How can I be a man?

Any tips on becoming masculine and fit after being raped?

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  1. 9 months ago

    How tall are you?
    If under 6"2' you will never be a man even if you were born with a dick

    • 9 months ago

      when did the height scale to be a man changed? i was safe as a 6"1' motherfricker

      • 9 months ago

        >he hasn't read the height patch notes
        now that theres 6' tall "women" it's over for sub 6'2"lets, even 6'2"s are starting to be squeezed out of the meta as the High Heel buffs start to kick in...

  2. 9 months ago

    Need to give more context there op. Lack of context = lack of good answers. No I don't mean details of event I mean, were you a kid, in jail?
    Its relevant.

    • 9 months ago

      I was a kid and I was raped by another kid. I knew it was wrong and I don't feel like a man after working out either.

      • 9 months ago

        My man, sadly I also have experience with this. I was 12 and was raped by a 15 year old girl after she drugged me. Very inb4 anyone says anything positive about getting raped by a woman. Getting raped as a man is one of the most shameful things you'll ever feel, but you're not any less of a man for it. A moment of lost agency does not negate the kind of man you can be. The pain and embarrassment of it makes you feel like less of a man without question regardless of the validity. The thing about being a man is that you can build yourself into a greater version of yourself at any time. Being a man isn't about being masculine for the sake of it, but rather exerting your will upon the world. Horrible things happening to you doesn't have to stop you from pushing to become someone you want to look up to. You can become stronger, more resilient, and better able to handle the darkness of the world through this. I did and I turned this situation into something better. The memory will still be there but if you dedicate yourself to achievement wherever you can you'll feel yourself more and more distanced from the pain. It's hard to put into words exactly the feeling of having left it behind but have it still be with you, almost like seeing yourself in a broken mirror that you've mended together well but can still see the faint cracks of where it was smashed I suppose. I hope nothing more than you having that feeling too OP. I hope you heal and reclaim your manhood. I'm truly rooting for you bro

        • 9 months ago

          OP got raped as a kid, you had sex with an older girl, I honestly think your situation isn’t comparable

        • 9 months ago

          Thank you anon. It was a guy and one of my friends was also raped by a girl when he was younger, around the same age as you. He says he's is bi but I think he is gay and in denial, I think the girl molesting him made him more messed up and confused. I just think about it and get frustrated I couldn't save myself no matter how much muscle I have. I wish I could beat that kids ass.

          Listen anon, you need to seek out real therapy. And I don’t just mean you work with the first therapist available or a psychiatrist that dishes out drugs. A therapist you feel compatible with, that you can be comfortable with and trust. You’ll want a specialist in PTSD and if you can find one, an EMDR specialist. Do research but don’t try it alone.
          That said, grounding techniques are very important. Use your senses, everyone has an ideal grounding technique. For me if I’m losing my shit I calm down with sight and scent (a menthol stick that makes me focus and brings to reality, and I start analyzing my surroundings to remind myself where I am). You can use sight, any smell you find very comforting, the feeling of something you can keep a sample of in your pocket, peppermints or gum you can chew. Etc.
          Next big issue is contextualizing your feelings. Do you look feminine? Are you really feminine? Did lifting fail because you didn’t look masculine or because you yourself believe you aren’t/can’t be? Only you know the answer, but trauma often screws with our perspective on things and gives us odd habits that only make sense within the context of the trauma.
          Remember that a person doing something awful and evil to you does not reflect on you. It reflects on them.

          I'm going to do this. Thank you. My girlfriend is even worst than me and I can't tell her, I swear every hot girl has been raped. I'm not masculine to me, my girlfriends like me and thins I'm masculine but I don't. It's not about the good and evil as much as not being able to save myself

