated%20disorders.

  16. 4 months ago

    > around 21st birthday
    > notice hair falling out and hairline receding
    > get on 1mg fin eod
    > hair stops falling out

    its that simple OP, as long as you dont already have fricked up test/e2 symptoms, youll be ok. half of the side effects people report are mental bs anyway. hair is nice, no reason to lose it.

  17. 4 months ago

    >tfw perfect hair that grows back in 2 months tops after I cut it

  18. 4 months ago

    I'm like 40 days into trying Saw Palmetto + minoxidil together after trying minoxidil alone for about a year. Not sure if it's placebo but after the one month point it looked like I had new hair growing, we'll see after another month or two if I was just seeing things or what.

  19. 4 months ago

    I've tried everything and nothing worked

  20. 4 months ago

    I started fin as soon as I turned 30, definitely stopped it, turned the diffuse thinning around, and made the hair thicker with more sheen.

    Unfortunately didn't do much for the hairline, which was never very good anyway, even as a child

  21. 4 months ago

    >go on fin 1mg every day
    >1 month
    >started getting weak erections might have been in my head but freaked out
    >started taking it Sun/Wed
    >month 3
    >can see my problem areas real easily
    >month 5
    >started seeing growth
    >started taking topical min
    Full head of long thick hair, dick still works and is hard as normal. I did hear saw palmetto affects fin (actually said it on the fin paperwork) but i don't know how.

    • 4 months ago

      >I did hear saw palmetto affects fin (actually said it on the fin paperwork) but i don't know how.
      in what way? positive? negative? how long passed since the 5month mark?
      you not very good at giving a clear insight my fren

      • 4 months ago

        it said
        >Saw Palmetto can interfere with Finasteride
        but didn't really go into detail which is why I stopped taking it (I bought a prostate pill from Sams Club that has saw palmetto)
        After the 5 month mark? Maybe month 6 I actually started seeing baby hairs on my hairline. I love my bangs and they were getting wispy which was why I got on Fin. Month 6 I could see baby hairs forming back my old hairline. Month 7 and onwards was just growth and growth. I started getting lazy with Minox and saw shedding but again got back on minox and only do it either in the morning or at night.

        • 4 months ago

          I ordered there once so far, the delivery was very slow and they ignored my email at first, but they replied to my second email that the delivery can take up to 4 weeks and I received it exactly at 4 weeks. I still have some leftover topical dut I still use, but it's probably expired now (the product page says 6 months, but I read that realistically it's closer to 3 for topical dut) and I managed to finally get a fin prescription recently. as for topical minox I ordered there, it's way too expensive for something I can get basically for free by titrating 2-3 drops of topical min using an insulin syringe, as it's safe to ingest, because, other than min, it contains just propylene glycol and ethanol. I may order tretinoin there in the future if I run out before finding it for cheaper.

          Did Minox age your skin? Allegedly topical minox can decrease collagen production

          • 4 months ago

            no, paradoxically the dark circles under my eyes disappeared (I see a lot of claims of minox causing them) but it's probably due to tretinoin and getting back to lifting. this guy found some animal study where they noticed that minox can replenish elastin in mice, which normally doesn't regenerate at all, unlike collagen

            it doesn't mean it applicable to humans, but the claims that minox decreases collagen production are based on in vitro studies afaik, so they're even less reliable

          • 4 months ago

            no, paradoxically the dark circles under my eyes disappeared (I see a lot of claims of minox causing them) but it's probably due to tretinoin and getting back to lifting. this guy found some animal study where they noticed that minox can replenish elastin in mice, which normally doesn't regenerate at all, unlike collagen

            it doesn't mean it applicable to humans, but the claims that minox decreases collagen production are based on in vitro studies afaik, so they're even less reliable

            Does fin affect the face at all? Like make you hold onto face fat? Also does foam min reduce collagen, or is it only the alcohol version?

