>health is demonized now

>health is demonized now
for some reason, people who try to educate others on health end up being berated for everything they say. it's like the average person takes personal offense whenever they hear that fast food is bad for you. what caused this to happen? did mk-ultra brainwash everyone?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Weak people celebrate weakness

    • 10 months ago

      how strong do you think you are? the average IST poster would lash out at me if i told them to stop eating something

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe in the middle or above average. I just don’t wanna be a weak homosexual like the people in picrel

    • 10 months ago

      strong people celebrate strength

    • 10 months ago


      how strong do you think you are? the average IST poster would lash out at me if i told them to stop eating something

      >T.weak homosexual.

    • 10 months ago

      >weak people celebrate weakness

      • 10 months ago

        Cry some more weakling

  2. 10 months ago

    Yeah well, why would you walk around telling others what to do? Keep your knowledge to yourself until someone comes to you and asks for advice because they are impressed with your results. If you just spew it around randomly then you are not ((educating)) anyone, you just like to feel le euphoric superiority. Basically, an insufferable know it all. You might have good insights when it comes to nutrition and exercise but your emotional intelligence is that of a toddler.

    • 10 months ago

      If you find the cure to obesity and don't actively tell it to obese people, you are evil. You can't justify letting fellow humans suffer, all because you're afraid of sounding annoying.
      It's fricking tedious, but you have a duty to better the world, otherwise you're just like the elites you despise.

      • 10 months ago

        I agree to some degree but if people are not ready to put in the work to figure shit out themselves and get educated, they sure as hell won‘t have what it takes to actually make changes and see results. So all you are doing is harming your own social status by pissing everyone off. Ofc in an ideal world people would listen and take good advice, put it to action and improve the situation but really, how many times have you seen this playing out like that? Because i sure have not once.

        who told anyone to do anything?
        >fast food is bad for you
        >water is good for you
        nothing subjective was said. no one claimed to be better than anyone. all it takes is one fact to send these npcs into a rage

        Are you autistic? Do you not know what non verbal communication is?

        because the behaviours of people affect the people around them. Obese people cause a huge strain on just about any aspect of our society, ranging from stress on the healthcare system to literal stress when they step into elevators.
        If I am not obese but you are, I am superior to you. I don't care if you disagree.

        Yeah, true. The question is not wether or not their obesity is an issue. The question is wether or not telling them ((facts)) to ((educate)) them actually has any positive effect. Because from my observation, it never does. All it does is harm you because now people think you are an arrogant butthole. So if they ever do get to the point where they would be willing to make changes, you will be the last person they turn to because they are already annoyed by you and want nothing to do with you. So instead they will go to the people telling them what they want to hear. Your message might be important and true and they might be pathetic and weak for not listening to it just because you said it in a rude/accusatory way but if you spread it in a way that makes the ones you want to reach turn away from it you are not solving anything, you just make it worse. And sure, you can say you don‘t care if they get annoyed and that they deserve to be bullied. Fine. But if your goal would truly be to find a way to make a difference then you would care that your advice actually falls on fertile ground. You would not care wether it turns people off health and fitness only if your goal was never to improve the situation but just to feel superior.

        • 10 months ago

          your first argument is that rational discourse does not provide results, which is true. Then you talk about bullying like that isn't effective. I think bullying does work, but I also think people are dillusional. Being nice to them and trying to genuinely help people if they've convinced themselves they don't need help. I cant change them on their behalf.
          And im not trying to help them either, I was overweight myself and I got out of it without help. They have an infinite library on the internet available to them and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that all you have to do to lose weight is to put down the fork.
          I already said I am superior to the obese so I dont care if they think im an butthole. Some Americans will think youre an butthole for suggesting you walk somewhere for 10 minutes instead of taking a cab

          • 10 months ago

            >bullying works
            Well yeah, in some cases it does, that is true. However, is the off chance your bullying actually causes someone to change really worth committing social suicide on purpose?
            >don‘t care
            Fine. You do you. But rn you are like a fatty that gets told to do some fork putdowns but refuses to listen to facts and reason because actively destroying your social value is not confident and red pilled, it is self destructive and immature.

            • 10 months ago

              my social value is not dependent on the opinion of fatties.
              But I dont go out of my way to shit on people in general either, I just dont sugarcoat shit. I do respect people less if theyre seriously overweight. That isnt dillusion, thats the truth.

              • 10 months ago

                >my social value is not dependent on the opinion of fatties
                Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Ofc you might not care about the individual‘s opinion but you might when you realize your fat co-worker has a cute daughter, your fat neighbor has a great job offer, your friend cuts contact because you bullied his fat sister at the train station or your fat aunt just died but did not include you in her will. You are free to think less of fat people ofc, i am just telling you that acting on that in any way is not ((just being honest)), it is you making your own life more miserable without there being even a single benefit. Good luck with that i guess.

              • 10 months ago

                I dont live in a country where obesity is so common dude. The people that are too fat are mostly still managable.

      • 10 months ago

        >If you find the cure to obesity
        The cure to obesity is just eating less though, and every obese person already knows that.

      • 10 months ago

        I tried that, but I lost all my fiends and I even temporally lost my medical insurance over it. Now I don't talk about it much.

