Help me fix my diet

I feel tired all the time, and i get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per night so I should be good with respect to that

My current diet is, daily:
half of a chicken (or six eggs if I don't eat half of a chicken)
2 oz of beef jerky
about a pint of yogurt
a quarter gallon of milk (give or take, I drink milk whenever I'm hungry)
sometimes I will eat quinoa or rice
sometimes I will eat ~ 3 lbs of fruit in a single day if I feel like I need something sweet

Unfrick my diet pls

for reference: I weigh between 145 and 155 lbs (IDKwhy it fluctuates so much but it can shift by as much as 5 pounds per day) and my bench is 10 reps of 145, but it has been feeling heavier lately which sucks

I bet I'm missing some kind of important nutrient anyone who has done high dairy content diet know what i might be missing? I'd say a pretty big part of my diet is just milk

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  1. 8 months ago

    >1 whole grain
    if you like quinoa just stick to that. It's not really a grain but it's close enough. Whole wheat is very good.
    >1 to 2 tbs vegetable oil daily.
    mix it with quinoa or just put it on your chicken or eggs or whatever. olive oil and something with omega 3 and omega 6 is good. Easy way is to eat hemp seeds if you can get them where you live. Canola is a single oil that will give you what you need. Ignore sneed oil posters, vegetable oils are good for you.

    • 8 months ago

      I eat the eggs cooked in olive oil and my milk is enriched with omega 3 (DHA + ALA via fish oils)

      I think it is probably something else. Wheat is about $3 per pound where I live right now.

      can you give any reasoning why your suggestions would fix my diet? like am I missing something that these suggestions cover?

      • 8 months ago

        my suggestions were essential nutrients. It does look like you are lacking B vitamins if you only eat quinoa once in a while. the fish oils are fine to eat but it's not the same as omega 3 and omega 6 from plant oils. What grains are available to you?

        • 8 months ago

          >essential nutrients in seed oils
          fricking lmao, what "essential nutrients" are found in seed oils that OP is possibly missing?
          >inb4 he responds with something that's found in eggs

          By the way, seeds aren't vegetables. Please stop using the nonsense term "vegetable oils."

          • 8 months ago

            >what are essential fatty acids

            • 8 months ago

              Holy shit you are so predictable and stupid. I even said ">inb4 he responds with something that's found in eggs"

              Please stop posting immediately.

              • 8 months ago

                >look, these chickens that eat foods rich in omega 3 produce eggs that also have them
                just add the fat to the diet moron. 1 tbs of oil will give you about a dozen eggs worth of these fats.

              • 8 months ago

                Nice cope, don't bother responding again until you answer the question, though.

                What is OP lacking that seed oils would provide?

              • 8 months ago

                it's not that it's lacking, it's that it's low. Same reason I recommended more grains.

                I tend to eat the full blown "natural organic hippie bs" so most of the eggs I eat have lots of omega 3. I also drink milk that contains omega 3 enrichment so omega 3 deficiency is unlikely

                Is it just a carb deficiency you think?
                I get plenty of salt. beef jerky has it also obviously I'm not eating all of this stuff completely plain. I didn't list spices or seasonings because I figured it wouldn't matter much, but I use onions sauce and I drink tea if that makes any difference with phytonutrients or whatever

                >inb4 liverbro tells me onions sauce is shrinking my testicles and that's why i'm weak
                Im literally doing undergrad estrogen receptor research rn and isoflavones are a lot more complicated than that. also onions sauce is fermented and isoflavones tend to degrade

                >I tend to eat the full blown "natural organic hippie bs" so most of the eggs I eat have lots of omega 3
                Fair enough. Try eating quinoa every day and see how you feel in a week or two

              • 8 months ago

                >it's low
                >doesn't provide an actual number to aim for
                >doesn't provide any evidence that high omega-6 is good for you
                >doesn't even acknowledge the research showing high omega-6 is bad for you

              • 8 months ago

                oh nooo you better stop eating eggs then. have a nice day moron you are so stupid you should be ashamed of yourself

              • 8 months ago

                > actually has good nutrients in them.
                > AVOID AVOID AVOID.
                > REE JUST AVOID CUZ I SAID SO.

                why are doctors this moronic?

              • 8 months ago

                not worried about picrel because my eggs don't come from soulless factory farms

              • 8 months ago

                So what's your point? At this point you've implied OP should eat more meat and eggs, and I would agree with that, but for some reason you refuse to say it explicitly. Why?

              • 8 months ago

                are you the anon talking about the omega ratio? eggs have a "bad" ratio if you believe in that sort of thing. I think he needs more grains. Half a chicken or eggs plus milk is a lot of animal foods.

              • 8 months ago

                You said he needed more seed oils because he "needs more essential fatty acids," but you won't say he should eat more eggs despite them also having those essential fatty acids. Seems like a contradiction.

              • 8 months ago

                because it's easier to incorporate 1 or 2 tbs of an oil or some servings of grains into your diet than eat a dozen more eggs

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                I don't care what's easier, I just want to feel less tired all the time.

