HELP! Super slow progress on bench press?

I'm going 3 times a week, benching every day of those, flat bench on Day A and incline on Day B, I do two warm ups, one with 40% of my max and one with 60%, then I try to do 3 maxed out sets and I only up the weight when I can do all three. I do 5x5.
I've been stuck doing 70kg for months, I've been getting a bit better with it but the progress is incredibly slow, the closest I got was doing 1 set and then getting to 4 on the next one then I tried again and I only got 1 so I had to de-load to 60.
I've got the form down as well as possible, bar is at eye level to me when I get in there, arms slightly wider then shoulder width, back arched slightly, shoulder blades squeezed together, feet flat on the ground driving my back onto the bench, I breathe in as I lower the bar to just below my chest and breathing out as I push it back up.
What am I doing wrong please someone tell me.

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  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    body weight?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        start losing weight instead of trying to get your bench higher.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm trying to do both at the same time.

          You should already be doing isolations for any of the smaller muscles that are not directly targeted in compounds. Its the only way they will grow long term.

          >Bicep, Tricep, Traps, Forearm, side/rear delts and calves

          If you do OHP then front delts are covered, but you definitely need to isolate triceps and progress them just like any other lift. When starting off isolating somthing for the first time, you should go for a bit higher reps to get the muscle going. Then start loading it over time just like any other lift, it will be slower because of the smaller size though.

          I do EZ bar and hammer curls for bicep, deadlifts and lat pulldowns should cover the traps, I do reverse curls and the hammer curls + wrist curls for forearm and I use the seated calf raise machine. Would tricep cable pushdowns do the trick for it?

          • 7 months ago

            >deadlifts and lat pulldowns should cover the traps

            Lol no, that's still not enough direct targeting. You need to do some variation of shrugs or they will plateau eventually.

            >Would tricep cable pushdowns do the trick for it?

            They are good yes, but you should also do skull crushers to target the other parts of the triceps.

            • 7 months ago

              I do seated cable rows too, should I add barbell shrugs?
              >They are good yes, but you should also do skull crushers to target the other parts of the triceps.
              That's scary dude, I don't want to smash my face in.

              >How much should I be benching in a week
              One, maybe two times if you recover fast
              I dumbbell bench and flies as accessories to get some different stimulus in your muscles. I always got good results that way

              Maybe I should switch out incline bench on Day B for flies then? That way I would be benching 1.5 times a week. Also what about machine flies?

              • 7 months ago

                The rows only target the lower parts of the traps. You need shrugs to directly target parts of the upper traps.

              • 7 months ago

                Looking at this

                I guess I'll just post my workout in full so I can get some critique on it

                Day A
                >Barbell Squat 5x5
                >Sumo Deadlift 3x5
                >Leg Extension 3x20
                >Seated Calf Raise 2x20
                >Flat Bench 5x5
                >Lat Pulldown 5x5
                >EZ-bar curl 2x10
                >Reverse curl 2x10
                >DB hammer curl 2x20
                >DB wrist curl 2x20
                >DB supinated wrist curl 2x20

                Day B
                >Conventional Deadlift 3x5
                >Barbell Front Squat 5x5
                >OHP 5x5
                >Seated Cable Row 5x5
                >Incline Bench 5x5
                >DB hammer curl 2x20
                >Reverse curl 2x10
                >DB wrist curl 2x20
                >DB supinated wrist curl 2x20
                >Leg Extension 2x20
                >Seated Calf Raise 2x20

                3 day a week
                alternate between days every time
                first two sets are warm ups at 40 and 60% except for isolations which are all max

                Please critique, it's mostly stolen form Reg Parks.

                Which day should I add it to do you think?

          • 7 months ago

            >I'm trying to do both at the same time.

            • 7 months ago

              >If you can sustain a lifting program and maintain a calorie deficit, your body will be able to pull from its fat stores to both fuel itself and potentially build muscle mass.

  3. 7 months ago

    Reduce frequency. Increase protein intake.

    • 7 months ago

      I get 150g of protein daily, I'm on a 1000kcal deficit though cause I'm really fat. Also should I really reduce frequency? Why?

      More reps
      Always make sure you have the safeties.
      Do pressups after the last set

      Like declines?
      >Always make sure you have the safeties.
      I do that yeah
      >Do pressups after the last set
      I'm actually too fat to do a single push up
      >More reps
      Wouldn't I be able to bench less? I heard many reps is good for hypertrophy but not strength gain?

      • 7 months ago

        >Wouldn't I be able to bench less? I heard many reps is good for hypertrophy but not strength gain?