            Well I guess I should have just looked one post above

            I thought min was also shown to reduce skin elasticity in people. Or at least there is a lot of anecdotal evidence

    • 4 months ago

      Min only works for so long until your body gets use to it and starts thinning again

  22. 4 months ago

    >Pic related is only with scalp massages and iron and vitamin d supplements

    • 4 months ago

      Its probably diffuse thinning, caused by iron or vit d deficient

  23. 4 months ago

    moronic question but where did you anons get your finasteride/minoxidil from?

    • 4 months ago

      you can get it from online pill mills like hims or keeps but they charge a premium.

      you can just get a telederm appointment with your doctor.

  24. 4 months ago

    Nope. On topical/oral fin and min and still losing ground. In fact, my hairloss accelerated once I got on oral fin in particular. I had a four month shed that took me back to a shitty shitty NW3 and now here I am, still thinning out in the front and in the last few months the back has started noticeably going too.

    The only thing left is to try dutasteride, or try to get my hands on some RU I guess. Feel pretty defeated. It's just over honestly, I'm fricked. The only way to ever have good hair again is getting a $6000+ transplant and then it's temporary since finasteride isn't saving my hair.

    • 4 months ago

      a shed can last up to 7 months and the recovery starts being visible after up to 3-4 months later. it's not possible for finasteride to accelerate the hair loss, so if you're losing ground faster than before, it must still be a shed. I wouldn't use dutasteride without RU, or other topical antiandrogen, like alfatradiol, as it can significantly increase scalp testosterone, which can still affect the androgen receptors in hair follicles. also, switching the drugs before you're 100% certain that the shed has stopped probably isn't the best idea

      • 4 months ago

        Bruh it's been way outside of that.

        >first month no change
        >months 2-6 nuclear shedding from NW2 to NW3
        >months 7-9 literally not only no regain but any hairs growing in at the hairline are thinner and whispier than what was lost

        I can easily track the progress backwards of my hairline because I have two hairs from my original hairline a good inch lower than my current hairline. My temples were nuked the hardest with the shedding and loss after though like my right corner now extends a third of the way back my head, over those months it progress an inch and is now just slick bald.

        • 4 months ago

          I wonder if I also suffer from a shed. I'd always thought that I only had norwood 3-4 receding hairline, but when I took a pic of the top of my head, I was dreaded to notice that it's extremely thinned out, other than that, I noticed new hairs sprouting along my previous hairline. I'd been on 1-2 months of topical dutasteride, minox and RU at the time. I thought that my hairloss was much worse than I originally thought, but maybe it was just a shed. I've been buzzing my hair, so it's impossible to notice the falling hair. it got a bit more thick 4 months later

          • 4 months ago

            Where'd you get the topical dut from?

            • 4 months ago

              bought topical dut and 5mg oral minox here
              the minox is definitely legit, not sure how much of the regrowth was from it and how much from RU, but the symptoms of high scalp DHT disappeared overnight. it isn't worth for the price, though, and I just take fin now and titrate 2.5mg of topical minox to use orally. you can probably get it cheaper in the US, but it was the only site that shipped from within the EU, otherwise the package is confiscated by the customs

              • 4 months ago

                so you still order from that place?
                You need to get a prescription for Fin in my EU country and most dermatologists won't give it to you unless it's already too late

              • 4 months ago

                I ordered there once so far, the delivery was very slow and they ignored my email at first, but they replied to my second email that the delivery can take up to 4 weeks and I received it exactly at 4 weeks. I still have some leftover topical dut I still use, but it's probably expired now (the product page says 6 months, but I read that realistically it's closer to 3 for topical dut) and I managed to finally get a fin prescription recently. as for topical minox I ordered there, it's way too expensive for something I can get basically for free by titrating 2-3 drops of topical min using an insulin syringe, as it's safe to ingest, because, other than min, it contains just propylene glycol and ethanol. I may order tretinoin there in the future if I run out before finding it for cheaper.

