How can I lose weight while maintaining my alcoholism?

How can I lose weight while maintaining my alcoholism? I drink about 12 beers a night and have gained 20 pounds since starting

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  1. 5 months ago

    go to rehab you alcoholic frick

  2. 5 months ago

    Switch for drinking spirits or wine.

  3. 5 months ago

    yeah drink hard liquor instead

    • 5 months ago

      5 shots of whisky or vodka whatever is on sale, 3 beers in the thermos finish the rest of the last one, already had a bunch of coffee, a cigarette or bowl or 2 with some cigarette tobacco and that's the best pwo you can ask for besides 20 nugs 2 bacon doubles and a large soda with coke or Mt dew depending on if I got whisky or vodka and fill the thermos to replace the beer.

      >ruins your protein synthesis
      You have the luver of a woman.
      >you're eating 1200 calories and drinking 1000
      I work out with a shitload of heavy sets and burn out at the end.
      >you can't maintain weight eating 4000 calories
      Maybe a lil bit high but yeah if you're really bulking you can work out twice a day with enough coffee nicotine and weed.
      >why not eat 3000 calories and do my gay buttboy routine made by a Black person
      Because I don't suck penis and frick men.

  4. 5 months ago

    Burn more calories than you consume with beer, the simple explanation is that.
    Also, fit is only one part of a man's life, you should try improving whatever is making you drink this much and then you can be better than before and drink to feel good, not to escape something.

    • 5 months ago

      Not op but idek what I’m escaping from, I think it’s boredom and loneliness but idk

  5. 5 months ago

    No more beer, ever. You're drinking only high alcohol:calories spirits now.
    No more enjoyable drunk food, ever. You're on a diet, no wienertails, no breakfast, no snacks, no desserts, smaller portions for lunch and dinner.
    Feeling hungry most of the time, and being malnourished in the long run, even if you go hard on vitamin pills.
    Basically, you won't do it, you're too much of a goddamn casual to take the punishment. If your drink of choice wasn't beer to begin with, maybe you'd have the balls.

    • 5 months ago

      Im just saying I put some decent numbers on my lifts getting flat out drunk at the gym. I just wouldn't recommend it for leg day if you can't handle pukeyness and are lazy like me.

  6. 5 months ago

    >Be me
    >Work as a Retail Sales Rep
    >Meet a cute girl at one of the stores
    >Been dating for two years now & we live together
    >Finally asks me when she'll meet my family
    >Decide to visit them for Christmas this year
    >Weeks before going, find out my brothers are dating a doctor, Engineer, and CPA
    >Not that weird since they work in those fields
    >Big day arrives
    >They talk about scientific shit that I barely know about and my GF doesn't know anything about
    >I try to pivot the conversation to sports
    >They don't watch so they continue talking
    >I just talk to my parents while she remain quiet
    >After dinner we had some time alone
    >She was upset and wanted to fly back ASAP
    >We end up flying back on the 26th
    >Now she's been quiet the past day and today

    It's over isn't it

    • 5 months ago

      It's over. Never bring a poor girl in a rich family

    • 5 months ago

      No, use this as a way to relate to her and strengthen your bond with each other. It sounds like you got just as much out of the experience as she did.

      • 5 months ago

        That would have worked on the flight home, or even the day after. It's so very over now.

    • 5 months ago

      Bro why the frick should it be over because of that? If your girl leaves you because you don't relate much to your brothers then maybe she was gonna leave you anyway.

    • 5 months ago

      No, use this as a way to relate to her and strengthen your bond with each other. It sounds like you got just as much out of the experience as she did.

      Yeah I don't see the problem. I have a PhD (don't give a shit if you believe me or not), and I have a ton of trouble connecting with people not in my field/who don't know science well. I hate it. It happens all the time, even when I was a grad school, when our lab would go out drinking, we would say NO WORK TALK and it would always end up back on the topic of work because that's all any of us did.
      Most of my extended family is high-school only. I talk science because that's all I know. I wish I knew who the Bears were playing, what aunt X said to cousin Y, more about sports, more about alcohol, more about cigars, connecting, etc. I can tell you that only the snobbish would turn down conversation. I date outside of science so that I can have a breath of fresh air and live in the real world. My current partner I started dating when she was a waitress. I did get a lot of awkward "huhs"s but they can frick off.
      Point is, don't feel bad because you don't know science shit. It's not something you should compare yourself against. Just accept that they are spergs without much knowledge outside their work. They probably feel bad not connecting (unless, again, snobs- we have a lot in science and I hate them all).
      The problem might come if you externally exude insecurity at the table or something. That would probably make your GF unhappy, and we as humans are VERY good at telling if someone feels uncomfortable.
      Next time, just ask a lot of questions. Science spergs are more than happy to tell you what they do. I like when people ask because it helps me calibrate how good my laymans explanations are, and I often get enough "why" questions that I finally go "huh I dunno. That's a good question" and end up looking something up I didn't know.
      Just know sperg scientists feel immasculated by not knowing sports, and you might feel insecure about not knowing science/not being hot-shot high-education buttholes, but really you are all just doing your own thing

  7. 5 months ago

    Vodka water

  8. 5 months ago

    I used to easily crush a 6pack right before and during the gym. Just drink coffee first and you're golden.

  9. 5 months ago

    Gin and diet tonic - a double

  10. 5 months ago

    Fellow alcie here, vodka or clear rum. Remain a very strict diet as well because vodka is around 90-100 cal a shot i believe and i normally drink 3-6 shots after work

    • 5 months ago

      no way. i have about 10 shots per night ( i barely even get buzzed because my tolerance is so high.) your saying that's an extra 1000 calories? i can't believe it.

      • 5 months ago

        Op here

        There are about 1600 calories in a bottle of whiskey. I'm a beer drinker.

        600 in a 4lokos tallbois ( I need 2 to get fricked up, and even then I have to drink it fast) those are 14%. I usually drink 2 a night

      • 5 months ago

        Its wat i read on the internet bud, when i looked up how many calories is in vodka. I hope its wrong.

  11. 5 months ago

    > how do I lose weight drinking liquid bread

  12. 5 months ago

    1 beer or 2 you could handle in theory, yoy wont ever stop gaining while doing 12 beers a day lol

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