        It does slow down your strength gain a bit. But it increases muscle gain which leads to long term strength, with weights as light as 50kg it probably won't be much but it's better long term. It's synergistic with deloading and resting anways.

        • 7 months ago

          So I should try switching over to doing 5x12 and de-load 20kg trying to build back up to 70kg that way then?

          Those are all chest isolations and not accessory muscles. They can still help with developing stabilizers so they are valid. But I meant more like front delts and triceps. Because if you are neglecting those, then they will help you more in BP when you develop and isolate them.

          I do OHP for shoulders, should I do tricep isolations? I do feel the most pump and soreness in my tris right after I bench, but it goes away in 1 hour max and only my chest is sore the day after.

          • 7 months ago

            You should already be doing isolations for any of the smaller muscles that are not directly targeted in compounds. Its the only way they will grow long term.

            >Bicep, Tricep, Traps, Forearm, side/rear delts and calves

            If you do OHP then front delts are covered, but you definitely need to isolate triceps and progress them just like any other lift. When starting off isolating somthing for the first time, you should go for a bit higher reps to get the muscle going. Then start loading it over time just like any other lift, it will be slower because of the smaller size though.

            • 7 months ago

              ok so my first thoughts:
              - you possibly are in the state of overtraining, not giving your body enough rest, or to be precise, not giving your nervous system enough rest - drop any bro science nonsense about you have to repeat your program every week. the ideal rest period can drastically vary between humans. for example max 1 rep deadlift rest for the nervous system is 10 days for elite lifters. I spent 5 years in chronic overtraining resulting in countless wear and tear issues and a multi year depression resulting in giving up lifting.
              - you attempt growth with a significant cal deficit; its possible to do but you chose max difficulty here. things are stacked against you in a deficit. You have to aim for small, incremental gains from week to week when you try to increase strength during a cut and you better be significantly overweight (in your case check), untrained, and are elite in the art of loading your muscles with carbs so you have the fuel exactly during your workout and your workout cant be too long as you will quickly run out of carbs
              - you dont have enough carbs loaded for workout/your carbs are depleted before you finished your workout. During a severe cut with less than 100g of carbs i run out of power about 3 heavy sets into a workout. its happening really quickly. after that a second wind can come for a low intensity exercise but bench press is not one of them
              - you expect too much: as you are cutting you should be happy with any improvement either in reps or weight. for example one rep more than previous training is a incredible result. Progress can be very slow. and if you dont increase weight in reasonably small increments you see no progress because you cant add another rep. very small increments matter here e.g. 2.5 kg increase is already a big step
              - i dont like your priorities. is this really what you want? shouldnt be the prio order: a) weight loss b) hypertrophy c) strength increase? or do you want to be a power lifter?

              • 7 months ago

                I guess the priority is
                a) weight loss b) strength increase c) hypertrophy
                I'm not sure though, obviously I want to be both muscular looking and strong.
                >- you dont have enough carbs loaded for workout/your carbs are depleted before you finished your workout. During a severe cut with less than 100g of carbs i run out of power about 3 heavy sets into a workout. its happening really quickly. after that a second wind can come for a low intensity exercise but bench press is not one of them
                Should I eat carbs right before working out? I get just over 200g of carbs daily.
                >- you expect too much: as you are cutting you should be happy with any improvement either in reps or weight. for example one rep more than previous training is a incredible result. Progress can be very slow. and if you dont increase weight in reasonably small increments you see no progress because you cant add another rep. very small increments matter here e.g. 2.5 kg increase is already a big step
                I guess I should reign in my expectations a bit and just be happy I can do one more rep every time I go then.

      • 7 months ago

        >I'm on a 1000kcal deficit
        delete this thread nephew

      • 7 months ago

        If you're actually on a steep deficit and steadily losing weight then just maintaining your lifts is your version of gainz.

        • 7 months ago

          I've been making progress though and I still do on other lifts, just not bench.

          >Can you recommend a better program?
          As fair as I know Starting Strength is based heavily on Reg Parks workout, so you could try Madcow 5x5 or the Texas method.
          If you stall it's time to switch, finish the week with this plan and switch to Madcow next monday. For you it will actually be a massive relief cause you way overwork yourself, you can't lift this much without PEDs you simply won't recover in time even if you're obese and still getting that anabolic effect despite your massive calorie deficit.

          Madcow looks nice, but should I really make the switch? I have only been lifting for 5-6 months and it's recommended for people who have been lifting for over a year.

      • 7 months ago

        >1000kcal deficit though cause I'm really fat

        Focus on losing fat. Don't try to do two things at once.

        Learn from my mistakes.

