How did ancient greeks look llike this without roids or modern nutrition

How did ancient greeks look llike this without roids or modern nutrition

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  1. 1 year ago

    Boy fricking

    • 1 year ago

      this, way better test boost than trt, trust me i'm italian.

  2. 1 year ago

    The statue was criticized for looking like a slave, not an athlete.

    • 1 year ago

      Would love to read those criticisms anon, I'm completely sure they exist

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, I read about this too, there was big twitter campaign about this in ancient wpo and ancient twitter #notmyhercules #abolishslaverynow

      • 1 year ago

        Roman twitter was based.
        >Successus the weaver loves the barmaid of the inn, called Iris, who doesn’t care for him, but he asks and she feels sorry for him. A rival wrote this. Farewell
        >>You’re jealous don’t try to muscle in on someone who’s better-looking and is a wicked and charming man
        >I have written and spoken. You love Iris, who doesn’t care for you. Severus to Successus

        >If anyone sits here, let him read this first of all: if anyone wants a frick, he should look for Attice — costs four sesterces

        >Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

        • 1 year ago

          Chekd. Real piece of history right here. It's interesting to think about these two men from a different era going at it.

  3. 1 year ago

    greeks were the shortest Europeans, that's why when the thracians fricked them in every war ever and they later employed tall bulgarians they even wrote myths about them and called them myrmidons and Achilles
    it's all recorded in history
    Solun je bulgaria

    • 1 year ago

      Solun je Makedonija

      • 1 year ago

        solun je hrvatska za dom spermni amen

    • 1 year ago

      They didn't, it's called extrapolation.


    • 1 year ago

      Solun je Makedonija

      [s]solun[/s] balkan je bosna

  4. 1 year ago

    They didn't. This is a statue of Hercules, who is a god. Sculptors were however aware of the musculature of humans and could apply what was essentially the photoshop of their day. Create superhumans so that mortals can marvel at perfection.

    • 1 year ago

      Not only that, they often ''borrowed parts'' from different bodies, they would have a chest guy, an abs guy, a shoulder/ceps guy to call up to do their modelling and they often used aggrandization of proportions, like the statue itself looks 2m high, but the guy it's modelled on was probably 1.65cm.

    • 1 year ago

      Not only that, they often ''borrowed parts'' from different bodies, they would have a chest guy, an abs guy, a shoulder/ceps guy to call up to do their modelling and they often used aggrandization of proportions, like the statue itself looks 2m high, but the guy it's modelled on was probably 1.65cm.

      This is only somewhat true. Sculptors were only aware of the musculature because there were tons of people who were very well built in the first place. It's impossible to get the pecs of the hercules from a completely undeveloped pec and look natural and correct.

      The only example of sculptors borrowing parts from different bodies that makes sense to me is this op sculpture of hercules exactly because he is out of proportion in certain ways, as well as the obvious fact that this sculpture is by far the biggest physique of greek sculpture.

      Sculpture for the greeks represented ideals. We simply do not have evidence for them enlarging or borrowing parts of bodies. It could be that there were many men who looked like the hercules but the ideal for the greeks was less animalistic, which that would represent, but instead favored harmony, balance, and order. In any case most of the sculpture you see looks like this or smaller.

      only someone with freak genetics would look anything like that in the past. the guys in the military walked everywhere, they were not lifting heavy things enough to really build a lot of muscle, and even if they did all that walking wouldn't let them build much anyway. most of them would be about this size at the max

      anyone who thinks ancient people were giant gorillas is a moron

      guys in the military would walk around 15-20 miles some days carrying at least 50lbs, so yeah they would not look like marathon runners. It would probably build a good amount of muscle.

      Plus we know they lifted weights, and did body weight exercises. We don't know the exact routines done in the gymnasiums though because it was primarily an oral culture, the only things written down and copied were serious works of history, philosophy and poetry. If some gymbro did carefully track his workouts it could have been lost easily.

      try running and throwing and moving a heavy spear in full heavy armor, as well as carrying even more supplies on long rucks, as well as building camps by hand and doing manual labor. On top of that bodyweight and dumbbells. Anyone who seriously thinks it could not produce a physique like this is the deluded one. There are modern guys who just do dips and pullups and have upper bodies comparable to ottermode greek statues lol

      • 1 year ago

        spears, armor, and shields were not that heavy. a spear was like 5 lbs

        • 1 year ago

          the only thing you listed was the spear, which is true. Bronze armor was pretty heavy though, as well as shields.

