Hey boy, yes, (You). I heard that you do more than 2 workout per week and that you like doing more than 2 set per exersise

Hey boy, yes, (You)
I heard that you do more than 2 workout per week and that you like doing more than 2 set per exersise
Care to explain yourself?

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  1. 5 months ago

    i work out once a week and do 2 sets per exercise

  2. 5 months ago

    I exercise everyday simply because I like it, maximum efficiency is irrelevant to me cause I do something I like

  3. 5 months ago

    Memes aside, decided to try some of his principles now i started working out again, so far been making extremely good progress (maybe just because of muscle memory, maybe not) but going to failure in the big compound exercises is way more taxing on the mind than it is on the body, paying attention to every muscle and breathing properly on a squat is much harder than doing it during wrist curls in example

    • 5 months ago

      it makes sense,why would the brain waste resources on building muscles you don't need? if you put yourself in a survival situation then the brain will think "oh okay this guy might need some muscle"

    • 5 months ago

      I like partials on compounds with the safeties up. It keeps you from worrying about killing yourself, though squats to failure really should be lightweights, like the 20 rep squat. Going to failure on something loading your spine is a pretty bad idea.

      • 5 months ago

        Never said anything about heavy weights, going to failure on squats, whether it is your 5 rep max or just bodyweight squats is still just as hard, in fact low weight to failure is even more grueling because you always feel like you have one more, proper squats with perfect form requires a lot of concentration in my opinion, DLs, bench press and pullups too but not as much, that's why i feel doing high intesity on isolation exercises could be better

  4. 5 months ago

    I do cardio twice a day, and train for 3 hours in between.

    1 hour cardio in the morning

    1 hour cardio in the evening

    3 hours weight training at noon

    Work harder.

  5. 5 months ago

    HIT sucks

    • 5 months ago

      All of these guys are so aesthetic compared to the troony clown balloons nowadays. Why can't everyone have this conversation and we go back to aesthetic lifting.

      • 5 months ago

        People want to see bigger and bigger monsters, cause more = better in a normie's brain. Aesthetics died with Dorian Yates.

        • 5 months ago

          More is better when it tops out at 25ffmi. Aesthetics died with steroids but at least Dorian Yates did the inhuman monstrosity thing proper.

  6. 5 months ago

    >Care to explain yourself?
    I want to make some actual gains, mike. And I don't do lines of meth pre-workout.

  7. 5 months ago

    >Care to explain yourself?
    so i was doing just one set (not including the approach/warmup for the first lift, or the rest pause full failure mini sets after the THE one set) but one lift in particular is not where i wanted it to be so i tried to put more focus on it to get it going by doing a superset of heavy negatives + lighter accessory in 15 rep range for that lift and in that context i admit that i have done 3 of those super sets in one session. i plan to return to normally scheduled one set per workout for that lift once this intensive period is over. as for the workout sessions per week as you can see from my meticulously kept journal it is at least three (3) rest days in between workouts thus making it at most 1.75 workouts per week, logically one would assume 1.75 < 2.

  8. 5 months ago

    I think Mike was right about all but a couple things.
    First, the single set to failure is not all you need. I'm not sure how it works but people are accumulating the requisite stimulus over up to five sets and I'm finding this to be more reliable myself.
    Second the idea that you're killing your gains with superfluous sets. I don't think we're that fragile. I think you can simply eat more to meet the added recovery demands. And I don't think they're superfluous, I'd imagine if they're not junk sets then you're gonna get sarcoplasmic gains which aren't useless like some HIT guys would lead you to believe.
    That said, brevity still makes sense and I still do all my sets to failure. The accumulation probably works better the quicker you get it all done and people who try to accumulate an amount of volume over the whole week are dyels.
    So.. aiming to do brief and brutal lifts to induce enough tension enough times in a hour and with all the muscles.. I'm finding the best plan to be something along the lines of, not a big surprise, Dorian Yates Blood and Guts.

  9. 5 months ago

    Mike’s frequency can be viable depending on your tendency and affinity. If you’re not the healthiest and most durable, which many aren’t, a set or two can go a long way.. a set daily can be decent… last time I was in the gym i noticed I was more fed the next day on 2-3 set daily… not that that’s definitive proof of anything. But I would have for instance let down in reps on the frontsquat till 20 rep grind I was doing off of one set. No reason you can’t 4 set.. 6 set, either… 2 or 3 really does go a long way for some individuals … Mike said it himself also… muscle recovery happens in hours. A sets per day number can occur over multiple session.. for me.. i wasn’t necessarily up for a second squat warmup but at times I’d come in and deadlift second session. Did it help me? Not sure… Mike’s ideas on overtraining may have some merit… part of it is the logistics, ergonomics, and routine disruption of the second seshion as an argument against it… but I think it can be good without doubt… plays into Arnold’s shock the system ideology… don’t necessarily need to do it all the time… i was doing lat pull as well, maybe some lbe… but I wasn’t going to come in and do much of those if any (warmup weight lattie or bodyweight lbe might be fine)… it really is a question of if you’re paced and prepared overall… if you are… I definitely think multiple daily session multiple exercise per session can be ideal in spots… the might be individuals and moments where 1 or 2 overall session per week is more appropriate though!

  10. 5 months ago

    I do cardio 6 days a week because otherwise I will be a lard lord

  11. 5 months ago

    I do heavy ass 3x6 a few times year. You get burned out after a few weeks, but It's good for gains and brings new life into lifting. Average person probably doesn't have the self discipline to do it.

  12. 5 months ago

    I've switched to HIT and honestly im a lil bigger, but i guess is from the recovery and the same food without the lifting part. Did legs on monday and quads are very sore and going on a chest/back on friday. The days pass quickly cause im busy with work.

  13. 5 months ago

    Oh, another thing… i was forced to acquire a bunch of trash singles volume and huge reps totals in the 300s…. Wasn’t working for me… tests the durability and I don’t think the workouts are mike esque explosive… i was doing 451 for 30… 350ish for 100 rep challenge… railing multis and walking around as i felt like it… weights between like 330 370 and 430 and 460… 30 singles and 100 total… this before I could dead 500… probably at about a 480… not productive and tensing me up hurting my ability to squat in my opinion… came away this year thinking any kind of to failure or near failure 2-3 rep set is the most brutal, pointless, and injury inducing strategy ever… not against a single or two…. Mike’s 6-10 rep set is gold regardless of frequency…. High rep is also good… a lot of bodies won’t be able to lift with reliability on 2-3 rep.. due to frequent injury…. Negating any potential benefits of the set rep number…

  14. 5 months ago

    Oh..another another thing… it was brought to my attention that Mike liked to go slow… is great strategy for size gain but you’ll never actually get strong enough to employ it at elite level by doing it… mike was elite oly and powerlifter at age 15… when i say elite level… i just mean moving big weight… is such a good strategy for gaining size maybe one could become big size without strength guy simply using it from the get go.. mike and arthur jones are top notch guys… my earlier point about 6-10 rep being explosive… yes it is… is a good rep number for platz power commits… higher rep is really good too..

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