How can I aquire ADHD? I'm tired of being lethargic and unmotivated. Is it ogre if I am 25?

How can I aquire ADHD?
I'm tired of being lethargic and unmotivated.
Is it ogre if I am 25?

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  1. 6 months ago

    >ACL tear
    >MCL tear
    >Meniscus tear

  2. 6 months ago

    You dont want ADHD the vast majority of people you see romanticizing it online as a super power never had genuine ADHD to begin with and just got an adderall script (very easy to get) and started abusing adderall so that they couldn’t function without it.
    Adhd is over diagnosed. No shit a 5-10 year old boy doesnt want to sit still inside a classroom under fluorescent lights all day and would prefer to be running around outside that’s called being a normal male child.

    The people I know with “”adhd”” i.e. who never actually had it and ruined their brains with adderall were always unbearable to be around and even on their adderall genuine morons. Stupid shit like thinking you could store raw chicken breast in the microwave without any covering right on the spinning plate. Or they would ask you for something absurd, expecting you to say yes, then after saying no they ask again the next day forgetting they asked at all, then 3 months down the line they would throw actual pissy fits because you let them down insisting you said yes. Had one friend do that with living in my parents house during peak Covid. Told him no multiple times, told him it’s not up to me but I can confirm my parents aren’t letting someone they’ve never met live rent free when there’s no rooms even available. moron ends up homeless and blames me because he assumed I would move mountains for him to live in my home.
    These are the fake adhd brain damaged via medicinal meth variety you see on social media glorifying it. They’d emo different than the IG influencers who took an online autism diagnosis answered with heavy bias to get their result then romanticize autism.

    Those with genuine ADHD that I’ve known were at most a little forgetful but otherwise totally normal people they would usually just not keep track of time well, get hyperfocused on things but never complete each task before getting hyperfocused on the next thing. Often fricking things up in life but never too bad

    • 6 months ago

      We get it, dude, we get it: your boyfriend had ADHD. Get over it.

    • 6 months ago

      So more israeli tricks?

  3. 6 months ago

    OP, I've stared at this post for five minutes now and genuinely pity you. You have moronic gifs of video game women dancing saved on your computer, you are so clueless about the world that you think that ADHD is some energetic blessing and not a distractful curse, you believe that by "aquiring" (acquiring) a condition you can fix your life's issues and that this issues like demotivation don't stem from your destructive and pointless lifestyle of habitual internet usage. And lastly, you use childrens' internet language, asking if "it is ogre". Imagine if any functional adult at any point of human history saw that sentence and you had to explain it to them? And no, it's not "ogre" if you are 25, though that is simply far too old to frick around posting video game dance gifs.

    This post motivated me to close IST for today, which I will do now. You only live once OP, make the most of it.

    • 6 months ago

      I want you to be my therapist

  4. 6 months ago

    adhd doesn't make you productive

    • 6 months ago

      It does if you can "handle" it. That is, you are incredibly strict and vigilant with yourself.

      • 6 months ago

        Then that is not ADHD moron
        the "deficit" is precisely because you are incapable of handling it and being vigilant

        • 6 months ago

          Motherfricker you are talking about a disease that alters the way you interact with the world around you, not a nifty little hand tool that kind of has a learning curve. People who are successful with ADHD are more often than not successful in spite of it, not because of it.
          Frick, you're the kind of person who would advocate people getting fricking tapeworms and "working with them" to lose weight. Can't be a bad thing if the obvious results are a net positive, right? 🙂

          Coping morons. I myself have ADHD. I've left university degrees unfinished, personal projects, sports career, hobbies, maligned relationships with loved ones and especially romantic interests, quit jobs on a whim. My life has been unbearable almost in its entirety, full of regret and frustration, a constant battle with oneself, but you know what? The moment I changed my mindset and sucked it up, I had success. I'm telling you, it takes an amount of discipline that anyone would deem excessive, but it is possible. I've learned to focus my brain power on intentionally selected shit, though I do obsess over things still from time to time, and it gets annoying. Deliberate single-tasking is key. We're different creatures compared to other people, so we must act accordingly. The world is the most hostile it's ever been for us, but we must learn to overcome it.

          • 6 months ago

            Black person you're just lazy and neurotic that's not ADHD. Larping homosexual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

            • 6 months ago

              >Larping homosexual, you have no idea what you're talking about.
              Elaborate on your own experience, please. And don't say I'm just lazy; that's what everyone tells people with ADHD, don't they?

          • 6 months ago

            >When you confuse ADHD with being israeli

          • 6 months ago

            >I've learned to focus my brain power on intentionally selected shit, though I do obsess over things still from time to time, and it gets annoying. Deliberate single-tasking is key.
            Therefore you are finding success IN SPITE of your ADHD. What you have just described is not ADHD, it's literally what people have to do to manage in a job when they have ADHD.

      • 6 months ago

        Motherfricker you are talking about a disease that alters the way you interact with the world around you, not a nifty little hand tool that kind of has a learning curve. People who are successful with ADHD are more often than not successful in spite of it, not because of it.
        Frick, you're the kind of person who would advocate people getting fricking tapeworms and "working with them" to lose weight. Can't be a bad thing if the obvious results are a net positive, right? 🙂

        • 6 months ago

          >People who are successful with ADHD are more often than not successful in spite of it, not because of it.
          This. It's not fun to not be able to hold a thought.

  5. 6 months ago

    >I'm tired of being lethargic and unmotivated.
    So you want to become even more tired and unmotivated? Imagine being a vampire who lives in a cave in the desert that has literal pain going outside and doing things and the only thing that keeps it going is the frenzy of some small rodent that ventures into its cave every so often and youre just waiting for the next one to come along and the wait and boredom is even worse.

  6. 6 months ago

    ADHD is literally makes you unmotivated in every practical way.

  7. 6 months ago

    ADHD doesnt make you productive, it makes you ADHD. You have to channel it to get some potential benefits (and drawbacks)
    It works the same way as channeling your lethargy, for example to find out ways to make things require less work to get done
    ADHD is not a superpower, it gives heartattacks at early ages

  8. 6 months ago

    I have adhd and I just got suspended a lot in school for being a moron. Just get proper sleep and drink water bro. It will fix everything.

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