How did you quit

How did you quit porn? I'm currently addicted bad i don't even get morning wood anymore I'm only 20.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Did you read it OP?

    • 1 year ago

      I read it and it helps. It gave me my personal mantra "a day more on the counter is a day more of healing".
      But the real game changer is to learn your triggers and modify your environment.

      > Install porn blockers on your devices.
      > actively change your triggers. In my case was "horny with phone on bed". I put the phone on another room inside a backpack.
      > mindfulness meditation does help.

      NoFAP is worth it anons. You can't be truly "you" without it.

      • 1 year ago

        >learn your triggers and modify your environment.
        Nowadays, there's nudity or lustful imagery anywhere that allows images.
        Unless you leave the internet completely or install an image blocker extension (which I did during my darkest hour), you won't be able to avoid your triggers, and it could actually be preferable to learn to deal with them.

        • 1 year ago

          There will be AI tools in the future that enable blocking of images it detects are pornographic/sensual

      • 1 year ago

        Reread it Anon. It works 100%. Trust me bro!

  2. 1 year ago

    31 june I'm quitting.
    Either through cumming at 00:00 or spend the last day doing it.

    Best thing to do is now you can enjoy all your porn, and pornstars you love either on sites or on IST and to leave it all behind including IST since seeing porn is guarantee.

    • 1 year ago

      So this is a porn suggestion thread now.
      Suggest me the best pornstar or JAV code you got.

      If I ain't winning, nobody is winning.

      • 1 year ago

        weened myself off and just use my imaginatino now.

        rei mizuna

        Doesn't that make you hard when you then see them, affraid of "using my imagination" because it would surely happen to me

        >Doesn't that make you hard when you then see them,
        no. that's absurd. noone walks around getting hard at the slightest glance of a woman in public.

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Sora shiina

    • 1 year ago

      >June 31
      Try making that off on a calendar bud, see what happens

    • 1 year ago

      I'm done today, and by today, I mean last night when I coomed is the last

    • 1 year ago

      Why wait when you can quit now

    • 1 year ago

      You recognise it is self destructive but you intend to binge before making an effort?

      This is you right now, this is how the rest of society sees you.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm done today, and by today, I mean last night when I coomed is the last

      You guys are hilarious. You need to make this an all or nothing, because...? Do you not have other things that stress you out at life? Why be so serious about not touching your dick? You can do nofap and if you happen to jerk off one day, even to porn, it doesn't matter because as long as you keep up the effort you will still dramatically reduce your porn consumption over a long period of time. So if you happen to jerk off tommorow, just keep on going, but don't crumble immediately and think stupid shit like "well, now that I jerk offd once today, it doesn't matter anymore if I do it a second or third time today" and then you will keep on reverting to your old habit of jerking everyday. Honestly, jerking off once a week is not that bad that it will drain your energy from other things of your life, doing it everyday, multiple times a day is though. The nofap time where you gather the sexual energy should be used to better yourself as a man and pursue a relationship with a good woman.

      • 1 year ago

        The problem here is you’re talking to addicts

        It’s like telling an alcoholic
        >one drink here and there is fine
        If they could only have one drink they wouldnt be an alcoholic

        • 1 year ago

          No it isn't. Everybody needs to stop the same way. Just abstain from it. But telling a junkie that is even more ridiculous then telling them to lower their intake. You can clearly see from their texts that they make failure of abstaining out to be as the most horrible thing that could happen. Spoiler alert: they will jerk off again. But instead of going on with the nofap they will lose all their motivation and revert back to jerking off everyday. Because with this mindset you are setting yourself up for failure.

      • 1 year ago

        >Do you not have other things that stress you out at life?
        You should all or nothing quit those too. Frick this gay earth and anything that saps your vitality or will. You need to be transcendental and ativistic

    • 1 year ago

      >including IST
      Everything was fine till this part. Now I know you’ll fail.

    • 1 year ago

      This attitude never works for beating an addiction. I've been through this a lot with cigs and other things. If you make some whole big thing out of it, set a date, what you're talking about, you will fail. By making it a big deal, you're feeding into your dopamine trap, you're hyping yourself up and you're getting a reward out of the hype. You have to just let it go, when you succeed it should feel like nothing, like you almost forgot about it entirely.

      Do it today.

      • 1 year ago

        Yep. Even if you attempted to quit and relapsed 3 times before this magical date it would be more beneficial.

    • 1 year ago

      >June 31
      Try making that off on a calendar bud, see what happens

      It works! I quit last February, on the 30th I think.

  3. 1 year ago

    Think of all the women in pornos as someone's daughter or mom, you'll get disgusted pretty soon

    • 1 year ago

      When I found out some actresses I was watching were fricking dead, watching industry porn became appalling

      • 1 year ago
        Hans Lebensraum

        Me too. I was jerking it to August Ames or whatever her name was and my friend told me that she killed herself, so I just had to stop stroking.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        think of the fat loser that drew it

        • 1 year ago

          Funnily enough, there are hentai artist that are pretty fricking ripped.

  4. 1 year ago

    Tfw homies say porn addiction isn't real but it causes me to act like a crackhead

  5. 1 year ago

    I cant stop watching ghetto gaggers

    • 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    Porn is gross and cringe to me. Had no problem quitting it. Still jerk off 4 times a day but I just imagine burying my face in the gym thots' asses I see which also keeps me going to the gym.

    • 1 year ago

      belly laugh

    • 1 year ago

      Doesn't that make you hard when you then see them, affraid of "using my imagination" because it would surely happen to me

      • 1 year ago

        Getting some blood flowing to your dick in the gym isn't bad and personally improves my lifts/energy. I don't just get a raging boner randomly, though I'm also not zoned in on them, a quick glance here and there does the trick

  7. 1 year ago

    I quit cold turkey. I haven't got back to it since and I don't miss it.

  8. 1 year ago

    Weaning via NTR. breasts and ass cannot make a story about absolute degeneracy fappable.

  9. 1 year ago

    I just stopped watching it. But I'm kinda weird. If I start warching porn I keep searching endlessly to find something I like what almost never happens. Then I just fap to some girl I know or met sometime. 99% of porn isn't doing it for me.

  10. 1 year ago

    Unironically quit by following easypeasy

  11. 1 year ago

    Literally just stop. It's very simple. Quit like your life depends on it, because it does. It might seem late to you now but it's not. You're young enough that if you quit now it will keep things from getting worse, like developing ED and death grip. You can do it.

  12. 1 year ago

    Reading this helped but I didn't quit after reading it, I quit after asking God for help and doing a 40 day fast, vegan type fast, not the one where you don't eat at all.

    • 1 year ago

      >40 day fast, vegan type fast, not the one where you don't eat at all
      How is it a fast if you eat during it?

