
Hi IST I’m a gay(troony) and sorry for bothering you with gay shit. But will you guys judge me for using the men’s changing rooms if I have small boobies? I don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable, which is why I use the men’s

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    didnt read
    stop watching porn and go on a 3 day fast

    • 11 months ago

      Still gay

      • 11 months ago

        Its a choice

  2. 11 months ago

    do you look like a guy? just say you have gyno

    • 11 months ago

      without make up yes

      • 11 months ago

        ok dude then what's the problem? lmao you going to the gym with makeup on?

        • 11 months ago

          No. I’m wondering if guys will think weird stuff because of my chest

          • 11 months ago

            no they probably don't care unless there happens to be another gay in there with you

          • 11 months ago

            I don't want to see troons in public mate. What the frick happened to you that this is how you turned out? Were you abused as a child or just extremely sensitive?
            Whatever the case you should pull yourself out of this hole, because if you don't you are condemning yourself to a life of sterility, loneliness and misery. It's not too late to change your mind and stop visiting those Internet bubbles that brainwash you to destroy your life.
            But regardless, outside of that, people like you are why something has to be done. A society that lets people live like this cannot continue. It must change or perish, along with the ~~*people*~~ who made all of this possible.

            • 11 months ago

              ok nazi

              • 11 months ago

                >doesn't like trannies

                look at detrans this isn't hate a good friend of mine killed him after hormones and being unable to undo it
                but if your not wearing makeup or girly shit I would not care

                damn, sorry to hear, anon. how old was your friend? one of my friends did the same but now they're just very depressed.

              • 11 months ago

                They’re depressed because their "friends" like you aren’t supporting them and posting transphobic shit online or agreeing with it you dumbo

              • 11 months ago

                i know you're baiting but they're actually depressed cause they're a short, skinny gay that wants to be a woman and knows it's not possible. i want to actually help them steer their life in a direction where they'll actually be able to have a family and a future.

              • 11 months ago

                you’re not helping your friend. The troony feelings will never go away. You’re actively ruining your friend's life if you push them into conformity. As a friend you should support them as they are

              • 11 months ago

                i dont take life advice from the mentally ill.

              • 11 months ago

                Then you shouldn't be giving advice either as you are clearly unhinged and fascist leaning. Just want authoritarianism of your own brew.

              • 11 months ago

                your bait is getting weaker. anyway im more of an anarchist than a fascist. i just think trannies are nuts and pretty useless. also, again, i know youre baiting, but using fascist as a slur just makes you sound like an idiot to people that dont kowtow to the corpo line

              • 11 months ago

                You're indoctrinated into thinking you have to have a family and fit in with everyone else to have a 'future'. Just as much as a slave as the next cattle consumer.

                they're literally the one complaining that they can't be a normal woman or a mother or whatever. clearly it's not a sustainable lifestyle and if i was really fricked up i'd support it.

              • 11 months ago

                >The troony feelings will never go away.
                They go away 99% of the time if a child is not allowed to transition

              • 11 months ago

                You're indoctrinated into thinking you have to have a family and fit in with everyone else to have a 'future'. Just as much as a slave as the next cattle consumer.

              • 11 months ago

                nothing is more "cattle like" then saying the same damn things as every government, company, or general population. hating gays is the most free thinking expression today and if you don't know that you are moronic, probably because your a gay who's so confused you think the anus is a sex organ.

              • 11 months ago

                Are you kidding? Gays used to be beaten to death and worse. They'd have no life if they came out and in conservative areas it's the same. You take opinions that are contrarian. When something disagreeable to you and society as a whole becomes agreeable you lash out like a confused child.

              • 11 months ago

                >used to
                and now gays are paraded in every city and the more homosexualy, the more a country becomes like a dystopia. God blesses the removal of gays either by death or rehabilitation, make your choice aids monkey

              • 11 months ago

                Use some more slurs anon you'll get props by all the cool dudes. Self reflect my friend.

