Heavy Duty training/HIT training

Started to feel tired 24/7
Despite this board not lifting has anyone tried HIT/Heavy duty training by Mike Mentzer

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  1. 4 months ago

    You fricking people always want a silver bullet. When did you last simply take 5-6 days off the gym?
    If you're deloading every once in a while & still tired, remove a set from each exercise that's not improving. Instead of bouncing around, get what you're doing & change one thing at a time until you get closer & closer to your version of optimal

    • 4 months ago

      Took one last week after 6 months of consistent lifting
      Deload was fully off of the gym yet today I still feel like utter shit
      Most body parts I do 10 sets give or take 2-4

      • 4 months ago

        >One week after deloading for a week & feel like shit
        It's probably something else.

  2. 4 months ago

    Best gains I got I now stopped lifting to pick the muscles I want to grow. I outgrew too many pants sizes. I got Rippetoe femboy legs and now am working on sculpting my lowerbody NOT GROWING ignoring my supernormie strength, and building a massive aesthetic upperbody with gorged arms. Israetel perfected HIT.

  3. 4 months ago

    No but I've tried something called doggcrapp which is also minimalist and even gained mass on it without peds.

  4. 4 months ago

    Jordan Peters has a been take on HIT in my opinion

    >first 2 letters of my captcha

    • 4 months ago

      nah his program is not good for natties.

  5. 4 months ago

    Yes actual HIT training like Mentzer was too much for me day to day. I can't afford to feel absolutely exhausted wanting to lay down after a workout.
    Btw anyone who says they're doing Heavy Duty and don't feel like they absolutely burned their CNS to the ground after a workout is not doing it right. You should be able to lay down and fall asleep on the spot if you gave it everything to failure and beyond for any of the workouts he prescribes.

    • 4 months ago

      yep. when i walk out of the gym, it takes much longer than when I walked in, and that's even on an upper body day

    • 4 months ago

      You NEED to be an advanced lifter on steroids for HIT to work. Anyone who thinks otherwise just wants to do less work and is lying to themselves. If you have not lifted for years you sure as frick are not exhausting all your muscle fibers despite doing an extended drop set on your 215 bench. You NEED to have a lot of experience and a stellar mind muscle connection to truly bring the intensity that high INTENSITY training requires. And if you are natty your muscles sure as frick are not getting bigger and stronger on day six of rest much less day ten or whatever some morons take it to.

      nah his program is not good for natties.

      I'm reading HIT by M.Mentzer book and it contains great advices for intensity, duration... But yeah I think if you really want to push yourself to the limit in 1 single set, you must have a partner to spot you and to help you for the last reps. Doing it all alone could be quite dangerous. So I would say, I would maybe hit 2 sets since I don't reach failure on the 1st set. But yeah great advices all along the book: if you go 5x times a week at the gym and you're not tired of it, you don't train hard enough so you just waste your time.

      It works, but it's extremely difficult to do correctly. He also makes it seem like 1 set is all you need and anything outside of the hardest set is meaningless, which just isn't true. It is best to get it done in as few sets as possible (not that optimization is necessary at all unless it's your profession and there are deadlines) but even his programming has you doing more than 1 per muscle, albeit with different lifts so it's still 1 working set per lift.

      typical anti-HIT cope
      >you need to be super advanced to it bro
      >he was roiding bro and you have to as well bro
      >it's super hard and you have to practically have a nice day to make it work bro
      >bro you need to do the work there are no shortcuts
      meanwhile HIT is stupidly straightforward, basically way simpler than any other cookie cutter program that makes you calculate shit and doesn't offer anything sensible in case you stall other than spinning your wheels like a moron
      you do slow lifts, reach a failure, do negatives until you can't do them, might spice things up with short rest pauses or drop sets (not that necessary)
      then go home, recover for 3-4 days (more if you need to or have to skip gym, which usually turns out for the best, bc more recovery), get fully rested and go lift again, for probably no more than 1 hour
      that makes less than 2 hours a week of no bullshit work, ample room for very adequate recovery and solid gains
      makes me wonder why so many dyels feel a compulsive need to shit on it instead of trying it out, spinning your wheels in the gym is a shitty use of time

  6. 4 months ago

    You NEED to be an advanced lifter on steroids for HIT to work. Anyone who thinks otherwise just wants to do less work and is lying to themselves. If you have not lifted for years you sure as frick are not exhausting all your muscle fibers despite doing an extended drop set on your 215 bench. You NEED to have a lot of experience and a stellar mind muscle connection to truly bring the intensity that high INTENSITY training requires. And if you are natty your muscles sure as frick are not getting bigger and stronger on day six of rest much less day ten or whatever some morons take it to.

