HIT is retarded

its fricking OVER for mentzercels.
goodbye! dont come back!

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  1. 10 months ago

    An expose on the Colorado experiment. He said that Casey went from 12% to 2% body fat, but that is clearly not the body of someone with 2% body fat. This means that Arthur lied about the results of the experiment.

    • 10 months ago

      and mentzer either believed this shit and is therefore a mental invalid who shouldnt be listened to or he knew better and decided to grift anyway. In any case anybody who ever cited mentzer is an imbecile.

    • 10 months ago

      Or the university doing the measurements fricked up? We should talk about radio-isotope bodyfat testing, this is the only time I've heard about it being used.
      Ronnie Coleman said he was negative 2% bodyfat so maybe.

      • 10 months ago

        There is nothing better to guess bodyfat than a trained eye and a pair of hands. All those scientific machines to guess bodyfat lamentably fail

  2. 10 months ago

    You know to be honest with you guys.

    I really don't care anymore about any of this, I just want to lift.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      you WILL form the opinion. you WILL write the post.
      >verif not required

    • 10 months ago

      Shut up. You have biases with lifting. Don't come at us with the "I'm enlightened middle ground guy" you probably care the most. You're just mad you feel dumb.

  3. 10 months ago

    it's just promoted by morons who did their npc 3x10 and never went to failure who finally started training to failure and were like >waow hit so good but you can do both volume and go to failure

  4. 10 months ago

    The logic is indisputable and the proof is in the pudding.

  5. 10 months ago

    volumegays in full panic mode because they might be faced with a fact the time investment they made in the gym might've been a waste of time

    • 10 months ago

      I don't see a fundamental difference in Jones lying for HIT and Wieder lying for volume and endless time and supplements. Them overstating and overselling results on heavily roided test subjects should surprise no one. At base one promises solid gains with less time and CNS investment, and the results are there for those who have successfully implemented some of the core principles of HIT. It's much easier to cut bodyfat with HIT and more time for cardio.

      It's really that simple. All the people I've seen criticize HIT look like absolute shit or are professional /fraud/s trying to sell me more bullshit that I don't need. Fitness doesn't need to be a surrogate activity, that is the fundamental principle of HIT.

    • 10 months ago

      >time investment
      So basically you have no gym bros and actually hate going to the gym so much you want to speed run your visits.

  6. 10 months ago

    >invalidates thread

  7. 10 months ago

    Who cares about the Colorado experiment? A detrained roid user regained a bunch of muscle very quickly, so what? It neither proves nor disproves HIT, and has nothing to do with you or me or anyone else here.

  8. 10 months ago

    mentzergays are obviously just following what they see on youtube shorts/instagram reels

    • 10 months ago

      It's tiktok for me

  9. 10 months ago

    >work out approximately 2 times a week
    >do one set to failure and myoreps on each exercise
    >each workout lasts a little shy of 1 hour, often less
    >get better gains than on volume routines if you're natty because you have more time to rest (which is arguably the most important factor for hypertrophy)
    >no tendonitis or overuse injuries because you give your connective tissue enough time to recover between workouts
    >more time to do everything else, let's say light impact cardio for your health if we want to keep it fitness related
    why does this concept make so many people on IST furious?

    • 10 months ago

      For me, it's two sets. I highly recommend this to anyone combining HIT principles and training with any kind of free weights. Best way to avoid snap city and meet other goals. The first set is about 50-75% of what I can complete in 6-12 reps, this is for a few reasons. Also i'll go way above that rep range if the exercise is freehand, such as dips, pullups, leg lifts, etc. This first set acts as a primer to check form and energy mainly. The final set is the most weight I can successfully complete 6-12 reps to trve failure with perfect form.

      I still look like shit imo, too fat, but I haven't looked great since like my early 20's when I was still an athlete with trainers and etc. But I will say I feel much better than any point since then and am finally making progress, getting mires again even. Mike also used two sets in some of his HIT programs, I also noticed he used two sets especially those programs where he more relied on barbells rather than machines.

    • 10 months ago

      >why does this concept make so many people on IST furious?
      I have no idea. As far as I'm aware, all studies point to just pushing your maximum for short periods and then stopping being far superior to pushing 70-80% of your maximum for long periods.
      See also: sprinting vs distance running

    • 10 months ago

      not everyone is a dyel like you who need to rest 5 days per week

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          yes we know thats what hit and fatty fetishists look like

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, most of us are sissy homosexuals with an office job who need to compensate for not having any real physical demands on our bodies

    • 10 months ago

      I didn't read a word you said, I want to make that fatty in your webm my wife.

