How can I naturally treat ADHD? I've been recommended Adderall but I don't wanna be a pseudo-drug user.

How can I naturally treat ADHD? I've been recommended Adderall but I don't wanna be a pseudo-drug user.

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  1. 10 months ago

    1. Go the frick to sleep
    2.exercise daily
    3. Eat well
    4. Put your goddamn phone and screens away for most of the day
    5. Build your attention span. Make your goal simply to attend to a task for a given period of time. Gradually work up. eg
    Spend 25 minutes reading a chapter in a text book. That's your only goal. It's not to get through a certain amount,. it's not to work at a certain pace, it's only to sit there for 25 minutes and read the book and not do anything else. Start at whatever you can do and gradually build it up.

    • 10 months ago

      I tell myself to do these things and I try to do them and then I forget about them halfway through and get distracted and do something else
      I got diagnosed recently and started taking a low dose of Adderall on and off. I function better on it but it's not a miracle pill like I hoped it would be
      That's all the advice I have OP, idk how to treat it either

      • 10 months ago

        > I forget about them halfway through

        Halfway through what? You have to plan to improve, reflect on when you fail and redesign to get your goal of simply not doing anything else

        If you want to make a timer go off every 5 minutes and initial on a paper you were reading a textbook and not doing something else, you could.

    • 10 months ago

      My attention span is nonexistent. It can't be fixed without drugs. If it was as easy as you say, nobody would have ADHD or need drugs.

      • 10 months ago

        >nobody would have ADHD or need drugs.
        Nobody does have ADHD or need drugs.

      • 10 months ago

        You will understand that it's all a sham when you realize that ADHD didn't exist before the invention of the television.
        If you just want amphetamines, just buy amphetamines.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah just like putting the fork down will cure obesity but there's no fricking way you can fix it and obviously this is why drugs exist?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >just stop having adhd

      • 10 months ago

        >Work to not be fat
        >Work to not have ADHD

        Yeah, your attention span sucks, fix your attention span. You're pretending ADHD is a physical object like a tumor as opposed to a description of a set of symptoms.

        • 10 months ago

          >as opposed to a description of a set of symptoms
          >Just break free of these shackles and chains by changing your wording
          bruh.... you might as tell starving children its just a mindset lol wtf is this bs?

          • 10 months ago

            Imagine a fat person told you obesity is a disease and their condition couldn't be treated by not eating so much, therefore they needed drugs. How would you respond?

            • 10 months ago

              Well for 1 i wouldnt be as gay as you and say being fat is a set of descriptions. 2 thats a dumb example scenario you put out there since everyone knows how to lose weight.
              What if i told you that you could cure autism by not being stupid and to stop fitting a set of descriptions? how dumb would i sound?

              • 10 months ago

                If there was evidence people actually following your advice were no longer meeting the criteria for autism that'd be really compelling

              • 10 months ago

                Provide evidence that sitting in a tent for a week without a phone will flip a severe ADHD patient into a straight A student with blinders on for success

              • 10 months ago

                >into a straight A student with blinders on for success

                What the fricking straw man? You're like a fat person now refuting an imagined claim putting the fork down is supposed to turn you in a fitness model.

              • 10 months ago

                >If there was evidence...
                >So therefore due to that hypothetical scenario, my theory is quite valid

              • 10 months ago

                >fat is a set of descriptions.

                But it is. It's merely a state of excess energy balance, reversible by not having that excess. It's not like you have a cancer or a parasite or Down's syndrome

  2. 10 months ago

    Realize it's fake and lead a more disciplined life. Make yourself read more. Make yourself concentrate on things for longer bouts of time.

  3. 10 months ago

    Get a routine and schedule. Wake up the same time, eat meals at the same time, go to the bathroom at certain times. When you become ridged to your schedule it’s harder to get lost in something. At the start it might be good to set alarms on your phone to signal the end or start of something.
    Exercise regularly. Both physically and mentally. Do a few word/number puzzles at some point. I do a few that take 10-15 minutes in the morning. When the body and mind are full of energy it has no place to go. Walks also are good as it can be good mind wandering time.
    Break up task into 10-20 minute smaller task. That way you can “finish” a part of task, do another small task unrelated for 10-20 minutes. And back to the original task for another portion.
    Get some quiet type of fidget toy. Let’s me transfer all my fidgetiness into one focused area rather than my whole body
    Accept some days your ADHD will be worse. Some will be better.

