> Hey Dylan are you here to hang out with Jack again?

> Hey Dylan are you here to hang out with Jack again? Those biceps are really growing

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    thanks, i've been workin out nbd

  2. 3 months ago

    my name is Rance, not Dylan.

  3. 3 months ago

    I can't tell is she is 20 or 45

    • 3 months ago

      does it matter?

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, old women are gross

    • 3 months ago

      late 30's is the final deduction
      frick make up frick bras

      • 3 months ago

        I don't think she has a lot of make up on, you can still see flaws in her skin

    • 3 months ago

      Late twenties if she’s a a frequent drug user and drinker
      mid thirties if she takes care of herself

  4. 3 months ago

    Sydney Sweeney in 3 years be looking like

    • 3 months ago

      honestly kind of wife material. she looks happy to see you, nice rack, kinda pretty even without a ton of makeup on, nice body, probably doesn't have an OF. i like this lady

  5. 3 months ago

    She seems fun when you get a bottle of wine in her.

  6. 3 months ago

    You are a gay if you wouldnt clap.

    • 3 months ago

      t. body count of 2

      • 3 months ago

        Wow what a nice thing to say to a fellow anon

      • 3 months ago

        Oh sir you jest, that would be 4, thank you very much..

  7. 3 months ago

    I’m old now… but remember very clearly that if I got a compliment from a woman when I was 18, I was halfway out of clothes before she could run out of the room. Looking back, I believe my family had to mend more fences than I realize…

    Here’s one story
    >math teacher is a 6/10 5’4 Honduran chick, mid twenties.
    >she is really nice to me for some reason even though I’m dumber than a mosquito sucking on a manikin.
    >one day I come in wearing my varsity baseball uniform because we had a game, and frick it why not, we were allowed.
    >I look damn fricking good. 6’2 at 18, probably only weighed 165, but skinny was fine in the 90s
    >I had that major ass factor going on because I was a sprinter.
    >she complimented me… she said something about how I was going twice her size before I graduated or something like that.
    >well I was a virgin, and in today’s world I’d probably be called autistic. So let’s just say I skipped a few steps in the conversation.

    • 3 months ago

      >I let the class empty when the bell rang, and I went out too
      >then I come back in, so it’s just us
      >I know I’m good looking, and she’s really not that attractive. I couldn’t see her turning me down in a million years. Don’t get me wrong, she was young and nice… but you wouldn’t look at her twice at Walmart.
      >I walk up to her desk and start unbuckling my oversized baseball belt.
      >her eyes open wider than I’ve ever seen and her mouth is hanging wide open. She is utterly frozen
      >I took this as a good sign, and in fact it is what I was going for. I had previously been told that women respect bold men.
      >so I tell her “just tell me what to do I know I’ll be the best you’ve ever had. And if you just want to play a little bit and stop, that’s fine with me too.”
      >in my mind, this showed I was being s total gentleman. I was telling her she could have it any way she wanted it. I 100% felt that this would balance my physical forwardness.
      >she ran. She pushed through a tiny space between her desk and the wall, knocking down a ton of papers and knocking things over on her desk.
      >I still thought things were going fine

      • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >i thought she was just making sure the door was locked.
        >I started to follow her and she yells “wait in here.”
        >so now I’m really happy. I’m thinking about what I’m going to do when she comes back.
        >I figure I’ll play it calm and cool, and I won’t say much. I know I have a record of saying stupid shit.
        >I figure she was looking for condoms or something, idk. Maybe she just wanted to be sure no one would come in.
        >the next person that comes in is the assistant principal, my baseball coach.
        >thank god I was still dressed, but my shoes are off. I’m smiling, obviously.
        >I can’t describe the look on his face. He wasn’t angry… he almost looked like he was going to cry. I remember I asked him if he was okay.
        >he says that I should go to my next class.
        >so I’m my mind, everything is fine. It all made sense. I was skipping class, I just honestly forgot about that part.

        I never heard another word about it. I think the world was more forgiving toward morons back in the 90s. She never showed any interest in me again, and I was busy chasing any female I saw, so I wasn’t bothered.

        • 3 months ago

          In complete honesty, without any ego, I would have given her the dick better than most men. My wiener is pretty good size, but when I was a 165 pound teen, it looked like a third leg. I would put a baby in that cute little mathematician.

  8. 3 months ago

    Anyway, thanks for reminding me of a good memory. That was 25 years ago…

    I cannot relate to the younger generation of sexless men. I was two beers away from fricking a stop sign when I was 18. Now we have men who haven’t sex at 28.

    I remember going to a high school debate conference in the city. I only joined to get out of town pussy. Well, anyway, I get there, and they won’t let us run around. I think I had a reputation by that point, so they kept me on a leash. Anyway they said we had 45 mins for lunch, and i spirited away, my wiener just flopping and banging around like a tube steak, bong bong flop bonk, whacking the inside of legs. I have memories of walking up to a group of four or five or six girls and asking them for their numbers one at a time. I remember finally getting one from the group… then I’d ask the girl next to her for her number anyway. All the girls would break out laughing. When I was 18, I hit on older women too. I didn’t get laid that day, but it defiantly opened doors that paid off not too much later.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh, here’s a fun story. I have a NJP record in the marines because I fricked a female civilian during basic training at the museum during team-week. It had been seven fricking weeks of mandatory-no fap no frick. I was assigned a cleaning detail, saw an average looking woman in her 40s visiting, walked right up to her and told her that I was being sent to Iraq the next week, and I could not face death in war if I was a virgin. I took her hand and walked her to the womens room. She didn’t say yes or no, she just let me take her. Once I put her hand on my wiener, the deal was sealed. I knew if I could just get her that far, she wouldn’t be able to resist.

      Anyway, they caught me leaving the bathroom with her. They called to me and I took off, thinking that they’d never be able to pick me out of a line up, since all recruits looked the same. The woman stayed of course and told them everything. I had told her my real name… so it was a short investigation. They acted angry, but I think they were secretly proud. I was under the military version of house arrest for a long time.

      • 3 months ago

        I lived my entire life, under the control of pussy. I love to frick. It is the reason I fought as a kid, it was the reason I played sports, joined the military (the uniform), went to college (money), worked hard, got successful, took chances… ect., ect. I have always wanted to impress women. I have always wanted to beat other men to get the attention of women. I’m only peace during the comment of climax. Two mins later, I want more. I don’t hate it… I’m just becoming very aware of it as I near 50. I thought it was a phase… long ago.

        Is there anyone else here that has spent their life chasing ass?

  9. 3 months ago

    I know that kind of girl.
    "omg we must keep in touch"

    Proceeds to get run through for a decade.
    Turns 30 gets dumped by "chad".

    OMG anon how are you?

    HARD pass.

    • 3 months ago

      You don't know any kinds of girls you fricking loser.

      • 3 months ago

        Don't be rude!

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