Has anyone successfully quit weed, alcohol or any other drugs?

Has anyone successfully quit weed, alcohol or any other drugs?

I was borderline alcoholic until I started smoking weed which became my main vice. Now I'm almost a week off both and I feel like I have the flu. Give me strength.

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  1. 1 year ago

    As much as it’s gonna suck you just have to suck it up and stay off it. When I quit weed I felt horribly anxious, couldn’t sleep for a week, and felt like shit. But after a couple weeks, it went away. I used to think I could never quit, now I don’t even want to touch the stuff. I used to be so dependent I would scrounge my garage floor where I smoked to try and find weed crumbs to smoke when I made all my plugs stop selling to me, if I can do it so can you, Godspeed

    • 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    Alcoholic here
    Was going through about 12 beers a night for several years straight, not including jager and other spirits. Got clean and sober almost four years ago, not a drop since. I miss it bad lately, but life's been pretty shit the last six months so I feel the urge much more than usual

    • 1 year ago

      14 months off the booze. I miss it every day but life is better by every metric since quitting.

      >miss it even when things are better

      Are we doomed to feel this way until we die?

  3. 1 year ago

    I've been off week since the 31st of December after smoking probably nearly 4g a day for 2 years. Was a little difficult at first but thankfully I was in a position where I didn't have access to it so I couldn't even if I wanted. Think of it as it mental temperance, if you really want to quit the only thing preventing you from quitting are the chemical processes in your body reacting negatively to the sudden change.
    It will get better, you just have to want it more than to not want to feel a little shitty for a week or so. Better to lose a week to feeling like shit than god knows how many more days of your life to weed.
    Consider it an exercise of free will, that you're really in control and not just a spectator in your own life

  4. 1 year ago

    I only get insomnia for a day and then I’m back to normal.

  5. 1 year ago

    i’m on day 14 no weed after being a heavy smoker for a while. almost caved today but luckily i’m still sober. felt like shit lately so i guess that’s why. just makes me feel less lonely and helps me relax

  6. 1 year ago

    I was a heavy hard drug users for over ten years.

    I was convinced I'd die before I got out.
    But somehow, I very slowly and painfully put myself together and mended (enough of) the psychological damage that had led me to drugs in my teen years as well as the fricked up shit I had piled on top of that. It wasn't so much a conscious effort as a series of realizations about life.

  7. 1 year ago

    You can do it. If push comes to shove try substituting it for something milder and easier to quit.

  8. 1 year ago

    14 months off the booze. I miss it every day but life is better by every metric since quitting.

  9. 1 year ago

    Yes. I smoked weed daily from 21-29 to the point where it was totally wrecking my life (also drinking and vaping). However, I finally quit weed a few months ago and havent touched it for 2+ months. Also, I quit vaping about a month ago. Still drinking a lot though, which im trying to deal with. However, there were plenty of times when I thought i would never get off the weed. Turned out to be totally true it just required a mindset shift.

  10. 1 year ago

    I was heavily dependent on weed in my late teens to early 20s. I gave it up cold turkey after 4 years of non-stop smoking, it had impacted my life so badly. I was doing reverse gravity bong hits off a pool and I remember just looking at my reflection in the pool and feeling so sorry and worthless at the same time. I threw up afterwards too because of the combined smell of weed and chlorine.

    I stopped talking and hanging out with the group that I smoked with, ended up friendless for a while. I started taking walks and making keychains out of paracord to keep me occupied. After the first month, it got easier and I didn’t even think about it, it also helped that I was trying to get back into college to finish my Bachelors.

    set some goals for yourself and keep yourself accountable to them. If you’re here on IST and you’re actually working out, then you have a pretty good sense of that already; use that same discipline towards leaving weed. And of course, distance yourself from any and all enablers that can cause you to slip up.

    been 10 years since I last touched the stuff.

  11. 1 year ago

    I quit Adderall overnight after over 10 years of use (started in elementary school lmao). The withdrawal symptoms were lethargy and an extreme craving for Adderall for a few days. It was very easy.
    I do plan on getting back on it once I'm out of the military though, not sure if that still counts.

  12. 1 year ago

    >successfully quit weed, alcohol or any other drugs
    Nope, still having trouble keeping myself off booze. I can stay good for months at a time, then I'll drink for a week or two straight

  13. 1 year ago

    15+ years of smoking a pack a day here. managed to quit a few times, longest run was about 6 months. trying to gather the strength to to it again for good. always relapsed because i haven't learnt to cope with bad shit any other way

  14. 1 year ago

    Yes. I quite weed and alcohol. I simply just stopped using it.