              • 4 months ago

                I ordered there once so far, the delivery was very slow and they ignored my email at first, but they replied to my second email that the delivery can take up to 4 weeks and I received it exactly at 4 weeks. I still have some leftover topical dut I still use, but it's probably expired now (the product page says 6 months, but I read that realistically it's closer to 3 for topical dut) and I managed to finally get a fin prescription recently. as for topical minox I ordered there, it's way too expensive for something I can get basically for free by titrating 2-3 drops of topical min using an insulin syringe, as it's safe to ingest, because, other than min, it contains just propylene glycol and ethanol. I may order tretinoin there in the future if I run out before finding it for cheaper.

                >as for topical minox
                *oral minox

              • 4 months ago

                Germanon here, I got my fin prescription from zava online. You just need to fill out a questionnaire.

            • 4 months ago

              bought topical dut and 5mg oral minox here
              the minox is definitely legit, not sure how much of the regrowth was from it and how much from RU, but the symptoms of high scalp DHT disappeared overnight. it isn't worth for the price, though, and I just take fin now and titrate 2.5mg of topical minox to use orally. you can probably get it cheaper in the US, but it was the only site that shipped from within the EU, otherwise the package is confiscated by the customs

              >not sure how much of the regrowth was from it
              *not sure how much of the regrowth was from the dut

    • 4 months ago

      kek this is what happens when you hold LINK for 5 years

  25. 4 months ago

    I was thinning then I switched pre-workouts and it reversed.

  26. 4 months ago

    Is there any way of increasing my vitamin d receptors?

    • 4 months ago

      Praise the sun.

      • 4 months ago

        But I read that only makes they more efficient, I want increase the number

        • 4 months ago

          The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father!

  27. 4 months ago

    Nizoral shampoo arrested my hair loss. All males in my family are bald, I noticed it starting for me around 24, started using Niz daily and for years now there's been minimal progression

  28. 4 months ago

    Does fin affect the face at all? Like make you hold onto face fat? Also does foam min reduce collagen, or is it only the alcohol version?

  29. 4 months ago

    Here's my routine and I got maybe 50% of my hair back
    >scalp massage

    • 4 months ago

      isnt this harmful? turns out ive been using this for years and it didnt help with my scalp acne or hair density. I believe it even made it worse. just has a very chemical smell to it. not very comfortable with nizoral. just bought it couple days ago and I realized its the same fungoral Ive been using beforehand for a couple years and that smell and pink color turned me off instantly.

  30. 4 months ago

    minox keeps my hair intact
    biotin works too
    didnt hop on fin, idk

    does oil work anons? I might also apply some oil if needed

  31. 4 months ago

    Would it be worth giving myself a buzzcut before taking OTC rogain? I heard theres a shedding phase and that'd likely make it less visible.

    Also with just the OTC variety can I expect any severe side effects?

  32. 4 months ago

    Feels good having good genetics

  33. 4 months ago

    frens pls educate me everything about making hair regrowth

  34. 4 months ago

    Why wouldn't I just go read research on the topic instead of this thread of everyone arguing? What is the use of IST again?

    • 4 months ago

      >What is the use of IST again?
      dunno but quality of advice dropped off steep. almost like a freefall. are we preddit now?

      • 4 months ago

        isn't the advice on reddit probably better at this point?

        • 4 months ago

          they always say fin+min
          nothing else

          • 4 months ago

            Because there unironically is nothing else.

          • 4 months ago

            These are the only two things that work. Dutasteride as well but it's just a step up from fin on the same ladder.

            There are other things like RU58841 and Pyrilutimide which are experimental and hard to get ahold of. RU is technically available but expensive and you need a good source.

            The sad fact is that hairloss treatment is not a high medical priority and treatments for it are decades old. Finasteride has been around since the 90's, think minox even longer. Since then there've been plenty of "just two more years and the cure is here" shit that never comes to pass. The next big thing is always two years away while your follicles burn off your scalp.