  4. 10 months ago

    ADHD is fake
    You’re a spoiled entitled brat
    Practice work ethic like everyone else did when you were playing games instead of doing homework

  5. 10 months ago

    We've had this thread many times.
    ADHD is not real. You have an overstimulated environment and lifestyle.

    You do know that the Amish and such have 0 case of ADHD, right?
    Just don't use screens for a month and you'll be cured.

    • 10 months ago

      in 1789 adhd was first reported, the amish have 0 cases for adhd because they dont have doctors

      You will understand that it's all a sham when you realize that ADHD didn't exist before the invention of the television.
      If you just want amphetamines, just buy amphetamines.

      the tv was invented in 1927, the first case was reported in 1789

      • 10 months ago

        It has nothing to do with what we call ADHD nowadays.
        Even if some people had neurological issues 500 years ago, the fact that there is 1000x more cases today shows that it's a product of the time, not some inate genetic disease or something.

        Just turn off the screen.

        • 10 months ago

          yeah the point is, adhd is a thing, while overdiagnosted, and sometimes used as an excuse for lazy people, its a thing

          • 10 months ago

            No it's not a thing. Just like porn sickness is not a thing. Just turn off your screen and you're cured.

            It's not schizophrenia. You're not born with it, you're not cursed. You don't need drugs.
            Turn off the screen.

            • 10 months ago

              you are going by the asumption that adhd is just about not having attention, thats just an attention deficiet, in which your tip would make sense, if you actually have adhd things get more complicated, and making it clear, you dont need drugs to fix it, and your tip also helps but its not a 100% fix neither a magic solution that makes it go away

              • 10 months ago

                Put ya damn phone down, sonny

              • 10 months ago

                I've seen guys in military service tweaking the first week they came, having a clear TikTok withdrawal because they needed more stimulation and were craving dopamine, guys incapable of focusing on anything for 30 seconds and incapable of reading a flier in one time.

                A month later they read books in the barracks for hours at a time. I've seen it time and time again.

                The brain adapt to the environment. If you're hyperstimulated, the brain will want that.
                If you're not stimulated, the brain will adapt with what it has.

                It a dopamine tolerance situation. Anyone knowledgeable about drugs and dopaminergic substances and activities knows that very well.

              • 10 months ago

                again, thats attention deficiet (aka low attention span caused by overstimulation and whatever what), actual adhd goes deeper than that

              • 10 months ago

                No it doesn't. Turn off the screen and it's resolved.

              • 10 months ago

                frick this website, i dont know why i even try

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah people here tend to not play along people's fake illnesses.
                You might want to try reddit. It's also good if you have long COVID, fibromyalgia, electrosensibility, and all those other fake stuff. They'll make you feel better about being a loser on purpose and hiding behind obviously fake illnesses.

              • 10 months ago

                Little do you know, "ADHD is fake!" Is the most midwitted normalhomosexual opinion ever. Walk up to a boomer and ask him what he thinks about it.
                >"ya'll kids play too much of ya'll's vidya games!"
                >"gosh darnit when I was yerr age I worked for 15 minutes and bought 3 houses with nothin but mah hands puttin' caps on them coke bottles"

              • 10 months ago

                Don't care about your analogies. It's still fake. Turn off the screen and the "disease" will go away.

              • 10 months ago

                by legal meth i mean amphetamines, as they have the same effect, thats why i call it that, you have difficulty understanding a joke, so you are probably autistic, that explains all

              • 10 months ago

                If you think regular amp and meth have the same effects, you have not done both lmao.

              • 10 months ago

                literally everything you said there is moronic, understand that i dont claim that op has adhd, neither that people who are lazy/have low attention span have adhd, do you even know what it is? i asume you are baiting but jeez, atleast bring some arguments outside of "its fake cuz some people fake it", no shit sherlock the big pharma wants to sell their legal meth, but to claim that shit just does not exist is moronic as frick

              • 10 months ago

                It does not exist.
                ADHD is as real of an innate disease as obesity is.
                Eat too much calories? Obesity. Consequence of your behavior.
                Do too much dopaminergic activities? Attention and focus deficit. Consequence of your behavior.

                It's not a disease. It's a normal consequence of your behavior, it's a normal function of the human body.

