How do I continue to workout when Im heartbroken

How do I continue to workout when I’m heartbroken

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  1. 9 months ago

    you don't.
    just slit your wrists to the elbow.

  2. 9 months ago

    You use it as a distraction

  3. 9 months ago

    get angry

    • 9 months ago

      This but use it, somehow, as motivation. To lift, that is. Not to Benoit your family.

      • 9 months ago

        >Benoit your family
        What did he mean by this?

        • 9 months ago

          There's no holding me back

        • 9 months ago
          Boom Cumshot

          There's no holding me back

          The Crossface KILLER

  4. 9 months ago

    Did your girl cheat on you?

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Get it off your chest bro.

        • 9 months ago

          Let me put to you in simple terms.
          If you don’t succeed, she wins. She gets to have betrayed you as if you didn’t even matter as if you were subhuman, a mere object to her, and you degrade and lose. That doesn’t sound fair or right to me. But it’s within your power to decide what happens with you from here going forward. If you keep lifting, maintain good health and a good body, it will help the process of you moving on and you will win in multiple regards. 1.) you will look better than her and be able to meet other, probably better, women easier and 2.) you stop caring eventually.

          Is it as motivation to keep going. But do let it go at some point, she’s a low value prostitute after all and isn’t deserving of living rent free in your head for too long. It’s fine to use it to fuel you for now, but if you don’t move on and stop caring then she also wins because that makes you her b***h.

          She was my first girlfriend I ever had my entire life. We were together for 3 years and I fricking thought I could trust her. I opened up to her and told her shit about myself I never told anyone. And she fricking betrayed me and lied to my face so many times and I kept forgiving her because I’m a weak fricking pussy who didn’t want to be alone. Now we officially broke up and I’m back to feeling just like I did before having a relationship. I’m unironically debating suicide at this point because I will never be able to compete as a man in today’s society. I’m too sensitive and that’s a death blow for any man who wants to have a stable and faithful relationship. I tired acting more assertive and dominant and I just look fricking pathetic. Unironically blowing my fricking brains all over the wall might be the only solution for a weak man in today’s world.

          • 9 months ago

            The best thing about hitting rock bottom is that you can only go up.

          • 9 months ago

            >I’m unironically debating suicide
            >Unironically blowing my fricking brains all over the wall might be the only solution for a weak man in today’s world.
            Please don't.

          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment? Chop wood and carry water. You keep going because you must. How many others are counting on you? What about the ones you don't even know. They count on you too. Also remember the wound is where the light gets in too.

          • 9 months ago

            >I opened up to her and told her shit about myself I never told anyone.
            Bad move, you probably showed vulnerability which women hate

          • 9 months ago

            Killing yourself over the kind of person that acts the way she does is a bad move. And don't forget she doesn't represent all women.

          • 9 months ago

            If she was too weak to stay commited to you then she was never the "one" to begin with, even if you thought she was. Don't blame her forever, come to the understanding that she will be the unhappy one while you get to move onto someone that can stay strong with you and for you

          • 9 months ago

            I felt this way after the girl I moved to college with and I broke up. It sucked for a long time, but I just prioritized working out, making friends, learning, and having fun. That was 15 years ago now and I have an awesome life.

            It gets better

          • 9 months ago

            Don't you dare give up anon. I've been in your position so I know what it feels like. It does get better, but it takes a long time. Please don't have a nice day, I know you have what it takes to make it.

          • 9 months ago

            You may not realize it now, but you right now are at the turning point of discovering what manhood is all about. Men are not valued, society doesn’t care about us, and we were only cared for based upon what value we bring. Its both the beauty and terrifying aspect of being born a man. And it usually take a situation like this for a guy to come to that decision: do you want to stay pathetic, mediocre, and someone who people will walk on and take advantage of? Or do you want to be the smartest, strongest, most successful and most capable person ever?

            Only woman and children are allowed to cry and have people feel bad for them. But when men get hurt, you have to choose whether or not you will take this pain and use it as fuel to never let something like this happen again.

          • 9 months ago

            after a year or so you will wonder how the frick you could be with that b***h in the first place
            you will get over it

          • 9 months ago

            don't have a nice day.
            the fact you held a relationship for over 3 years means you're attractive.
            you're gonna be fine.
            stop "opening up".
            I understand the urge to do it, but women really hate that. That's something that belongs in movies and literature.