  13. 1 year ago

    I'm 19 and I stopped when I began reading harem and romcom manga. I recognized that my sexual drive is a sign of my masculinity and directed it to reading rather than cooming.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Big if true, recommend me a good romance manga?

      • 1 year ago

        Jitsu Wa, its extremely hilarious while being a great romance story.

    • 1 year ago

      Big if true, recommend me a good romance manga?

      nta but I didn't jerk off for like 3 weeks after I read "Onani Master Kurosawa," the general message of the manga is "stop jerking off and go outside"

  14. 1 year ago

    You need discipline, like with any addiction. Don't give up jacking off, no fap is a meme but you need to get through the first week or two will suck and you will probably be more anxious, moody, depressed. But you have to play out what happens if you watch porn, yes you might like it for a the 10-15 minutes but after you will feel like shit again. I'm 35 and luckily I didn't have as easy access to porn like zoomers but even after quitting a few months ago I started to get morning wood again with in a few days.

  15. 1 year ago

    Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is Porn Addiction Real Hahahaha homie Just Walk Away From The Screen Like homie Close Your Eyes Haha

  16. 1 year ago

    Porn is bad it fricks up your reward pathways in your brain
    Have you ever seen the study about kids who waited for their mashmellow vs kids who ate it instantly? instant gratification vs delayed gratification. they followed the kids who wanted and later in life they generally did measurably better

    >Work hard and earing what you want then getting rewarded for it
    >Clicking a button and getting an instant easy hit of dopamine

    Overtime you start getting addicted to 2 because its a feel good pathway for no work. same way cocaine is addictive.

    In the past men needed to (maybe not all of these at once):
    >Be Rich, worked hard and earns lots of money
    >Be Socially proven, worked hard to earn a social circle and develop respect from others
    >Court a woman, play her games, pass her tests, prove you are a worthy man, then have a long cardio session and inpregnante her

    Porn is:
    >hand in dick alone in dark room, click button
    >instantly 1000s of women to watch get fricked by other men, instant massive rush of free dopamine without work
    >can do this over and over again as much as u want frying ur receptors

    The main issue is it fricks up your perception of Work:Reward ratio and this leaks into other parts of your life. I lose my focus, my adha gets worse, when i get stressed on a project, stuck on a hard problem, i immediately start feeling "horny" (which is not horny but trained dopamine association with masturbation) and want to go relieve myself. It makes you not able to handle tough stressful situations. those hard situations require tons of work but dont instantly give you massive hits of dopamine so u end up not being able to finish it.

    >Cold showers
    >work out
    >do things that challenge yourself

    >cut out instant dopamine, junk food, fast food, limit tv, easy video games, tiktok

    >t. addicted to porn since i was 13

    • 1 year ago

      >wall of text
      >"my adhd"
      >addicted to porn
      How long you been on adderall?

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe you are right, but I don't think porn hijacks the reward system like that. The reward is cumming, not watching porn. Most people watch porn and jerk off. I just bring this up because using the term "hijacking the reward system" is drawing a similarity between masturbation and drug addiction. From my experience I'd say masturbation doesn't release as much dopamine as any drug. My evidence for that is every human jerk offs, and very few do it to the point of addiction. By addiction I mean it's detrimental to their lives to the point that they have to jerk off where it's completely inappropriate. By inappropriate I mean examples like: like at work, hanging out with family, or to sit around a jerk off for hours at a time to avoid emotions. Getting addicted to orgasms can't hijack your reward system, only exogenous forms of pleasure can. I think saying you are addicted to jerking off is a cop-out cope. Your social skills are just lacking in the ability to find a sexual partner. If you found a sexual partner you would mastubate way less. It's alot easier to say "I'm addicted to masturbation, then to acknowledge that you have a problem socializing. You see this kind of thinking alot on these boards: For example it's much easier to say I'm a dyel loser that's why I'm not jacked, and just give up. The harder thing to do would be to workout why you aren't successful and figure out how to move forward, and don't give up just because you performed poorly once. Chances are you aren't physically or mentally disabled, so you can just keep working toward achieving your goals instead of just accepting the "addict" descriptor and giving up. Now if you are consuming drugs it's a different deal there. even if you are a dope shooting failure as long as you still have some semblance of a physical body and mind you can take steps toward improvement. Failure and labels like addict only happen when you give up mentally and label yourself, or you can no longer move.

      • 1 year ago

        Didnt read it all. But i can tell you as someone who was addicted to porn. If i just open PH right now and start picking out vids, the head rush i get in insane. Comparable to a a rail of Ritalin. Porn does release tons of dopamine for addicts. You get so numb you lose the ability to focus on others goals that require more work

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah you can feel the change in mental state. My internal monologue talks different unironically, sound like a dope fiend in my own head.

  17. 1 year ago

    Getting a gf and fricking her instead cured my porn addiction

  18. 1 year ago

    No flipping way

  19. 1 year ago

    Start by getting off to real-life women. It requires a bit more forethought but it pays off in the end.

  20. 1 year ago

    >don't even get morning wood
    homie, how? Been fapping since 10 even in my 30s I get hard every morning.
    >how to quit porn
    Just stop watching it and fap in shower.

  21. 1 year ago

    i only read erotic literature and fap to that, does that count as porn

  22. 1 year ago

    Religion and self worth, so far. It's a large vice of mine, but I realized that I shouldn't debase myself like some animal.
    I need to be disciplined and self controlled so I can become a better person overall. However I will say it's a difficult path and you will fall. But don't worry you can always try again. And don't listen to the new age nofap homosexuals. They'll tell you semen retention makes you into some kind of pussy bodhisattva or some saint of pussy. But it doesn't. What it does do is it gives you a surplus of energy that you need to divest into more fruitful pursuits.

    • 1 year ago

      cumming a minimum of 4 times a week reduces prostate cancer risks. Cumming more than once a day means you have a problem. Being religious means you are a sheep, oh sorry, "lamb" and have no independent thought.

      • 1 year ago

        >*Tips fedora*

  23. 1 year ago

    I did Exodus 90 and joined a church. Also quit videa, but for chess

  24. 1 year ago

    Easypeasy did not fricking help at all. Just normie "just be confident, you never needed this!" drivel and self-fellation that ultimately adds up to "just stop fapping bro".
    I guess if you're a normalgay who got a normalgay porn addiction, it works, but it ain't for dudes who winded up on the weird fetish side of primitive youtube after seeing their share of Super Mario Z and shit from newgrounds.

    • 1 year ago

      >Just normie "just be confident, you never needed this!" drivel and self-fellation that ultimately adds up to "just stop fapping bro".
      I'm surprised people who praise this book also argue that psychology is bs, considering they are exactly the same thing

      • 1 year ago

        The Allen Carr books got me to kick booze and smoking. I think I can use it to kick other addictions that I still have like fap and caffeine.