        Most of my fat friends said I was bragging too much and my sudden change was just my genetic luck. Regular folks said my cure doesn't work because it doesn't agree with food guidelines and write me off as a tin foil hatter when I suggest food lobbyist manipulate the guidelines. Fit people pointed out my lack of muscle definition as proof it was dumb, despite all the weight I lost and the more energy I have. Things got even worse when I debated this with my doctor about stopping my expensive obesity meds given I lost so much weight I wasn't obese anymore. So I stopped taking them and felt so much better and my even hair started to come back. At which point insurance threatened to deny me unless I got back on my doctor recommend treatment. I switch providers as i wasn't going to pay for pills that made me feel sick to manage weight I had already lost. Had a large cover gap during the change over period.

        >If you find the cure to obesity
        The cure to obesity is just eating less though, and every obese person already knows that.

        Technically true, but by eating proper nutrition based on what the body needs you can eliminate hunger and the urges to eat more which really helps a lot. That simple detail could help a lot of people but somehow it gets reduced to just eat less, or even worse nothing can be done it's genetic or now I hearing fat is the new healthy.

        • 10 months ago

          >proper nutrition based on what the body needs you can eliminate hunger and the urges to eat more which really helps a lot
          Very true.
          Also, next time just say nothing, collect the pills and sell them or throw them away.

          • 10 months ago

            >collect the pills and sell them
            this. fatties will give you a profit

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, frick other people

      • 10 months ago

        >If you find the cure to obesity and don't actively tell it to obese people, you are evil. You can't justify letting fellow humans suffer, all because you're afraid of sounding annoying.
        >It's fricking tedious, but you have a duty to better the world, otherwise you're just like the elites you despise.
        This motherfricker unironically has never heard the phrase about leading a horse to water.
        Yeah they know how to be less fat you dumb c**t. They don't care.

    • 10 months ago

      who told anyone to do anything?
      >fast food is bad for you
      >water is good for you
      nothing subjective was said. no one claimed to be better than anyone. all it takes is one fact to send these NPCs into a rage

    • 10 months ago

      because the behaviours of people affect the people around them. Obese people cause a huge strain on just about any aspect of our society, ranging from stress on the healthcare system to literal stress when they step into elevators.
      If I am not obese but you are, I am superior to you. I don't care if you disagree.

    • 10 months ago



      If you find the cure to obesity and don't actively tell it to obese people, you are evil. You can't justify letting fellow humans suffer, all because you're afraid of sounding annoying.
      It's fricking tedious, but you have a duty to better the world, otherwise you're just like the elites you despise.

      shunning bad behavior is society's duty, to keep everyone at least semi-aligned. if you dont you get this globohomosexual safespace nonsense were in now

      • 10 months ago

        Shunning yes, but that is all that is needed. Nobody tells you to go lie to fat people about how stunning and brave they are or that you are obliged to find them attractive and date them/hire them. You can shun them alright, but you have to do so silently if you do not want to get canceled yourself and getting yourself canceled out of principle seems very very autistic. Only someone that is already the most shunned person would willingly risk that. And if you are then you would have to also accept that you are shunned for good reason and that society is right to do so.

    • 10 months ago

      Saying McDonald's is terrible is just an objective statement. Their food tastes horrible, it's awful quality, and bad for you. It's not even a cheap alternative anymore

    • 10 months ago

      >Keep your knowledge to yourself until someone comes to you
      Isn't this hypocritical considering you just posted your own knowledge when no one asked for it? This is just pure midwit thinking, and it's not how communication works

      • 10 months ago

        Ofc it is to some degree. But this is a thread asking about a discussion on this topic and i gave my opinion, so it is not entirely without anyone asking anon.

        • 10 months ago

          You can argue the same about the random youtube poster though. The video obviously had something to do with McDonalds.

    • 10 months ago

      >Speaking a self-evident and well-documented truth within earshot of easily offended fat people means you have low "emotional intelligence"
      Is this just a meme or do people actually believe this? Wouldn't the one with low emotional intelligence be the adult who gets upset by reality?

      • 10 months ago

        >Wouldn't the one with low emotional intelligence be the adult who gets upset by reality?
        Yes anon. Ofc they are. But triggering mentally disabled people because you need to spread your facts and truth is putting you on the same developmental level as them.

        • 10 months ago

          So if what you just said to me had offended me because I was an emotional manchild, that would make you equally moronic for having done it?

          • 10 months ago

            Only if i could have known from context that my post will likely trigger you.

            • 10 months ago

              You literally called me a moron though. Do you not see the obvious problem here or are you moronic?

              Literally anything any of us say will offend some dumb frick out there, and we're all aware of it. The difference between adults and children is that adults understand that offending people and being offended is a normal part of social interaction. Nobody has the right to never be offended. Being an adult means not throwing a tantrum when something offends you.

              In short, frick off moron

              • 10 months ago

                Kek, yes ofc. But the thing is that most adults do behave like children and WILL get offended and throw tantrums but that contrary to kids they then can actually harm you if they are pissed at you, so as an actually intelligent adult you will realize that even though ideally you should be able to say triggering things and it leading to a mature conversation , that this is not how it is in 99% of cases and that what will happen instead is that the people will do whatever they can to make your life hard and whilst you might think you do not care, you might change your opinion once you realize that you are not an island and that as unfortunate as it is, your peace does depends to some extend on what other people think of you. It is far more relaxed to not trigger your neighbors so they actually think you are alright and won‘t call the police on yo when you have a family gathering in the back yard that is a bit too loud and goes a bit longer than the legal curfew. And you might think you might not care about that either but it is also no fun if the school calls cps on you because they have heard that you had the police called on you because a teacher‘s uncles lives two houses down from you. And yes, things like that absolutely do happen. And whilst it might not be the end of the world, it will cause unnecessary strain and stress on you and for what? So you could ((educate)) someone that did not want to be educated?