      • 7 months ago

        >Also should I really reduce frequency? Why?
        Here's one reason why:
        >I'm on a 1000kcal deficit
        You might want to eat at maintenance once or twice per week. It will help everything go more smoothly by helping keep up your BMR.

        Another reason is that your CNS can only handle so much. The heavier the weights you're used to lifting, the more CNS fatigue you accumulate. More rest time gives better recovery for the CNS. This is especially important on a cut. You gain most of your strength on rest days so it's a good idea to give your body plenty of time to catch up with your training in general. Three days of pressing heavy each week is very demanding.
        >I get 150g of protein daily
        Eat more protein while cutting. The results will usually be better if you do. Plus protein increases satiety making the cut easier

        • 7 months ago

          Is CNS fatigue why my fingers stiffen up and my finger joints swell up every morning? I'll reduce the benching though.

          You should stop benching 3 x per week. Cut it down to 2. Only bench heavy with a barbell on one day, then on the other day do lighter weight, higher reps with dumbells. Find a program that's more like PPL or a brosplit and just do bench on your push/chest/shoulders/tricep days. Cut out some of those weight exercises, focus more on your upper body instead of 2 different squats and 2 different deadlifts every week. Exercise your shoulders and triceps more which are involved in the bench press

          I was sent a conjugate program that seems pretty good, I'll try switching to that.

        • 7 months ago

          Also what about eating at fasting on sunday and eating maintenance on monday, is that a bad idea? Or maybe I could do a protein fast or something.

          • 7 months ago

            Don't even worry about that. Just eat a deficit and once a week you can have cheat meal that gets you up to maintenance.

  4. 7 months ago

    More reps
    Always make sure you have the safeties.
    Do pressups after the last set

  5. 7 months ago

    Welcome to your first plateau
    Reduce frequency, there's no way you're recovering fully when you're benching three times a week
    Try dumbbell bench
    Try lower weight with higher reps
    Make getting protein and quality rest a priority
    Maybe add flies or some other chest isolation, just switch it up

    • 7 months ago

      >Welcome to your first plateau
      wow that sucks
      >Reduce frequency, there's no way you're recovering fully when you're benching three times a week
      How much should I be benching a week? Two times? 1.5 times?
      >Try dumbbell bench
      For the stabiliser muscles or whatever?
      >Maybe add flies or some other chest isolation, just switch it up
      as an accessory or to replace benching?

      • 7 months ago

        >How much should I be benching in a week
        One, maybe two times if you recover fast
        I dumbbell bench and flies as accessories to get some different stimulus in your muscles. I always got good results that way

  6. 7 months ago

    Other than de loading and increasing reps like you already did. You should focus on accessory muscles that aid bench press for a while.

    • 7 months ago

      Like dumbbell presses, inclines, declines and flies? Should I be replacing the benching with those or doing them as accessories?

      • 7 months ago

        Those are all chest isolations and not accessory muscles. They can still help with developing stabilizers so they are valid. But I meant more like front delts and triceps. Because if you are neglecting those, then they will help you more in BP when you develop and isolate them.

  7. 7 months ago

    I guess I'll just post my workout in full so I can get some critique on it

    Day A
    >Barbell Squat 5x5
    >Sumo Deadlift 3x5
    >Leg Extension 3x20
    >Seated Calf Raise 2x20
    >Flat Bench 5x5
    >Lat Pulldown 5x5
    >EZ-bar curl 2x10
    >Reverse curl 2x10
    >DB hammer curl 2x20
    >DB wrist curl 2x20
    >DB supinated wrist curl 2x20

    Day B
    >Conventional Deadlift 3x5
    >Barbell Front Squat 5x5
    >OHP 5x5
    >Seated Cable Row 5x5
    >Incline Bench 5x5
    >DB hammer curl 2x20
    >Reverse curl 2x10
    >DB wrist curl 2x20
    >DB supinated wrist curl 2x20
    >Leg Extension 2x20
    >Seated Calf Raise 2x20

    3 day a week
    alternate between days every time
    first two sets are warm ups at 40 and 60% except for isolations which are all max

    Please critique, it's mostly stolen form Reg Parks.

    • 7 months ago

      You're doing way to much shit my homie

      • 7 months ago

        How come? I feel like it's not that bad, I'm only in the gym for like 1h30m a day and it's only thrice a week.

        • 7 months ago

          sorry anon but that statement is irrelevant. you may be one of countless mindless drones that have zero connection to their body and think "its fine" when it isnt. The results speak for it self: no progress. The most likely reasons for no progress: not enough effort, not enough rest, not enough carbs, not enough proteins, not enough sleep

    • 7 months ago

      You have way too much shit in there, if you ask me. I also used to do this but I got tired fast and had to take either more rest days or cut some junk.