    • 1 year ago

      I don’t have a good solution but i feel you. I’ve had some weird deviantart tier fetish shit going on since i was a kid and that’s all i’ve ever fapped to. It does feel alienating. I keep having dreams about getting caught looking at it by my friends/family/coworkers and they look at me like i’m a freak. Which i am but i’m trying to say i think the dreams are a sign that i should stop

  25. 1 year ago

    Don't you guys feel so guilty after cooming? You get that clarity and see the shit you were just watching and feel awful.
    I decided to quit two years ago and I still haven't succeeded. I really want to stop. Thing is I have no sexual outlet other than this. Masturbation always ends up back to porn use. Longest nofap streak is like 19 days. I know nofap is dumb but I can't separate the fapping from the porn. Guess I'll just have to keep trying...

    • 1 year ago

      Just stop fapping. Seriously. You only coom when you find a girl who likes you back.

      • 1 year ago

        I am going to try giving nofap another shot. I will only bust when it becomes unbearable and do it in the shower so I can't consume porn.
        >Find a girl who likes you back
        l o l

    • 1 year ago

      >Don't you guys feel so guilty after cooming? You get that clarity and see the shit you were just watching and feel awful.
      No, never felt that way. Didn't grow up religious though. These days if I were to jerk it to porn it would just be solo female stuff anyway. Even static pictures does it for me.

    • 1 year ago

      to answer OP's question, blowing a load all over my bed, including some that entered my eye and how disgusting and godless i felt afterwards was the last straw

  26. 1 year ago

    Bros it's over. I'm a 29 yo khhv. I'm still struggling in my career path, I never meet any real women, I just come home late, edge to ss/zoo/tentacle/other degen shit until 2 am then wake up at 6 to get to work the next morning and start the cycle all over again. I haven't had friends since I finished grad school. I want to quit since it's affecting my physical health but it's just a situation of idle hands. I come home to my shitty apartment exhausted and it's the only thing I find stimulating. It's the only dopamine hit I'm getting. I wish I wasn't such an awkward sperg in my teens and just asked that girl that I 99% knew liked me (but I was too chicken if it wasn't explicitly made 100% clear) in high school and got started on the path to normiedom. Finding this website didn't help either but now it's all the social interaction I get.

    • 1 year ago

      There's more to life than this endless cycle of misery anon. Please have the faith and courage that you can change things. Please, before it's truly too late.

      • 1 year ago

        It's killing me bro. It's all my fault I've been fricking up my life since I was a kid. I had a bad temper in elementary school and had to see a the rapist for my anger issues. Remember that scene in in Gundam Wing when Relena invites Heero to her birthday and he tears it up and says "Omae wo korosu"? I did literally that, before I even saw the show, I didn't copy that shit I did it on my own for fricks sake. Didn't have many friends since I was a spaz and the few other spazzes I associated with were loser shut-ins like me (they are unironically NEETs today that smoke pot and go on about UBI). I never socialized. just played vidya and rode my bike around the block going no place in particular just so I could be out of the house when my mom was home. I always felt better alone since I didn't have to risk interacting with others but I can't keep going on like this. Every successful person I know is married to their HS sweetheart or someone they met in their first year of university. I've never met a single social loser that has made it in their career. I feel like I missed the boat entirely and I just drown out my regret with bing bing wahoo and porn shit since at least then I'm not thinking about suicide.

        • 1 year ago

          It's okay anon. Ultimately, (You) hold your fate in your own hands. It's not about good or bad impulses, it's about whether or not you choose to act upon those desires, repeatedly, and what kind of character you build. It's never too late to turn around and start anew. The best time is now.
          Slowly, painfully, but surely, you can whittle away your bad habits and build good ones. It's possible, anon. It'll be painful, you'll fail, you'll fall, you'll wish you were never born. You'll have times when you lie in bed and contemplate the impossibly painful agony of existence; but when the buds of success you have planted start to bloom, you will feel happiness beyond what you can imagine.
          It's all up to you. You decide. Do you stay in your hole and rot? Do you keep digging down, just to see how deep rock bottom gets, or do you look up, look towards the Heavens and try with all your might to reach It?
          You can do it. You CAN do it. It's all in your hands now, anon.

          • 1 year ago

            Are you quoting the book?
            The missing part in the book and your post is that people need training for discipline.
            That's where most of addiction and even things like ADHD or being unable to get up early come from.
            People are unable to make themselves uncomfortable for some time in order to get a better result.
            For discipline, practicing simple things that make you uncomfortable (eg. Using your left arm for stirring a cup of coffee, or the IST approved cold showers) help

            • 1 year ago

              I'm not. I wrote that myself.
              Yes, you need discipline. Lifting, cold showers, nofap all build discipline. But to build discipline you need to make a decision - you need to consciously decide to pull yourself out of the hole you are in. If you lack a goal, these otherwise useful habits become nothing more than a hollow crucible, an empty frame with nothing on or in it. You need to orient these habits and the capacities they give towards something greater. If that's having a family and working hard to make sure your children have a good life, then that's enough. It's enough for the vast majority of men.

              There's nothing great in this world. You just get shielded from it as a child (if you're lucky). I have no idea what I'm even living for. I used to be able to imagine a bright future but every experience I have makes me realize I was just being naive and idealistic. The world is a Black person in a homeless tent on the subway train that grabs your sandwich from out of your hand. Everything else is a temporary state of peace.

              Whatever you do, don't stay in this half-blackpilled state. You don't actually believe that. If you did, and were fully blackpilled, fully having internalised the blackpill and having become a nihilist, you would realise how freeing that is of a notion, instead of thinking it's painful.
              You're a passive nihilist. You secretly hope everything changes, that someone would rescue you from your computer chair and pull you away into a heaven of bliss and happiness. That will never happen. If you swallow the blackpill, don't choke on it and leave it stuck halfway down your throat. Swallow it fully.
              Yes, nothing matters. Life is a cruel son of a b***h and will hit you hard, and hit you harder when you're at your lowest and most vulnerable. SO THE FRICK WHAT?
              Get up. Nothing matters. None of your past failures, mistakes, frickups, errors and embarrassments matter. None of your pain matters. None of your despair, misery or hopelessness matter. Is this not the most freeing thought a man can experience? That you can do anything in life, because nothing ultimately carries any consequence or weight.
              Whatever it is that you decide to do - don't stay in this fence-sitting position where you want to believe that nothing matters but secretly hope that it does.
              Take the blackpill or the whitepill. The result is ultimately the same, anon. You choose.

              • 1 year ago

                You won't say this when you're gripped by disease and hunger. You won't say this when your home is destroyed and you've been made destitute by war. Hope for a better tomorrow is the only belief keeping humanity from going back to the stone age. Even if you divorce yourself from the rest of society and live in the woods you will do your best to avoid pain and misfortune so that you can at least pass quietly on your own terms. "Nothing matters" is true only for children or those who have the privilege to extend this state beyond childhood. Your actions have consequences. You can't pay Tuesday for a hamburger today all your life.