              • 11 months ago

                you did the same thing you troglodyte. you gays ozze vitriol and attack everything that is decent or good. when ever gays talk about my God, you hate him more then any group, you judge him as you mollest children. I have no patience for you freaks

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not sure why doing what my biological programming tells me to do is considered "indoctrination by society" but ok.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes because being bound to taking bottle after bottle of hormones, antidepressants and other pills from Big Pharma, getting surgeries to disfigure yourself and living a consumerist lifestyle is not at all cattle like.
                But being independent, having children and reproducing, that's true slavery.
                I know this is bait but why don't you go back to the LGBT board? Do you like to argue with strangers on the Internet in your free time? Are you here looking for a fight? Because if you were fishing for compliments you should know nobody outside of your closed off Internet echo chambers likes or accepts trannies at all. They are repulsive and so unnatural even children are scared of them.

              • 11 months ago

                There is no fight here anon. I reply, you spill vitriol, and anyone willing to sit down and read the conversation sees what lies in our words. They'll make their own decision. That's the only point of us talking. Hopefully it'll save even one misguided youth being drawn into the self hating, angry, misguided mindset sold here to gullible people from pol.

              • 11 months ago

                Hey, I'm nta, I read your convo, and I just want to say, trannies are mentally ill and I won't play pretend with genders for you :3

              • 11 months ago

                Dumb. Encouraging the mentally ill and disenfranchised to mutilate themselves is not a moral high road. Until they can literally reconfigure your dna there is no trans. Just extreme body modification

              • 11 months ago

                The suicide rate of trans people is higher than israelites in Auschwitz and black slaves in america. Its a mental illness it has nothing to do with support.

              • 11 months ago

                He was and still 22

                Don't listen to this guy and take advice off the hateful fricks on the net. Detrans doesn't work.

                My friend who I knew since pre-k moved by him self to Toronto lived by himself became trans. We still played games talked on the phone weekly.

                Then one day left me a voice my rambling about how tought the city is and how he was the same guy messed up guy but now he messed up his body and can't undo it.
                I didn't listen to the message till 3h later and he never got back to me. I got in touch with his family after that.

                I am not hateful I miss him more then life he was better then family I wish I answered that call daily and I wish we could have gone for one more hike but will never happen

              • 11 months ago

                >he was the same guy messed up guy but now he messed up his body and can't undo it
                frick. yeah that's similar to what my friend has said to me but it feels as if we don't talk enough at this point for me to be able to help him. sorry for your loss, anon

              • 11 months ago

                Thanks man I really hope the best for you and your buddy

                Sounds like they had a lot more problems than being trans. Trying to make it in a big city suffering from mental illness is no joke.

                Yeah the big city definitely didn't help we are from the sticks and I did think the trans stuff was helping with his problems but yeah

                >no, mutilating your body and being in debt because of it would never make you depressed, it's was probably the hassle and bustle of the city!

                I am able to drive 2h and hike a mountain that is 3747m tall and I could believe live it a shit hole like Toronto wouldn't be a good change after having that your whole life

                But one thing for sure is you didn't know them I know you don't care about them

              • 11 months ago

                Nature is great. I don't know how anyone could live in a mega city. It's soul sucking. No real relationships just meaningless sex and extreme stress.

              • 11 months ago

                Sounds like they had a lot more problems than being trans. Trying to make it in a big city suffering from mental illness is no joke.

              • 11 months ago

                >no, mutilating your body and being in debt because of it would never make you depressed, it's was probably the hassle and bustle of the city!

              • 11 months ago

                Debt? Sorry American bro her, sex reassignment, boob jobs are all free in Canada. We're not a dystopian shit hole like America.

              • 11 months ago

                oh I'm sorry, he never went into debt, he was just forced to be poor from crushing taxes, when will us Americans learn.

              • 11 months ago

                >American larping about Canada taxes
                Anon did they brainwash you into being a good little boy believing that you need to pay obscene taxes to have free healthcare? I bet they tricked you into believing the poor government can't afford free education either. They made you a good bootlicker huh?

              • 11 months ago

                the average leaf pays 45% of all earnings to the government, and that's not including sales tax. stay poor troony.

              • 11 months ago

                If that's what I'll be castigated as, then so be it.
                Let me be a Nazi, a fascist, whatever you may call it; as long as this sick society that lets people ruin their lives through sterilisation and grotesque deformation dies, I will be all those things and more.