      • 7 months ago

        What should I cut?

        • 7 months ago

          >Here is a split that will work for you
          Everything that's not the compounds, then add 2-3 accessories max per session and switch the accessories around when you need them. In your case keep the shit like incline flies, db bench and so on since it helps your bench press. Once you get out of your plateau switch accessories.
          I'd do something like:
          Day A
          >2 Chest Accessories
          Day B
          >2 Delts/Triceps/Biceps or whatever

    • 7 months ago

      bro this is actually insane, if you do this you must be on tren and eat 6k calories a day.

      Ditch the deadlifts. Squat higher reps. Do upper/lower, stop being in a 1000 deficit, do some cardio and stop eating like shit.

      Here is a split that will work for you
      chest & legs
      shoulders & arms
      2 rest


      • 7 months ago

        I'm just really sore the next day every time, I can't stop being in 1000kcal deficit cause I'm morbidly obese, my BMR is 2500kcal and I eat 2500kcal which should leave me with a 900-1000kcal deficit.
        Why should I ditch the deadlifts? I love doing them.
        Also I don't eat like shit anymore. Should I change workouts entirely? Is full body no good?

        sorry anon but that statement is irrelevant. you may be one of countless mindless drones that have zero connection to their body and think "its fine" when it isnt. The results speak for it self: no progress. The most likely reasons for no progress: not enough effort, not enough rest, not enough carbs, not enough proteins, not enough sleep

        I guess, it hurts pretty badly when I wake up but it's gotten easy to ignore. I do feel like I don't put in enough effort, I could be putting more intensity into my workouts. There is progress but it's incredibly slow.

        >Here is a split that will work for you
        Everything that's not the compounds, then add 2-3 accessories max per session and switch the accessories around when you need them. In your case keep the shit like incline flies, db bench and so on since it helps your bench press. Once you get out of your plateau switch accessories.
        I'd do something like:
        Day A
        >2 Chest Accessories
        Day B
        >2 Delts/Triceps/Biceps or whatever

        I can't do pullups, not even assisted ones, or dips either actually, plus what about the isolations?

        >I'm on a 1000kcal deficit
        delete this thread nephew


    • 7 months ago

      Rare based fatty?
      Keep going with your Spartan training bro ignore the haters. Add even more shit, you need shrugs and flys in there my guy.

    • 7 months ago

      Thats way too much
      Do 5/3/1. Its slower, but it just works.

      • 7 months ago

        What do you think about this?

        For dips I'd substitute a tricep dominant exercise. For pull ups do pulldowns or some lat/back work. The program is by no means perfect but should help get your big 3 lift numbers up. Also feel free to use bands/chains for the dynamic effort day instead of just dropping weight and focusing on speed.

        Sent homie. Best of luck and remember results take time so have a plan and stick with it.

        Thanks for the workout, I tweaked it a bit cause my shitty ghetto gym doesn't have equipment for some of it. Hopefully I didn't frick it up too much.

        • 7 months ago

          Seems overly complex

          • 7 months ago

            It's pretty simple actually. Focus is on one major compound for bench day and one major compound (sometimes 2) on squat/DL day with accy work and other muscle groups thrown in.

            Like I said earlier it helped get me to a 1,610 raw total at over the age of 40. Each to their own. If you prefer something with less variation that should work as well.

    • 7 months ago

      why do you have 3 different curls

      • 7 months ago

        one for bicep
        one for forearm
        one for wrists

  8. 7 months ago

    bros i benched 2 sets of bench yesterday. One set 80x10 and the second set 80kg x 9 reps.

    Is that good? im 74kg

    • 7 months ago
  9. 7 months ago

    Take a week off from lifting, then put more weight on the bar and lift it.

  10. 7 months ago

    If you can't up the intensity of your working sets, up the intensity of your warmups.
    Do something like a set of 20 with the bar, set of 15 with 40%, set of 10 with 60%, set of 5 with 80%.

    • 7 months ago

      have u ever done this?

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, It helped me get from being stuck at 107.5kg to 120kg (80kg BW).

        I should be doing 4 sets of warmups?

        95% of (compound) lifting isn't even strength. It's technique and training your CNS to do it efficiently.
        If you continue to do the exact same thing you're doing, you wont make progress on either of those.
        It should take like 5 minutes max. Try it for a month, if you don't like it after that, do something else.

        • 7 months ago

          I guess I'll try, it can't hurt too bad.

          NTA, as a rule you try shit out and do what works for you. For bench, when I'm stalling and need to get the weight up, I do like 3-4 warm-up sets with 8-10 reps each, then a working set heavy in fives or threes, then a dropset until I can't even lift the bar up anymore.

