How can I look like her?

My BMI is 19.4 so I don't need to lose any weight in the slightest, but at the same time I have no muscles or strength because I live a sedimentary lifestyle. I like the way the rest of my body looks, but how can I get ONLY a toned stomach like that and slightly muscular thighs? I'd like to get it by two months, but I'm not sure how or where to start. Could anyone give me some helpful advice on diet or certain exercises I can do to achieve this? And in case this is important for the advice given, I am a biological female if that wasn't clear already

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  1. 10 months ago

    What an ugly little girl.

    • 10 months ago
      I hate w*men

      That’s an actual man

  2. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      You think if I was larping as a troony I would involve being a prostitute or something sexual because all those men who think they are women can't imagine being a woman is about anything other than sex

      Do leg and ab exercises

      well, yes, but which?

      >sedimentary lifestyle
      Rock on IST chick

      sedentary lifestyle*
      I should kill myself maybe

      Do back squats and weighted crunches. That's all you'll need to do to achieve your goals. Eat a little extra protein too. Although achieving your fitness goal within 2 months is going to really depend on how close you are to this woman already

      Thank you, that's much simpler than I thought it would be. Surprised you said eat extra proteins, I thought getting abs was all about eating greens, I guess that's outdated advice. Though I'm not like her in the slightest, at all, no muscles. I wish to be though

      • 10 months ago

        Building muscle requires protein, calories, and water nutritionally, resistance training becoming progressively harder over time to stimulate the muscle to continuously grow, and sleep to allow the muscle to heal and come back bigger and stronger. To lose fat you need to eat fewer calories than you burn each day and avoiding meme shit that will crush your thyroid or something. Greens don't have a lot of calories and make it easier to lose fat because they're very filling for the amount of food volume you get. The saying you'll hear is that abs are made in the kitchen. That's half true. If you haven't build your abs then they just won't come through no matter how much you diet down. If it was strictly about leanness then aushwitzmode guys would have the most impressive abs in the world.

      • 10 months ago

        >all those men who think they are women can't imagine being a woman is about anything other than sex
        Womanhood is about way more than being some guy's wiener sleeve. It's about getting a venti mocha macchiato from star bucks and coding in html. Boys always walk by and say like "wha wha what!! That gurl can code??! Homina homina homina." It's about making engineering teams that collaborate and coordinate to make commercial subs and bridges that smash patriarchal "regulations." Or whatever. BOOORING.

        • 10 months ago

          >It's about getting a venti mocha macchiato from star bucks and coding in html
          I truly hope Im shitposting with Klossy and sharing the same board...

      • 10 months ago

        Tl;Dr post breasts

      • 10 months ago

        shut up prostitute and post your fish dish

  3. 10 months ago

    Do leg and ab exercises

  4. 10 months ago

    >sedimentary lifestyle
    Rock on IST chick

    • 10 months ago
  5. 10 months ago

    Do back squats and weighted crunches. That's all you'll need to do to achieve your goals. Eat a little extra protein too. Although achieving your fitness goal within 2 months is going to really depend on how close you are to this woman already

  6. 10 months ago

    >I am a biological female if that wasn't clear
    No, it's clear.

  7. 10 months ago

    Low body weight
    Stomach vacuums
    Squat and/or leg press high reps

    • 10 months ago

      I'll add that to my list of what I need to do. Though that was my first time hearing about stomach vacuums; fricked up looking exercise, Thank you

      Building muscle requires protein, calories, and water nutritionally, resistance training becoming progressively harder over time to stimulate the muscle to continuously grow, and sleep to allow the muscle to heal and come back bigger and stronger. To lose fat you need to eat fewer calories than you burn each day and avoiding meme shit that will crush your thyroid or something. Greens don't have a lot of calories and make it easier to lose fat because they're very filling for the amount of food volume you get. The saying you'll hear is that abs are made in the kitchen. That's half true. If you haven't build your abs then they just won't come through no matter how much you diet down. If it was strictly about leanness then aushwitzmode guys would have the most impressive abs in the world.