          • 10 months ago

            Oh and since this is an anonymous online conversation, it would not actually cost me anything even if i triggered the shit out of you so whilst it would still be immature, it would not be as moronic as doing so irl where walking around pointlessly triggering people would cost me a lot from a social point of view.

    • 10 months ago

      Ever since this society became a big socialized welfare state on the tax payer dime, it became not only reasonable, but sensible (as a tax payer), for me to openly criticize behaviors which end up wasting tax payer resources (like obesity, poor health, AIDs behaviors, budgeting, etc).

      Everyone wants gibs on the tax payer dime but they want to simultaneously live in a fantasy land where they get to have the pride and privacy of being independent. It doesn't work that way.

      • 10 months ago

        True and you can stand your ground on your right to do that but it will cost you is all i am saying.

        This is pretty much what I do. Not because I have emotional intelligence or anything like that. But it’d rather gatekeep my health and fitness knowledge from fatties cause it’s just a waste of my time. Even if I told them everything I know, it’s not going to change or help them. Just them walking into a gym a doing 30 minute workout is far more useful than me telling them fit advice. That or even if I tell them how I eat, train, etc. they’ll just throw their laundry list of Bs reasons why they can’t change their life. So either way, I’m not gonna waste my time.


    • 10 months ago

      This is pretty much what I do. Not because I have emotional intelligence or anything like that. But it’d rather gatekeep my health and fitness knowledge from fatties cause it’s just a waste of my time. Even if I told them everything I know, it’s not going to change or help them. Just them walking into a gym a doing 30 minute workout is far more useful than me telling them fit advice. That or even if I tell them how I eat, train, etc. they’ll just throw their laundry list of Bs reasons why they can’t change their life. So either way, I’m not gonna waste my time.

    • 10 months ago

      Shut up homosexual

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >why would you walk around telling others what to do?
      >Proceeds to tell others what to do.

    • 10 months ago

      >keep it to yourself
      if you followed this advice you wouldn’t have said anything

  3. 10 months ago

    How come Chad eats at mickey d's and drinks coca cola and looks great, while IST autists eat chicken breasts and drink water and look like ugly skinnyfats?

    • 10 months ago

      the average chad isnt a bodybuilder, he's just athletic. Neither he or the average person eat mcdonkey constanty like obesegays

    • 10 months ago

      >chad plays sports and fricks stacy all day
      >IST rots in room all day after gym and goons to BBC and leanbeeftroony porn

    • 10 months ago

      when you see a “chad”, and by that i’m assuming a normal looking guy with some muscle, eating at mcdonalds you can guarantee thats his a cheat meal or a treat and he rarely goes there otherwise.

      • 10 months ago

        Or he is 21 and on gear. Either way, it will catch up to him if he does that too often.

      • 10 months ago

        the average chad isnt a bodybuilder, he's just athletic. Neither he or the average person eat mcdonkey constanty like obesegays

        How come Chad eats at mickey d's and drinks coca cola and looks great, while IST autists eat chicken breasts and drink water and look like ugly skinnyfats?

        i have never seen a good looking guy eat more than a single burger and a coke at mcd(they won't finish the coke).
        if they get fries they're sharing it with the table.
        once you start noticing stuff like this you too will become chad.

    • 10 months ago

      >Not Chad but pic related is totally me. >When you see me stuffing my face at McDs, what you don’t see is the hours spent in the gym bathroom heaving it all back up
      >then the hours spent on cardio working the remaining calories off

    • 10 months ago

      the average chad isnt a bodybuilder, he's just athletic. Neither he or the average person eat mcdonkey constanty like obesegays

      >chad plays sports and fricks stacy all day
      >IST rots in room all day after gym and goons to BBC and leanbeeftroony porn

      when you see a “chad”, and by that i’m assuming a normal looking guy with some muscle, eating at mcdonalds you can guarantee thats his a cheat meal or a treat and he rarely goes there otherwise.


      >Not Chad but pic related is totally me. >When you see me stuffing my face at McDs, what you don’t see is the hours spent in the gym bathroom heaving it all back up
      >then the hours spent on cardio working the remaining calories off

      i have never seen a good looking guy eat more than a single burger and a coke at mcd(they won't finish the coke).
      if they get fries they're sharing it with the table.
      once you start noticing stuff like this you too will become chad.

      What's actually so bad about fast food? Yeah it's greasy and salty, but it's still meat, bread, lettuce, and tomato at the end of the day. If CICO is to be trusted (which it is), then there isn't much wrong with fast food. Yes, you CAN get much more efficient food, but it's not as if eating fast food is literally going to vampire gains away from you. Just make sure the calories are right and you're getting the protein you want.

      • 10 months ago

        trans fats
        Also PUFAs, sth even double fried in it
        Questionable meat and ingredient origin
        It makes addictive, you make CICO more difficult due to low satiation, it ruins your gut fauna.

        Also, they're allowed to be 20% off when it comes to calory informations which is a lot.

        Learn to cook, eat whole foods and only use tallow, clarified butter, olive and coconut oil for cooking.

        Anon I had the same opinion when I was in my 20s about fast food and therefore wasted them, don't make the same mistake.