                Also you are not prescribed meth for ADHD unfortunately. It's just gay types of amphetamines like dextroamp. Methamp is almost never prescribed for anything anymore.

              • 10 months ago

                Frick you, you gullible little frickwit. Have fun being in a cult.

                "Dopamine fasting" is literally just made up broscience bullshit. It is not even a fricking quantifiable thing.

                Prove it by turning off the screen for a month. It's a win-win for you.

              • 10 months ago

                i did it when i had no internet for about 3 months because of low money, it did not change anything

              • 10 months ago

                We didn't say no Internet. We said no screens.

              • 10 months ago

                what the hell do you think i would do with a screen with no internet? play solitare on windows? i did not use my pc and i did not have a phone (screen broke)

              • 10 months ago

                Have you tried actually putting your phone down though? Sounds like you already made up your mind before creating this thread. Pointless.

              • 10 months ago

                ADHD is a collection of symptoms you fricking moron

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah a collection of symptoms resulting from constant stimulation and limited physical activity and a poor diet and then being placed in a confined area and given boring shit to do.

                "Wow holy shit we took Johnny away from the Nintendo tablet bing bang bong and gave him a book report to write and holy shit he can't handle it omg he HAS ADHD!!!!"

              • 10 months ago

                You just made that all up. You haven't done any actual research, you don't know what you're saying is the truth. You're doing the very definition of "talking " out your bum.

                ADHD is a thing man, if you knew somebody who actually had it and not just a person who sometimes struggles to "pay attention" you wouldn't be on here saying this .

                These people have an actual problem regulating dopamine. It involves a harder time concentrating, because their brain can't find the motivation to concentrate like a normal person. So telling them to just "focus" makes no sense because they have a limited ability to motivate themselves to focus

                You're not a psychiatrist my man. You don't have it figured out, you're saying the same thing that everyone said who didn't know what ADHD was. It's not simply "oh he was gaming, now he can't study " because practically every kid was gaming alot back then , and yet they eventually find the ability to motivate themselves to study. Your example has too many holes

                ADHD can be seen in brain scans.

              • 10 months ago

                No I have. I have a degree in neuroscience. One of my mentors developed a CBT program for treating ADHD and was able to show dramatic improvements in attention, to the point most people no longer met the diagnostic criteria.

                >People having trouble focusing can be shown in brain scans

                Yeah and what's your point? I can show you're insulin resistant through a blood test, doesn't mean Type II diabetes can't be treated through diet and exercise.

              • 10 months ago

                No, its not. Its one specific symptom with some outliers that can be bolted on to that.

                "Dopamine fasting" is literally just made up broscience bullshit. It is not even a fricking quantifiable thing.

                Yes, its a broscience.
                But it accidentally hit enough fundamentals. The problem is that once you go to a base level, so you actually get to experience boredom and creativity, there is a point where you try to focus to do something mundane, where the dopamine fasting won't fundamentally address the restlessness and mental wandering the brain do to avoid focus fatigue.

                Going into actual behavior therapy like


                The guys telling you it's not real were 100% of the time misdiagnosed as children by abusive and neglectful parents, and crusade against the condition as a result.

                Don't read any of the moronic shit on here. Start with picrel, which includes a clearly hashed out how-to guide on coping strategies. If you libgen the author, he also wrote an entire book on non-drug coping strategies as well if you're deathly allergic to the pharmajew

                will go far further, and can be combined with what addicts consider microdoses of Amphetamine to speed up the process.

            • 10 months ago

              ADHD is detectable via neurological scans that show an underfiring of brain activity in a certain region of the brain I'm blanking on at the moment. Taking a dopamine producing drug or a dopamine reuptake inhibitor drug does indeed fix the problem and calms a person down whereas before hand they're either fidgety or unable to focus or whatever. If they take too much then they react like a normal person does to stimulates.

              You can rewire your brain to focus more easily, true, but that doesn't negate the problem being a problem in the first place.

              • 10 months ago

                Of course it's detectable neurologically, since dopamine activity is detectable neurologically.
                But dopamine tolerance is very flexible. Do a dopamine fast for a month and you won't be able to "detect" ADHD with your scan anymore.

                It's environmental and behavioral. You don't need amphetamines.

