How common is female PED abuse?

Just how common is it that women in the "Fitness Influencer" space are on some type of PED or steroid? The reason I ask is because I was talking to my friend(who is a woman) and she said that a lot of womens physiques are actually natural its just men don't like it when a woman works hard for her physique. To me, I often have a good hunch when a woman is using drugs but of course I never know for sure. To me, anytime I see a woman in the gym and she has capped shoulders, I just auto assume some sort of drug. She may not be ABUSING said drug but she is definitely on something. Same thing with block like biceps or very very very big quads that are also shredded. I know women tend to work on glute ham shit a lot but I have seen some quads of women in the gym and I am thinking "No way thats all natural even with heavy focus."

What are your thoughts? What are dead giveaways of women using steroids besides stuff like voice etc? I guess even acne can be a giveaway too right?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Obvious roid subject. Probably.

  2. 1 year ago

    Women do all kind of surgeries to achieve a look, especially when their income is dependent on their appearance. Yes, they take PEDs. The natty ones look good, but not impressive in terms of muscle.

  3. 1 year ago

    God I just want her to grab me by the balls and never let go ^_^ <333

  4. 1 year ago

    not very common. if it's 3 in 100 men taking peds then it's 3 in 1000 for women. even then it's low doses

    • 1 year ago

      > that women in the "Fitness Influencer" space

      It's not about women in general

      • 1 year ago


        Just how common is it that women in the "Fitness Influencer" space are on some type of PED or steroid? The reason I ask is because I was talking to my friend(who is a woman) and she said that a lot of womens physiques are actually natural its just men don't like it when a woman works hard for her physique. To me, I often have a good hunch when a woman is using drugs but of course I never know for sure. To me, anytime I see a woman in the gym and she has capped shoulders, I just auto assume some sort of drug. She may not be ABUSING said drug but she is definitely on something. Same thing with block like biceps or very very very big quads that are also shredded. I know women tend to work on glute ham shit a lot but I have seen some quads of women in the gym and I am thinking "No way thats all natural even with heavy focus."

        What are your thoughts? What are dead giveaways of women using steroids besides stuff like voice etc? I guess even acne can be a giveaway too right?

        It's probably like 90-95%+ with the exception being skinny yoga chicks and the like.

        They don't need extraordinary amounts of anvar for the general effect. Low dose anavar lets them get "thick" with modest calories and lifting. Ass and quads get thick while they lose fat and get abs.

  5. 1 year ago

    So much to grab and squeeze

  6. 1 year ago

    Why would it be less common than in men? Especially since women naturally have a fraction of a normal man's testosterone.

    • 1 year ago

      women aren't naturally interested in sports. they're interested in being lazy and eating all day and doing the bare minimum

      • 1 year ago

        >they're interested in being lazy and eating all day and doing the bare minimum
        This is lazy people not in any way exclusive to women, you can't be this stupid.

    • 1 year ago

      Because big muscles are inherently unattractive on women.

      • 1 year ago

        More muscle pussy for me, then.

        Side question: Should I as a dude take creatine? I currently don't but does it really improve things? Main reason I don't is because I thought it basically just makes you retain water weight and I have been trying to lose weight I guess.

        I haven't looked into it for a while, but there's internet rumors that it accelerates hairless, and I saw a study that said it might increase risk of testicular cancer, but I saw that study like, 15 years ago.
        It bloats your muscles with more water so that you can lift more and cause more micro-tears as they swell larger than normal. Not sure if this is the exact science, but you use it to push your muscles beyond their current capacity, then cycle off and keep lifting as the bloat fades and your muscles maintain some of the size gain at a quicker rate.

  7. 1 year ago

    >The reason I ask is because I was talking to my friend(who is a woman) and she said that a lot of womens physiques are actually natural its just men don't like it when a woman works hard for her physique
    She's wrong. People don't understand how incredibly powerful testosterone is when it comes to building muscle, and by extension how incredibly difficult it is for women to gain muscle. Nobody wants to talk about this irl because it's apparently sexist to point out that women don't have the magic muscle hormones, but it's just how nature works.

    Literally the only way for a woman to naturally develop noticeably big delts, big traps, or big anything is by devoting her entire life to bodybuilding. Any woman with delts like the pic you posted is either a professional bodybuilder who can afford to spend all day in the gym, or is taking some form of PED. The PED of choice for women these days seems to be anavar, which is absolutely horrible for them and can make women infertile if abused enough.

    • 1 year ago

      >People don't understand how incredibly powerful testosterone is

      Trannies are the best example. You can pump a woman full with testosterone and at the end she will transform into looking like a man. Ellen Page on a higher dosage would not look like a Twink. But the opposite also reinforces how powerful testosterone is. You can pump a full grown men full with female hormones, but the development cause by testosterone will never fully disappear. Face structure, skeleton, muscles... MtF trannies can't reverse what tetosterone did to them.

    • 1 year ago

      >can make women infertile if abused enough
      I'll never understand why a bunch of dyel natty IST incels are so upset by the fact that women who will never touch them if they were the last man on earth, may some day be unable to have chad's baby.

      • 1 year ago

        It’s not even true. Every crossfit varbie slams that shit and they pop out babies like rabbits. As long as they get above a certain body fat percentage, they literally have no issue getting pregnant.

    • 1 year ago

      Why anavar? Is there something specific about it? I have heard that there is one drug that is supposed to lessen the effects of "viralization" where a woman starts developing secondary male traits. Like a deeper voice. Larger clitoris(lmao) etc. Why the frick do roids enlargen a womans clitoris but roids don't make a guys dick bigger? IN anything, roids might make your balls smaller?

    • 1 year ago

      She isn't wrong, but you're not wrong either. She's right in that many men are just envious and whiny, and instead of facing their faults they try to dismiss anyone who does better than them, especially when a woman is out-maning them in some perceived way.
      You're right in that even a subtle amount of PED use is much more impactful on women, and that internet models make a good amount of money looking like they do. So of course a bunch of them will use PEDs. That doesn't mean its universal.
      And creatine alone can make a woman look thick as frick. She doesn't have to devote her entire life to bodybuilding. She just needed to bodybuild for a longer time than a man does to achieve gains, but some women are just naturally muscular and thick in general. They just lean into their genetics and get lucky, which is the same with some guys.

      • 1 year ago

        Side question: Should I as a dude take creatine? I currently don't but does it really improve things? Main reason I don't is because I thought it basically just makes you retain water weight and I have been trying to lose weight I guess.

  8. 1 year ago

    By "abuse" you just mean "use," right? Natasha is perfect. PEDs were invented for this.

  9. 1 year ago

    PEDs have advance, but so has the science of bodybuilding, so the line is blurred. Its getting harder and harder to tell unless their sizes are absolutely absurd. And even then, some people are naturally just outliers, or they store fat/muscle in a way that makes them look much bigger than they are. Even creatine can make girls look big.
    Pictures don't help either because when you see these types of women in real life, their muscles look smaller because their bodies are smaller, and it looks more feasible that they're natural than in compared to photos.
    There are clues, but no dead giveaways unless they're extreme.

    • 1 year ago

      >PEDs have advance, but so has the science of bodybuilding, so the line is blurred

      Typical roidcope. Natties can barely manage shit.

      >no dead giveaways unless they're extreme.

      Durrrrrrr. The mere fact that their reputation rests on being super fit and lean 24/7 is a real fricking good sign they're on drugs. Like you don't need to be 99% sure someone is on roids to say they are. Just being a fitness influencer makes it 98%+

      • 1 year ago

        I didn't deny that internet models use drugs. I denied its as all encompassing as you seem to think.
        >cope meme
        are you 12?

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