          >It could be that there were many men who looked like the hercules
          I honestly could not comprehend why some people would think that roidtroony bodies in the past are more likely than talented artist exaggerating physical features

          I don't believe it necessarily either, just that there is no proof. It is an anomaly as far as the sculpture goes. This body does strike me as easily achievable back then and I find it hard to comprehend why people see one huge statue and become doomers thinking artists exaggerated everything or that everyone was skinny fat

          • 1 year ago

            >This body
            No one is saying that this statue or those two


            This is only somewhat true. Sculptors were only aware of the musculature because there were tons of people who were very well built in the first place. It's impossible to get the pecs of the hercules from a completely undeveloped pec and look natural and correct.

            The only example of sculptors borrowing parts from different bodies that makes sense to me is this op sculpture of hercules exactly because he is out of proportion in certain ways, as well as the obvious fact that this sculpture is by far the biggest physique of greek sculpture.

            Sculpture for the greeks represented ideals. We simply do not have evidence for them enlarging or borrowing parts of bodies. It could be that there were many men who looked like the hercules but the ideal for the greeks was less animalistic, which that would represent, but instead favored harmony, balance, and order. In any case most of the sculpture you see looks like this or smaller.

            guys in the military would walk around 15-20 miles some days carrying at least 50lbs, so yeah they would not look like marathon runners. It would probably build a good amount of muscle.

            Plus we know they lifted weights, and did body weight exercises. We don't know the exact routines done in the gymnasiums though because it was primarily an oral culture, the only things written down and copied were serious works of history, philosophy and poetry. If some gymbro did carefully track his workouts it could have been lost easily.

            try running and throwing and moving a heavy spear in full heavy armor, as well as carrying even more supplies on long rucks, as well as building camps by hand and doing manual labor. On top of that bodyweight and dumbbells. Anyone who seriously thinks it could not produce a physique like this is the deluded one. There are modern guys who just do dips and pullups and have upper bodies comparable to ottermode greek statues lol

            are exaggerated. They are perfectly achieveably natty even now. Hercules however is the odd one out

            • 1 year ago

              Anyone who says the hercules was common is for sure deluded. I was only expanding on my view, which regarding the hercules I said very would could have been exaggerated or cobbled together using the body parts of multiple people. There is no records of this obviously, but even if we take this as true, it would imply that there were people somewhat big enough for an artist to exaggerate from, make clay models of, play around with and so on. And that there were a few genetically gifted people, maybe one with amazing pecs, arms, legs, and so on. This would have been really rare, which is why they would be models. You have to also consider that the natural physiques were also exceptional, as they were models, so they were the most aesthetic possible.

              • 1 year ago

                this is a great statue for natty achievable aesthetic statues (aka the optimal male beauty standard)

              • 1 year ago

                why does he have such a tiny wiener?
                Proof that he was juicing. He clearly has Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism!

      • 1 year ago

        >It could be that there were many men who looked like the hercules
        I honestly could not comprehend why some people would think that roidtroony bodies in the past are more likely than talented artist exaggerating physical features

        • 1 year ago

          because stupid people like to believe the people in the past were gods

          • 1 year ago

            you are the stupid one, and ignorant as you are not familiar with the vast majority of the ancient sculpture, which do not look like gods

            • 1 year ago

              you should probably read this thread again because plenty of idiots in here desperately want to believe that hercules physic was common

              • 1 year ago

                No one said it was common, they are saying it is not impossible

            • 1 year ago

              >tfw my pp looks like that

              • 1 year ago

                >tfw my pp doesn't have a foreskin

      • 1 year ago

        >heavy spear

      • 1 year ago

        These are interesting points but I'm going to ignore all of that because I have to point out you don't even lift if you think walking long distances with a bunch of armor and doing calisthenics shit makes you bigger or stronger. This is exactly what we did in the Army--carried 50lbs+ on long rucks and did tons of if calisthenics, and 90% of us were ottermode at best and most were dyel. Those of us who lifted were actually big. Learn the difference between fast and slow twitch fibers and strength vs endurance, lift something heavier than a book

        • 1 year ago

          You didn't read when I said just above that that they lifted weights in a gymnasium, as well as mentioning they literally invented dumbbells later. Also there are people who do tons of pullups and dips which use your entire bodyweight and they get similar upper bodies. So I was saying that in combination with everything. Learn reading comprehension.

