>have sinus infection, 1.5 months now, feel like dog shit. >do antibioitcs. >not cured

>have sinus infection, 1.5 months now, feel like dog shit
>do antibioitcs
>not cured
>doctor told me to just sit at home for 6 months beacuse that's how long it will last and there's nothing I can do about it, that includes no working out
I already lost my 95k job beacuse of all the days I missed. I haven't been to the gym in a month. I'm pm the verge of going to my drug dealer and getting xanax then killing myself after a good bindge. Can anyone give me any hope or advice? This is the lowest point of my life.. Idk how I'm going to financially survive, can I go on disability??

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  1. 9 months ago

    You mean to tell me there's a hole in my cheeks and forehead?

    • 9 months ago

      Aint no way bru

    • 9 months ago

      there's so many pockets in your skull, there's even some in the bone behindunder your ear, it's what killed hemingway

  2. 9 months ago

    >I already lost my 95k job beacuse of all the days I missed.

    Are you a garbage man or something?

    • 9 months ago

      I had a family death in July and already used up all my vacation and sick days.. I was an engineer

      could be fungal sinus infection (=antibiotics won't work)
      is there white/green coating on your tongue?

      No, both ENTs I went to told me it doesn't sound like a fungus infection beacuse this gets better some days and they said fungus infection gets worse and worse.. Then again they barely gave me any attention..

      What kind of shithole do you live in where they can just fire you if you get sick?

      I was on a contract to hire...

      • 9 months ago

        Hmm. Sorry to hear about your family, I'm sure that's a major (possibly entire) contributor to your condition. It sounds like you should get another opinion, possibly a couple more. As to your employment situation you COULD sue, as termination due to legitimate illness with several professional witnesses would like likely give you legal basis for restitution, but seeing as you're an engineer you're likely going to be fine for awhile, so work on getting better while seeking a job, but again it's probably best not to do so and just rest while updating your resume with relevant paper trail showing why you were "fired" and explaining employment time gap.
        I'm no professional so take what a poor says with skepticism but this is what my intuition says to do: get multiple other opinions, possibly explore legal avenues for financial restitution (if you're in need and really feel slighted/like they did something legally shaky), look into filing for unemployment aid - which I would say would probably be better than trying for the courts but one may lead/require the other - just something to think about if finances start/are getting tight.
        If that one seemingly neglectful doctor was right about anything it's you're going to need to rest until it's over, and you should probably get all the basic vitamins, etc.
        I pray for you to get better with alacrity, and look on the silver lining, and I know you're stressing the frick out, but this is an opportunity to get some quality gaming time if that's something you like, or immersing yourself in your hobby, which will be a great distraction and likely help recovery from stress relief.

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Lol, but also anon may want to look into this. I had a sinus infection from a moldy house and cleaned it with xylitol sinus wash.

  3. 9 months ago

    could be fungal sinus infection (=antibiotics won't work)
    is there white/green coating on your tongue?

  4. 9 months ago

    What kind of shithole do you live in where they can just fire you if you get sick?

  5. 9 months ago

    start rinsing your sinus out homosexual. sinus wash is salt and baking soda make your own or go buy a kit for $15 at the store.

    • 9 months ago

      I've done everything dude.. doctor just told me there's nothing I can do but rest and then I'd rather live like this for the rest of my life than lost gains.

      • 9 months ago

        start doing ice baths everyday and it will go away in a week, start with cold showers if you never did cold exposure before.

  6. 9 months ago

    You have a fungus infestation. Drink baking soda and Borax mixed in water to purge them. You aren’t vaxxed or swabbed Goyim, are you? If you are, then your sinus symptoms are merely part of a larger problem.

    • 9 months ago

      Of course I'm not vaxxed. I took anti biotics so there's nothing else I can do about my sinus infection

    • 9 months ago

      lmao this shit again with fricking morons consuming laundry additives
      just take a boron supplement

  7. 9 months ago

    go to a different doctor

  8. 9 months ago

    I just lost another month to a sinus infection too.

    • 9 months ago

      Frick man wtf!! So how long have u had it?

  9. 9 months ago

    have crushed raw garlic after meals and get some curcumin supplements.