      • 10 months ago

        >Just make sure the calories are right and you're getting the protein you want.
        That's like saying bodybuilding is easy - just be sure to hit the muscles you want to grow in an optimum way.
        plus like

        trans fats
        Also PUFAs, sth even double fried in it
        Questionable meat and ingredient origin
        It makes addictive, you make CICO more difficult due to low satiation, it ruins your gut fauna.

        Also, they're allowed to be 20% off when it comes to calory informations which is a lot.

        Learn to cook, eat whole foods and only use tallow, clarified butter, olive and coconut oil for cooking.

        Anon I had the same opinion when I was in my 20s about fast food and therefore wasted them, don't make the same mistake.

        says the game is rigged against you, literal PhD scientists spent years designing fast food to be as addictive as possible.you're not gonna escape that trap easily if you're susceptible to it(and everyone except naturally athletic chads are susceptible to it).

        • 10 months ago

          trans fats
          Also PUFAs, sth even double fried in it
          Questionable meat and ingredient origin
          It makes addictive, you make CICO more difficult due to low satiation, it ruins your gut fauna.

          Also, they're allowed to be 20% off when it comes to calory informations which is a lot.

          Learn to cook, eat whole foods and only use tallow, clarified butter, olive and coconut oil for cooking.

          Anon I had the same opinion when I was in my 20s about fast food and therefore wasted them, don't make the same mistake.

          You're absolutely right, thank you for answering my question.

      • 10 months ago

        fast food isn't that bad actually, can't eat everyday ofc because of the sodium and unhealthy fats but once or even twice a week and you're good provided it fits your macros and you eat healthy otherwise

        • 10 months ago

          Replace fast food with "cocaine", "meth" or "being around Black folk" in your comment and you'll see how stupid your comment is.

          It's just that fast-food nowadays is so normalized.

          It is not a poison which affects you quickly but affecting nonetheless it does. You're literally what you eat and it reflects back in so many other circles of your life. Nobody eats lots of fast foods and goes working out after. Also, being surrounded by fast food eaters leads to other bad decicions due to the generelly being lower iq and you accommodate them, knowingly or not.

          Just because you see lot of people do something doesn't mean it's good.

          Cheat days only cheat yourself.

          It's like drinking "only 1 or 2 beers" here and there. You might not know it but a liver needs to be free of alcohol for months to be able to fully operate at maximum power and has one of the biggest impacts for your body/weight.

          It's a lot like smoking, almost nobody manages the habit with the rare occasional cigarette every couple weeks. It usually comes along with other bad decicions.

          • 10 months ago

            >reddit spacing
            back to r/the_donald with you, moron

      • 9 months ago

        if you have a nice diner making everything from scrap or at least with raw ingredients, and using animal fat or lard it isnt actually that bad. Maybe a big high in calories if you order a whole meal but otherwise fine. The real issue is fastfood places cutting corners to keep costs down. Shitloads of addatives, cooking in cheap seed oils, shitloads of preservatives, added sugar or corn syrups, the sheer size of soft drinks, etc.

  4. 10 months ago

    >health is demonized now
    >36 updoots
    >A few dumbasses complaining

    • 10 months ago

      Congrats, you just discovered the root of every modern "controversy". At least back in the day journalist had to actually fake combat footage for views, now they just find 5 moronic comments on Twitter and claim it's a major controversy.

  5. 10 months ago

    people usually don't like being told what to do unless they specifically ask for it
    as gay as it may be, it's better to nudge people towards a healthier lifestyle than command them to be healthier

    • 10 months ago

      point to where anyone got commanded to do anything. i think i see a pattern here; posting statements makes NPC brains think that they are receiving orders

      • 10 months ago

        No anon, that IS how the human brain functions. Only autistic people take things literal without considering the implied logical message behind it.

        • 10 months ago

          >the sky is blue
          this is your mindset

          • 10 months ago

            >i said fugg not frick so i did not use swear words
            This is the level of your autism.

            • 10 months ago

              no anon, you just be one of those people that become enraged whenever they hear of the fact that fast food is bad for you
              >as gay as it may be, it's better to nudge people towards a healthier lifestyle than command them to be healthier
              how can they be nudged if they get angry at every fact i say?

              • 10 months ago

                >how can they be nudged if they get angry at every fact i say?
                this did not happen
                tell me what facts they got angry about
                are those people in the room with us right now?

              • 10 months ago

                No anon, i am most definitely not. Personally you could not pay me to eat something i do not consider the pinnacle of health.
                Not the anon who said that because i agree, nudging is just as stupid. Just let them decay until they have had enough and come to you and ask ((anon, i am so done. I feel like absolute shit. You are always eating different than everyone else and exercising a lot and you look great and seem to never have big health issues. I want that too. Can you help me? What can i do to be more like you?)). There are very few exceptions, those being your spouse, your kids, your parents/grandparents and your siblings. But even then, the most you can do is say that you have observed them struggling and that you might have some important information for them that might improve their situation and if they would be willing to give them a try and see if it helps because you love them and it hurts you to see them suffering and you want them to be healthy and happy instead. It is also important to frame it as an ((experiment)). If you tell them they can never do xyz ever again, they probably will think you are insane and reject your advice. But they might be willing to not eat sugar for a month for example. And then they feel great. They might go back and feel like shit again but just let them. They will come back around if they have experienced that there is something that actually works. Patience is key.