              • 11 months ago

                you did the same thing you troglodyte. you gays ozze vitriol and attack everything that is decent or good. when ever gays talk about my God, you hate him more then any group, you judge him as you mollest children. I have no patience for you freaks

                These guys get bullets in the brain when old deranged Republicans use them as foot soldiers. The rich leading the poor to an early grave over culture wars when classism and wealth are the problems effecting us. Complete lack of education. They'll rot in the ground for a wasted war breathing hate until their last breath.

              • 11 months ago

                i like how people like you say we're the bad ones when shit like this

                they're literally the one complaining that they can't be a normal woman or a mother or whatever. clearly it's not a sustainable lifestyle and if i was really fricked up i'd support it.

                is literally happening to innocent people.

              • 11 months ago

                >he thinks I'm republican
                you have a tumor, you can only think "left or right", you don't even know about the basics of political theory and you want to preach? I don't know what the future holds, but there will be wonders and horrors alike, and gays at some point will be massacred.

              • 11 months ago

                A lot of people will die. That's life. The victor writes the stories anyhow. You can seethe b***h and whine people are choosing a different path than you and that's okay.

              • 11 months ago

                >people choose to be serial killers anon, and you can't stop it, so why be a bigot
                you have every right to be whatever your perverted heart desires, but because your actions reflect on how society is run, you have to die for the sake of future generations. don't take it personally, you chose it

              • 11 months ago

                Shut up wagie. Go to work so you can pay taxes so I can sit in an air conditioned office and waste 8 hours a day twiddling my thumbs as we send more of your tax dollars to Ukraine to do our job

              • 11 months ago

                There is no fight here anon. I reply, you spill vitriol, and anyone willing to sit down and read the conversation sees what lies in our words. They'll make their own decision. That's the only point of us talking. Hopefully it'll save even one misguided youth being drawn into the self hating, angry, misguided mindset sold here to gullible people from pol.

                You do realise transsexualism was invented by a israelite, right? You talk of classism and the wealthy without naming the actual culprits which is funny. It seems the tired old Marxist take cannot even evolve to tackle modern day problems, wherein the ACTUAL rich elite astroturfing movements like the LGBT are the israelites.
                Are you a true communist and willing to attack the rich israeli community or are you a pseud who only wants to use that ideology to attack people whose morality doesn't conform to yours?
                You say it's a discussion but you do not address any points anyone is making. All you do is self-aggrandize and ignore actual arguments - much like the life of the transvestite who cannot accept the fundamentally flawed lifestyle they lead and only seeks compliments and comfort in the lies of others.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's da jooz
                You don't even need to say you're a /misc/ refugee. Very sad.

              • 11 months ago

                I've never been to /misc/. Why do you think any talk of israelites is so banned? Why else could it be other than they are the ones holding the levers of power and manipulating society?
                Have you read any history at all? You don't even know the origins of your own movement. You take hormones that are killing you and you don't even know why. You go through surgeries to butcher up your body and you don't know why. You lash out at Internet strangers and you don't know why. You spend hours circlejerking about how your lifestyle is actually okay and you don't know why. You are miserable and you don't even know why.
                Your life is nothing more than a pawn used by the rich, influential elite to destroy the remnants of a society that rejected them. You are nothing but an empty husk of a person, devoid of all morality, spirit or vitality; nothing more than a pincushion for big corpo, and a piggy bank for big finance. And you defend this position as if your life depended on it. It is very sad. I do not hate you, I love you. That is why I must destroy the people doing this to you.
                All of them.

              • 11 months ago

                Anon look in the mirror. You're the miserable one. Are you doing anything to change the world other than importantly screeching at the void and your perceived enemies?

              • 11 months ago

                >N-no u actually!
                Well clearly not since I'm neither a transvestite nor a vaxxie. And yes, I am doing something about it, something I won't tell you about on IST obviously.
                Just try to hang in there until the cavalry comes lad. I'd hate to see you go before the chains of your own mental prison are broken and you are truly free.

              • 11 months ago

                Anon you're going to end up worm food. Seek God and repent your actions.

              • 11 months ago

                Luke 17:2
                God would be on his side

              • 11 months ago

                God bless you anon.

              • 11 months ago

                not the same anon, but I seek advice.

