How bad are ADHD medications over time?

How bad are ADHD medications over time?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Idk. The addiction isn't good

  2. 8 months ago

    they are estrogenic
    when you overclock your cns by lifting heavy, that has the same effect as adhd medication so you don't need them anymore

    • 8 months ago

      Fricking hell, you believe everything /misc/ tells you, huh? If they said the sky was black you'd go outside and start magdumping into the air.

  3. 8 months ago

    Don't listen to homies without adhd

    • 8 months ago

      >don't listen to anyone

  4. 8 months ago

    dextroamphetamine is good for you in sub 5mg doses because you never cross the dopamine threshold into euphoria aka neurotoxicity. treat it more like a supplement than a drug and it's legit good for your health.
    methylphenidate is shit, adderall is more adrenergic than dextro, and meth is just all around fricking terrible for you because of the overly strong serotoninergic activity. do not frick with serotonin receptors and especially 5ht2

    • 8 months ago

      elaborate on neurotoxicity
      also, my understanding that dexies were best used on a medium term basis to help repath your brain's habits and behaviours and then get off, rather than as a permanent solution

      • 8 months ago

        >elaborate on neurotoxicity
        Too much dopamine will kill neurons and cause rapid downregulation of dopamine receptors as a way to save further neurons from dying. Activation of the 5HT2 receptor family is also thought to contribute to neurotoxicity but my understanding of this is very limited. Serotonin receptors also take longer to upregulate following downregulation than dopamine receptors and too much adrenergic signaling is bad for longevity, so my understanding is that you'd want to select for dopamine without crossing the threshold to too much dopaminergic activity (receptor downregulation -> dependence -> delta fosb buildup, etc.) which anecdotally seems to be around 10-15mg daily for amphetamine. This for me also coincides with a subjective feeling of intense energy, optimism and mild euphoria, and I think this is a good indicator that you're doing too much speed and your braincels are dying.
        Racemic amphetamine has a much higher affinity for the dopamine and norepinephrine transporters than the serotonin transporter, and dexies have a higher relative affinity to the dat than the net so it seems ideal. Meth and mdma both have a high affinity to the sert, and mdma actually binds directly to 5ht2a receptors which makes it highly neurotoxic.
        >help repath your brain's habits and behaviours and then get off
        Ideally yes but keep in mind that for a lot of individuals with adhd the deficit is just too great. For the most part adhd isn't curable. Also if you're able to function at a higher level just by taking a tiny pill every day and you're able to manage the intake at a level that's not toxic and doesn't suck the soul out of you like ssris do, then why wouldn't you keep doing it? Why do you think most of the human population consumes caffeine every day? Because it's a miracle drug that god personally engineered for us so it could make our lives better. There's just too much work to do in this life, it'd be a waste not to use it.

        • 8 months ago

          why does binding specific molecules to receptors cause neurotoxicity?
          it seems like you have read like 2 abstracts and listened to some tech bro podcasts and now you think you understand neurological biochemistry. you shouldn't be offering advice on these topics.

        • 8 months ago

          Damn m8 are you a pharmacist student or some shit

        • 8 months ago

          thanks - I've experienced euphoria on a 40mg dose (whoops), I'll lower it to 5

        • 8 months ago

          >Too much dopamine will kill neurons and cause rapid downregulation of dopamine receptors as a way to save further neurons from dying.
          how to fix this, just stop taking them? taking a low dose (30mg Vyvanse) results in me getting angry/pissed when the effects wean off couple hours later. but also feels like it actually makes the brain work, instead of the high you described wich I get with higher doses.

          • 8 months ago

            You're fine, think about it this way. If the random faceless loser on IST is right you will suffer some neurotoxic effects over the course of your life which will have been far more successful and fulfilling than it otherwise would have been without medication. Also look into cognitive behavioral therapy, it's been just as instrumental for me as low dose stimulants have been. If I kick the bucket 10 years sooner but I lived a much better life throughout the time I did have well I'd be pretty happy with that outcome. All of this said, anon is a moron, listen to your doctors not IST. Don't disregard real medical advice from actual dedicated professionals in favor of the shit you read on the internet equivalent of rest stop bathroom graffiti.