      • 1 year ago

        >guys in the military would walk around 15-20 miles some days carrying at least 50lbs, so yeah they would not look like marathon runners. It would probably build a good amount of muscle.

        You're probably thinking of a roman legionary after the Marius reform. A citizen hoplite would have attendants carrying their equipment, and even the Spartans never ventured that far from Laconia, because they needed to keep their helots (chattel slaves) in check.
        What do you mean by heavy armour? Most of them only had a shield, greaves and helmet, mostly the royal Spartans had bronze breastplates, even Alexander the Great wore a linthorax.
        >as well as building camps by hand and doing manual labor.
        Yeah, no citizens hoplites did things like that.
        I think you're mixing up different periods here.

        • 1 year ago

          youre talking to someone whos extent of greek history is watching the movie 300

        • 1 year ago

          Throughout history most soldiers of any era carried about 36kg on the march, except the poor romans who got cucked out of throwing their shit on wagons thanks to Marius.
          I've been rucking for 2-3 years and it's built me big shoulders (and pecs for some reason). I have a fairly shitty backpack, and I don't use the chest or belly straps to help me unless I'm in actual pain. Works for me. Maybe because I'm not a calorie deprived zogbot, and I keep the weight fairly light and the pace quick.

          • 1 year ago

            You're comparing the roman professional army to citizen soldiery of Greek city states that provided their own equipment and also attendants. I'd appreciate some kind of source for 36kg marching weight.

            • 1 year ago

              I don't have a source to hand, I just read a lot of articles on the subject and compared standard gear across the ages, because it's part of my larp, and that figure seems roughly accurate for all pre 20th century individual equipment + other supply weights. They start to get crazy in ww1.

              I don't doubt they used attendants and wagons most of the time, but look at Marathon. The messenger there ran the marathon in full armour, you couldn't manage that without conditioning.

              • 1 year ago

                The runner at marathon is said to have dropped dead on the spot after delivering the message.

  5. 1 year ago

    Greek sculpture was deliberately exaggerated to premote divinity in the muse. It's why archeologists can't pin down what Cleopatra looked like because her busts were of the Greek style.
    But all in all, the Ancient Greeks were pretty competent in their understanding of how nutirtion and fitness worked. They did lift weights. They had many exercises involving resistance training and so on. Galen was pretty spot on when it came to which foods "burnt energy" slower.

  6. 1 year ago

    Wealthy Greek men who had plenty of leisure time spending like 8 hours a day in the Gym(nasium).

  7. 1 year ago

    fitness then was basically a necessity for military or work, before the modern luxuries of today that makes life "easier".

  8. 1 year ago

    Ancients mog modern athletes. Athenian rowers could supposedly travel between places faster than modern rowers ever could. Footprints preserved in mud show that an ancient abbo may have been sprinting faster than usain bolt in mud, barefoot

    When every minute of your waking life is dedicated towards survival or improving the self, you’re always going to beat moderns even doing 4 hours a day with their fancy trainers, special shoes, and supplement formulas. We are quite frankly one of the worst generations of men to ever exist.

    • 1 year ago

      because people in the past never lied right? lol. no one lifted that shit over their head, and you're a fool to believe anyone did

      • 1 year ago

        You’re a dumb homosexual, even today the record for one handed overhead lift is 336 lbs, heavier than that rock, though it is irregular. Cope and seethe that people in the past were tougher than coddled modern humans

        • 1 year ago

          you really need to stop watching movies, you have a marvel tier view of the past where everyone is a super hero that can do magical things lol

          we literally live in a time with the strongest athletes ever in the history of mankind thanks to PEDs. you're fricking dumb

          • 1 year ago

            It's a very common point of view here. Like a teenager that just discovered this place and browsed IST, IST and /misc/ for a few months. I really have nothing against those boards but too many morons take the memes and baits seriously

            • 1 year ago

              i honestly think most of the people obsessed with this superhero view of the past are a bunch of asians. their histories are filled with this super hero magic bullshit

          • 1 year ago

            They do say that if Athenian records about how fast they could row they trimeres are true, then not even the best rowers today would be able to match them.