                I know someone in my fb friend list that lives close to me that it's actually starting to transition in november. I can't approach him on fb because his friend list is full of echo chamber morons who fuels his delusions, nor I don't know how to approach him IRL, because I don't know him very well. How can I stop him from transitioning?

              • 11 months ago

                you can just be a regular friend and as a friend tell him about how social media is so bad for mental health as part of a design and it’s honestly horrible how addicting it is but it’s for the best for someone if they can minimize or completely delete their social media and just connect with the world m, real people in real life and live in the moment more

              • 11 months ago

                So without actually mentioning anything about his condition of the transition, gotcha.
                Hopefully he'll catch my advice and as he sees the world without internet will start to change his mind.
                That's what I was actually thinking myself, thanks.

              • 11 months ago

                If you don't have real life contact your options are severely diminished. Inviting him to hang out IRL and get off the Internet would be a huge first step because your influence over him would grow.

              • 11 months ago

                And you will be slave to big pharma for the rest of what you call a life. Paying disgusted, lying doctors to clean out the mutilated penis you call a vegana or stop the rotting piece of thigh meat you call a penis from necrotising, and pump you full of chemicals. Using all of your resource and energy to maintain a lie that one look in a mirror each morning will dispel, all the while demanding that others should have to force themselves to deny reality to accomodate your delusions. When you finally detrans or rope, you'll blame the world for not supporting your fantasy enough, or your fellow trans for leading you down this path when the truth is more simply this; All of your problems are of your own making. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no going back.

            • 11 months ago

              how are you so composed in such a emotionally charged topic? I see signs of human empathy and firm adherence to the principles that make tolerating such a lifestyle and the elite swindlers propaganda parades. I’m genuinely astonished, it’s difficult to do both without overdoing one aspect side or the other but you’ve managed to show both.


              Hi IST I’m a gay(troony) and sorry for bothering you with gay shit. But will you guys judge me for using the men’s changing rooms if I have small boobies? I don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable, which is why I use the men’s

              I wish you good luck OP
              I think you’re better off if you receive counselling and healthy life choices that make the magnitude of discomfort from gender dysphoria lessen, disappear entirely or become more tolerable instead of acting out on these mentally I’ll thoughts (just like how you wouldn’t recommend someone with anorexia bulimia to go on diet pills just because their mental illness tells them to). I know a lot of trans folks are victims of abuse and I’m really sorry you suffered it you were one as well and I hope you succeed in breaking the cycle.

              • 11 months ago

                >We must kill x group of people and destroy society because people are doing something I don't like
                Are we reading the same thing?

              • 11 months ago

                if you don’t take constructive criticism well stop reading here

                your reading comprehension skills are poor, and it would be good to sharpen them— i’d recommend you do the Khan Academy section on reading comprehension and or perhaps the logic reasoning section— they have videos to watch(or a written form of instruction) followed by practice questions to ensure mastery

              • 11 months ago

                You can pretend to be moronic when called out.

              • 11 months ago

                I know that is an option but I genuinely meant what I said not as an attack. I really think you deeply misunderstood the comment that was written (I’m not talking about between the lines inference) . I think you genuinely might have read it too fast or might genuinely not have very good reading comprehension. I have problems understanding weapons history and plant cell physiological mechanisms and I can acknowledge that it behooves me to improve my understanding of them if they are relevant to my life/career (they’re not). wishing you the best

              • 11 months ago

                He said lots of negatives about transitioning without listing the positives. Such a thing is made of bias and not good at all. It's not that I didn't understand his post, I disregarded it because he has nothing good to share about transitioning and how it has saved many lives and helped people. The odd call for violence at the end just reinforced it with his hand being shown.

              • 11 months ago

                There are no positives to transitioning though. Indulging in a delusion will never be a positive. Living in reality is. You are the sex you were born as. The whole "gender" thing being social constructivism is not real - your chromosomes affect and colour each and every one of your organs from birth, including your brain.
                You live in a delusion, and I promise you the people pushing you down that hole do not want the best for you at all. And the people pulling the strings from the top want you to die, or scratching that, sterile; they do not want you to be a happy, well-adjusted and developed person because then you are much harder to exploit and manipulate.
                Transitioning has never helped anyone. All it has done is transition wealth from the have-nots to the haves and killed countless people after they realised their mistakes. None of it is healthy, sane or rooted in reality. It's all a giant lie made from the ground up to make you feel inadequate in your own body and hurt you and push to hurt yourself of your own will. It's beyond cruel and inhuman, and the people who do this will pay dearly, if not in this life then in the next. I promise you that.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh dear there he goes again.