          >then a working set heavy in fives or threes
          Sorry, meant working sets.

          So I should do 4x12 warm ups for bench, then 3x5 with my max then just go to failure with the bar?

          Rare based fatty?
          Keep going with your Spartan training bro ignore the haters. Add even more shit, you need shrugs and flys in there my guy.

          Is that sarcastic? Can you recommend a better program? Maybe I should switch to an intermediate one or something? This is just Reg Parks Beginners 5x5 but I added a bunch of shit to it.

          • 7 months ago

            >Can you recommend a better program?
            As fair as I know Starting Strength is based heavily on Reg Parks workout, so you could try Madcow 5x5 or the Texas method.
            If you stall it's time to switch, finish the week with this plan and switch to Madcow next monday. For you it will actually be a massive relief cause you way overwork yourself, you can't lift this much without PEDs you simply won't recover in time even if you're obese and still getting that anabolic effect despite your massive calorie deficit.

    • 7 months ago

      I should be doing 4 sets of warmups?

      • 7 months ago

        NTA, as a rule you try shit out and do what works for you. For bench, when I'm stalling and need to get the weight up, I do like 3-4 warm-up sets with 8-10 reps each, then a working set heavy in fives or threes, then a dropset until I can't even lift the bar up anymore.

        • 7 months ago

          >then a working set heavy in fives or threes
          Sorry, meant working sets.

  11. 7 months ago

    There is a reason the WSBB guys only bench or so chest specific days twice a week OP. Find a conjugate plan and get those numbers up.

    • 7 months ago

      This guy

      >Can you recommend a better program?
      As fair as I know Starting Strength is based heavily on Reg Parks workout, so you could try Madcow 5x5 or the Texas method.
      If you stall it's time to switch, finish the week with this plan and switch to Madcow next monday. For you it will actually be a massive relief cause you way overwork yourself, you can't lift this much without PEDs you simply won't recover in time even if you're obese and still getting that anabolic effect despite your massive calorie deficit.

      said Madcow 5x5 would suit me well, is that a good one?

      • 7 months ago

        Post a burner email address and I'll send you an excel sheet conjugate program. Got me up to a 1,610 raw total at 42 years old.

        • 7 months ago

          [email protected]
          My "short" term goal is to get to 1/2/3/4 at least so I can participate in a powerlift meet without being too embarrassed.

          • 7 months ago

            Sent homie. Best of luck and remember results take time so have a plan and stick with it.

            • 7 months ago

              Thank you.
              What should I substitute for exercises I can't do like dips and pull-ups?

              • 7 months ago

                For dips I'd substitute a tricep dominant exercise. For pull ups do pulldowns or some lat/back work. The program is by no means perfect but should help get your big 3 lift numbers up. Also feel free to use bands/chains for the dynamic effort day instead of just dropping weight and focusing on speed.

              • 7 months ago

                >For dips I'd substitute a tricep dominant exercise.
                So something like close grip bench maybe? Lat pulldowns make sense.
                >Also feel free to use bands/chains for the dynamic effort day instead of just dropping weight and focusing on speed.
                Dynamic effort just means going really fast with smaller weights and minimal rest right? I'll stick to lower weights for now but I'm sure my gym has some bands lying around somewhere.

                Don't even worry about that. Just eat a deficit and once a week you can have cheat meal that gets you up to maintenance.

                That sounds cool, but my maintenance is 3500kcal isn't that way too much?
                Also how much protein should I be getting, is 1g/kg of bodyweight not enough?

            • 7 months ago

              >helping your fellow bros
              This is what this place should be

  12. 7 months ago

    when i got stucko on 80kg x 5 i lowered the weight and increased reps to x8

    now i am stuck at 75kg x 8

    my 1 rep PR is 90kg x 1

    i train for 2+ years

    frick this shit

  13. 7 months ago

    You should stop benching 3 x per week. Cut it down to 2. Only bench heavy with a barbell on one day, then on the other day do lighter weight, higher reps with dumbells. Find a program that's more like PPL or a brosplit and just do bench on your push/chest/shoulders/tricep days. Cut out some of those weight exercises, focus more on your upper body instead of 2 different squats and 2 different deadlifts every week. Exercise your shoulders and triceps more which are involved in the bench press

  14. 7 months ago

    Not benching 3x a week would help.

    • 7 months ago

      I've got it okay?

  15. 7 months ago

    Reduce the frequency and above all learn to do the lumbar arch PROPERLY, it is incredible but most people do not know how to arch properly, even those who teach how to do it, try to fix that.

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