              • 10 months ago

                i think you are grouping the angry NPCs with people that would actually change their lives. if they were open to change and simple facts, then they would not get angry at such a simple statement as "fast food is bad bad"

              • 10 months ago

                >not get angry
                Absolutely, yes. However, the question remains what is to be gained by triggering NPC‘s if it does nothing but make them seethe? Then it is only done because of the entertainment of seeing them seethe and whilst i can see how that can be thrilling, i am simply stating that it is stupid to do that irl or with your name attached to it because it will do absolutely nothing but harm you socially and if you are harming yourself socially knowingly and solely for entertainment then that is a bigger moronation than fattys seething over a simple fact.

              • 10 months ago

                people turn to doctors if they don't know that you are knowledgeable in health. how will they know that you can help them if you don't drop crumbs of truth around them?

              • 10 months ago

                If your knowledge does not reflect in your physique for everyone to see then do you really have much of value to teach them? Ofc you can drop some subtle hints that you know your shit every now and then, but saying ((fast food is bad)) is surely not included in the category of subtle truth bombs that make it clear you have a vast knowledge of nutrition.

              • 10 months ago

                >saying ((fast food is bad)) is surely not included in the category of subtle truth bombs that make it clear you have a vast knowledge of nutrition.
                oh brother, fast food being bad is as subtle as knowing that smoking is bad for you. my true knowledge in health is valuable enough that israelites try to silence you if you try to mention it to a wide audience. try telling people that you can cure diabetes in less than a week if you just follow a certain diet. no one will ever come to me for their diabetes questions if i am not dropping the knowledge that i do know about it

              • 10 months ago

                They will come when they have tried everything else. But that is alright because before they have they would just dismiss your knowledge anyways and you would have wasted effort trying to explain it to them. Ofc you can say you have a mission and you will tell the truth no matter what but i guess then you are aware that that comes with a high price to pay. Namely nobody taking you serious anymore, people thinking you are delusional and moronic and shunning you for being absolutely gone. Many such cases.

              • 10 months ago

                >They will come when they have tried everything else
                no. the doctor is who they go to, because they don't know that i know anything. another factor in this NPC behavior is that they don't want to put any effort into their health. if dr. shekelberg tells them that getting an insulin injection is all they need, then they will not put in the effort to maintain a short term diet. imagine the kind of person that literally staples their stomach shut because they don't want to put a drop of effort into their health. yes, people seriously would rather take the shortest path to prolong their life of fast food

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, i am well aware of that. But so what? These people are lost causes anyways if they seek for a solution that requires no change. If you truly do want to make a change then help those that are not already too far gone. Have kids and raise them with healthy habits so they can pass them down to the next generation until it is widespread knowledge and the norm or become a teacher so you can show them the way before it is too late. The 40yo fatties screeching over HAES and feeling sorry for themselves for having diabetes are not your target audience.

              • 10 months ago

                >But so what?
                I'm sure everyone here has friends and loved ones they're afraid of losing to these choices and lifestyle. My best friend is 250 and won't listen to me. The other is 130 and just refuses to do any physical activity

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, but i already said that there are some exceptions to this where it is ok to tell people when they are going down a dangerous route. But as you know from your friends, even telling them might not do anything. I am more saying that it is pointless and only hurting you personally to go around telling random strangers how they should or should not eat.

                >These people are lost causes anyways
                sure, i am not arguing about that. i think we got a bit side tracked with what this thread was meant to be about. i am mostly wondering what the reason for being angry about random facts is. would they be ready to argue about whether fast food is bad for you or not?

                >would they be ready to argue about whether fast food is bad for you or not?
                No, ofc not. Because they already know. Everyone does. That is not the issue. Chances are even that they have tried to get away from it before but were too weak, so you telling them only makes them feel like shit. Ofc that is not your problem but it kinda is because then you will be the one getting cancelled. Ofc you can say you don‘t care but do you really? It is one thing to not care about getting hate on some random vid comment but probably not a great idea to tell your co workers their lunch is goy slop and then wondering why you never get a promotion. The issue is that people need a way bigger understanding of the topic than simply mc d‘s is bad for you to actually be willing and able to put in the work to make changes and you can‘t possibly give them the full information then and there. This requires them to develop an actual interest in healthy nutrition themselves and seek out good information. That will be the moment they might actually come to you for advice. Before that you are just making an ass out of your self and pay for it out of your own pocket. As i said before, you can drop hints that you know your shit. But you better make them about you, not them, so they have no reason to get triggered. Instead of saying wtf, stop eating this crap, you will get even fatter, you could say oh yeah, i used to love mc d‘s but unfortunately i can‘t eat it anymore since it makes me sleep like shit and break out like crazy because of all the xyz in it. This sparks curiosity instead of making people defensive.

              • 10 months ago

                >you could say oh yeah, i used to love mc d‘s but unfortunately i can‘t eat it anymore since it makes me sleep like shit and break out like crazy because of all the xyz in it
                well that's the thing, they get mad at you if you say this. think about people that say they switched to a plant-based diet because of high blood pressure. you suddenly get a bunch of angry NPCs that get angry because of their health choices. there is literally no way to win here. there is some kind of external factor here; some kind of brainwashing being done by the elites that causes the common person to have no common sense

              • 10 months ago

                Well yeah, as i said. This is reserved for the few people you actually care about and that actually care about you because if they know you and value you, they will know that what you tell them you say because you genuinely want to help them, so they will be much more likely to be willing to at least consider that you might not just be moronic and brainwashed or trying to lead them astray. At least that is what one could hope because if that is what your parents and siblings think about you, you got way bigger issues than getting your dad to stop drinking a bottle of coke a day.
                >external factors
                Yeah, the factor is human nature. There is not much brainwashing needed to get people to take the easy way. And they will always prefer immediate comfort over long term benefits if they have not been trained to not do so from a young age or have taught themselves with painstaking discipline. All live operates on the maximum pleasure for minimum energy expenditure because that is what has worked so far. Unfortunately, we have gotten too clever for our own good and have created pleasures to immense and so readily available that it might just make us go extinct. We were too preoccupied with seeing if we could to consider if we should.