                I'm arguing potatoes are healthy and the addition of seed oils makes potato chips unhealthy. If you fry potatoes in olive oil or animal fats, they are still healthy. Seed oils are intrinsically unhealthy.
                >muh high heat
                Ok lol then why don't we agree to a compromise–99.9% of seed oils sold in grocery stores and 100% of seed oils found in processed foods are bad for you because they are heated to high temperatures and destabilized due to their polyunsaturated fatty acid structure?

                I avoid almost every seed oil too. Realizing now that apparently olive oil is pressed from the fruit not the seed, I don't think i've had seed oil since I was too young to buy my own groceries. I guess I should lay off since it's a moot point when you consider that almost nobody presses their own oils

                Bitternut hickory oil should be fine right? cause I do like to press my own

              • 8 months ago

                ok eat grains homosexual

              • 8 months ago

                right. Earlier in the thread I decided to eat a few more complex carbs. The point of this thread was mostly to look for nutrient deficiencies but i guess keto isn't great when your body fat gets pretty low

              • 8 months ago


                Holy shit you are so predictable and stupid. I even said ">inb4 he responds with something that's found in eggs"

                Please stop posting immediately.

                I tend to eat the full blown "natural organic hippie bs" so most of the eggs I eat have lots of omega 3. I also drink milk that contains omega 3 enrichment so omega 3 deficiency is unlikely

                just add some rice or potatoes, doesn't really matter also salt.

                Is it just a carb deficiency you think?
                I get plenty of salt. beef jerky has it also obviously I'm not eating all of this stuff completely plain. I didn't list spices or seasonings because I figured it wouldn't matter much, but I use onions sauce and I drink tea if that makes any difference with phytonutrients or whatever

                >inb4 liverbro tells me onions sauce is shrinking my testicles and that's why i'm weak
                Im literally doing undergrad estrogen receptor research rn and isoflavones are a lot more complicated than that. also onions sauce is fermented and isoflavones tend to degrade

              • 8 months ago

                >i'm literally a sophomore in college
                >trust me, I know my stuff

              • 8 months ago

                is it really so hard to believe that someone who has read the majority of research papers that have covered this topic in the last 20 years would be able to confidently make the judgement that "onions bad" is an oversimplification?

                >ur literally in college bro
                at least half of your broscience is undergrad research

    • 8 months ago

      >vegetable oil
      OP is asking for something with nutrients, not how to speedrun getting fat and inflamed.

      P.S.: there's a reason potato chips (ingredients: potatoes and seed oils) are unhealthy, and it's not the potato.

      • 8 months ago

        shoo shoo schizo

        • 8 months ago

          >Up until about 100 years ago, the omega-6/3 ratio has been around 4:1 or less.
          >However, the typical Western diet now provides an omega-6/3 ratio of approximately 20:1 in favor of omega-6.
          >The overconsumption of linoleic acid, mainly from industrial omega-6 seed oils, creates a pro-inflammatory, pro-allergic, pro-thrombotic state.
          >Reducing the omega-6/3 ratio, particularly through reductions in the intake of refined omega-6 seed oil may be an effective strategy for reducing inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune reactions.

          • 8 months ago

            don't bother. you schizos are so wrong it's laughable


  2. 8 months ago

    Eat vegetables.

  3. 8 months ago

    >I bet I'm missing some kind of important nutrient
    Yes because you aren't eating any organ meat. Try starting with the vitamin storage organ, the liver. If you don't like it, try heart, which is the most normie-friendly organ.

    • 8 months ago

      Doesn't seem like that much. Hardly any vitamin C, D, E, K. Pretty misleading image.

      • 8 months ago

        >those numbers are pretty misleading
        >4 out of 19 are pretty low so that's not impressive

        • 8 months ago

          Actually 9 are low. And they are 9 important ones
          Magnesium, calcium, manganese, potassium, omega 3, Vit K, E, D, C, B1. So yeah very misleading when you can't hit the DV of half the things in that picture without eating pounds and pounds of liver. Not very nutrient dense.

          • 8 months ago

            >actually 9 out of 19 are low
            >so it's not nutrient dense
            >B vitamins and iron actually don't really matter
            >stop eating nutrient-dense foods and just take multivitamins

            • 8 months ago

              You can get B vitamins and iron just from eating regular fricking meat. Sorry for challenging your stupid liverking narrative.

              • 8 months ago

                >you can get
                Yup, but liver is much more dense in those nutrients than muscle meat. Either way, you haven't advocated for OP to eat more meat. So I'm not really sure what your point is.

    • 8 months ago

      First of all, I said I was eating half of a chicken every day
      Secondly, all of the vitamins and minerals present in that liver in non trivial amounts are also present in muscle meat
      thridly, the obsession with organ meats is a meme perpetrated by a roidtroony

      >vegetable oil
      OP is asking for something with nutrients, not how to speedrun getting fat and inflamed.

      P.S.: there's a reason potato chips (ingredients: potatoes and seed oils) are unhealthy, and it's not the potato.

      >essential nutrients in seed oils
      fricking lmao, what "essential nutrients" are found in seed oils that OP is possibly missing?
      >inb4 he responds with something that's found in eggs

      By the way, seeds aren't vegetables. Please stop using the nonsense term "vegetable oils."