              • 1 year ago

                >when your home is destroyed and you've been made destitute by war
                In this case you should DEFINITELY not be screwing around watching pornography.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah. I'm not a nihilist. I'm a devout religious zealot. I don't believe that nothing matters, I don't believe that nothing has consequence. I live for the eternity of my soul in God's presence.
                I was only saying that to help you, because this fence-sitting position is incredibly harmful. Take it or spit it out, but stop choking on the blackpill.

          • 1 year ago

            There's nothing great in this world. You just get shielded from it as a child (if you're lucky). I have no idea what I'm even living for. I used to be able to imagine a bright future but every experience I have makes me realize I was just being naive and idealistic. The world is a Black person in a homeless tent on the subway train that grabs your sandwich from out of your hand. Everything else is a temporary state of peace.

            • 1 year ago

              >The world is a Black person in a homeless tent on the subway train that grabs your sandwich from out of your hand.
              Evola wrote about this, and Nietzsche. The telluric/cthonic races. The primordial longhouse crushing the spirit of the free and beautiful under the weight of obese mammies and dead-eyes moralizing priests. Human biomass reproducing like fungus to snuff out all life

              >Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does, wat does this mean?

              • 1 year ago

                a israelite huckster

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                He's literally israeli. Take his advice at your own peril.

              • 1 year ago

                >The "israeli" advice is to get swole and clean up your mind and form tight bonds with others
                Can't wait until you ACK yourself

              • 1 year ago

                >You have to do the opposite of what israelites say no matter what, there's no nuance or critical thought to it at all.
                Did you really need some rich israelite larper podcasting from SEA to tell you that anyway? Isn't getting fit and having a close network of people you can trust obvious?

              • 1 year ago

                You should read the book. It does require like baby-tier understanding of basic IST stuff but that's all

    • 1 year ago

      You edging to degen porn until 2am is not a symptom of your life being shitty, it is a root cause of it, and possibly the sole root cause. Pornography addiction is no different than any other addiction. You are literally a semi-functional crackhead, you need to wrap your head around this. For the next week record everything you do each day, including time spent on each thing. Take a look at it at the end of the week and assume this week is an average week for you. Multiply however many hours you spent watching porn x52 and see how much time you lose in a year. Then by multiply that number by the number of years you've been watching porn. Look at the raw numbers, and then stop forever. You need an objective view of your life. No feeling sorry for yourself, no "I wasted my whole life wahh wahh." Just "I am not wasting anymore time."

      • 1 year ago

        You think I don't know any of this? You think I don't understand I'm the same as a drug addict? I know. I know how deep I've dug myself. I know that I can stop at any time. I've tried stopping. Deleted everything and jerked off sparingly to my own imagination. But I fall back into it. I know that no matter how much I try, I can and will fail and the porn is there as a crutch to make me forget I failed. A safe space to go back to and never make any progress. I fricked up my brain and won't stop. I just want it all to end.

        • 1 year ago

          However bad you think it is, it is entirely possible to stop. Link to easypeasy was posted in this thread. Also link Bronze Age Mindset was posted, maybe you read that too, but it's very "you get it ir you don't." Check this out too once you're ready to start trying to get pussy:

          You should also check out "On Game" by Heartiste, I don't have a link to it on hand though

        • 1 year ago

          You have allready been defeated by your own mindset, before you even try to break the addiction. But try to take it one step at a time. Dont do it for 1 day, and then stop for 2 days, and so on dont do it all at once, spread it Iver a long periode of time

          • 1 year ago

            That quotation is in the pic his horseshit. Not every process is reversible. That's just thermodynamics, it's the truth. Sometimes it really is over and your best option is to bow out gracefully.

            • 1 year ago

              That first sentence is fricked. Phone posting with fat fingers'll do that. Disregard what I wrote, I made typos so it must all be wrong.

        • 1 year ago

          Either fix it or have a nice day.
          >but I dOn’t wannA kill mYself aNon
          If you didn’t have some sliver of belief that things could get better, you would’ve necked yourself by now.
          There’s a lot of different ways to try to quit, I can’t recommend any of them over the others, I’ve had varying success with different things at different times.

          Just remember: you’ve gotta fix it or you’ve gotta actually give up. If you don’t want to give up, then you’ve only got one option.

          It won’t be easy, but it’s sure as frick not complicated.

        • 1 year ago

          Check this out. Or don't. It's up to you

      • 1 year ago

        >You edging to degen porn until 2am is not a symptom of your life being shitty, it is a root cause of it
        Literally the opposite you moron
        You think Gigachad who females wanted to bang since he was 12 years old get into those kind of rabbit holes? And even when they do, do you seriously believe it stops them from acquiring relationships?

        anti-porn is beta male cope. Chad can do whatever the frick he wants, even rape children, and women still want him. But yeah women can somehow sense mens private fapping time.

        • 1 year ago

          Not everything is about women. Stop revolving your life around them.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm pretty well off in every way except women
            I fap 2-3 times a day
            If it's not about women, then I don't need nogay thanks for clarifying.

        • 1 year ago

          They sense not your “private male time”
          But they sense the aura you carry around when you fap
          The aura of
          >self loathing
          >self disguist
          It also totally warps your perception of women and thus warps your interaction with them. As a pmo addict of 12 years then got 6month streak, i can tell you

          Theres something women just… sense about you. The way you hold yourself, proud and confident.
          The way you talk to her, the way you’re “different” than the other 95% of porn addicted men who view her as a sex toy, and have an underlying goal of sexing them. These other addicted men, they have a dead stare in their eyes. They’ve drained all their innate manly fire and drive by rubbing out all their seed of life. Empty and void of passion.

          Im convinced natural men who haven’t abused cooming also release some hormones to signal to women you’re fertile healthy and ready to breed

          • 1 year ago

            >self loathing
            I don't have this
            I don't know where this meme of feeling guilty about jerking off comes from, so no.
            >self disguist
            The only 'self digust' I have is being a sub-5 incel. And it's just accepting reality that I'm not attractive.
            >It also totally warps your perception of women
            Only insofar since I'm not overcome with coombrain I judge them the same way I would a man
            >Empty and void of passion.
            More projection. My life is fine in every way except when it comes to women. Masturbation has frick all to do with it because the root cause is elsewhere.

            The only possible truth in nofap is that being sexually satiated reduces motivation to acquire women, but that only matters if your motivation is a determining factor to begin with.

            • 1 year ago

              You've never tried to stop watching porn
              You've never seen it as a tool of the israelites
              You're a fricking idiot
              A degenerate coomer
              have a nice day

            • 1 year ago

              You sound in complete denial to your porn addiction.