          • 9 months ago

            Trust me when I say this. You should not be in a relationship with anyone as or more unstable than yourself especially while you’ve still got a ways to go. You should never be with someone who you can’t fully confide in after you’ve become serious and committed to each other (not saying trauma dump every +6mo relationship but if you know you can’t ever confide, stop wasting time). I assure you not all attractive women are victims of abuse, but there’s still some truth there.
            Most child abusers are never caught, prosecuted, and even MANY who are prosecuted have charges dropped. Kids rarely ever tell an adult, adults don’t often pursue charges because of the stress on the child to deal with court, many drop charges because of that stress.
            Many boys and girls slip under the radar, but there’s a good chance you find trauma victims particularly attractive for psychological reasons. Little habits and mannerisms and facial expressions you recognize and feel attracted to because she must get it, she understands. We seek out our own kind.
            I picked my own wife because she somehow felt real, she felt genuine and human to me. She was upfront about lingering PTSD shit from being severely beat as a child and had it mostly together, and I was enlisted at the time getting beat with wrenches daily and somehow felt solidarity with her. She got it, she understood not exactly but closely how I felt. Just remember not to go for someone just because they get it, and only ever disclose that type of info to a woman you really really really trust.
            Closing, You can’t go back and save that little boy. You can’t just go find and kill your abuser and expect for it to all go away and feel better. If you’d still torture or kill your abuser, you’re not over it yet. All you can do is be a man that could've protected you, a man that could protect him son.

        • 9 months ago

          damn bro, must be hard to have sex with a woman

          • 9 months ago

            Is that why you haven't done it yet?

      • 9 months ago

        Listen anon, you need to seek out real therapy. And I don’t just mean you work with the first therapist available or a psychiatrist that dishes out drugs. A therapist you feel compatible with, that you can be comfortable with and trust. You’ll want a specialist in PTSD and if you can find one, an EMDR specialist. Do research but don’t try it alone.
        That said, grounding techniques are very important. Use your senses, everyone has an ideal grounding technique. For me if I’m losing my shit I calm down with sight and scent (a menthol stick that makes me focus and brings to reality, and I start analyzing my surroundings to remind myself where I am). You can use sight, any smell you find very comforting, the feeling of something you can keep a sample of in your pocket, peppermints or gum you can chew. Etc.
        Next big issue is contextualizing your feelings. Do you look feminine? Are you really feminine? Did lifting fail because you didn’t look masculine or because you yourself believe you aren’t/can’t be? Only you know the answer, but trauma often screws with our perspective on things and gives us odd habits that only make sense within the context of the trauma.
        Remember that a person doing something awful and evil to you does not reflect on you. It reflects on them.

      • 9 months ago

        is this for real

        • 9 months ago

          Idk but I’d rather assume it is and help my fellow man than assume it’s for lolz and OP paint the ceiling because nobody took him seriously

      • 9 months ago

        I am sorry you went through this. It's fricking awful and I feel horrible for you.
        And with all this fricking porn everywhere, this will happen more and more.

      • 9 months ago

        By a girl or a boy?

    • 9 months ago

      I was an adult at a black lives matter rally

  3. 9 months ago

    Revenge rape

    • 9 months ago

      Literally the only answer.

  4. 9 months ago

    You have to kill him that’s the only way

    • 9 months ago

      But anon, that doesn't decrease the number of rapist in the world

      • 9 months ago

        Uh.. yeah it does. Unless you rape him to death.

        • 9 months ago

          Nevermind then. Didn't know that was the only option.

  5. 9 months ago

    Man up

  6. 9 months ago

    1. Don't cry about it like a little b***h.
    2. Take precaution to not let it happen again.
    That's about it.

  7. 9 months ago

    Become the type of person you needed but didn’t have for someone else.

    • 9 months ago

      Left is the typical burger. College tuition, debt wageslavery, throwing their children out, demanding rent off them etc.

      • 9 months ago

        Right is the swedecuck from yesterdays ladder video.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't know what you mean? My case is grounded in reality, in many experiences, yours in one memevid

          • 9 months ago

            My case is a literal example of reality.

            • 9 months ago

              Nobody knows it

  8. 9 months ago

    Become a rapist. It is great for your gains.

  9. 9 months ago

    Use it as the ultimate fuel, make this your crazy anime arc. A pain so powerful it takes over your mind and soul can be converted. It’s dangerous, it’s powerful. The same emotion that makes one capable if doing the ultimate act of will; such as suicide, can be also be used to evolve into something you didn’t think possible. Use the energy or it will destroy you

  10. 9 months ago

    get some professional help and get closure

  11. 9 months ago

    Get an STD test and read this book. If possible you should try to get the perpetrator arrested. If not, just focus on building yourself. A man is not something you are born as or given, but something you build. Your skills, resources and reputation are the man. Build them.

