How come so many powerlifters don't use a hookgrip? Are they stupid?

How come so many powerlifters don't use a hookgrip?
Are they stupid?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    It's cheating.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    It's stupid

  3. 4 weeks ago

    <<blocks you are path>>

    • 4 weeks ago

      I just fricked up my elbow on mixed grip. My grip limits my deadlifts and I was doing a nice ego lift session and said frick it.

      Failed with overhand grip on a weight I knew I could pull, switched to mixed grip, cranked out 3, added some weight, cranked out a other one, and now I have pain in my elbow and both radialis on my left arm when I pull heavy.

      I can barely row 2 plates it hurts so bad. I'm taking a week off from all lifts and hoping it heals.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I do, but it's turned my thumbs brown. It looks like they're diseased. Like pic rel, but much more brown and worse. It was fine until my diddy got over 6pl8 and now that I'm at about 7pl8 it's getting pretty bad.

    But straps are cope and mixed is stupid and asymmetrical, so it is what it is.

    • 4 weeks ago

      forgot pic

      • 4 weeks ago

        looks perfectly normal aside from those 2 spots which are probably leftover fecal matter from your bf

        • 4 weeks ago

          it's not my thumb. i don't want to post my fingerprint on IST. my thumb is def worse

          • 4 weeks ago

            > i don't want to post my fingerprint on IST
            Oh ok you're just mentally ill. It's probably body dismorphia

    • 4 weeks ago

      >straps are cope
      Dawg, hook grip does the exact same thing straps do.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Hook grip doesn't require extra equipment, so it's less cope.

        >mixed is asymmetrical
        Just switch up your grip eery rep.

        I'm worried about asymmetrical stressors during the lift/injury. For example, you can tear a bicep tendon using mixed.

      • 4 weeks ago

        hook grip is fundamentally different from straps. hook grip modifies your finger placement to take advantage of the bar forcing down your thumb against your other fingers and the resulting friction adding to the force you exert isometrically with your forearms. you still have to actively grip the bar for it to not roll out of your hand.
        straps, if used effectively, can bypass your grip entirely by beginning the kinetic chain at around the wrist level. in extreme cases that means your grip wont be involved at all

    • 4 weeks ago

      >mixed is asymmetrical
      Just switch up your grip eery rep.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    bros, I'm a newbie
    is my back supposed to hurt a little bit when I do deadlifts?
    I can feel the pressure on my back

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes, it works your upper back a little bit. That's why people mistake it for a back exercise. When you get more developed though it won't so much for your back.

      It's not a good muscle building exercise, but it helps with core strength and hammy/glute strength.

      • 4 weeks ago

        thanks anon
        I feel the pressure on my spine

    • 4 weeks ago

      what do you mean by hurt? and what do you mean by low back?
      i've found my low back muscles are sore proportionally to how much i had them rounded last session during the work sets. inevitably, your back will begin to round when the weight gets heavy, especially if you're prone to slightly rounded back position.
      it's a matter of how much your individual body can tolerate. there's lots of advanced lifters doing heavy deadlifts with uncanny looking rounded backs without getting hurt, but especially as a novice you should strive to having it as straight (or neutral rather) as possible

      thanks anon
      I feel the pressure on my spine

      you sure it's spine and not the surrounding muscles? how early in the training are you (i.e. did your back have the time to adapt to deadlifts)? how much does your back round?

      • 4 weeks ago

        it doesn't really hurt, I just feel the pressure on my spine when I lift
        I didn't say lower back, it's on the big curve on the spine
        I'll try to keep it straight
        >you sure it's spine and not the surrounding muscles?
        I'm not actually sure, I'm a month and two weeks in
        >how much does your back round?
        I'm basically bent over when I deadlift

        • 4 weeks ago

          record yourself from the side and get a coach/post it somewhere so you can get people to review it for you whether you round your back or not. it could also just be that you're conflating your spine hurting with your muscles
          >a month and two weeks in
          early enough where it could just be doms still. i say try to keep your spine neutral and see if it goes away

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'll do that, thanks anon

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