              You've never tried to stop watching porn
              You've never seen it as a tool of the israelites
              You're a fricking idiot
              A degenerate coomer
              have a nice day

              Yup, they use porn to numb the masses. It's another form of consumption. One even worse than others because it links the instant gratification dopamine rewards system with the primal sexual reward system. You are used to instant sexual reward

          • 1 year ago

            Brainwashed by pussy. Women don't have any Spidey senses. They get raped, battered and murdered all the time by various sickos and thugs. Incels don't get girls because they never even interact with them. For every cringe moron there's a (chubby) woman that would go for him if he would ask her.

        • 1 year ago

          This outright not true don't listen to this fricking troony idiot. I know several guys who were "chads" in high school and college but fell down the rabbit hole to obesity, alcoholism, pornography, pothead-loser-syndrome, and even addiction to hard drugs. I know a guy who did coke a couple times in college at frat parties and then it took over his whole life apparently. Hadn't talked to him since a friend's wedding, just found out Saturday night he's been arrested for trafficking meth. "Chads" can derail their lives at any time and any loser can put his life together and find something meaningful. This poster is a massive homosexual, and I know there are impressionable teenagers browsing this board. Do not listen to anything these "blackpill" homosexuals say about anything. They don't know frick all. They are people that wrap themselves up so deeply in their misery and in thought traps that they destroy their own lives. Frick them. Ignore them unless they come here asking for help

          • 1 year ago

            >It hard drugs to do to Chad what Japanese cartoons have done to you.
            And Chad gets to have fun memories to look back on. You have that WoW raid as the highlight of your youth.

            • 1 year ago

              This is such a gay mentality holy shit. Oh no you played WoW instead of going to parties and doing coke and fricking prostitutes. Who gives a shit? Your minds are so infected by FOMO that you're paralyzed into inaction. Do you think your life would be better right now if you had been going to parties? It would be the same. Have you ever been to one before? Yeah they're fun but they're nothing to write home about. It's all the same emptiness regardless. No amount of "le partying" or "le pussy" would improve your life. Maybe the only difference is that right now you would be saying this hopelessness bullshit in a bar right now instead of IST .org but it doesn't fricking matter. There are probably a handful of dudes on the planet who wished they'd played more video games. There are many many many more dudes who wished that instead of partying they'd spent more time in nature hiking and swimming while they were still young, or that they'd found religion earlier, or that they'd worked harder when they were younger. You're just a gay homosexual blackpill baiter for no reason other than to justify your own misery.
              >"B-but chad is physically beautiful and famous and rich and fricks all the beautiful supermodels that I jack off to! If I have to settle for regular women I might as well just jerk off to porn forever! It's so easy for chad much love from kazakhstan how can I even compete."
              Fricking have a nice day, every LULZ poster should be laughed off this fricking board

              • 1 year ago


                I know plenty of high school chads that never got anywhere, or even worse, fricked up their life.

                At the same time I was a "Beta" (tho alpha of the betas lul) and now I can pull easier than some of those guys in HS.

                People change. Anyone can change. Don't think you are stuck in your ways and give up

                Also - Porn is gonna be one of the worse addictions of this century, because of how easily accessible it is.

              • 1 year ago

                >Also - Porn is gonna be one of the worse addictions of this century, because of how easily accessible it is.
                Absolutely, it'll be worse than tobacco, opiates and crack put together in terms of panic and pushback when it becomes clear how pervasive it's become. We will see full on prohibition and pornographers hung from lamp posts in the next century. Pic rel also, and think of the trans-ed children once they become adults. The future's gonna get scary imo

              • 1 year ago

                >Absolutely, it'll be worse than tobacco, opiates and crack put together in terms of panic and pushback

                Not sure if you are being sarcastic to me, but the different is all 3 of those are much more obvious to others when you are addicted to it. Someone addicted to crack will ruin their lives fast.
                Also all 3 of these things cost a lot of money. Kids can't buy crack as easily as they can use the internet.
                The problem is the accessible, and how easy it is to hide and how the damages to your brain won't show for decades.
                It's a quit addiction.

              • 1 year ago

                >It's a quit addiction.
                Quiet* addiction

              • 1 year ago

                Long term chronic porn use feminizes you too. A lot of AGP is probably directly caused by porn. Holding a penis in your hand, associating arousal with smelling your own pheromones and body, acting as an observer to an 'alpha' fricking the woman that you want to, etc. It is unhealthy for your neural pathways and I can't believe that most mainstream 'science' attempts to deny this.

            • 1 year ago

              I never interacted with anyone when I played WoW because I was too much of a loser to have friends.

  27. 1 year ago

    If you’re single I cannot stress the importance of ZERO porn and HEAVILY monitoring your frequency of masturbation.
    After a few weeks without porn, you will realize just how badly you were cucking yourself. Where before you needed to see the bare ass, breasts, or pussy of an 8/10+ woman to truly be captivated, you will find yourself appreciating even average womens’ fully clothed figures, their smiles, their laugh. Rather than view them as frickmeat you will start to appreciate their natural charm, which you will be able to naturally reciprocate because their personalities are no longer an obstacle between you and their pussy.
    To someone without a porn habit, any attractive woman seen in day-to-day life will be equally as arousing as a porn addict seeing some oiled up pawg getting railed. The desire to flirt with a woman will outweigh the fear of rejection and you will absolutely have more casual charm than you did before.
    When you’re a married boomer like myself, you should still be wary of porn because you will project degenerate fetishes and unfair standards onto your wife.

    • 1 year ago

      Every porn addict should read this, great post anon

    • 1 year ago

      >When you’re a married boomer like myself, you should still be wary of porn because you will project degenerate fetishes and unfair standards onto your wife.

      Why speak for the modern male when you only experienced recruit difficulty?

    • 1 year ago

      Rubbish, women are humourless and a pain to be around. Their behaviour is only tolerated because they carry the only way to spawn more people onto this rock.

      • 1 year ago

        There are several women I like spending time with, no homo.
        Something I don't understand, though, is why they become b***hes after a certain time in a relationship.
        Are they just pretending up to that point?

        • 1 year ago

          No they're not pretending. Women get bored and look for conflict anywhere they can find it. They also do "shit tests" almost unconsciously.

    • 1 year ago

      Good post

  28. 1 year ago

    Sex with women is the only way. Other than that, a man needs his fix and don't let anybody tell you otherwise

    • 1 year ago

      When I was addicted to porn, I would skip sex with real girls to jerk off.
      It just felt that the whole foreplay was too slow and cumbersome compared to porn.

  29. 1 year ago

    >find a girl who you love
    >tell her about your fetishes
    >she picks out which ones she’s ok with
    >do them with her
    >never watch porn ever again
    Life is good

  30. 1 year ago

    i made a promise to God. i'm 93 day free

  31. 1 year ago

    Stop shilling your moronic book homosexual
    >lol just stop watching it bro
    That's your entire book. have a nice day.