              • 10 months ago

                >Unfortunately, we have gotten too clever for our own good and have created pleasures to immense and so readily available that it might just make us go extinct.
                kek, i guess that is the simple truth of it all. we are so smart that we discovered fire makes food taste better, and then we curse the world when all that charred food made us suffer from the consequences

              • 10 months ago

                Not to mention that we figured out that what makes fruits and nuts tasty can be extracted, then combined and it hits our dopamine receptors like we never have felt it before. This always reminds me of pic rel. I do think we humans are 100% like that too. We do have the ability to overcome these base instincts to strive for a higher good but that requires effort to exercise our human ability for calculated long term foresight and that is simply asking too much of the average person. I actually think our brains will develop towards this more and more because the people most capable of this will be the ones getting to old age whilst being healthy and consequently the ones birthing the new generations. So it is simply pointless to try and haul the genetic dead weight with us by trying to bully or educate them into being more human than they are. It simply won‘t work, their brain is outdated and still operates on the mechanisms that kept them in the gene pool thousands of years ago.

              • 10 months ago

                >the people most capable of this will be the ones getting to old age whilst being healthy and consequently the ones birthing the new generations
                eh, i doubt that. no matter how good of a parent you are, your children will not always choose to follow your lead. the only way to save humanity is to tear these stimulants down. no more drugs, no more junk food, no more alcohol... the strong minded people will just prolong human suffering as their kids return to bad habits

              • 10 months ago

                >their kids return to bad habits
                Not necessarily true because the chances of raising strong kids when you yourself are strong are exponentially bigger than the off chance you produce a strong willed child when you are weak (and i would know, i work in child care and have been observing families, their dynamics and the results that yields closely for over a decade). But ofc it is possible that you are strong and your child turns out weak. Still, the odds are better. And besides, instilling healthy habits into your kids WILL help. Even if they do stray from them to have their own experiences, they still always have this base to return to that will just work. I have two kids myself and whilst they do not always stick to all the habits i wish they would 100%, they still have a way better chance to avoid most health pitfalls because they are used to healthy habits since birth compared to a child that is raised on fast food and that has emotional attachment to these foods on top of the purely physical addiction. It‘s easier to eat healthy when your comfort foods are good for you than if they are donuts and sugary cereals. They do not have to be perfect, but a strong base will help them get far.

              • 10 months ago

                >Even if they do stray from them to have their own experiences, they still always have this base to return to that will just work.
                you're right. i strayed from what my father taught me, but i am back on track. i hope my children will end up being on the right track when it comes time for their children to be taught

              • 10 months ago

                Me too anon. So i know that a foundation helps even if it takes the kids a while to come back to it. I will forever be grateful to my parents for this. Godspeed.

              • 10 months ago

                thanks you, have a good day. as a closing point, i am sad that i have to just let people go live a destructive life because my own life would be much better if i had listened to my father when he was trying to tell me not to eat so much garbage as a child. i am paying the price now with a terrible disease that can only be kept at bay if i eat nothing but boring boiled vegetables every day. my mother and sisters have health problems too, so my father must he disappointed that people did not listen to him. i am hypocritical for being mad at others for not listening to me

              • 10 months ago

                I understand very well anon. I am basically in the same situation as you and it took me a while to learn to keep my mouth shut for my own good. I wish we as a society would be at a point where we can have a mature conversation about how we can all be healthier and happier and whilst i do think that it is important that we all collectively work on getting there, going around bullying and triggering people most likely won‘t be a good way to achieve that. Starting with yourself and spreading the wisdom by having kids that can carry it into the world seems a much less abrasive and self destructive way to do that. I wish you good health and many beautiful children anon.

              • 10 months ago

                To add, i absolutely think kids follow their parents lead but only if they look up to their parents. And kids are not stupid. They won‘t follow the lead of a fat and emotionally unstable parent. They will instead try to do the exact opposite of what their parents tell them to avoid ending up like that. If your kids rebel against you instead of being grateful for your guidance, it means they do not consider turning out like you a desirable outcome for themselves. And yes, kids will intuitively act on that at a very young age. I even think they can reject their caregivers from birth if something feels off. Problem is that they are at their caregivers‘s mercy so they can‘t actually do things different or avoid them. They can just act out to show their frustration for being made into something they do not want to be in. Sure you could try banning food but that is like banning candy from your kids instead of strengthening their self discipline and educating them on why it is in their best interests to stay away, then let them train their skills to act on what they know does them good. Because if you just ban it, kids will instead find a million ways to be sneaky and get behind your back to do as they please and just avoid being caught to avoid consequences. It does not teach them to forego short term pleasures for long term gains. You can‘t force people to act reasonable by restricting them. I mean, you can but it will require inhuman resources and efforts to keep them in check because if it does not come from within it will be a never ending tug of war. And who got the energy for that shit?