      Thank you, helps a lot. If you can answer one more thing, do you have a recommendation for if I should work out every day, take a day or two break in between each day, go hard for three days and take a day break? Or if such a thing is dependent on the person, is there any way I can figure that out on my own without either doing too much and screwing myself over or doing too little and seeing not enough progress down the road?

      >all those men who think they are women can't imagine being a woman is about anything other than sex
      Womanhood is about way more than being some guy's wiener sleeve. It's about getting a venti mocha macchiato from star bucks and coding in html. Boys always walk by and say like "wha wha what!! That gurl can code??! Homina homina homina." It's about making engineering teams that collaborate and coordinate to make commercial subs and bridges that smash patriarchal "regulations." Or whatever. BOOORING.

      Womanhood isn't any of that, it's just about being born a woman, that's it. It's not something a man would understand, just like a woman wouldn't understand manhood. To me it's about being strong, doing impulsive things, and fighting; but that is not manhood, but a crude stereotypical assumption from someone who could never understand what it truly is
      TL;Dr post your fat, greasy, hair balls homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        >To me it's about being strong, doing impulsive things, and fighting
        and coding in html and stuff.

        • 10 months ago

          And drinking shitty coffee..

        • 10 months ago

          And drinking shitty coffee..

          Alright thats so moronic it was funny, made me laugh good, thank you, you've got me there

      • 10 months ago

        >fricked up looking exercise
        Arnold swears by them so I do too, they feel great too, I feel all the weak obliques and joints on the sides of my body tense, it's a new feeling every time.
        I'd post abs but no thanks, best of luck!

        If you don't mind me asking, as a woman what brings you here? I mean you're going to catch a lot of shit and not a lot of help.

        Also who's the girl on the OP?

        • 10 months ago

          Nah, you don't need to give me proof, I believe you man
          >as a woman what brings you here?
          I catch 1/3 shit, 1/3 useless advice, and 1/3 helpful advice; which is about the same as any other thread. I come here because I know I can get quick, good, simple answers fast; without any moronic stupid shit. I already got most of the help I need I believe, besides how often I should exercise; so it works out.
          > Also who's the girl on the OP?
          sophiazipay I believe? I just reversed searched her image, the instagram account seems to have the same dresser

      • 10 months ago

        >do you have a recommendation for if I should work out every day, take a day or two break in between each day, go hard for three days and take a day break?
        Lift every other day or so. Because of elevated estrogen and progesterone you'll have a better recovery ability than a man even if you can't build as much muscle or strength. For a man, hitting a muscle around twice per week is best, but for you, 3-4 times per week would lead to better results. Most people regardless of gender don't grow best working a muscle every day. I've only ever seen 2 people grow well with that routine. Everyone else gets blown out and injured. Best of luck achieving your goals

        • 10 months ago

          Never knew that about estrogen, huh
          Thank you very much for your help, that's all the advice I needed to get started. Have a good one anon!

      • 10 months ago

        Why don't you read the sticky, use Google and do your own fricking research instead of expecting us to spoon-feed you like a little baby? What are we, your parents? Fricking hell.

  8. 10 months ago

    She looks bat shit crazy.

  9. 10 months ago

    She's appears to have gained weight from left pic to right, but her waist seems to grow proportionally. If your body type isn't like that and you happen to gain fat in your midsection more than other areas, you can be a lower BMI than other women but still appear "off". Some men have this problem because instead of getting fat, they maintain lanky arms and legs but then they gain weight around the stomach... The "skinny fat" type. Obviously without pics can't see if you're a skinny fat female.

    • 10 months ago

      Are you moronic?
      Left picture she is standing upright, resting her weight on her right foot, letting her left one relaxing.
      Right picture she has her chest out, her stomach pointed downwards as her hips are slanting forwards, with resting her weight on both her legs

      It's all about angle of the camera and the pose to make different parts of the body look certain ways. Left picture pose highlights her hourglass stomach and one of her thighs slightly, right picture pose highlights her thighs and the definition on her abs. It's not that she's changed much in these two pictures, but she's angled her body differently along with the camera

      Thanks for your little talk about skinny fat people but that's not what I was talking about at all, or relates to it

  10. 10 months ago

    >I live a sedimentary lifestyle

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