  32. 1 year ago

    I am in the process of quitting now. I'm in a relationship for two years and have had intermittend periods of ED which I suspect is due to porn. I've basically been watching porn once a day every day for years. I've had times before where I tried to quit, did so for a couple weeks, my dick went back to normal and I had no problems with my gf only to then be like 'Hmm maybe it's all fine now, let me just watch some porn again because I'm bored' and repeat the cycle.

    This time I installed a parental blocker app, added all of the porn websites on it and deleted my H-games collection from the PC. It's been two weeks now and I plan to have it last forever.

  33. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      How helpful man, b***hes are as easy to acquire as the sun in the sky and the fruit on a tree!

    • 1 year ago

      Every coomer homosexual should be made to understand this. You are a zoo animal, it is pornography that allows you to accept your domestication

    • 1 year ago

      real post

    • 1 year ago


  34. 1 year ago

    How the frick is porn addiction real? Just don't go to porn websites.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't go on IST

  35. 1 year ago

    I've used non-nude material to get off. Once I was used to that I didn't crave hardcore anymore. It's also not quite as stimulating so once you're used to that the urge to beat off is less intense anyway, so you can just taper off and eventually just use imagination or whatever. If I do jerk off I also never go out of my way to do it when I am just bored during the day, only in the morning or before bed.

  36. 1 year ago

    i just never cared about it enough to pay attention to porn lmao what's your problem? just don't look at it

  37. 1 year ago

    I'm convinced that abstaining helps me hit pr's in the gym, and that has become my new addiction.
    >testosterone returns to baseline after a week
    But androgen receptor density increases (back to what it naturally should be).

    • 1 year ago

      PMO use increases prolactin (long term), dopamine levels (temporarily), and estrogen receptor density, thereby contributing to gynecomastia. Prolactin inhibits leutinizing hormone production in the pituitary gland, directly reducing the creation of new testosterone molecules.
      It also eats into your recovery. It costs your body resources to recreate what was lost, so it's impossible to reach the natty limit while using pmo.

  38. 1 year ago

    Quitting porn is easy as shit, quitting masturbation on the other hand...

  39. 1 year ago

    I came

  40. 1 year ago

    listen guys, the first few days are rough but here's the secret:

    fap urges are NOT cumulative

    they pass and get weaker every time

    when you gooned, you threw a rock into the still water of your mind. the first ripple is bigger, the subsequent ripples smaller. soon the smooth surface returns

    • 1 year ago

      This is a very important concept for the coomer to understand.

  41. 1 year ago

    I'm currently addicted to porn. On week days I can keep it under control. I just look at softcore stuff on /s/ for 15 mins. But on the weekends I get bored and understimulated because I don't have any friends and don't go out and I close all the blinds, turn the lights off, and edge to f95 games for 4 hour sessions.

    I want to quit porn because it makes me act creepy around women, when I see a woman, instead of being in a sunday picnic mood and wanting to talk about the weather or whatever, nude porno thoughts start flashing in my head. And if I have to talk to her I can't maintain eye contact and make creepy expressions, and talk in a lowered voice. Which is embarrassing. I am only slightly lonely. I mainly want to get a gf to please my parents and stunt on my coworkers. Current stats are 26yrs KHV, 5'9 180lbs, 17% bf, 290/242/320 and 165 the press

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe not ideal advice, but try replacing it with a different dopamine source. Go for a walk and drink some energy drinks. It’s still stimulating your dopamine system, but it’s a different source at least, helps break your mental habit of associating dopamine with sitting in the dark duck in hand like a doofus.

  42. 1 year ago

    Easiest answer? Get a girlfriend.

    Having sex with someone you love, especially if she is compatible with your kinks/fetishes, absolves any need for pornographic stimulation.

    Get out and find her anon <3

  43. 1 year ago

    I’ve been porn and masturbation free since 2018.
    I’m a lot more confident and I find it easier to talk to women (whether it be small talk or anything else). I find them very attractive. I should also mention that I have become *very* sensitive to a woman’s touch (I can get hard in seconds, though I bring it under control).
    Sometimes I have nocturnal emissions but I no longer have morning wood. I’m 23. I go to the gym, I eat relatively healthy, sunlight, etc all the good stuff. Is it because I’ve deconditioned myself I no longer get morning wood? Idk bros.

    • 1 year ago

      uhhh first and foremost focus on yourself and dont let a relapse bring your entire mental state down. your goal should be to minimize how much you're watching rather than completely zero it out immediately. i was in a bad position with porn, always searching up youtube videos and going on subreddits for advice on quitting, but i found that once i stopped obsessing over quitting, it was easier. having a job and a busy life helps too. there are times where im up late at night and the urges get so bad but i just sit there and tell myself there's no limit to how much pain i can take that would make me watch again. IF YOU CANT CONTROL BASIC SEXUAL URGES AS A MAN, YOURE NGMI

      >Do you not have other things that stress you out at life?
      You should all or nothing quit those too. Frick this gay earth and anything that saps your vitality or will. You need to be transcendental and ativistic

      blessed thread

  44. 1 year ago

    met a girl and we frick on weekends. Haven't fapped/watched porn for 3 weeks.

  45. 1 year ago

    uhhh first and foremost focus on yourself and dont let a relapse bring your entire mental state down. your goal should be to minimize how much you're watching rather than completely zero it out immediately. i was in a bad position with porn, always searching up youtube videos and going on subreddits for advice on quitting, but i found that once i stopped obsessing over quitting, it was easier. having a job and a busy life helps too. there are times where im up late at night and the urges get so bad but i just sit there and tell myself there's no limit to how much pain i can take that would make me watch again. IF YOU CANT CONTROL BASIC SEXUAL URGES AS A MAN, YOURE NGMI

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, this is one of the biggest lessons.

      So many doods slip up once and give up and binge. It doesn’t need to be about 100% cold turkey forever, it’s about maximizing the time you spend not whacking it.

      Also, the longer you go between solo cooms, the healthier they are, since you don’t need to watch some weirdass cambodian porn or some shit to get there. A healthy should be able to get hard and coom from vanilla fantasizing with a solo picture of a naked chick.

  46. 1 year ago

    >quit porn
    why. Coffee and porn are the only free lunch out there. I think you're just a low-test b***h.

    • 1 year ago

      >there's no such thing as a free lunch!
      >"but what about caffeine and pornography?"
      Nobody respond earnestly to this guy's shitty bait post

  47. 1 year ago

    I realized that the CCP was encouraging it.

  48. 1 year ago

    im a total wiener addict bros

  49. 1 year ago

    Closing in on 72h. I will defeat cooming forever.

  50. 1 year ago

    Use instagram girls as a stepping stone.