    • 9 months ago

      Hes saying he was raped when he was a kid what STD test?
      >read book
      tell me u got bullied at school without tellin me u got bullied at school
      OP dont be too hard on urself,the version of u that was taken advantage off was a kid,and at a young age were not fully conscious yet so dont overthink about it,we become men at certain age and noone expects of kids to know everything,thats why they are protected and guided by adults until they become self sufficient
      i was at this guys place once he was way older than me,musta been in his teens while i was really young(dont remember how old but basically a kid)and i didnt know him that well or anything but our parents hanged out so id go to his place too,sometimes hed take his dick out and tell me look at it and one time he tells me to lower my pants as in were playing,i was confused but was like okay and he takes his dick out and tries to do his thing then my mom walks in asks me what happened and takes me home and never talked to dude again.i get it its not the same and i got lucky but trust me a kid that doesnt know whats going on or how important it is to go away wont react or fight back and its stigma to talk to kids about these cases else.i mean i too knew it was wrong but didnt know why it was so wrong and how grave it is.
      >at the bus when some old dude (musta been in his 40s) sits next to me
      >tired as frick so pretty much half sleep half awake and my eyes closed
      >at some point he touches my leg
      >"hm,must've been the wind"
      >touches my leg again this time slow caress
      >realize whats going on,hit him with my elbow 2 times hard as i can on his rib while lookin him in the eye
      >didnt cause a commotion he just awkwardly stepped a bit away and took the next stop
      difference in both cases is age OP,theres alot of weird stuff going on but now being a man i can defend myself so focus on being the best possible version of urself to defend u and ur family

      • 9 months ago

        >Hes saying he was raped when he was a kid what STD test?
        Robert Rayford was the first American with HIV. He first started showing symptoms at age 13 in 1966, and had clear signs of sexual abuse. Better late than never.

  12. 9 months ago

    Train your body, learn a martial art, find your rapist and take revenge by physically overpowering him and destroying his self-respect.

  13. 9 months ago

    Shit sucks man. I hate to hear it. You're capable of overcoming it however. Trust in us who trust in you. It will cost you nothing, and you have everything to gain from it. Most people here started lifting for analogous reasons, and I can say from experience that it helps in a way that is completely inconceivable for someone who never tried it. Stick to it, and you'll find that lifting becomes a great catharsis and anti depressant. You'll feel strong, masculine, confident. Good luck OP.

  14. 9 months ago

    Honestly I don't think I would ever tell a girl I was raped. Little to gain and everything to lose.

  15. 9 months ago

    The fact of the matter is your chances of killing him and getting away with it are slim to none. You just need to surround yourself with things you like and people you love. I'm sorry, anon.

  16. 9 months ago

    tfw not molested by a big girl in my teens
    by 13 I was jacking off like 3 times a day, the idea of not letting any girl give me a blowie or some pusspuss seems totally alien even if she tied me down to do it

    • 9 months ago

      Your porn addiction has horribly screwed your perception of what’s healthy or ok, and you look at the horrible sexual abuse of others and say “what a cry baby I wish I was raped and molested hubba hubba” please seek therapy

      • 9 months ago

        I can assure you that I was born this way Black person

        • 9 months ago

          Then, unironically, start looking into testosterone blockers and castrate yourself. Seriously.

          • 9 months ago

            no, I dont think I will
            in fact I think I will go to the gym to further increase my testosterone and take supplements that let me coom more and harder
            problem, troony?

            • 9 months ago

              Yes there is a problem

  17. 9 months ago


    you clearly specified that you were "raped" by a girl

    • 9 months ago

      I deleted my post I'm the OP. Not the guy that replied to me. I think it turn you into a bigger coomer. I know guys that just got addicted to sex after getting lucky once as a kid then becoming super incel.

  18. 9 months ago

    Go full Goggins mode and become a navy seal. Everytime you think about giving up think of that kid making you even more of a homosexual.

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