      • 9 months ago

        How do I continue to workout when I’m heartbroken

        Let me put to you in simple terms.
        If you don’t succeed, she wins. She gets to have betrayed you as if you didn’t even matter as if you were subhuman, a mere object to her, and you degrade and lose. That doesn’t sound fair or right to me. But it’s within your power to decide what happens with you from here going forward. If you keep lifting, maintain good health and a good body, it will help the process of you moving on and you will win in multiple regards. 1.) you will look better than her and be able to meet other, probably better, women easier and 2.) you stop caring eventually.

        Is it as motivation to keep going. But do let it go at some point, she’s a low value prostitute after all and isn’t deserving of living rent free in your head for too long. It’s fine to use it to fuel you for now, but if you don’t move on and stop caring then she also wins because that makes you her b***h.

        • 9 months ago

          >it’s within your power to decide what happens

          The best thing about hitting rock bottom is that you can only go up.

          >The best thing about hitting rock bottom is that you can only go up.

          She was my first girlfriend I ever had my entire life. We were together for 3 years and I fricking thought I could trust her. I opened up to her and told her shit about myself I never told anyone. And she fricking betrayed me and lied to my face so many times and I kept forgiving her because I’m a weak fricking pussy who didn’t want to be alone. Now we officially broke up and I’m back to feeling just like I did before having a relationship. I’m unironically debating suicide at this point because I will never be able to compete as a man in today’s society. I’m too sensitive and that’s a death blow for any man who wants to have a stable and faithful relationship. I tired acting more assertive and dominant and I just look fricking pathetic. Unironically blowing my fricking brains all over the wall might be the only solution for a weak man in today’s world.

          Been there bro. A weak woman will use your vulnerability against you. Life is suffering but you get to choose how you suffer, choose the lift. Your mindset is everything now WAGMI

        • 9 months ago

          best thing i've read today. you are a real bro, ty anon.

          She was my first girlfriend I ever had my entire life. We were together for 3 years and I fricking thought I could trust her. I opened up to her and told her shit about myself I never told anyone. And she fricking betrayed me and lied to my face so many times and I kept forgiving her because I’m a weak fricking pussy who didn’t want to be alone. Now we officially broke up and I’m back to feeling just like I did before having a relationship. I’m unironically debating suicide at this point because I will never be able to compete as a man in today’s society. I’m too sensitive and that’s a death blow for any man who wants to have a stable and faithful relationship. I tired acting more assertive and dominant and I just look fricking pathetic. Unironically blowing my fricking brains all over the wall might be the only solution for a weak man in today’s world.

          as much as you think it is all over, its actually a moment for you to suffer a little and build yourself to be a better man who will eventually find a better woman, and a real woman this time, not the type that would cheat on you. you must know darkness to be grateful for the light.

          The best thing about hitting rock bottom is that you can only go up.


          The real answer is hate.
          Thats because this world deserves tasting the power of your revenge.


          >I opened up to her and told her shit about myself I never told anyone.
          Bad move, you probably showed vulnerability which women hate

          the problem was not opening up, was opening up to the wrong woman. im pretty sure he wasnt showing weakness all the time and crying like a little b***h about his problems in life and not doing anything about it, he was probably just ranting about something that was really annoying him that he never told to anyone. the problem was doing it to the wrong person

        • 9 months ago

          Pretty much this. Heartbreak gym motivation is pretty instinctual for guys. “If I don’t come out of this better, she wins”.

      • 9 months ago

        Was the guy stronger than you? Train to become bigger

      • 9 months ago

        In case it might help you, I was also heartbroken by a woman who I thought was the love of my life. She was a narc who used me for months until she decided to discard me and date another guy. And tbh I suspect that they were already fricking before she even decided to cut ties with me. It took a few weeks to get my shit together and now I'm fine. So you'll be too anon. Keep lifting and keep your head up, king. In this life, there's no mercy for the strong.

  5. 9 months ago

    for every rep scream b***h or c**t whatever in your heart.