    • 9 months ago

      I eat garlic and onion 24/7

      Have you looked into elimination diets? What about low-inflammation diets? Both should help you heal faster. Dry fasting would be ideal here though. Checkout the Snake Diet on youtube for more info on that.

      Frick I might have to, I already lost so much gains though

      Hmm. Sorry to hear about your family, I'm sure that's a major (possibly entire) contributor to your condition. It sounds like you should get another opinion, possibly a couple more. As to your employment situation you COULD sue, as termination due to legitimate illness with several professional witnesses would like likely give you legal basis for restitution, but seeing as you're an engineer you're likely going to be fine for awhile, so work on getting better while seeking a job, but again it's probably best not to do so and just rest while updating your resume with relevant paper trail showing why you were "fired" and explaining employment time gap.
      I'm no professional so take what a poor says with skepticism but this is what my intuition says to do: get multiple other opinions, possibly explore legal avenues for financial restitution (if you're in need and really feel slighted/like they did something legally shaky), look into filing for unemployment aid - which I would say would probably be better than trying for the courts but one may lead/require the other - just something to think about if finances start/are getting tight.
      If that one seemingly neglectful doctor was right about anything it's you're going to need to rest until it's over, and you should probably get all the basic vitamins, etc.
      I pray for you to get better with alacrity, and look on the silver lining, and I know you're stressing the frick out, but this is an opportunity to get some quality gaming time if that's something you like, or immersing yourself in your hobby, which will be a great distraction and likely help recovery from stress relief.

      I was on 1099, they could fire me for blinking thr wrong way if they want, I'm just hoping for disability at least

      • 9 months ago

        Nothing I suggested in

        Have you looked into elimination diets? What about low-inflammation diets? Both should help you heal faster. Dry fasting would be ideal here though. Checkout the Snake Diet on youtube for more info on that.

        would cause you to loose gains. On top of that, not getting healed up quicker is costing you more gains than anything else. Some other anons have good advice here too with garlic and boron/borax.

      • 9 months ago

        I had the same shit.
        Eat massive, and I mean MASSIVE, amounts of herbs and spices.
        Most importantly crushed garlic, onion, turmeric dissolved in oil, liquorice, cinnamon, ginger, thyme. There's a ton of studies stating they have antiviral activity. One of them: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8013177/

        At the very least, it should lift brain fog and malaise.

        How much garlic and onion? I typically eat a bulb of garlic and two onions, and 10+g per spice.

        • 9 months ago

          For once, I agree with the "eat onions, schizo" post. All the listed botanicals are massively helpful and have many specific and measurable health benefits

  10. 9 months ago

    Have you looked into elimination diets? What about low-inflammation diets? Both should help you heal faster. Dry fasting would be ideal here though. Checkout the Snake Diet on youtube for more info on that.

  11. 9 months ago


    Do this with lugols iodone and you'll be fine in a matter of days. Best of luck anon.

  12. 9 months ago

    You are so stupid. I get a sinus infection for about three months, almost twice in a given year. So what? Go take a Covid booster you homosexual.

  13. 9 months ago

    Take some Thymosin Alpha 1

  14. 9 months ago

    Look up Ray Peat, Linus Pauling etc, all the great of alternative medicine. You can try megadosing vitamin C, intravenous would be best but not always available and financially expensive. Orally can work too, work you way up to 10 or 20g per day, it's virtually non toxic up to 2g/kg bodyweight, the only thing to watch out for is oxalate consumption, you don't want to combine it with oxalate rich foods because it can cause kidney stones. You will know when you have reached your maximum because you will get nausea and diarrhea. Take a high purity one, I have one with 11ppm heavy metals. Vitamin C is a great antibacterial and antiviral. You could also try a zero iron diet; dietary iron increases the risk of bacterial overload. If you take vitamin C dont take it at the same time as iron rich foods like red meat because vitamin C increases iron absorption, so it's no good.

    • 9 months ago

      >alternative medicine
      If it worked, it would just be called medicine.

  15. 9 months ago

    Could be related to an issue with your teeth. Had the same exact shit for years (although not that bad) until I had a tooth pulled that gave me trouble in the past

  16. 9 months ago

    People blow their nose when one side is clogged and it spirals into days of being clogged on both sides and very angry sinuses. Yeah, wonder why. I stopped blowing my nose years ago.