              • 10 months ago

                >These people are lost causes anyways
                sure, i am not arguing about that. i think we got a bit side tracked with what this thread was meant to be about. i am mostly wondering what the reason for being angry about random facts is. would they be ready to argue about whether fast food is bad for you or not?

              • 10 months ago


                its just a coping defense mechanism, like buyers remorse. nothing big brain behind it

              • 10 months ago

                oops, missed it. i don't know for sure if that's the entire answer. remember the health scares that caused people to switch to seed oils? i think people just like to listen to authorities over normal people. again, that is why they go to a doctor instead of listening to someone that might end up telling them the same thing

        • 10 months ago

          >i said fugg not frick so i did not use swear words
          This is the level of your autism.

          the sentence
          >mcdonalds is not good for you
          implies that a person should eat less mcdonalds
          and in addition to the point that literally nobody asked for this basic ass statement, saying it does nothing, literally nothing
          I want to see 1 person who read this and went
          >oh wow, mcdonalds BAD?! I will stop eating it now

          and? what did this comment do other than say the exact thing the video said?
          you think someone watched the video but was still not convinced so they needed to read that comment as well?

          >how can they be nudged if they get angry at every fact i say?
          this did not happen
          tell me what facts they got angry about
          are those people in the room with us right now?

          why are fatties so pathetic? literally anything hurts their feelings

          • 10 months ago

            That is certainly not limited to fatties anon. Everyone is instantly triggered.

      • 10 months ago

        the sentence
        >mcdonalds is not good for you
        implies that a person should eat less mcdonalds
        and in addition to the point that literally nobody asked for this basic ass statement, saying it does nothing, literally nothing
        I want to see 1 person who read this and went
        >oh wow, mcdonalds BAD?! I will stop eating it now

        • 10 months ago

          >and in addition to the point that literally nobody asked for this basic ass statement, saying it does nothing, literally nothing
          it was a comment under a video that talks about mcdonalds being bad for you

          • 10 months ago

            and? what did this comment do other than say the exact thing the video said?
            you think someone watched the video but was still not convinced so they needed to read that comment as well?

            • 10 months ago

              >i'm going to go seethe at someone in the comments section of a video that i don't like
              if you STILL don't get how moronic this sounds, then i can only assume that you are one of the delusional people showcased in OP

              >how can they be nudged if they get angry at every fact i say?
              this did not happen
              tell me what facts they got angry about
              are those people in the room with us right now?

              >tell me what facts they got angry about
              that fast food is not good for you. plain and simple

              • 10 months ago

                why are fatties so pathetic? literally anything hurts their feelings

                post body you autist

              • 10 months ago

                sure, i'll post my body in 20 years when you are getting surgery for heart disease

              • 10 months ago

                keep on coping and seething
                no but for real
                post body
                you're not some dyel autist just being a tough guy on the internet

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >t. fatass.png
                post body you fatty fat fat

        • 10 months ago

          This is what I was thinking. It reminded me of this part of a book I once read, none of them argued that McDonalds is not bad for you. But claiming online to not eat bad food, that everyone knows is bad for you, isn't impressive.

          • 10 months ago

            Also this. The idea that unhealthy behavior is due to lack of information about the consequences out of said behavior is very antiquated. Maybe 50 years ago people still thought that educating kids on the food pyramid and putting smoking kills on the package will get people to adopt healthier habits but that is a calculation made without considering human nature which is to be short sighted and hedonistic and making said problems the concern of future you. We all think we are invincible and the exception until we realize we were wrong but then it is too late. Only few people will ever be willing to put in the work to reap the benefits ten years later. Try snapping people out of their hunt for immediate pleasure and they will screech and hiss like a fat possum that got kicked out of the garbage can.

            • 10 months ago

              >Try snapping people out of their hunt for immediate pleasure and they will screech and hiss like a fat possum that got kicked out of the garbage can.
              Very accurate, had that situation happen yesterday when I learned my fwb was smoking meth again.

          • 10 months ago

            What book?

  6. 10 months ago

    we know mcdonalds isnt good for you you stupid b***h, thats not the point.

  7. 10 months ago

    its just a coping defense mechanism, like buyers remorse. nothing big brain behind it

  8. 10 months ago

    normalgays dont cook. i told my colleage, who’s portly himself but a nice dude, that i dont cook i just use pre-made sauces and cook some meat. he said “nah that’s cooking, i just get takeaway too often”. i dont consider that cooking, i didn’t make the sauce from scratch and all i “cooked” was some chicken. even just that is considered cooking by normalgays. you’d be surprised how often normalgays get takeaway food. McD’s was always demonised by me because my parents (used to) eat very healthy and fastfood was always seen by us as “obvious shit but OK for rare occasions”

    • 10 months ago

      Kek, this. I always get annoyed when people compliment my ((cooking)) when all i did was steam some veggies, make rice and brown some meat. That is not cooking, that is just preparing basic ingredients. But i guess compared to heating up a microwave dish, it is. Oh well.

      • 10 months ago

        i cant cook for shit. i can barely keep track of like 1 pan with meat cooking, and 1 pot boiling water for pasta/rice. anything more than that i have smoothbrain moment. my brother though can read a recipe once and he whips it up like that, 5 star restaurant quality. idk how he does it. i dunno how his gf and his past gfs havent all become obese because if i had a girl cook for me like that i’m wifing you up.

