How did Ancient Greeks get so swole? They didn't have supplements or gear

How did Ancient Greeks get so swole?
They didn't have supplements or gear

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  1. 2 years ago

    they didnt actually look like that lmao it's an idealization of the human body and forms

    • 2 years ago

      They obviously had models for the statues

      • 2 years ago

        >They didn't have supplements
        The most effective ones creatine and protein you can get from food. They also didn't have a lot of modern things that have negative effects on health to worry about like microplastics, hfcs, and increasingly less nutritious fruits and vegetables. They were also short.

        Doesn't mean the models for each body part were all the same person.

        • 2 years ago

          1. They were all like 5'2
          2. They had free access to natural meat & fruits
          3. Their water and food didn't have estrogen and microplastics in it
          4. They lived free lives and didn't need to wage for 60 hours a week

          >t-they were s-short r-right
          You have obviously never heard of the Normans or the Gauls

      • 2 years ago

        Imagination and a minds eye helps.
        I can imagine a globular duck made of jellied water that you suck down to hydrate oneself. I can if I wanted to, find hydration balls and a duck, and combine them. I don't however, require an already existing watery-jelly duck to copy.

        • 2 years ago

          Post your work

  2. 2 years ago

    Artists have always exaggerated, but that being said there were still strong lads back in the day. Modern fitness culture is a joke, you don’t need any supplements and you don’t need that much protein 100g a day is plenty. If you lift consistently for years and are generally active and eat quality home cooked meals you can make great progress. That’s all the ancients did was lift heavy stones, wrestle, run and eat loads of whole grain bread, fish, wild game, milk and seasonal veggies and fruits.

  3. 2 years ago

    >no goyslop consumption
    >pure protein from clean meat, eggs, and fish
    >clean milk
    >clean vegetables
    >no microplastics
    >no estrogen ridden water

    You're welcome

    • 2 years ago

      >How did Ancient Greeks get so swole?
      Having to walk everywhere and carry everything on their back. Work being about manual labor or hand-crafting instead of typing on computers and using modeling programs to make 3D sculptures.

      With vehicles and technology, we've made the sacrifice for physical fitness. Even our highest paying salary jobs to strive for are about being highly educated and forgoing fitness to work at a desk and consult people.



  4. 2 years ago

    1. They were all like 5'2
    2. They had free access to natural meat & fruits
    3. Their water and food didn't have estrogen and microplastics in it
    4. They lived free lives and didn't need to wage for 60 hours a week

  5. 2 years ago

    It's the same how you see jacked nig nogs in West Africa where they don't have access to modern facilities or chemicals and lift weights made out of cement

    • 2 years ago

      I do believe that West Africans have good muscle genes but come on. HRT is a fairly common treatment for AIDS, it's why there's videos of jacked homeless people too.

  6. 2 years ago

    How much he squatting?

  7. 2 years ago

    you have to worship the gods and learn the secret stone lifting techniques which have to be performed naked if you want to enable ancient greece mode

    • 2 years ago

      That statue has non-existent back muscles.

    • 2 years ago

      w-why is his dick on the back of the other fellow's head

      • 2 years ago

        it is to establish your dominance which is a later part of your training where you will have to subjugate lesser men after which you will be given 10/10 greek ueber women to breed at your leisure

        • 2 years ago

          no need to rp, they were just cavemen.

  8. 2 years ago

    See the Olympic games in Ancient Greece, that should give you a clue.
    >Pentathlon events can be traced to Ancient Greek Olympic Games in Olympia city-state where it included long jump, javelin throw, discus throw, stadion (a series of short races), and a wrestling match as the main event. Because of the extra skills and strength needed for the pentathlon, soldiers comprised the largest number of competitors and winners.
    >Pankration: Ancient Greeks believed that Heracles and theseus developed pankration as a byproducty of having to use boxing and wrestling techniques in their fights. Both men used this skill to overcome mighty adversaries including beasts. In ancient times, pankration was a primitive combat technique that combined boxing, wrestling and chocking skills. Introduced into the Greek Olympic Games in 648 BC, this was one of the toughest sports with minimal rules. Pankration was a submission only sport and many fighters died in the arena
    All these sports coupled with an active lifestyle, sun exposure, no chemicals, no electronic screens are probably very significant factors in quality of life and consequently overall testosterone levels.

    • 2 years ago

      Pankration was crazy there was a guy who kept winning cause he just would break the other guys fingers

  9. 2 years ago

    Ancient greece was full of slavery. The model for that statue probably had a few and thus had the free time eat, lift, and sleep as much as he needed.

  10. 2 years ago

    Hercules was NOT natty, being a demigod clearly is cheating.

    • 2 years ago

      all the gods were on juice. this is how they maintained their dominance by mogging all normies

  11. 2 years ago

    you are just black pilled by low test dyels
    you can look absolutely amazing as a natural

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