              • 10 months ago

                Clueless boomer take. ADHD is a lot more complicated than "problems focusing". It's a developmental disorder that presents as early as 3-4 years of age. An ADHD brain is underdeveloped in certain areas. It does get better with age, but your brain stops developing around age 25 and if you haven't caught up by then then you never will unless you take meds.
                It might seem like a trivial issue to you because you have a brain with normal development, so you can't really imagine or simulate what it's like to have a brain with a serious deficit like ADHD. It's like having an average IQ and not being able to understand why 80 IQ individuals can't process conditional hypotheticals. You'll never know what it's like to have an IQ of 80 from a first person perspective, which is why those people usually fall by the wayside and get left behind by society. Any "advice" given to them by average or above average individuals is equivalent to Chad telling you to just bee yourself.

              • 10 months ago

                Trying to play the little neuroatypical victim won't work here either buddy. This isn't reddit.

              • 10 months ago

                I've watched your video and I think the mistake he makes is assuming that faults within the dsm5's definition of ADHD mean the disorder itself doesn't exist.
                I'm at work so I don't have the time to go over each argument one by one, but I might do so if this thread is still up when I finish.
                Will you watch the first two videos in this playlist?

              • 10 months ago

                >Do a dopamine fast for a month and you won't be able to "detect" ADHD with your scan anymore.
                Not to sound like a gay, but are they any good sources on dopamine receptor up-regulation you can share? I've done a ton of research on this, and from what I've found the research on raw dopamine levels is pretty sound, but I'm struggling finding anything related to dopamine RECEPTOR levels, and it's pissing me off.

              • 10 months ago

                "Dopamine fasting" is literally just made up broscience bullshit. It is not even a fricking quantifiable thing.

                No I don't have linkable sources I can give, I don't even know if it's studied since it's not something that's in the interest of the pharma lobby. I just have life experience of seeing people getting attention deficit because of overstimulation, mostly with screens, and get better with what is by default a dopamine fast.
                I've seen it countless times in the army, it's commonly witnessed in prison (mostly in isolation), and my wife has experience with it on meditative retreats.

                Most people wouldn't be able to sit in silence motionless for 30 minutes. Give them a month of nothing to do and they naturally become monks, the dopamine tolerance adapts itself with its environment.
                Start by doing a weekend in nature with no screens. Camping or something. You're still busy so not bored, but it's not as dopaminergic at all.

              • 10 months ago

                I'd be willing to try this. I've wasted nearly a decade consooming and my brain is pretty much shot, is it too late to repair this in your late 20's? Doctors won't touch adult ADHD diagnosis in leafland, so this is good or bad depending on if you think it's fake I guess

                I'm at a breaking point and willing to try 30 days. What's the rules, just no electronics and only allowed to read books? I do some online courses, so I'd need to install a bunch of site blockers

              • 10 months ago

                The book


                The guys telling you it's not real were 100% of the time misdiagnosed as children by abusive and neglectful parents, and crusade against the condition as a result.

                Don't read any of the moronic shit on here. Start with picrel, which includes a clearly hashed out how-to guide on coping strategies. If you libgen the author, he also wrote an entire book on non-drug coping strategies as well if you're deathly allergic to the pharmajew

                basically tells you to "dopamine fast" but includes other shit how to stay consistent with scheduling and time management. Look, whether you think ADHD is fake or not, the symptoms manifest as a few common categories
                >lack of urgency (you don't give a frick about things you know you should be panicking about)
                >time perception and management failure
                >reward-seeking behavior
                >difficulty sustaining "boring" tasks
                >hair twirling, nail biting, teeth grinding
                All the formulas to frick your shit up and ensure you live a half-assed life. As I mentioned, don't listen to me or anyone on 5 chinz.

                Also a leaf and I'm a non-responded to xr amphetamines (have a 40mg Vyvanse script that does nothing for me). CBT is a great start that you don't need any medical assistance for and shuts the people up who think it's all about drugs

              • 10 months ago

                Age is irrelevant, the monoamine circuits don't change after brain maturation. Google stuff on dopamine fast, I'm sure you can find stuff on YouTube.

                The basic idea is to bore yourself as much as possible to force your dopamine tolerance to go down. Just like any T break with drugs.
                I recommend going camping, walking, reading. Think a lot, maybe write, but don't use screens or entertainment if you can help it.