        • 10 months ago

          Kek, it‘s just an aquired skill. Practice makes perfect. The more you do it the more steps are on auto pilot and trained to perfection so you can add more elaborate additional steps to it with ease.
          Maybe ask your brother to cook something together every now and then and you will likely pick up great knowledge.

      • 10 months ago

        Tbh, I consider any kind of meal prepping that involves a stove as cooking
        I used to eat out for every meal, but even if I weren't healthy I could not afford to keep doing that

      • 10 months ago

        >That is not cooking, that is just preparing basic ingredients.

        Thats what cooking is homosexual. What the frick is with minorities and zoom-zooms pretending that cooking is some grand fricking affair of labor?

  9. 10 months ago

    We like suffering. This is the sexy truth behind humanity. We like being sad about it, too. Failing is orgasmic to us, it's just a giant act. We pretend we don't like it but in secret we fricking love it.

    Getting reasonably fit and healthy is not difficult in the strictest sense of the word. Any ISTizen will tell you that much. People just don't do it because they get turned on by getting cucked by life. It's the obvious truth: They like it.

    • 10 months ago

      Mikes gotten lazy, but jay looks better now since he was a skinnyfat wigger homosexual to begin with. Rich hasn't changed at all, he was always a balding fatass. Mikes the only one who has truly walled.

      • 10 months ago

        this is an old pic, jay has a gut now too.covid really did a number on him.

    • 10 months ago

      man rich is not lookin good

  10. 10 months ago

    OP was so high and mighty, even mass replying and shit
    until he got asked to post his body
    got real quiet and timid after that lmao

  11. 10 months ago

    No it isn't.
    You spend all your time on internet platforms so of course you're going to get bizarre unhinged opinions.
    People IRL praise health and healthy living.

  12. 10 months ago

    Honestly pretending like McDonald's is extra bad vs. the frozen processed foods and other packaged slop people eat at home is completely misplaced.

    • 10 months ago

      Not really. You don't even have to get out of your car to shovel McSlop down your throat. At least eating a TV dinner required you get out your car and waddle through a grocery store.

      • 10 months ago

        homie you don't even have to leave your house to eat a microwave burrito, pants are optional

  13. 10 months ago

    That’s because in modern society, being a worthless piece of shit is a virtue

    • 10 months ago

      Modern society only values you on networth, affiliation, and other materialistic worldly shit cuz that's what the motherfrickers at the top have been teaching us.

  14. 10 months ago

    My family always makes weird comments when I exercise or eat healthy

  15. 10 months ago

    Damn, I forgot to get chicken.
    Bros I wanna make grilled chicken tenders, breasts taste like shit and there's no fricking flavor.

    • 10 months ago

      >breasts taste like shit and there's no fricking flavor
      i heard you need to brine it overnight

    • 10 months ago

      If regular seasoned cooked chicken breasts are too plain for you, you probably are prediabetic tier addicted to sugar and youre never going to make it. I bet you dont drink water bc it “tastes bad” too

  16. 10 months ago

    >Give unsolicited advice
    >Get bullied
    People don't like pushy smartasses, news at 11.

  17. 10 months ago

    No it's not. your pic isn't proof at all to what you're saying. It's people on social media being sick of uppity homosexuals trying to grandstand their beliefs or just stating the obvious that no one gives a frick about. It was probably written by some South American ESL Black person too.

    >fastfood is le bad for you!!!
    yeah, no fricking shit. everyone already knows this. hence why everyone is telling him no one fricking cares.

  18. 10 months ago

    Hating on McDonald’s is cringe and very very low hanging fruit

    • 10 months ago

      15 McCredits have been deposited into your McDonalds rewards account

  19. 10 months ago

    I almost guarantee anyone here could replace one meal with a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese (<800 kcal ~50g of protein, no fries) every other day and they'd look the exact same as they do now.

    • 10 months ago

      nah, i would look like a decomposed body because that food unironically would kill me by the time i've been eating it for a year

    • 10 months ago

      Probably but i am not just trying to look good but actually be healthy for a long time.

  20. 10 months ago

    They're mad at him for virtue signaling, not actually being healthy.

  21. 10 months ago

    If they admitted they've never been in a grocery store to know the prices of poverty staples (beans, rice, frozen/canned veg) and that they're lying about corporate goyslop being cheaper then they can't excuse themselves from being fat slop addicts.

  22. 10 months ago

    I eat Mcdonalds and I am not obese.

    • 10 months ago


  23. 10 months ago

    >youtube comments

    has this place really fallen so far? We're giving attention to literal nobody youtubers? god I miss old IST

  24. 10 months ago

    I tried to explain CICO to my mother once and she started seething and getting mad so I dropped it and now she is almost 400lbs. They don't want any help. Only thing you can do is laugh as they seethe

  25. 10 months ago

    People seethe hard enough to reply like this on YouTube comments.

  26. 10 months ago

    >36 thumbs up

  27. 10 months ago

    I agree with your point but in the OP comment the problem is more the girl trying to act like she's superior and bragging about eating at home when she's just some random b***h on the internet.

  28. 10 months ago

    People thinking they're profound for saying they don't eat fast food (they do) are unbearable, so he deserves the negative responses.

  29. 10 months ago

    Nobody likes that health purist who goes around scolding everyone for eating junk food, and always brags about how they haven't touched a carb since the Obama administration.

  30. 10 months ago

    I fricking hate the yids but they wouldn't be able to treat us like cattle so easily if most people weren't.

  31. 10 months ago

    This guy actually forming his opinions through YouTube™ comments xdd

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