  51. 1 year ago
    I think about this story during every hardship, during every urge.
    I think all anons should do the same

  52. 1 year ago

    Should you pursue nofap if you already have a partner, a job you are satisfied with and meaningful hobbies?

  53. 1 year ago

    I'm trying to get my wife pregnant so it gave me a good reason to stop spilling my load anywhere else.

  54. 1 year ago

    Whenever I do nofap I get depressed and angry about how lonely I am.
    But when I fap to porn I get depressed because I'm watching others do what I'm not allowed to do.
    It feels like there's no winning. At least with fapping I get to coom.

  55. 1 year ago

    I listen to this song and think of how I wasted my 20s with porn instead of having a meaningful relationship

  56. 1 year ago

    Man, I get no b***hes, in fact, I don't even talk to b***hes. Shit, I don't even see b***hes. All I am is a lifting sack of hormones that supplements zinc and needs to fricking coom every day. I'm never escaping porn, at least not until I form an intimate relationship.

    • 1 year ago

      This is part of the problem. I'm not seeing in women what all these normal guys ITT who praise them are seeing. Something about menstruation makes females into psychos, since little girls and old ladies aren't total c**ts. The most bizarre thing about women is they won't be phased by something that would have guys rolling on the floor laughing, but will find the most unfunny shit to be peak comedy. That advice about just talk to them like you would a man is such nonsense, it's very clear their running different software up there.

  57. 1 year ago

    Get a gf and have sex with her instead. Then you'll probably only fap maybe once every couple months when you guys can't smash

    • 1 year ago

      >Yes, 30 yo virgin porn addict, just get a gf.
      Is this the best troll you can come up with? It's already been said multiple times ITT

      • 1 year ago

        Literally not a troll. You are a regular dude who likes beating his meat slightly more than others, you're not a paraplegic or leper.

        You can get a gf but you don't have any belief that you can because you undervalue yourself due to a misplaced sense of guilt over touching yourself at night.

        • 1 year ago

          I can't get a gf because women are a pain to actually interact with. They walk up to you all flirtatiously, and then give you the "ew" face as soon as you don't meet their expectations of being sexy and cool. Like hey b***h I'm not here to entertain and validate you. This be yourself horseshit only applies when you are a normalhomosexual and "yourself" already fits the Black person loving, holocaust-believing, israeliteflix watching, weed-smoking (if you smoke this shit you are a Black person) standard.

          • 1 year ago

            >They walk up to you all flirtatiously, and then give you the "ew" face as soon as you don't meet their expectations of being sexy and cool.
            What fricking planet are you from dude

            • 1 year ago

              Planet autism. It's crazy to see girls smiling on approach and try to be seductive and then within 30 seconds make "the face" and disengage. Like they can sniff out whether or not you are going to play ball and pander to them. I don't care if they don't end up having sex with me, I'm not going to play their game. I've met very few women that weren't like this but they were from well to do indian families and I'm not into brown girls

    • 1 year ago

      This is the worst fricking answer and is just demoralization

      I recognize it as self destructive yet i still do it

      I was also raised by mom and am pretty much a virgin.
      I pretty much fap everyday. At my worst it was like 3 times a day for a week

      You're not fapping cause you're horny, you fap cause you're lonely. Trust me, fapping isn't going to solve it. I'm in a similar place as you.

      Big if true, recommend me a good romance manga?

      Don't read harem manga, shit's gay as frick.Two manga I suggest are

      • 1 year ago

        Have you broken the cycle?

  58. 1 year ago

    I recognize it as self destructive yet i still do it

    I was also raised by mom and am pretty much a virgin.
    I pretty much fap everyday. At my worst it was like 3 times a day for a week

    • 1 year ago

      >I recognize it as self destructive yet i still do it
      You recognizing it as destructive means you're nearly on the right path. God's law is written in your heart, you just haven't found the strength to overcome your sinful nature yet.

      Romans 7:14-18
      We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.
      I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
      And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good.
      As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.
      I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. [3] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.

      Stay strong anon, pray and repent, salvation will come.

  59. 1 year ago

    just say stop

  60. 1 year ago

    how do you know when its an addiction? I just jerk off when Im horny and it hasnt ever really hurt my social life or goals

    • 1 year ago

      Try to stop for a week or two and see if you get cravings. How old are you? some people can handle it just like how not everyone who drinks turns into alcoholics.

      for others who are more susceptible to dopamine temptation, it can easily become an addiction. Just like how some people eat themselves into obesity while others can control their cravings

      • 1 year ago

        Ive stopped for like a week and its only hard if I come here lol. Otherwise I can completely forget about porn and go without fapping for a week or so if Im busy enough

  61. 1 year ago

    >How did you quit porn?
    blast 600mg tren so you can't ejaculate under an hour so you just give up fapping entirely

  62. 1 year ago

    Don't look at it unless you're already turned on. If you're using it to force yourself to get turned on then it's bad, at least in my experience.

  63. 1 year ago

    I was a groomsman at my friend's wedding at the end of March, the first time I’ve been in that situation. I’m 24 and never had a girlfriend, although I’ve hooked up with a few in the past. I was sitting watching everything go on both incredibly happy for my friend and obscenely jealous. I’ve wanted to stop watching ever since I started in 8th grade, but that was the shock to the system I needed. I realized I would never be in that situation, happy with someone I love and surrounded by people who care about me, if I continued to watch porn. Haven’t watched since.

    • 1 year ago

      Great work Anon. Keey it up. Don't let ((them)) convince you that watching porn daily is healthy, normal behavior. They want you numb and cooooming away. pacify the people.

      As soon as I got with my fiancé all desire to fap was gone within a couple weeks because I was pounding her pussy to oblivion and unleashing ungodly amounts of jizz on her and in her

      That's exactly the point. No FAP / no porn is for incels! Like me

      yup, sex with a real woman is differnet. You worked for that. Even the sex itself is a fricking cardio workout. sex is more about sharing an experience and sharing pleasure. oxytocin is released with sex. Not with porn. Porn is a solo consumer activity. For self pleasure

      nta but I didn't jerk off for like 3 weeks after I read "Onani Master Kurosawa," the general message of the manga is "stop jerking off and go outside"

      W manga W moral W anon

      I know this will get buried in the replies but I've been clean from pornography for a pretty long while after a lot of unsuccessful attempts. What helped me the most was reading a physical book about why pornography is bad and how to quit, for me it was Your Brain on Porn. I had already read it a few years back as a PDF, but recently I read Allan Carr's book The Shallows and there's a section in there about how the brain retains information differently when it's presented in an analog form rather than a digital form. When it's in digital form, it assumes that the information is always going to be present in whatever medium it was accessed through so it retains a lot less, and that can actually be measured in physical changes in the brain that correlate to learning, while information accessed from an analog medium like a book is retained a lot better. For me, literally just reading a paper version of the book was all I needed to solidify in my mind what to do and what not to do, and it's been easy sailing ever since. There's used copies online of YBOP that you can order for like 2$ if you guys want to try it out.