              • 11 months ago

                I understand that you cannot possibly face the music because it would be far too painful to realise the error of your ways this far in; but it will only get worse.
                Your fanaticism, single-mindedness and exclusion from society will only continue to get worse as you isolate yourself within echo chambers that constantly reinforce the world view that you have chosen to deal with your pain.
                I really feel bad for you. This sort of reaction only fuels my fire to put an end to this evil once and for all. For you, all the people like you and unlike you. Nobody deserves to live this way. Nobody.
                Try to be well.

              • 11 months ago

                The fact that IST is the only place where this can be said without any repercussion is depressing.

              • 11 months ago

                I understand that you cannot possibly face the music because it would be far too painful to realise the error of your ways this far in; but it will only get worse.
                Your fanaticism, single-mindedness and exclusion from society will only continue to get worse as you isolate yourself within echo chambers that constantly reinforce the world view that you have chosen to deal with your pain.
                I really feel bad for you. This sort of reaction only fuels my fire to put an end to this evil once and for all. For you, all the people like you and unlike you. Nobody deserves to live this way. Nobody.
                Try to be well.

                Based, keep up the good work.
                Many won't listen to you, but some might and with some luck they can still be saved.

              • 11 months ago

                Where's the contradiction?

            • 11 months ago

              if you don’t take constructive criticism well stop reading here

              your reading comprehension skills are poor, and it would be good to sharpen them— i’d recommend you do the Khan Academy section on reading comprehension and or perhaps the logic reasoning section— they have videos to watch(or a written form of instruction) followed by practice questions to ensure mastery

              I know that is an option but I genuinely meant what I said not as an attack. I really think you deeply misunderstood the comment that was written (I’m not talking about between the lines inference) . I think you genuinely might have read it too fast or might genuinely not have very good reading comprehension. I have problems understanding weapons history and plant cell physiological mechanisms and I can acknowledge that it behooves me to improve my understanding of them if they are relevant to my life/career (they’re not). wishing you the best

              There are no positives to transitioning though. Indulging in a delusion will never be a positive. Living in reality is. You are the sex you were born as. The whole "gender" thing being social constructivism is not real - your chromosomes affect and colour each and every one of your organs from birth, including your brain.
              You live in a delusion, and I promise you the people pushing you down that hole do not want the best for you at all. And the people pulling the strings from the top want you to die, or scratching that, sterile; they do not want you to be a happy, well-adjusted and developed person because then you are much harder to exploit and manipulate.
              Transitioning has never helped anyone. All it has done is transition wealth from the have-nots to the haves and killed countless people after they realised their mistakes. None of it is healthy, sane or rooted in reality. It's all a giant lie made from the ground up to make you feel inadequate in your own body and hurt you and push to hurt yourself of your own will. It's beyond cruel and inhuman, and the people who do this will pay dearly, if not in this life then in the next. I promise you that.

              I understand that you cannot possibly face the music because it would be far too painful to realise the error of your ways this far in; but it will only get worse.
              Your fanaticism, single-mindedness and exclusion from society will only continue to get worse as you isolate yourself within echo chambers that constantly reinforce the world view that you have chosen to deal with your pain.
              I really feel bad for you. This sort of reaction only fuels my fire to put an end to this evil once and for all. For you, all the people like you and unlike you. Nobody deserves to live this way. Nobody.
              Try to be well.

              I aspire to one day have your level of Christly restraint and compassion for the souls of the damned. Your composure and compassion are a testament to your character.
              I hope some day to feel something for these things besides roiling, seething hate. It really isn't their fault most of the time.

          • 11 months ago

            seen weirder shit than that in the mens locker, fella.

      • 11 months ago

        No. I’m wondering if guys will think weird stuff because of my chest

        Depends upon where you are. If you're in urban/suburban Cali, do whatever you want, however if you're in a more rural or conservative area I wouldn't. It might get you beaten, especially since lockers won't have many cameras due to privacy laws.
        I mean thats what I would do, anyway.
        Seek help.