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine being a dyel oldgay who invested a trillion hours at the gym and now a bunch of zoomers are getting better results than you that devoted your life to being in the gym 24/7 while they lift once a week
      It makes them seethe and dilate

  10. 10 months ago

    I defo looked good and was my strongest doing along the lines of this but more inspired by Yates. A semi working set and a set to failure. Covid/ work picked and i never returned to it. Got more into cycling and climbing but try to do a full body 1/2 a week. HIT is a commitment, you need that rest

  11. 10 months ago

    Another COPE video by a powerfat. Many such cases.

    • 10 months ago
  12. 10 months ago

    My takeaway on the subject has so far been that we want to have a style of workout that is short and achieves what volume workout does with less volume. I can't say that I truly know what makes muscle grow. The idea Mentzer suggests I gather to be that once you are able to exhaust every resource in your muscle to 100%, doing that again is unnecessary. You will have told the body it needs more strength or volume to do it again next time. As for volume, I'd imagine that is a way to push to that similar or same exhaustion of muscle but over a longer period of time.
    In my mind anyway, I'd hope that by doing those long drawn out HIT reps that truly exhaust your muscle to the very core (and perhaps an additional rep 10 seconds later to truly hammer it out)... I'd hope that could achieve the same type of growth that volume would otherwise try to produce. Again I don't pretend to know how or if these things differ.
    Beyond that, if HIT was not as effective as volume. I'd still be interested in trying say PPL but with 5 days between each set to test out what maximized restdays looks like for volume workouts.
    To me workout out once a week intensely would be a blessing so I hope there can be some lower frequency of gym-going to be had with these HIT theories in mind.

    • 10 months ago

      I feel there's actually an answer in the comparison between sprinting and distance running for exercise. Sprinting at maximum effort for less than 20 seconds, giving yourself ample rest time (as in multiple minutes) before the next one, then repeating only until you produce anything less than a 100% effort or slightly degraded form ensures that you only ever exhaust glycogen stores in the muscle while sending all the hormonal and neural signals that tell your body to repair and build muscle. If you exceed these limits (sprinting more than 20 seconds at once or not resting enough) your body starts the process of deamination in which it breaks down other cells to extract amino acids as an emergency energy increasing measure. Distance running engages deamination because of how long the efforts are sustained and that's why you see the bodies of people who do tons of distance running kind of waste away compared to people who only sprint.

      All that to say, I think the same thing is true of strength training. You want to exert maximum effort at lower volume with more rest and then stop the moment your effort diminishes. I imagine that the people who are doing high volume and pushing themselves to a certain number even as their effort and form suffer are burning through all their glycogen and then undergoing deamination which will work against their gains.

      That second part is primarily just an educated guess but it makes sense that if sprinting and distance running work this way (that part is NOT a guess), the same would be true of volume in strength training.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean the whole Mentzer theory, not Arthur Jones he promoted moderate compound sets done in a circuit for intensity, is that curling a soup can for 20 sets of 10 is a shitload of volume, but has no intensity so does not induce a growth response. Bodybuilding "wisdom" is polluted by nice numbers (3 sets, 10 reps, 48 hours rest) and clickbait exercises confusing everyone when there 100% has to be physiological truth to building muscle. Everyone isn't a snowflake.

  13. 10 months ago

    >causes 140lb pplers to go cognitive dissonant

  14. 10 months ago

    Do you mean HIIT or is this something else?

    • 10 months ago

      HIIT = cardio with intense intervals
      HIT = high intensity weight training, usually in the 1-2 set, 6-10 rep range to achieve muscle failure

  15. 10 months ago

    The whole fitness industry is shitting on HIT because it reduces their revenue by not having people practically living in the gym buying their moronic products.

    • 10 months ago

      don't gyms make more money from people spending less time in the gym? gyms love the fat asses who pay for a membership and never actually show up

      • 10 months ago

        do you pay your gym membership by the hour or are you just moronic?

        Gyms sell more than just memberships.

    • 10 months ago

      do you pay your gym membership by the hour or are you just moronic?

    • 10 months ago

      It's more s battle of "philosophies", volume have been the standard, more is better. They're invested in these rep ranges and set. What's best for hypertrophy and what's best for strength?
      One one set?! Blasphemy! This is impossible, how can it be!?

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