              • 10 months ago

                >Do a dopamine fast for a month and you won't be able to "detect" ADHD with your scan anymore.
                Not to sound like a gay, but are they any good sources on dopamine receptor up-regulation you can share? I've done a ton of research on this, and from what I've found the research on raw dopamine levels is pretty sound, but I'm struggling finding anything related to dopamine RECEPTOR levels, and it's pissing me off.

                "Dopamine fasting" is literally just made up broscience bullshit. It is not even a fricking quantifiable thing.

              • 10 months ago

                That's why I'm asking if there's ever been any attempts to analyze it. We know that for example lifting weights will up regulate dopamine receptor density, and that flooding your brain with dopamine will down regulate receptor density, so the idea that you can make the receptor itself more sensitive to dopamine doesn't seem like that wonky of a notion.

              • 10 months ago

                No bro you don't get it bro you have to sleep on the floor and throw out your phone bro and dude you have to eat like only oatmeal and browned ground beef with no seasoning dude no reading no artificial light no music no touching your dick no hot water no screens man just trust me it'll reset your dopamine.

              • 10 months ago

                adhd isn't about dopamine, has little to do with it; it's about activity in the ventral tegmental area and caudate nucleus

                what a surprise that you, non-adhd person, have no idea what you're talking about, unlike a 120s iq adhd person like me.

              • 10 months ago

                Can you offer any tips or advice high iq adhd bro? I got an adult diagnosis about 8 months ago, but the xr stims didn't do much besides make me shitpost at 1000x speed. Any entry level readings or guides I need to look into?

              • 10 months ago

                >Can you offer any tips or advice high iq adhd bro?

                no, not really. exercise sleep good diet. same thing as anything/everything else.


                don't take stimulant drugs. they deplete your response to dopamine over time and will simply make the issue worse if you're taking them as an adult. at least, that's what happened to me.

                my #1 advice for you is do not give yourself tinnitus from loud music or things like that. just unrelated but everyone young seems to want to do it on purpose.

                >readings or guides

                no. here is how to manage your life with ADD: set goals and then work tirelessly toward them. if you do anything other than that, you will flounder and fail. waking up same time, bed same time, stuff like that is essential. don't be afraid to buy things to help you keep track of ideas, objects, people, or whatever.

              • 10 months ago

                I'll try to sort and clean up the sleep as much as I can, diet and lifting are the only things I have going well in my life. I have goals, but sabotage myself constantly and fall off the wagon. I think my effort needs to be rearranged towards purging distractions tbqh.

                I don't respond to stims anyway, so I might try a "drug holiday" while I attempt to build other habits. Thanks anon, and those are some elite booba

              • 10 months ago

                The area of the brain he's talking about is an underdeveloped anterior cingulate cortex.
                >There was a 21% volume reduction in the left ACC of the treatment-naïve group relative to the control group. Also, there was a 23% volume reduction in the right ACC of the treated group relative to the control group.
                Even if there was an environmental cause that caused ADHD you can't fix something like this naturally. We don't even have drugs to really fix this. The best we can do is manage symptoms.

            • 10 months ago

              I’m married to someone with ADHD and this is really far from the truth. And unless you want to become a farmer or some shit, gonna be pretty difficult to get away from screens.

        • 10 months ago

          >It has nothing to do with what we call ADHD nowadays.
          Melchior Adam Weikard called it a "attention deficit" in 1775.
          Crichton called it "disease of attention" in 1798.
          Benjamin Rush called it "a syndrome involving inability to focus attention" in 1812.

        • 10 months ago

          >no actually they're lying so I'm right

    • 10 months ago

      Amish have undiagnosed ADHD but they exist in harmony with the environment in which they're raised. This should come as no surprise if you read the hunter-gatherer hypothesis of ADHD. It's the modern world where we've deindustrialized the west, sent all hands-on jobs to China, and enforced boxed office cuck living where those who have the condition truly suffer.

    • 10 months ago

      ADHD becomes a disability when you put them in modern society. Of course it isn't as bad when you live in something like an amish society. Physical work each day, out in nature with fresh air. The bible part probably sucked though I bet.