            Basically you can:
            1. Prevent it with 5AR inhibitors.
            2. Try to get some marginal regrowth with stimulants like minox or alternatives like stemox.
            3. Get a hair transplant.

            The best possible thing would be to start taking fin when you're NW0 but no one does that. Most dudes reach NW2 at least before even noticing or looking into treatment options. Then they get on finasteride too late so they need to try to get some minoxidil going, but minox only works for like 40-60% of dudes and only freak outlier responders wind up recovering any ground, especially hairline. Finally dudes try to regain what was lost with thousands of dollars of travel and hair transplants.

            • 4 months ago

              >hairloss treatment is not a high medical priority
              yeah because its a business priority.

            • 4 months ago

              >but minox only works for like 40-60% of dudes and only freak outlier responders wind up recovering any ground, especially hairline
              That's in the case of topical minox. Oral minox works too.

  35. 4 months ago

    I'm balding and my life is over.

  36. 4 months ago

    >notice hair thinning and hairline receding too late
    >get on fin but damage is done
    >try oral min to get some regrowth after no results from topical
    >makes my face look older and ruins skin quality
    >now look balding and older


    • 4 months ago

      Such is life.

    • 4 months ago

      >try oral min
      Anon you are moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      Dutasteride made my face skin younger, while oral min filled out my shitty beard and hairline.

    • 4 months ago

      What made you look older? The min?

      • 4 months ago

        ya it prevents the synthases of collagen

  37. 4 months ago

    why can't morons understand that a genetic immune disorder is not being fixed with vitamin/nutrient supplementation?

    if it fixed his hair, it wasn't alopecia

    • 4 months ago

      stfu moron
      androgenic alopecia isn't genetic immune disorder
      also every type of hair loss is called alopecia, so some kinds can be fixed with nutrients, it just isn't case with mpb/androgenic alopecia

  38. 4 months ago

    Massage bro here.
    6 months
    Good results so far

  39. 4 months ago

    Since you have to do topical min twice a day, does oral min benefit the same way because of it's 4 hour half-life?

    When you double the dose, the serum concentration in blood is far more than double even hours later, this just leads me to think blasting 5mg twice a day will keep follicle potassium channel stimulation happening 24/7.

    • 4 months ago

      >you have to do topical min twice a day
      Don't. There are a few videos on youtube of doctors telling you there's little benefit to applying topical twice a day and that it just kinda stuck because that's how they did it in testing and that's how companies can make more money (if you use it more).

      • 4 months ago

        Interesting, do you have any links to those vids?

  40. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      tl dr?

  41. 4 months ago

    Wouldn't cold water head washing have a perhaps even better blood flow effect than massages? I'm talking about dunking your scalp in a bowl of ice water.

  42. 4 months ago

    lol just shave it. its really not that bad bros; if you were fricking before you will frick after

  43. 4 months ago

    Reminder that every second spent worrying about your fricking hair is one second not spent worrying about other important things. Having long, thick, healthy hair that slowly thins and goes to shit is not fun, but that's life. If you're putting in more effort than the occasional scalp massage, then you've officially entered "old woman who dyes her hair to hide the grey hairs" territory. Unironically toughen the frick up.

  44. 4 months ago

    Dutasteride and minoxidil

  45. 4 months ago

    -Aggressive daily scalp massage in shower for 7-10 mins. Scratch, finger rub, shake head, all over
    -Reduce shampoo to once a week at most and use nizoral
    -Get sufficient micro nutrients and biotin

    It totally halted my balding and my hairline has been the same for 6 years after it nosedived at age 25-27. If I ever shampoo more than once a week, or get lazy with massages, my hair thins fast. When I stay on top of it, it's very thick and styleable even at NW 2.5/3. Total night and day difference, like ugly coping baldcel with ridiculous thin receded hair to a seemingly full head with the controlled messy look

    Fin killed my dick and turned cum to water
    Never tried minox

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