  15. 1 year ago

    Yeah, alcohol

    I wasn't physically addicted, but I think I was mentally. It was a coping mechanism for the depression, etc etc. I stopped cold turkey, but I guess that just makes me one of the lucky ones. I can still enjoy a beer at a dinner every now and then without getting that itch

  16. 1 year ago

    Weed was a tough one for me in my mid twenties. Over about 3 years, I went from a weekend smoker to an everyday smoker. Quitting was difficult because it’s not just stopping smoking in most cases, it’s a whole lifestyle change. I can’t hang out with the people I smokes with anymore. Every time I did something I enjoyed doing while smoking, I though about smoking. I’m not lying when I say it took me a good 5 years or so to not think about wanting to light up on a regular basis - and I probably only smoked twice in that period, if I’m remembering correctly. Now I never think about it and it’s about 9 years out or so. Honestly, it’s breaking lazy habits that weed creates that make the biggest difference. Stay busy, keep your mind working, and you won’t crave it as much. It’s being lazy and sitting around that makes you think about smoking.

  17. 1 year ago

    idk why people are so moronic when it comes to quitting drugs, you're supposed to taper off just like if you'd be prescriped something addictive by the doctor instead of crying online about how shit you feel for a month and then if you're successful you keep bragging for the next two decades how easy it was to quit cold turkey

  18. 1 year ago

    I haven't quit alcohol completely, but it doesn't control me anymore. I have a drink every now and then just to remind myself of what I have overcome and that I'm in control. Then again, I was never totally addicted. I was going through a handle every couple days, and the second I realized I was craving a drink I quite the shit cold for 2 years. Not a fricking drop of it. I still crave it every now and then, have the whole time, especially when I'm stressed or I'm on a down turn and my depression and insomnia hit me again. Doubly so when nightmares come back. But I stick with it.

  19. 1 year ago

    yes, I was on suboxone for 3 years. once I understood how bad opioids actually are, hormonally and cognitively speaking ( how they inhibit GnRH and neurogenesis in the hippocampus) I quit them asap

    if you want to quit drugs, study their neurological effects and you'll blackpill yourself into sobriety. even something as innocent as weed has deleterious effects on working memory and androgen production

  20. 1 year ago

    I only drink/smoke on special occasions now. Weed isn't worth the money and booze isn't worth the empty calories, especially with my higher than average tolerance.

  21. 1 year ago

    I’m currently struggling with defining my relationship with kratom. I’m pretty sure I’m addicted psychologically, but not physically. I’ve been taking the stuff daily for almost 1,5 years, ranging between 3-14 grams per day, with some days hitting around 20 grams-ish (those were a few though, usually parties I was tired at), but more consistently 10/g per day, which is right around where apparently physical addiction starts. I’m a psychologist with pretty good self-reflective skills and I’m very much cognisant of what dosing myself with what is essentially shit-tier adderall/oxy mix is doing to my brain. The thing is; The quality of my social life has gotten better like nothing before. I know that if I were to go cold turkey, I could probably do it (I’ve stopped twice, always for a 2ish week period) but the benefits I get from it still outweigh the negatives. I don’t eat enough when on it and I have some problems regarding sex. But it keeps me sharp, less anxious and makes me feel like I’ve always felt I could be if I solved all of my anxiety problems. I’m thinking of opening up to my therapist about it and my gf. I know that I am capable of being the way I am when I am on the stuff even when sober. I just feel like I need someone to talk about my fears of quitting it. When I started I was in a failing relationship with a borderline-bpd train wreck of an alcoholic who abused herself and me. Taking kratom helped me to break off the relationship and actually be confident in moving away on my own and live life as an independent person. I met my current gf about half a year ago and so far she has been incredibly supportive and understanding and I feel like I can be with her even when “sober”, I am even sometimes. It’s just that I am much more rumination-prone when sober and I just don’t trust and believe in myself. I don’t know if I should kick it or try and foster a medicinal relationship with it.

  22. 1 year ago

    I have quitted weed and the same day I've started smoking cigarettes again.
    Sounds like a bad trade off, 1 joint a day Vs >5 cigarettes a day

  23. 1 year ago

    You're all a bunch of homosexuals. Try suffering through opiate withdrawal like me and maybe I'll have a shred of respect for you.

  24. 1 year ago

    It's worth the suffering now bro. I am a former nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, porn, sugar, and weed addict. I have quit them all and the vibrancy and joy I experience these days just existing is unbelievable. I'm so happy. Last night, I drank for the first time in a long time at a party and today felt like such dog shit but I don't regret it because it served as a great reminder about why I left all that shit behind in the first place. Trust me that it's worth quitting, you will feel insane some days and your mind is gonna assault you with so many reasons to go back that you will feel crazy not to, have faith that quitting is the best choice even when it seems like it isn't

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