      • 10 months ago

        Nah if they're Amish a book with words on it is some of the most different and interesting shit they'd see. It's when everything is a colorful hyperstimulating screen with explosions and noises and you get a book that shit gets hard

    • 10 months ago

      >don't use screens for a month and you'll be cured.
      Ah yes, that will go well for my software engineering job. You're not onto anything revolutionary here, ADHD is only a problem when you have a job that demands mental labor. I'm sure this problem wouldn't exist if I were a fisherman or a lumberjack but I like money and not starving to death

  6. 10 months ago

    Do you ever do stuff that you have no recollection of ?

  7. 10 months ago
  8. 10 months ago

    I really hate this culture we developed where every single person has some sort of illness and instead of correcting themselves or fixing the problem they just say "oh its because I have adhd". it's a fricking crutch and an excuse for lazy people to be ok with being complete frickups. people lazy by nature wont try fix themselves and will just say they have X mental health issue and call it a day and think theres nothing they can do to change

  9. 10 months ago
    Watch these, and understand that add/adhd isn't an attention issue that can be solved by willpower. It's an issue with execution and conceptualising future consequences of your present actions. This is why adhd homies will often wait till the very last second to do shit in an attempt to use impending doom as a motivator.
    Unfortunately meds are the only real treatment, with the potential hope that the increased neuroplasticity from amphetamines will eventually "develop" your brain to a point where you can get off the meds. Don't equate 2.5-5mgs of amphetamine with a fricking meth addiction, it's not the same thing. People who try to equate the two are a bunch of crabs in a bucket.
    t. not on medication anymore because I got to a point where I'm like 80% as efficient without it as I was on it

  10. 10 months ago

    The guys telling you it's not real were 100% of the time misdiagnosed as children by abusive and neglectful parents, and crusade against the condition as a result.

    Don't read any of the moronic shit on here. Start with picrel, which includes a clearly hashed out how-to guide on coping strategies. If you libgen the author, he also wrote an entire book on non-drug coping strategies as well if you're deathly allergic to the pharmajew

    • 10 months ago

      If done properly, CBT works just fine.
      I live in a country where amphetamines are illegal even as meds, so there is no medicinal treatment for ADHD, people only get CBT and often get cured after behavioral change in their lives.

  11. 10 months ago

    Excuse the reddit link the original bluelight post has since been removed. Ultimately it's you body, your choice but atleast give it a quick read.

    • 10 months ago

      Any way to access this without pleb account?

      • 10 months ago

        replace with in the url

        • 10 months ago

          Ty mayne

    • 10 months ago

      This thread is about people that are abusing amphetamines for recreational reasons. They're going to be taking doses that are WAY higher than therapeutic dosages. I take adderall myself and I don't feel any kind of euphoria or anything like what they describe when I'm on the stuff. I just feel calm and focused.

  12. 10 months ago

    Take your medicine like a big boy OP. And read
    Keep a journal, have a bedtime, eat zinc and magnesium, do exercise that works your balance (not sure if lifting counts but I prefer martial arts, heard other sports are a good alternative to repetitive exercise, and look up the sandwich method for time management. Oh and try acid or shrooms, shit's wack.

  13. 10 months ago

    Ephedra is pretty natural tbh senpai

  14. 10 months ago

    Avoid artificial food dyes and corn syrup

  15. 10 months ago

    >Mindfulness meditation
    >Work/study using the pomodoro technique, use breaks for activity
    >Use ADHD picture support (google it)
    >Some have success with low carb diet and/or fasting
    >Use fidget toys when you concentrate
    >Take ADHD seriously and stay informed
    >Limit all distractions. Sit in front of class. Add productivity plugins. Shut off your phone.
    >Talk with coworkes/boss/teachers about your ADHD.
    >never stop finding TOOLS that help you stay organized. Calenders, notes, lists. Just try out stuff that eventually will work for you

  16. 10 months ago

    I haven't been diagnosed with shit because I don't trust mental health "professionals", but here is what helped me. Bullet journaling helped me get my scattered thoughts and goals out and in some kind of hierarchy. And this was the big one, schedule your day. When you wake up, sit down and actually block out times for what you want to do. I always want to practice music but I had a hard time getting real practice in because I didn't really know what or when or why. Actually writing down what I was going to do and when and for how long REALLY helped me. I thought I would resist it with all my mental gymnastics to do nothing instead, but no. It just worked. It's like being stuck in neutral all the time, engines revving but you aren't going anywhere. Give yourself a track and some rules and watch how you fly.