        • 1 year ago

          The “overhead” lift was actually more of a one handed snatch, he threw it over his head

    • 1 year ago

      >We are quite frankly one of the worst generations of men to ever exist
      Really fed up with muh wrong generation /misc/chuds. If you're so bad go have a nice day

      • 1 year ago

        If that makes you want to have a nice day you’re depressed and mentaly ill, real men would aspire to be like them

        • 1 year ago

          >If that makes you want to have a nice day
          I told YOU to have a nice day. You should aspire to be like ancient men in something ither than inability to read

    • 1 year ago

      You are one of the rare lads who understand this fact; that modern man is physically inferior to his ancestors.

      • 1 year ago

        yes I wish more people would look into what we know from the bone record. Human body and brain size shrunk when we shifted to an agrarian lifestyle 10k years ago. Ancient Hunters were literally 6 feet tall high IQ chads, and that was common.


        • 1 year ago

          They probably don't know how to program and play video games, those IQ were not wasted doing menials bullshit.

  9. 1 year ago

    only someone with freak genetics would look anything like that in the past. the guys in the military walked everywhere, they were not lifting heavy things enough to really build a lot of muscle, and even if they did all that walking wouldn't let them build much anyway. most of them would be about this size at the max

    anyone who thinks ancient people were giant gorillas is a moron

    • 1 year ago

      oh wow I wonder if Hercules would qualify as freak genetics you fricking moron

      • 1 year ago

        tell that to the people who think that is an accurate representation of how fit people looked back then. there are plenty in this thread lmao

    • 1 year ago

      >the military walked every where
      >with a huge ruck
      >spent far more time building bridges and forts than actually fighting
      Yea I think they got their reps in

      • 1 year ago

        they didnt build bridges every day you fricking idiot

    • 1 year ago

      >they were not lifting heavy things enough to really build a lot of muscle

      the frick do you think armor and weapons are made of? paper? No, they walked around with and literally wearing steel. Lifted more weight than the average lifter today.

      • 1 year ago

        a spear weighed 5 lbs, shields didn't weigh much more than that, the only heavy thing they had was the bronze breastplate and soldiers in the military around the world carry more shit in their backpack than how much that breastplate weighs

        you're bad at history and think these people were marvel super heros

        • 1 year ago

          >Hoplite armor weighed about 55–65 pounds.[*] The shield weighed about 16 pounds, a Corinthian helmet about 5 pounds,[*] the greaves about another 5 pounds, and around 30–40 pounds of corselet (breastplate + backplate) if you wanted one made of bronze.[*] You could increase this by a few pounds if you added the thigh and arm protection that most hoplites omitted, and the weight of the helm could vary some depending on style.

          Now go running around with 125lb on your back all day while waving a sword. Tell me the results.

  10. 1 year ago

    The first few Greek statues were all of ottermode models. They then jumped the shark.

  11. 1 year ago

    The sculptor used a skinned cadaver of a fat guy for his model.

  12. 1 year ago

    not natty.
    obvious gyno.

  13. 1 year ago

    >no one was ever strong in the past! Everyone was a dumb starving peasant!
    Bunch of fricking morons, if archaeologists discovered pumping iron in 2000 years you would all be saying it’s fake and gay

  14. 1 year ago

    I get tired of answering these threads because they're filled with very "logical" and "reasonable" easily impressionable morons who are at the exact polar opposite of romanticizing the past and it devolves into an endless circlejerk.
    But to whomever might be reading this.
    You are very likely a student or working a job. And due to the time we live in being what it is, either two of these almost certainly involves you having to be seated for at the very least 6 hours a day (cue the morons who'll say "yeah I don't sit at all during my job" - bravo, you have discovered the concept of 'exceptions'). But then you get back home and you do what? Well you watch a TV show, you play video games, you read a book and once again you are sitting or lying down.
    Now take a look at the average ancient person. How much of his day is filled with seating? Very little, and what little of it has to do with seating, it almost certainly has extra motion involved (rowing, for example). And what does he do when he finishes his job? He goes for a walk with friends and acquaintances, he swims, he relaxes the mind and the body but without being completely stationary. Of course he eats and of course he sleeps, but he has no means of going back to his house, eating fricking chips dipped in an incredibly calorie dense dip while chugging soda all the while he's watching the newest visual media which might as well be brainwashing. He goes to the Forum and if there's a reenactment of a play he's seated a bit, then he walks around and discusses it, he STAYS IN MOTION.
    Motion is key.

    • 1 year ago

      Cope and seethe.

    • 1 year ago


      Five most common jobs in the US are:
      Retail Sales Rep
      Office Clerk
      Customer Service Rep

      Only two of the three involve sitting down all day.