            • 8 months ago

              been taking vyvanse and dexamph for 5 years already. also combined with behavioral therapy and neurofeedback. I used to think like you, but now that they dont work anymore, it feels bittersweet. I'm just trying to figure out why they stopped working, often just making me sleepy/exhausted or pseudo high

              • 8 months ago

                I take long breaks when I can do so reasonably. I recommend it. I take the medication on days when I know il need the extra help.

      • 8 months ago

        You don't have to worry about it much at low doses, especially if you aren't taking something regularly.

        If you read the studies (actually read them, there are many charts and shit use NIH search for effects on postassium and sodium channel activation in the brain and after NIH search use scihub to read them), the heavy deregulation of synapses happens with strong shit like methamphetamine.

        But adderall is just a 3:1 mix of l-dextroampheatmine and the r stereoisomer/enantiomer of it. The right handed chiral molecule has more cardiovascular effects like increased blood pressure and stuff you don't want. The left hand though, i.e. dextro, has a greater affinity for binding in your nervous system, which gives you the brain stim effects (good thing). It still stresses your synapses somewhat, but only at high doses, and does not appear to do any damage. If you are on a decently high dose of either addy or the pure l-isomer i.e. zenzedi/dexedrine (which is what you really want), and stop cold turkey, it will take a few days/weeks for your energy levels to return to baseline, that's it.

        tl;dr the "nerve damage" is a meme, just the same shit as the "literally meth" meme that people push when it comes to drugs like addy. normans think that molecules being slightly similar means they are effecitvely the same, which is NOT the case. hell, even chirality (stereoisomers or enantiomers) of molecules can cause very different behavior.

        so yea dont be a moron, addy and dexedrine are safe in moderate dosages. MDMA, however, is NOT safe

    • 8 months ago

      >elaborate on neurotoxicity
      Too much dopamine will kill neurons and cause rapid downregulation of dopamine receptors as a way to save further neurons from dying. Activation of the 5HT2 receptor family is also thought to contribute to neurotoxicity but my understanding of this is very limited. Serotonin receptors also take longer to upregulate following downregulation than dopamine receptors and too much adrenergic signaling is bad for longevity, so my understanding is that you'd want to select for dopamine without crossing the threshold to too much dopaminergic activity (receptor downregulation -> dependence -> delta fosb buildup, etc.) which anecdotally seems to be around 10-15mg daily for amphetamine. This for me also coincides with a subjective feeling of intense energy, optimism and mild euphoria, and I think this is a good indicator that you're doing too much speed and your braincels are dying.
      Racemic amphetamine has a much higher affinity for the dopamine and norepinephrine transporters than the serotonin transporter, and dexies have a higher relative affinity to the dat than the net so it seems ideal. Meth and mdma both have a high affinity to the sert, and mdma actually binds directly to 5ht2a receptors which makes it highly neurotoxic.
      >help repath your brain's habits and behaviours and then get off
      Ideally yes but keep in mind that for a lot of individuals with adhd the deficit is just too great. For the most part adhd isn't curable. Also if you're able to function at a higher level just by taking a tiny pill every day and you're able to manage the intake at a level that's not toxic and doesn't suck the soul out of you like ssris do, then why wouldn't you keep doing it? Why do you think most of the human population consumes caffeine every day? Because it's a miracle drug that god personally engineered for us so it could make our lives better. There's just too much work to do in this life, it'd be a waste not to use it.

      Americans when you tell them it's weird to give kids crystal meth prescriptions

    • 8 months ago

      >adderall is more adrenergic than dextro
      Is this good or bad, why?

    • 8 months ago

      why does 30 mg of sudafed make me feel like I get study enhancement and help me sleep like a normal person? the stuff seriously improved my life but I disliked the dry mouth and it seemed to make me weak.