  17. 10 months ago

    Unironically get off IST

  18. 10 months ago
  19. 10 months ago

    Never ask fit about ADHD. You'll get a bunch of psuedo doctors telling you how fake it is , summing it up to "just pay attention ". They have no clue about it in anyway

  20. 10 months ago

    >how do I treat a bullshit made up by some israelite who wants to me to waste money on pills and psychiatrists?
    You ignore it... it's not hard

  21. 10 months ago

    I might have adhd-like shit. I'm trying the following:
    1. Bullet journal (download the PDF, buy a notebook and pen, focus on the timeboxing thing, as seen in Deep Work)
    2. Use the shit that helps you the most from the Adult ADHD Toolkit (grab the book PDF, maybe the presentation PDF too if you want a tl;dr aimed at docs)
    3. Meditation

    • 10 months ago

      >I might have adhd-like shit
      You can't self diagnose like this. This is the same as some kid saying they can't do hw cause they have adhd but they can play video games for hours without getting tired

      • 10 months ago

        >You can't self diagnose
        >like this
        that's why I'm not self-diagnosing
        learn to read a bit better and think for 10 seconds why I might be phrasing shit like that

        • 10 months ago

          >im not saying i have adhd
          >but i am doing adhd stuff for my adhd like stuff
          yes, water is like wet stuff

          • 10 months ago

            I guess I should've used gaygier words like "-adjacent" for the more easily-offended and moronic

      • 10 months ago

        >You can't self diagnose like this.

        Of course you can self diagnose ADHD, as ADHD diagnoses are made on the basis of self reported symptoms. The practitioner simply reads you a set of questions and you say how much you agree or disagree and then they score it and if it's over a number then they say you have ADHD. If you get the questionnaire and are halfway literate then you totally can diagnose yourself. This isn't something like cancer where you'd tell someone you're tired and depressed then they order blood work and determine you have low testosterone.

  22. 10 months ago

    carnivore diet. everything else is unnecessary. ADHD wouldve been an advantage to hunters

  23. 10 months ago

    Ever notice how the only people who say that ADHD is fake, don't have ADHD nor the symptoms? Ever notice how those that do have ADHD highly recommend getting medicated? It's interesting how normies with no experience will tell you to do everything but actually fix the problem, it's the same with everything else on this board like obesity and hair loss. Must be the counter culture nature of this board because they all sound like middle-aged housewives of a decade ago.

    • 10 months ago

      >Ever notice how the only people who say that obesity can be solved with forkdowns, aren't obese or even super hungry? Ever notice how those that are obese highly recommend getting medicated? It's interesting how fit people with no experience being fat will tell you to do everything but actually fix the problem, it's the same with everything else on this board like adhd. Must be the counter culture nature of this board because they all sound like middle-aged housewives of a decade

    • 10 months ago

      Thats small thinks.

      Big thinks is that they have spotted teens acting like young children do, and think that is related to giving kids amphetamin(hint: it is)
      Which then correlates down to "lmao just focus", most likely because they had a period in college, uni or the army where leaving their everyday routine made them into what they would themselves think of as inhuman ubermsnchen who can actually focus instead of trying to burn out their dopamine receptors.
      So their fundamental observation is true, which is then wrongly applied because they also see that its being used as a tool for parents to avoid raising their kids.

  24. 10 months ago

    There are no ways to treat ADHD, because it's not a disability but a hunter-gatherer neurodivergence which is misaligned with the farmer-created over-complex civilization. As you know, us ADHD people prefer breadth over depth, but that isn't viable anymore.
    As such, the first course of action with ADHD should be to lament that you were (in many relevant aspects) born too late. But the next step is try to experiment with the stims more. Nothing beside them help fit in normal person society. And this further confirms how we are just a neurodivergence, because you just have to flip one little switch (dopamine) and we become indistinguishable from productive normal person worker bees -- if ADHD were a mental pathology, you'd expect it to be also linked to various other derangements, like bipolar/troonyism/etc. are inextricably linked to a histrionic personality. But instead, it's very isolated.

    Returning back to the topic, try to microdose the stims. Just experiment more with dosages. Don't be optimistic about ever finding anything else that helps.

    Yeah I wrote this for someone else, but I won't fricking grace OP with a custom response.

    • 10 months ago

      good shit although effective generalism can be rather successful in some niches in current society

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