  17. 9 months ago

    Tell me more about it. I'm addicted to blowing my nose and I always feel like I'm partially clogged

  18. 9 months ago

    wait why is blowing your nose bad

  19. 9 months ago

    use afrin for a couple days. it's the only thing that worked for me and i tried every allergy medicine, saline, neti pot etc

  20. 9 months ago

    try neti pot with borax solution
    good luck

  21. 9 months ago

    i've had a sinus infection for 10 years. got it from snorting coke off a homeless guys phone.

  22. 9 months ago

    How was the antibiotic administered?

  23. 9 months ago

    I've been getting sinus infections since i've had covid
    Had a really nasty one that resulted in a complete infection in my throat
    It was so bad it was too painful to eat
    To get rid of it i needed steroids and antibiotics through a drip at the hospital
    After being sick i lost 10kg and dropped a lot of strength

    After 3 weeks of antibiotics i'm completely clear

  24. 9 months ago

    Iron pills, not too many, just one every 2 days.
    Potassium and magnesium .
    Anti oxidant.

  25. 9 months ago

    Why would a sinus infection cause you to stay off work? Why would your employer fire you for being Ill when that's illegal.

  26. 9 months ago

    I suffered from sinus issues for decades (maintaining a pretty constant infection for what felt like ages or just getting a new one every week), and the two things that actually help me are
    >neti pot
    I rinse with saline wash 2x per day (morning and evening), get one of these and make some saline solution (make sure you boil your water, you don’t want a brain amoeba)
    >low inflammation diet
    I found out it was some mild reaction to gluten that was fricking me up and making me inflamed.
    Fixing my diet did not fix my problems entirely, but combined with religiously using the neti pot I’ve gotten shit down to just one sinus infection every six months or so.
    My life was hell on earth for so long.
    Go forth and make the changes necessary to repair yourself, my dude.

    For the saline rinse you need a lot less salt than you think you do, the goal is to match your body’s salinity levels (I use like 3~ish grams of salt per one cup of water).
    Boil water, add salt, pour in jar (you can actually can it if you have ball jars).
    Don’t use saline rinse that’s more than three days old/ opened.

    >I would like to reiterate that neither thing fixed me independently and they should be used in tandem and will work wonders.

  27. 9 months ago

    I can give you hope brother, by offering you my story where it got even worse. I basically contracted an adrenal gland deficiency (like morbis addison) after having Epstein-Barr (a common and usually harmless fever + tonsil infection virus). It made me bedridden for a year + almost killed me (I weighed less than 50kg and had heartracing for 10-12h a day) with multiple hospital visits. It was so horrible that I can’t even imagine how I got through that, because the symptoms were so strong, crazy fatigue, heart racing, etc.. Happened right after my 18th birthday as well. It was similar to the type of stuff long covid patients have. I was also not obese or anything like that, quite the opposite, I was super healthy before and did lots of sports. Just a lot of bad luck and susceptible genetics involved. I also got nervous tissue damage in my occipital and temporal lobes, which made me have dementia like symptoms for 2-3 years, including memory loss and akinetopsia (the inability to perceive movement, basically like a framerate glitch in an fps), which feels like a horrortrip. I recovered over many years and now have my own business and am about to open up my second branch, but I was out for the better part of 3-4 years, just in and out of hospitals and recovering, unable to work. The doctors initially (during the first year) thought I was gonna die on multiple occasions. Modern people don‘t know anymore that even simple viral infections can basically knock you to the verge of death, or give you the need to recover for multiple years.

    My advice to you is to stay strong brother. Your current financial situation might be extremely bad and the infection quite strong, but eventually it will get better. It is also very important to stay calm, as to not overfatigue yourself and let your immune system do the work. Eat healthy, do not work out for as long as you have the infection and work with supplements (high dosage b-vitamins can do literal wonders)

    • 9 months ago

      As one doctor went off script and gave me high dosage b-vitamins intravenously (works too orally) during one of my first major breakdowns from critically low adrenaline + cortisol levels + fever from the infection. Keep going and look out for your health.

  28. 9 months ago

    jesus christ bro get a new doctor. go to an urgent care just for the prescription. i am a nursebro you dont need to wait 6m for it to clear on its own

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