    • 4 months ago

      >You NEED to be an advanced lifter on steroids for HIT to work
      total garbage, if anything HIT works better on natties you have more time to rest and grow also you muscle has no idea if you are a "advanced lifter" and mike never said take 10 days of after every lift

  7. 4 months ago

    is HIT good for beginners? - I have decent muscle mass since I've been working out at home for a few years now, but I want to start going to the gym.

  8. 4 months ago

    I'm reading HIT by M.Mentzer book and it contains great advices for intensity, duration... But yeah I think if you really want to push yourself to the limit in 1 single set, you must have a partner to spot you and to help you for the last reps. Doing it all alone could be quite dangerous. So I would say, I would maybe hit 2 sets since I don't reach failure on the 1st set. But yeah great advices all along the book: if you go 5x times a week at the gym and you're not tired of it, you don't train hard enough so you just waste your time.

  9. 4 months ago

    It works, but it's extremely difficult to do correctly. He also makes it seem like 1 set is all you need and anything outside of the hardest set is meaningless, which just isn't true. It is best to get it done in as few sets as possible (not that optimization is necessary at all unless it's your profession and there are deadlines) but even his programming has you doing more than 1 per muscle, albeit with different lifts so it's still 1 working set per lift.

    • 4 months ago

      Just to clarify. It is best get it done in as few sets as possible because while it is entirely possible to do sets so easy that only 1 rep counts, and accrue the requisite stimulus by doing a lot of them, it costs more recovery time.
      Of this I am certain, but I don't know everything and I do have my own questions. His idea here is to get it done as efficiently as possible, fully recover, and do it again. My idea is to chase the mythical lift every day and not be a twink for it routine. So how important is it to fully recover? Is it possible only recover enough to be able to get the requisite stimulus again and just power through the pain? Mike made it seem like if you don't recover fully then you wasted that workout and the workout you're about to do, but he also made it seem like requisite stimulus can't be accrued and that's been proven false a million times over.

  10. 4 months ago

    There are many ways to skin a cat.
    Going super high intensity, to failure and beyond, it's surely one of those, but look at the fricking cons
    >easiest way to get injured
    >fewest training sessions, so good luck if you need technique work or rehab because you got injured
    >or if you just have a day off, for non-gym related reasons
    >needs specific equipment and/or a training partner

    • 4 months ago

      >easiest way to get injured
      stop smoking crack bro

  11. 4 months ago

    I started last week, one workout Monday and one Thursday. My back was still sore until Saturday, legs recovered faster.
    Today I'll do shoulders and arms and Thursday legs again. Wish me luck bros

    >T. Back from an injury su I'm actually ok with going to the gym 2 times a week for now

  12. 4 months ago

    Ive also noticed overall recovery is up to genetics, usually 3-5 days is the supposed range for anyone starting with HIT
    Did a lower session today only around 12 sets total for legs and 9 for upper body (neck abs forearms) still feel like utter shit despite numbers going up
    When does my workload increase bras

  13. 4 months ago

    what's better? heavy duty 1 or heavy duty 2 (aka the ideal routine)?

  14. 4 months ago

    Never did Mentzer's exact shit but I feel like you can train more frequently. The brief workout is correct, working out for 20 hours a week actually starts killing you through physiological means like constant, elevated cortisol. 3x a week, short workout with lower sets (doesn't have to be one set) works best for me. I also think machines are better if they're maintained but I use free weights since that's all I got.

    There is nothing more pointless than hanging out in a rack doing 10 sets of lightweight for low reps. I did it during my powerfarting days and it was a complete waste of time.

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