  3. 11 months ago

    >Hi IST I’m a gay(troony) and sorry for bothering you with gay shit. But will you guys judge me for using the men’s changing rooms if I have small boobies? I don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable, which is why I use the men’s

  4. 11 months ago

    look at detrans this isn't hate a good friend of mine killed him after hormones and being unable to undo it
    but if your not wearing makeup or girly shit I would not care

    • 11 months ago

      Don't listen to this guy and take advice off the hateful fricks on the net. Detrans doesn't work.

  5. 11 months ago

    As a father sometimes I have to go with my small daughter to the men's locker. If she'd accidentally see a penis there, I wouldn't really care, because that was probably going to happen anyway. But the idea of having dicks shoved in her face while being in the women's while being with her mom, then yeah, I'd be pretty pissed. So just use the one your genetalia between your legs tells you to.

    Other than that, I don't mean to turn it into a bully thread, but I just don't understand why would anyone do this to themselves. Femboys are hot enough, and they still have functioning bodies. Why don't stop there? I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the so called medical "professionals" who suggest the modern day equivalent of lobotomy to weak and fragile, vulnerable people, instead of helping them to make peace with who they borned to be.

    • 11 months ago

      you’re sexist and an idiot. Doctors don’t convince people to take HRT. They often actually gatekeep trans people from HRT. A friend of mine had to order DIY stuff from Brazil into Europe because her therapist and endo wouldn’t give HRT to her. So yeah. You’re an idiot. Also sexust because you think that literally MEN are less threatening to your daughter than women with a penis. Or you think your wife can’t protect your daughter. Either way, sexist

      • 11 months ago

        nice bait

      • 11 months ago

        You should be locked up, put in an institution until you arent fricked in the head anymore

        • 11 months ago

          Nah, man, don't worry. It's clearly bait. When a post uses words as "sexist" or "idiot", or just calls you a "homophobic nazi", you can be sure they are trying to mimic the meme language of posts like these from Twitter or Reddit.

          I've never, in my life, got a good argument or a good description of what the phrase "being in the wrong body" means. 100% of the answers are like that, but at least on IST I'm sure they are just fricking with me for lolz.

          • 11 months ago

            it's usually people with identity problems if i had to guess. i'm kind of tired of hearing about it either way even if it is bait.

      • 11 months ago

        >women with a penis
        Also men but with just a diff kind of perversion

      • 11 months ago

        So neither his/her doctor and therapist suggested your friend to actually take HRT and this didn't ring any bell in your heads to actually stop your friend from ordering sketchy DIY stuff?
        You let your friend go over their way to actually damage their life when actual professionals adviced him/her against it? And you're calling US idiots?

      • 11 months ago

        You understand that, we really don't want to do what we're going to have to do. Its gonna be a massive pain in the ass and really, really messy and its gonna take years of work and dedication...
        but you are not leaving many options.

  6. 11 months ago

    I'm more weirded out by actual gay hairy men in the male locker room than cute feminine ones. Gay men are dangerous and might try to rape me, drug me, attack me for sex.

    • 11 months ago

      heh, i know i will

  7. 11 months ago

    Read until "gay", please join the other genetic defects that have sadly joined the %.

    • 11 months ago

      this is not cool you actually made me feel sad by this I hope you die.

  8. 11 months ago

    >OP pretends to be surprised to learn that people don't like troons

  9. 11 months ago

    Do what you want but YWNBAM

  10. 11 months ago

    Just wanna say everyone in this thread is doing great. Lot of great advice about fitness being passed around. I definitely learned a few new things I’m going to work into my routine

    • 11 months ago

      If you aren't incorporating rope hangs until failure, you're not even trying

      • 11 months ago

        But im not a nazitrannie

  11. 11 months ago

    Use whichever changing room you feel least likely to get stabbed in, OP.
    People are gonna be uncomfortable either way.
    Sorry to hear about your small boobs, hope going to the gym is able to help you compensate by getting a fat ass or whatever it is you want

  12. 11 months ago

    I've alway wondered how trannies work out, like I know they say women and men can train the same way and it won't turn the women into she-hulks like they're afraid will happen, but wouldn't it be different for trannies since their testosterone would activate or something

    • 11 months ago

      Theres a lot of them at my gym. Ive never seen one do an acceptable workout. They usually do womens magazine tier garbage with easy babby weight. Cept for one of them that was a pretty beast climber. Nice guy but he was like 6’7. Absolute unit

      • 11 months ago

        Why would they do activities that will increase test.