      I mostly agree with you, but I am not going to stop using olive oil in modest amounts
      The reason potato chips are unhealthy is because of high heat cooking of the oils, which causes them to chemically change

      I plugged your diet into chronometer

      You're low on Vitamin C, E and K

      Thank you, what is a chronometer?
      I need to eat... oranges and spinach then IDK where to get vitamin E... Can't you make vitamin e in your body?

      • 8 months ago

        unironically seed oil is a good source of vitamin E

      • 8 months ago

        >The reason potato chips are unhealthy is because of high heat cooking of the oils
        You do realize that seed oils are made in high-heat environments, right? That's how they're produced. Either way, I can't really help you if you think a healthy food magically becomes unhealthy when you heat it. What an absurd claim.

        >thridly, the obsession with organ meats is a meme perpetrated by a roidtroony
        Oh, you're just moronic. Well, feel free to take the malnourished vegan's advice instead of eating the vitamin storage organ of animals which humans have been doing for literally all of human history up until 50 years ago.

        • 8 months ago

          >Either way, I can't really help you if you think a healthy food magically becomes unhealthy when you heat it
          if my magically, you mean they are going through a chemical composition change that causes oxidation and alkane formation then yes, i believe that too much heat makes oils magically unhealthy

          >You do realize that seed oils are made in high-heat environments, right
          yeah, some of them. Some of them aren't I don't think swapping a little bit of olive oil for a little bit of butter is going to make me start feeling less tired

          >organ meat defense
          I didn't say I don't eat organ meat. Chicken heart is my favorite part. I think it's unhealthy to be so obsessed with it, though. You should eat it in the proportions it exists in the animal, which is what I am already doing, because I am eating half of the chicken

          • 8 months ago

            >yeah, some of them.
            Anon, all seed oils are made in high-heat environments with bleach and hexanes.

            >swapping olive oil
            Why would you do that...? Olive oil is fine. Do you think olive oil is a seed oil? Because it's not. It comes from a fruit. The olive.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh damn I thought they pressed the seed of the olive, since the seeds are pretty oily.
              I'm no food manufacturer, I just tend to eat things that weren't invented in the past couple of centuries

              I don't eat canola or most of what people typically eat in america, but I seriously doubt that every seed's oil is unhealthy

              • 8 months ago

                >I seriously doubt that every seed's oil is unhealthy
                Do you have any reason for thinking that? They are all made the same way and chemically are composed of the same things. They even all look the same.

            • 8 months ago

              >all seed oils
              just stop. sneed oilers know nothing and have been memed on so hard it's hilarious.

              • 8 months ago

                Do you know of any potato chip brands using cold-pressed seed oils or...?

              • 8 months ago

                what is the point of cold pressing the oil if you're getting it hot enough to deep fry anyways?

                also the anti-sneed-oil poster isn't arguing potato chips are healthy

              • 8 months ago

                I'm arguing potatoes are healthy and the addition of seed oils makes potato chips unhealthy. If you fry potatoes in olive oil or animal fats, they are still healthy. Seed oils are intrinsically unhealthy.
                >muh high heat
                Ok lol then why don't we agree to a compromise–99.9% of seed oils sold in grocery stores and 100% of seed oils found in processed foods are bad for you because they are heated to high temperatures and destabilized due to their polyunsaturated fatty acid structure?

              • 8 months ago




  4. 8 months ago

    I plugged your diet into chronometer

    You're low on Vitamin C, E and K

    • 8 months ago

      >3 pounds of fruit a day
      >low on vitamin C and vitamin E
      >daily eggs and milk
      >low on vitamin K
      Why are you lying?

      • 8 months ago

        he wasn't specific so I picked apples. Very little vitamin K in eggs and milk

        • 8 months ago

          >4 3" apples = 3 pounds of fruit
          Holy shit this guy is moronic.

          • 8 months ago

            Frick off I'm working for free, I don't weigh apples for a living.

        • 8 months ago

          Apples is pretty accurate.

          >4 3" apples = 3 pounds of fruit
          Holy shit this guy is moronic.

          3 lbs bag of apples is closer to 9 apples, but 4 isn't a bad estimate, since I don't get a bag of apples every day

          I love apples, but sometimes I will get grapes even though they are expensive. I probably eat 18-24 apples per week

          unironically seed oil is a good source of vitamin E

          I eat olive oil in modest amounts with my eggs (because nonstick is scary)

      • 8 months ago

        K can be found in kidney and some other organ meats, Vitamin C is found in many common berries and high dose in mandarins and kiwis. Eggs are high in calcium and d3 though so keep them.

  5. 8 months ago

    just add some rice or potatoes, doesn't really matter also salt.

  6. 8 months ago

    How is my diet IST?
    pound of oats
    200g whey
    30g olive oil
    eat over 3-4 meals

    • 8 months ago

      not enough dairy

  7. 8 months ago

    my diet
    >4 egg omelette 2 pieces of toast, bowl of fruit, milk
    >16 oz ground beef, carrots

    feel great tbh, cut fast food completely and sneed oils, the only bad habit I have left is energy drinks

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