  15. 1 year ago

    >without modern nutrition
    They ate vegetable protein daily, probably had 3 - 4 times animal proteins a week.
    Ancient People being deprived of Protein was only the case of famines

  16. 1 year ago

    They didn't
    That's a god

  17. 1 year ago

    Greeks are cool and all but my ancestry dictates I must go barbarian mode.

    I truly believe I was meant for a life as a chiefs retainer, or housecarl. Feasting on meat dairy ale and imported wine with the bromrades, daily exercise, with the occasional small skirmish or cattle raid thrown in as a chance to win glory. At every feast a wrestling match determines who gets the biggest meal. The ultimate IST lifestyle.

    • 1 year ago

      please post body so I can laugh at the absolute contrast between your post and your physique

  18. 1 year ago

    >without roids or modern nutrition

    We already know how, and we have proof. Such as pic rel.

  19. 1 year ago

    >without modern nutrition
    answered your own question there OP

  20. 1 year ago

    Eat meat
    Lift weights
    Bodybuilding is the most simple thing on the planet. The hard part is having the discipline to keep doing this consistently for a long enough period of time to look like this.

  21. 1 year ago

    this is like asking how japanese people look like anime characters. it's the ideal not the actual, like most art

  22. 1 year ago

    man, its so weird how we have the largest dongs out of all the primates yet our balls seem so small compared to other animals relative size

  23. 1 year ago

    they didnt. greeks loved to over exaggerate physiques in statues since most statues were devoted to gods, so gods always had godlike physiques. humans were small back then and warriors had massive barrel core due to eating mostly oats and all workout was core workout, like a boxer has if he doesnt supplement it with bodybuilding.

  24. 1 year ago

    Perhaps they worked out?

  25. 1 year ago

    The average ancient Greek body was similar to pic rel. This is how a Spartan warrior would have looked.

    • 1 year ago

      >average spartan was a Black person dyel
      Typical amerishart education
      The irony is that the Spartans also had slaves that did physical labor and they did look like nog in Pic related. They them selves had most Def better physiques

      • 1 year ago

        Obviously not a nig, but they had the same body type. They would have been about 5'7" with that body type.

        Which is how most ancient warriors looked.

      • 1 year ago

        Just like the black I posted, this is a true depiction of what Spartans would have looked like. Probably around 150lbs.

        >Historians have estimated this height based on the size of excavated battle gear and by analyzing the Spartan diet. Additionally, a Spartan weighed between 132 – 154 pounds (60-70 kilograms).

        Now post your sources.

        I'll wait.

        >accuses me of amerishart education
        >probably thinks spartans looked like the movie 300

      • 1 year ago

        If you can get herculanly jacked by being a niger sand diver even today, then definitelyyou could find a freak among ancient greeks who would push himself far beyond what was needed.

      • 1 year ago

        >the ancient commentators stress that Spartans were slim, something they attributed to the fixed rations at the syssitia.

        I'm waiting.

  26. 1 year ago

    >modern nutrition
    Modern nutrition is a con. They base half of the fundamentals off of mis-represented data "studies" where they cherry pick one country that is relatively healthy eating the foods they want to push vs one that is a little more sick eating foods they want you to stop eating and they ignore countries that dont correlate with their premise. Its a dystopian con and the only question is if they guys pushing all these bad ideas are bad actors or just stupid.

    a decade ago people were so stupid they thought that a calorie was a calorie and as long as you meet all your macros what you ate didnt really matter.

  27. 1 year ago

    They did have modern nutrition. Greek City states were direct consequences of agricultural surpluses. That's how this all works. We figure out how to be lazy, we realise being lazy and torpid actually kind of sucks, we get bored and start doing stuff like writing epic poetry, or founding city states.

    • 1 year ago

      In fact their ability to build muscle might have been influenced by their close temporal proximity to hunter gatherers.

    • 1 year ago

      In fact their ability to build muscle might have been influenced by their close temporal proximity to hunter gatherers.

      I'm reading the rest of this thread and feeling pretty dumb rn

      Good educated guess, but I didn't even know that was Hercules. Not totally outside the realm of possibility, but I ain't about to turn into Malcolm Gladwell and explain the historicity of David and Goliath.

  28. 1 year ago

    It's also how the average Roman soldier would have looked

  29. 1 year ago

    Modern nutrition is goyslop.

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