        • 11 months ago

          they want to do glute exercises or whatever

      • 11 months ago

        >Theres a lot of them at my gym
        Is this an American thing? I've only seen two troons in my entire life (both female to male), but none in the gym.

        • 11 months ago

          Its a san francisco thing

  13. 11 months ago

    I'm pretty sure trans women use the women's washroom in Canada. If the gym denied them they could sue for human rights abuse. We're very serious about discrimination based on gender in Canada.

  14. 11 months ago

    different troony here and was recently wondering the same thing. so it sounds like it's better to use the men's? is that the consensus?

    • 11 months ago

      If you still have your dick, then definitely.

    • 11 months ago

      why the frick is there so many trannies here now anyways

      • 11 months ago

        >comes to trannie thread
        >why are there so many trannies?
        Why indeed

        • 11 months ago

          i meant why are there so many trannies on the fitness board now?

          • 11 months ago

            Theres only 2 in this thread supposedly. Its easy bait for incels and polchuds. Nothing posted here is real. Every post is a troll post

            • 11 months ago

              I'm married to a beautiful trans woman. Nothing gets my blood boiling more than maladjusted pol larpers.

              • 11 months ago

                Case in point

              • 11 months ago

                yeah i made my depressed 5'5" underweight troony friend suck my dick once and now i don't really talk to him cause i feel bad about it

            • 11 months ago

              yeah i know but i've seen like 6 supposed trannies on this board this week

              I guess anonymity?
              Plus ftm trannies usually workout like crazy to look as manly as possible.

              i'm pretty sure they're all male to female

          • 11 months ago

            I guess anonymity?
            Plus ftm trannies usually workout like crazy to look as manly as possible.

      • 11 months ago

        It's summer break and gen a/z has the most 'progressive' peeps

    • 11 months ago

      Do whatever you want dude just dont act like a nut

    • 11 months ago

      Boymode for safety if you're not inn a progressive area. Can the staff see your gender? Use the washroom stall for changing and carry a weapon in the locker room.

      • 11 months ago

        If I catch you with a weapon in the locker room your ass is getting thrown out. I dont work out in a penitentiary you fricking fruitcake

      • 11 months ago

        if you bring a weapon with the intent to use it to the gym youre the Black personest Black person that ever nigged. your delusional fantasy has now crossed into public danger territory

        • 11 months ago

          The frick? It's called protection against rape. You can be outraged against trans using the women's restroom or trans using the men's. Pick a lane. Women are in danger of being raped by violent men.
          >Thinks anyone would shed a tear from a rapist getting gutted

          • 11 months ago

            That's nice. If your gym catches you with a weapon they're going to trespass you. And I'll anonymously report every tranner as having a weapon.

            • 11 months ago

              Do whatever you want you little tattletale b***h. Scared of a little knife that some trans woman might stick in your wiener when you try anything.

              • 11 months ago

                you would ligit get your brains bashed in, or at least reported. honestly I hope it's real so you make a hate crime headline for a day

              • 11 months ago

                Nah I'm not scared of self-selected failed men, especially given their inability to lift. Excluding them from public spaces is just fun in its own right.

                >Squeals and appeals to authority when it comes to him
                >When he gets charged with a hate crime he whined and cries democracy has failed

              • 11 months ago

                >troon can't read
                please do it you lapping homosexual, please oh please get caught lacking and killed before you harm some poor child

              • 11 months ago

                Hate crime? More like hate parade. I advocate a world where hating trannies is celebrated, socially encouraged even.

              • 11 months ago

                >troon can't read
                please do it you lapping homosexual, please oh please get caught lacking and killed before you harm some poor child

                These replies are so thoughtless you could program a bot to reply like these dudes easily.

              • 11 months ago

                you are both baiting each other like bots honestly.

              • 11 months ago

                The difference is I've got no hate in my heart anon. Only love for the disturbed.

