
i realllllly want get get taller im 17 my nobody in my family is short almost every man is like atleast 170 175 cm also how do i loose these fricking love handles im like 165 cm and 68 kilos any help would be super appreciated bros

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  1. 4 months ago
  2. 4 months ago
  3. 4 months ago

    only GH can increase ur height and its expensive

  4. 4 months ago

    >i realllllly want get get taller
    You still grow until your early 20s. Eat more protein. It's one of the most important factors for height while in puberty
    >how do i loose these fricking love handles
    Lose weight. Cut out junk food and keep your calories under control. If you get wildly hungry though, eat. Don't let a growth spurt go to waste or you'll frick yourself on potential height. Get in those calories during a growth spurt. Don't do meme shit. Base your normal diet more towards meat, fruit, and vegetables and it'll make keeping your calories in check a lot easier
    Also picrel homosexual. Get off this site for 1 (one) year

  5. 4 months ago

    Hey man I know where you're at. I used to be the shortest guy in my family too, but after about a year of consistent training I managed to gain almost a full inch, idk what that is in cm.

    Anyway you can't really build it like a muscle, it requires use of gravity, diet, mental, and isometrics.

    First of all, you need to be getting 200-300% DV of calcium because this routine will cause some shifting in your growth plates.

    Secondly, get an inversion table or similar so you can hang upside down to decompress your spine. While inverted, get some heavy dumbbells or a loaded barbell and lift it slightly off of the ground to encourage your plates to open.

    Third, while doing above be sure to listen to binaural beats in a set of quality headphones. Shoot for something in the 700-800 hertz range.

    Finally, perhaps the most important step is positive affirmation to manifest results physically by using your mental. Repeat mantras in your head such as "I'm towering" "So tall, so tall" "Grow, grow, grow"

    You need to do this every day or else your growth plates will close again and you'll stall progress. Good luck, bro, it's a lot of work, but definitely worth the results!

    • 4 months ago

      200-300% DV of calcium
      how do i ??

      • 4 months ago

        The most practical way of doing it is to drink a gallon of milk every day. You could try tablets but this can cause stomach issues.

    • 4 months ago

      >a full inch, idk what that is in cm

  6. 4 months ago

    You're 17? Your body looks like a 40 year old

    • 4 months ago

      maybe its the webcam does it look that bad ??

      • 4 months ago

        No you are just extremely untrained, you have no muscle mass on your arms and a lot of fat around your belly and that is why you have manbreasts. You unironically need to exercise, build muscle, perhaps focus on your chest while losing some weight so you lose belly fat. Probably want to get right on that, college is soon if you can shred you can smash.

  7. 4 months ago

    Ok, then make sure you get good sleep, eat good nutritional food and keep exercising. Some boys stop growing at 16 others at 21. I grew from 5'10 to 5'11 from 19 to 21. Keep your chin up and don't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen.

  8. 4 months ago

    Damn dude you fat.

    • 4 months ago

      ya i know (﹏) any suggestions how do i get thinner too

      • 4 months ago

        Fork putdowns
        Gym runups

  9. 4 months ago

    Jesus Christ.

    • 4 months ago

      yes i have please do tell how do i UNFRICK my body is it too late i really want to change i feel so bad about my body im not even kidding ANY HELP AT ALL WOULD REALLLLY BE APPRECIATED
      the thing is im literally too naive and discovered 4 chan couple a months ago

      • 4 months ago


        Hey man I know where you're at. I used to be the shortest guy in my family too, but after about a year of consistent training I managed to gain almost a full inch, idk what that is in cm.

        Anyway you can't really build it like a muscle, it requires use of gravity, diet, mental, and isometrics.

        First of all, you need to be getting 200-300% DV of calcium because this routine will cause some shifting in your growth plates.

        Secondly, get an inversion table or similar so you can hang upside down to decompress your spine. While inverted, get some heavy dumbbells or a loaded barbell and lift it slightly off of the ground to encourage your plates to open.

        Third, while doing above be sure to listen to binaural beats in a set of quality headphones. Shoot for something in the 700-800 hertz range.

        Finally, perhaps the most important step is positive affirmation to manifest results physically by using your mental. Repeat mantras in your head such as "I'm towering" "So tall, so tall" "Grow, grow, grow"

        You need to do this every day or else your growth plates will close again and you'll stall progress. Good luck, bro, it's a lot of work, but definitely worth the results!

        already gave you the best advice on the subject. You have three paths, be short, get excruciating and expensive surgery, or take the esoteric big brain route.

  10. 4 months ago

    You dont need to be any taller than that considering youre from india. What you can do instead is lose that weight. Try running the more,the better. Also correct your posture. You can do that my leaning your hips forward theres a lot of videos on yt on how to.
    Lose weight. Also eat enough protein and you will hit your natural height thats encoded in your genes.
    Wish you best of luck.
    Are you from pakistan or india?

    • 4 months ago

      Oh and stop consuming vegetable oils.
      See your gut? thats because of all the ghee and banaspati. Try eating boiled vegetables instead. Us south asians love to fry literally everything.
      You can do it i believe in you.

    • 4 months ago

      the thing is i need to get taller

  11. 4 months ago

    my fricking build and height is EXACTLY like you. which means you are skinnyfat and a low test manlet. i had a super sedentary childhood along with a shitty diet of preserved food in low amounts. while my peers were playing footbal on street and eating lots of protein and carbs, I ate shitty pastries and only 1 meal a day while sitting all the time. what you need to do is the OPPOSITE of that shit. Move a lot, lift 4-6 days a week and most importantly eat clean on a lean bulk. for the gods loving sake take some zinc and lots of vitamin d. you got time to change yourself till 20-22, otherwise no one will be attracted to your skinnyfat low test body and you wont be able to frick even the ugly chicks.
    t. 20y.o skinnyfat manlet

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