      >tldr; read a physical book about quitting porn and your brain will actually do what u want

      Great work anon. cheering for you. Glad you woke up. Sad others still believe that porn is healthy and normal and they aren't just prey for the porn industry

  64. 1 year ago

    As soon as I got with my fiancé all desire to fap was gone within a couple weeks because I was pounding her pussy to oblivion and unleashing ungodly amounts of jizz on her and in her

    • 1 year ago

      That's exactly the point. No FAP / no porn is for incels! Like me

  65. 1 year ago

    I’ve jerked off about 9,000 times.

  66. 1 year ago

    i stopped looking at it and instead started having sex. most women i've been with only look at lesbian porn despite being straight, or read, or 'audio'.

    i have near sex addiction and extreme stamina in my late 30s. most women cant really keep up and the ones that do kinda stop living their lives when we're together. despite being a complete degen behind closed doors i really hate outward displays of sexuality.

  67. 1 year ago

    I know this will get buried in the replies but I've been clean from pornography for a pretty long while after a lot of unsuccessful attempts. What helped me the most was reading a physical book about why pornography is bad and how to quit, for me it was Your Brain on Porn. I had already read it a few years back as a PDF, but recently I read Allan Carr's book The Shallows and there's a section in there about how the brain retains information differently when it's presented in an analog form rather than a digital form. When it's in digital form, it assumes that the information is always going to be present in whatever medium it was accessed through so it retains a lot less, and that can actually be measured in physical changes in the brain that correlate to learning, while information accessed from an analog medium like a book is retained a lot better. For me, literally just reading a paper version of the book was all I needed to solidify in my mind what to do and what not to do, and it's been easy sailing ever since. There's used copies online of YBOP that you can order for like 2$ if you guys want to try it out.

    >tldr; read a physical book about quitting porn and your brain will actually do what u want

  68. 1 year ago

    I stopped basing my personality and self worth on the opinions of strangers on the internet. If your masculinity or self worth is base don approval of others or fitting in with a norm. You are insecure. If you want to stop watching porn just stop. If you want to keep watching it do so. Just make a choice and go for it, ignore everyone around you, including me.

  69. 1 year ago

    Having sex literally ruined porn for me, I haven't fricked in about 2-3 weeks and I still can't enjoy porn. Literally just have sex

  70. 1 year ago

    All my life I was on and off fapping, sometimes going multiple months without touching myself, sometimes fapping multiple times a day. I was never "doing nofap" when I was not fapping, I was just occupied with reading, gaming, anime, playing with my dog, visiting family. Ever since I lost weight and started eating healthy I've been very horny and fapping almost every day. Trying and failing to do nofap. The only thing that work was getting more and more depressed to the point where I just didn't feel like it. Now I have depression-induced ED outside of morning wood. So if you're trying to quit fapping the solution is it just be sad.

  71. 1 year ago

    My brain is burned so badly by porn that the only way to get hard for me now is to be loved

  72. 1 year ago

    The only way I’ve been successful is by thinking about how much they want us jerking off and weakening ourselves. When you get the urge, go do something physical like run, lift, box, anything besides giving in.

  73. 1 year ago

    I only feel like jerking off if I have nothing of value going on outside of my home. When I have hobbies/friend groups or commitments that get me out of the house, jerking off feels like a waste of time even if I have that time to kill.

    That's what works for me at least, it's less of an active commitment to not fap and more a passive rejection of fapping.

    • 1 year ago

      This is a very well stated truth about the nature addicting things! You are taking refuge in brain pleasures, instead of actively trying to fill your life with experiences that are more rewarding for you than cumming. If you are having to bury your head in heavy blankets of temporary dopamine bursts to cope with the lifestyle you chose. The root of your problem is not your maladaptive coping mechanism, but the facets of your life that make you suffer so much you have to cope with behaviors that ultimately make the suffering worse. You are trying to avoid suffering created where you live, your social life, job/education, or your own mental state. You can't expect to enjoy living a life that you created that makes you feel like jerking off is a better alternative to going out and experiencing your life. Now you could say well it's too hard to change my life, then give label yourself "loser" or "failure" and just accept that you must suffer like this, because you lack the strength and discipline to change. The truth is you are going to suffer in your life either way. You must ask yourself which form would you rather suffer through: you can suffer through the growing pains of the effort to change your circumstances which will slowly improve your life, lessen your suffering, and eventually remedy the circumstances that cause you to have to cope. Or you can just give up on your responsibility for your experience, and constantly suffer which will grow worse over time exponentially, eventually requiring more powerful and damaging copes. Are you so weak that you would rather use your limited energy and time to chase 15 seconds of relief instead of breaking the cycle? Accept that life is suffering right now, and can be improved with hard work. If you move forward in your life with patience, faith in yourself that you are competent enough to grow, and learn to face your suffering and study it so you can develop strategies to change what causes cope cycles.

  74. 1 year ago

    Go cold turkey. Lube helps a lot. Don't actively look at porn even if you don't plan on jerking off. jerk off every other day even if you don't feel like it. You'll be over porn within 2 weeks.

  75. 1 year ago

    Ween off with ASMR videos.

  76. 1 year ago

    Not fitness related.

  77. 1 year ago

    >quit drinking
    >always go for a quick fap in the bathroom as soon as i get even a little horny
    slipped once or twice. real women seem attractive again. downside is that i am horny all the time and pop random boners at 29 tbh

    • 1 year ago

      Good thats how i was as a teenager. People complain about boners all the time but would you rather have ED from 20 tabs of porn edging for 1hr

      Take care of your brain like you do your body

  78. 1 year ago

    I hear from so many people trying to quit porn. I dont watch porn but just jack off once a day is that ok?

    • 1 year ago

      Fapping that often, even without porn, makes you a degenerate coomer. Find a woman to get off with instead.

    • 1 year ago

      Fapping that often, even without porn, makes you a degenerate coomer. Find a woman to get off with instead.

      Yeah, unless you re a 16 year old with infinite sack juice, once a day is too often. you should notice your sperm quantity is lower too right? and orgasms might be weaker. Your body and brain are fried, let it reset and heal

  79. 1 year ago

    honestly it was not very hard after acknowledging it would be path to hell. i also quit masturbation

  80. 1 year ago
  81. 1 year ago

    Got on my knees and prayed to God promising to never coom again unless I am blessed with a wife to make babies with.
    Haven't coomed in +2 years now

  82. 1 year ago

    I literally hired a coach (found on Twitter) and installed Covenant Eyes and he gets a notification if I look at any porn or nudity

    Feels stupid to hire somebody just to stop touching your dick, but not using porn feels better tbh

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