              • 11 months ago

                They did that in runescape because why would you want to hang around a c**t and the less people around the better for bots

              • 11 months ago

                >create bot farm
                >teach bots to spam troony hate
                >all you have to do is have it say simple things like shut up homosexual, or call them out when they say violent things
                maybe I will do that, maybe I already have

              • 11 months ago

                Nah I'm not scared of self-selected failed men, especially given their inability to lift. Excluding them from public spaces is just fun in its own right.

          • 11 months ago

            Dogshit bait. Even with a knife a man would overpower you and rape you, although you'd enjoy it seeing as that your actual fantasy you morbid individual. Don't worry, nobody wants to touch your disfigured body, and nobody is scared of your 120lbs, 11" arms body wielding a little fruit knife.
            Barcode your fricking wrists c**t

            • 11 months ago

              Dang you're like a rabid animal. Are you foaming at the mouth right now? Take your own advice.

      • 11 months ago

        >if you're not inn a progressive area
        it is fairly good in that regard
        >Can the staff see your gender?
        i'm not sure, honestly i might just avoid all this by wearing what is most comfy and then go home to shower/change

        i meant why are there so many trannies on the fitness board now?

        maybe enough tranners are just at the point where they feel ready to develop their bodies beyond what hrt can provide by itself

        • 11 months ago

          yeah fair enough
          i don't really like trannies but good luck with that and nice trips

          • 11 months ago

            thanks and thanks

  15. 11 months ago

    I will literally flush your head down the toilet the second you enter a 10m radius of me

  16. 11 months ago

    Detrans really does work, being trans is just brainworms and the longer you do it the more addicted you get stopped taking hormones like 14 months ago and haven't even missed it once I legit feel happy to be alive again

    t. 3 years hrt troony

    • 11 months ago

      cringe larp kys troony

    • 11 months ago

      good on you, anon.

    • 11 months ago

      stay strong anon, christ be with you

    • 11 months ago

      Good work hope the best

  17. 11 months ago

    >Hi IST I’m a gay(troony) and sorry for bothering you with gay shit.
    stopped reading there....
    kys or repent.

  18. 11 months ago

    troony thread use the mens bathroom homosexual

  19. 11 months ago

    Unless you go there dressed as a woman.. I mean, they will watch, but who cares. Perhaps some homosexual may want to try to frick you if that is your fantasy.

  20. 11 months ago

    Show butthole and breasts. I am a gay who wants to frick trannies.

  21. 11 months ago

    Because there are no positives

  22. 11 months ago

    there are positives
    sometimes it helps people to detransition and get their life together faster

  23. 11 months ago

    use the restroom appropriate for your sex

  24. 11 months ago

    Deworm yourself and blast T bro

  25. 11 months ago

    hey my dude/dudette
    your not gonna get raped in the men’s change room but some guys may be disgusted &or disappointed
    this is a weirder fetish post but if by chance it’s genuine try to fix up your life and break the cycle of sexual violence to youth and overcome the challenges of mental illness as best you can for the sake of the future generations
    this is going to be quite a battle and I wish you success and don’t think you’re horrible for losing sometimes

  26. 11 months ago

    get the frick off fit, this has nothing to do w fitness you fricking freak

  27. 11 months ago

    this is like a social question
    I guess you could argue it’s loosely related to fit because among the male change rooms you would like to change in that can include change rooms for a gym but I hope you can see it’s a bit of a stretch. maybe questions like these can go on a relevant board like advice

  28. 11 months ago

    just stop being a troony

  29. 11 months ago

    b***h you've seen some of the man breasts loaded with milk on this board, those succulent mounds of forbidden melons yet, nay, that is not the sweet white nectar of motherhood on their heaving mammaries, but it is the seed of manhood from their own shaft! For these glorious visages of feminity are a deceit, and they are the snake in the garden come to tempt us into that most forbidden passion of bro-love.

    tl;dr: no one gives a shit about some tiny breasts guy, gal, gay, orc, whatever, ur gone make it

  30. 11 months ago

    >/misc/ tier OP
    >low qualty bait
    kys homosexual

  31. 11 months ago

    People generally are judgemental of things that appear different from them.

  32. 11 months ago

    Post breasts bro

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