  6. 9 months ago

    Being heartbroken is the best motivation imo

  7. 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    Go for a run. Specifically an out-and-back run. Then, even if you want to stop, you're forced to keep running just to get home. As for lifting, it's harder to replicate this. Maybe do the thing that guy did where he put a knife on his barbell? Then you're forced to lift it back up.

  9. 9 months ago

    You stop whining like a gay homosexual about your gay homosexual feelings and you just keep training, that's how

    • 9 months ago

      Why are you afraid of feelings?

      • 9 months ago

        Feelings are fine except when you use them as an excuse to be a useless self-pitying homosexual

        Stop it

  10. 9 months ago

    Workout is a noun; you mean "work out".

  11. 9 months ago

    That’s when you double down and go harder. Was there last year and lifting got me out of that bs. Trust me, it gets better

  12. 9 months ago

    The real answer is hate.
    Thats because this world deserves tasting the power of your revenge.

  13. 9 months ago

    "workout" is a noun; you mean "work out".

  14. 9 months ago

    I'm in my best shape when I'm heartbroken. Embrace the physical pain and suffering knowing it will never be as painful as a break up.

  15. 9 months ago

    you know, this site sucks and 90% of the posts are trolling but im really grateful for you mfs that are helping this man in this hard time. seeing that we know when to make fun of people and when to troll gives me hope, maybe we are not the losers we think we are.

  16. 9 months ago

    Turn that sadness into rage and funnel that rage into the weights you hold in your hands instead of the weights on your shoulders

  17. 9 months ago

    You little poof...forget him, he's gone. No excuse not to lift.

  18. 9 months ago

    have you tried stopping being a homosexual? srs

  19. 9 months ago

    I would have never gotten fit if I didn't break off my engagement.

  20. 9 months ago

    Me being heartbroken is why I started working out

  21. 9 months ago

    pussy doesn't determine the amount of pushups I do

    However, digits do. Rolling

  22. 9 months ago

    If OP is still here, I was in a very similar situation recently. Wasn't my first girlfriend but I haven't had many and this one was what I thought was my friend for 11 years before we got together.

    I started lifting to soften the blow, but even months later it hurt. She was a full on narcissist and got in my head pretty deep. We broke up at the end of March and I was still making posts about her in July, despite making gains and staying consistent.

    But guess what?

    It's September, and 6 months ago I was a groveling, bumbling mess like you are now.

    But now?

    >at my physical peak
    >got closer to God
    >got closer to my friends and family
    >learned about narcissism to where I can identify it much easier
    >became tougher and more mature
    >became more confident and have talked with girls and am now talking with a very nice one
    >have lived life to the fullest, crossed several things off my bucket list

    And my favorite

    >have shut down every single attempt she's made to weasel her way back into my life with grace and ease, all while mogging the frick out of her and her skinnyfat boytoy

    I promise you it gets better. Right now it's the worst it'll be. Just tell yourself that you may feel mentally and emotionally dead right now, but you'll be dammed if you let yourself physically wither while you heal.

    Pic is people here helping me through those times.

  23. 9 months ago

    Stop being a homosexual.

  24. 9 months ago

    I'm stuck myself because I have come across the quite literal perfect woman for me and she's already taken. Like every single thing we agree on and we're looksmatched.

  25. 9 months ago

    is there a single thread on this damn board that isnt in some way related to or referencing crying about women?

  26. 9 months ago

    Stop caring. I cried and she pops into my head now and then but I don't care any more. Literally stop feeling.

  27. 9 months ago

    it'll be okay bro, you'll pick yourself up and be stronger afterwards

  28. 9 months ago

    just tug your botstraps and shake hands with the manger and give him a lock them in the ice and remember to breath and just b yourselfs

  29. 9 months ago

    you persist

  30. 9 months ago

    Think about your girl getting railed by another dude while you push through your hardest sets.

    You'll be jacked in no time.

    • 9 months ago

      Sure, you might make some physical gains but are the mental damages worth it?

  31. 9 months ago

    The frick are you talking about, working out every day is pretty much the only thing that will help you rn

  32. 9 months ago
    Boom Cumshot

    You know, a lot of people fuel their workouts with anger and stimulants, but you know what is stronger than rage? Love, especially love lost...Feel it, let it fill your body. Dig deep for strength.

  33. 9 months ago

    Perfect. Now you're ready.

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