  5. 8 months ago

    if methylphenidate works for you stick with it
    dexamphetamine and lysdexamphetamine inevitably get bad over time
    the best treatment is a rigid high activity lifestyle
    if you can't manage that lifestyle by self motivating then join the army, unironically, it is an absolutely dogshit environment for most but works wonders on ADHD

    • 8 months ago

      >if you can't manage that lifestyle by self motivating then join the army, unironically
      This, except I was Chair Force. I had never felt better in my life than during BMT, tech school and on TDY.
      High activity level is the best cure for ADHD. It's a shame that it's an automatic disqualifier from service if you have a documented history of it.
      Being idle or doing repetitive tasks brings out the symptoms. Novelty suppresses it entirely in my experience.

    • 8 months ago

      >join the army


      • 8 months ago

        It doesn't matter if you join the military or not. Either way you support the state agenda by working and contributing to the economy.

        • 8 months ago

          >paying taxes


  6. 8 months ago

    >ADHD medications
    You mean amphetamines? Just google the long term effect of amphetamines lmao moron.

    Of course it's bad for you.
    Also we all know ADHD is fake by now, no need to lie to us. If you want speed just do speed.

    • 8 months ago

      Ritalin isn't an amphetamine

    • 8 months ago


      kys boomer moron. D.A.R.E. and other israelite propaganda rotted your synapses more than any drug ever could

      tell me, are the amphetamines in the room with us right now?

  7. 8 months ago

    Proven Neurotoxic
    >how much?
    doesn't matter, how much Carbon monoxide do you want in your bedroom? Cyanide in your food? 0.

    • 8 months ago

      look at this chump, scared to eat an apple.

      • 8 months ago

        some cyanide producers actually use apple seeds you fricking moron
        >hurr durr can't eat an apple... wait.

        • 8 months ago

          That’s literally why he said you’re scared to eat an apple because there’s cyanide in the seeds. 0 reading comprehension skills. Who’s the moron?

          • 8 months ago

            >"who's the moron"
            >eating apples = eating apple seeds

  8. 8 months ago


    lmao if you believe this
    troll if odds, schizo if even, rolling.

    • 8 months ago

      >citing .gov
      >after covid
      I Sure Hope You Guys Don't Do That

      • 8 months ago

        literally you

  9. 8 months ago

    aint that just meth?

  10. 8 months ago

    Damn bros...

    >Is ADHD real or are the children we poisoned with mercury-laden vaccines just lazy?

    • 8 months ago

      Or perhaps our society is too much information, too much sitting on our asses.
      Even 200 years ago adhd was no issue, perhaps more of a boon which is why we have it in the first place.
      Now? Its almost always shit trait to have.

      • 8 months ago

        it was actually most beneficial in a hunter-gatherer setting, it has it's uses now, such as when the shit hits the fan, and everyone loses their minds, those of us w ADHD feel collected and know how to act. But those opportunities are few and far between, for now.

  11. 8 months ago

    Nothing bad on low doses, especially since for many people the medication is the difference between normal life vs. ending up a junkie/drunkard, dead or a depressed neet.
    So even if there are some issues down the line 10, 20, 30 years from now, I'd rather live my life now.

  12. 8 months ago

  13. 8 months ago

    It's literally meant to zombify you.

    t. someone with adhd who docs threw a shit tons of meds at as a child

    • 8 months ago

      cancer patients aren't cancer doctors, frick off and speak to your speciality

    • 8 months ago

      You're weak.

  14. 8 months ago

    i got a prescription for the generic dextroamphetamine the other day, 15mg. it makes my hands a little cold and gives me good energy, puts me in a good mood, sort of grounds me and forces me to be present, but i don't feel like doing anything. i fell for the motivation meme. still struggle with decision paralysis and that hesitation feeling that stops you from doing anything. probably need to be a person who's already motivated but just has trouble doing the thing. i feel content just staring at a wall all day on adderall. it's really good at appetite suppression and impulse control though, so i guess there's that.

    • 8 months ago

      Pills ain't skills. You do have to want something.

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