
Anybody have any experience? What's the best way to get rid of them? They have been strong and constant. Doctors basically told me to kys.

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  1. 6 months ago

    What have you already tried?

    • 6 months ago

      Magnesium supplements, but couldn't figure out if they were placebo or not. Tried more sleep but only seems to mask the symptom. I have learned that keto has helped some people in my family but have not tried. Is there anything you would recommend?

      • 6 months ago

        Eat sleep and drink water properly was the cure for me.

        • 6 months ago

          Eating properly as in eating like the sticky recommends?

      • 6 months ago

        stop being moronic and do what this anon said

        Eat sleep and drink water properly was the cure for me.

        checked w/trips too

  2. 6 months ago

    how old are you? what are the triggers?

    i used to get migraines pretty terrible, they'd be debilitating for about 12 hrs. they mostly went away post adolescence (i.e. i got them age 17 - 22) and now only get them occasionally. It's stress combined with a bunch of other minor triggers for me, you just have to learn to deal with them. you may as well try tryptans or whatever else your doc will prescribe you.

    • 6 months ago

      I had mine maybe as early as 14 until I was around 20 or 21. No one believed me at the time, they all thought I was trying to skip school. My GP only gave me ibuprofen which did not do shit so I was left alone with the pain that usually started from the moment I woke up (sometimes the pain waking me up early), and then basically the entire day with pain. At night it would get a little better and I'd go to bed praying I would wake up without pain. After 21 or so they completely disappeared. Not only the migraines, I never even got a regular headache anymore. I think the most drastic change was a change in diet (since I started cooking for myself, drank less soda and energy drinks) but maybe my stress levels were lower too.

    • 6 months ago

      20 in uni and usually to seem to get them after stress, reading, or straining at screens. After I wake up they are generally there but less so.

      • 6 months ago

        yeah keep pestering your GP - they'll give you shitty painkillers at first but can eventually try you on some other things that might do nothing

        most likely you'll grow out of them though, and you just gotta learn how to deal with them when they happen. i found smashing ice cold water and going, ideally, somewhere cold (outdoors) and dark was about the only hope of aborting one, but for the most part its just a case of getting into a darkened room asap once they start

  3. 6 months ago

    Don't know which ones you get, I get the ones on one side of the head behind the eye, I find that staying hydrated keeps them at bay somewhat (once they're triggered it's ogre though just lay in your bed and weep)

  4. 6 months ago

    I run a mile at the onset of every workout and at the end I was sweating salt. I would get migraines about once a week, turns out my body was depleting too much sodium. I started drinking Gatorade in addition to water during the day and no more migraines.

    Also limit the amount of sugar you consume, I used to drink coffee and eat a donut for breakfast and my body couldn't process that much sugar so quickly. I'd get migraines and have trouble sleeping and feel irritable all the time so I switched to cereal and no more migraines.

  5. 6 months ago

    Where is the migraine localised?
    Is it frontal, temporal (sides) or rear?

    Eye stress/vasopressor substances such as nicotine used to give me bad migraines.
    Go see an ophthalmologist, get an eye scan for vascular compromises and reduce substances that constrict your blood vessels bradder.

    • 6 months ago

      >confusing and complicating dehydration with some moronic over analysis
      just drink water, eat regularly and somewhat healthy and sleep like normal person. You're dr would rather give you the most psychotic meds, triptans, than tell you to stop being a piece of shit to yourself
      >t. had migraines since childhood and haven't had them for 5 years except for the few times im a piece of shit to myself

    • 6 months ago

      Generally frontal, but sometimes they vary and come from the back. Cheers everyone for your advice

  6. 6 months ago

    Are you a big barbell shrugger?

  7. 6 months ago

    They seem to disappear when I don't sit in front of a screen all day dehydrated. Eat well, sleep well, exercise and go out in the sun. That's the cure for me. If I do get them I use ice packs and if I get severe nausea metoclopramide. Ice packs work great. I don't take pain meds as they wreak havoc in your body, they harm your organs and kill your immune system. Avoid them.

  8. 6 months ago

    had migraines for years, one doctor recommended kinesio taping, my migraine was gone in minutes, that's how i found out my shoulder, neck, jaw and right arm muscles were completely fricked, have been stretching them since then, never got a migraine agaiin

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