How do I delay aging?

I’ve already cut out processed foods and reduced my calorie intake. Other than the basics like sleeping, exercise, supplements, skin care etc. is there anything else I should be doing?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Idk man you do all this then there will be some guy in Italy who drinks smokes all his life and will look younger and more attractive than you at 50

    • 5 months ago

      Exceptions dont break the rule, crabby boy

    • 5 months ago

      There will always be someone who is naturally more gifted at something than you. Does that mean you should give up on everything? God I hate you demoralizing losers.

      • 5 months ago

        No I just mean is it really worth it doing ALL of this shit consistently for the rest of your life just so when you’re 40 someone might mistake you for being 35?

        • 5 months ago

          By ignoring youthmaxxing, you can easily look late 40s in your 20s.

          • 5 months ago

            Sure but you’d have to be really trying to frick yourself up. Also I’m not trying demoralise anyone just giving my opinion

            • 5 months ago

              It's called hitting the wall. If everyone aged like a fricking anime isekai character no one would care. Instead what happens is you lose your hair, your skin gets wrinkly and leatherly and all bad habits catch up to you. With those kinds of genetics, you need to take control.

              • 5 months ago

                Hey.. i am 35, and i look like maybe 22-25max. I think i never have regressed in my physical or sexual strength ever. I think i can genuinely say i slowly merged from a average dude to a chad.
                Meaning i lift and frick more than i ever had.
                Have great skin and overall health.
                The truth is that aging is heavily influenced by genes. If your parenta aged quickly you will too. It doesnt necesairily correalte with longevity, but appearance and finctioning (like hurting knees or back).
                That aside you did good to review your diet. We can't have a time machine, but I think one of moat important things I did was not drink alcohol until mid-20s. I simply had my own little circle of street friends and never got into drinking with school buddies.
                Other is that i started smoking also only after age 20. I quit 2 timea and always kept it very low, like 2 cigs a day.
                I did smoke weed sometimes and i think that in retrospect id rather had not.
                Alcohol ruins your body, cigs ruin your skin and lungs and mental health, and weed definitely ruins your mental health.

                Another thing is eating good protein sources. Actually take anything you already eat and enjoy and find the best high quality version of it.
                Reduce sugar intake. I always ate a lot of sweets, but it took only like few months to drop sugar without specifically trying. Just stop buying it.

                Fitness is great for health. Any type of fitness.

                Idk man you do all this then there will be some guy in Italy who drinks smokes all his life and will look younger and more attractive than you at 50


                I’ve already cut out processed foods and reduced my calorie intake. Other than the basics like sleeping, exercise, supplements, skin care etc. is there anything else I should be doing?

                Why does IST care so much? You WILL age, and you will have to cope with that and maybe enjoy it? People being vainly obsessed with their looks is not gonna make for a fun society.

        • 5 months ago

          You're still doing "all of this shit" whether you take care of your body or not. It's just that the "all of this shit" you're doing is sitting on the couch and playing video games. You should be asking yourself "why am I doing all this shit just so I can look 50 when I'm 35".

        • 5 months ago

          >Why should I use 10 minutes of my time for something good and healthy when I can just play vidya

  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    dont work.

  4. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      This dude buzzed his hair and gained like 15% body fat? It'd be more interesting to see someone who stayed in shape and kept the same haircut.

    • 5 months ago

      brootal, hair is everything huh

    • 5 months ago

      Why do men's heads get bigger with age?

  5. 5 months ago

    Hey.. i am 35, and i look like maybe 22-25max. I think i never have regressed in my physical or sexual strength ever. I think i can genuinely say i slowly merged from a average dude to a chad.
    Meaning i lift and frick more than i ever had.
    Have great skin and overall health.
    The truth is that aging is heavily influenced by genes. If your parenta aged quickly you will too. It doesnt necesairily correalte with longevity, but appearance and finctioning (like hurting knees or back).
    That aside you did good to review your diet. We can't have a time machine, but I think one of moat important things I did was not drink alcohol until mid-20s. I simply had my own little circle of street friends and never got into drinking with school buddies.
    Other is that i started smoking also only after age 20. I quit 2 timea and always kept it very low, like 2 cigs a day.
    I did smoke weed sometimes and i think that in retrospect id rather had not.
    Alcohol ruins your body, cigs ruin your skin and lungs and mental health, and weed definitely ruins your mental health.

    Another thing is eating good protein sources. Actually take anything you already eat and enjoy and find the best high quality version of it.
    Reduce sugar intake. I always ate a lot of sweets, but it took only like few months to drop sugar without specifically trying. Just stop buying it.

    Fitness is great for health. Any type of fitness.

    • 5 months ago

      Sleep well ( same time 8 hrs every day)
      Drink a lot of water
      Sunbathe sometimes
      Challenge yourself sometimes
      And very important - learn to not stress. Stress is a genuine killer.

  6. 5 months ago

    Sorry kid, but you gotta be 18 to post here. Come back in ten years.

  7. 5 months ago

    the biggest factor for men aging is balding. if it means that much to you fin is really your only option but do your research. the next biggest factor is skin but it sounds like you've got that figured out. Other than those two all you can do is dress well and stay lean.

    • 5 months ago

      My dad has hair at 48 and my grandad (mums dad) had a full head of hair at 85 when he died, this means I won’t go bald right?

      Also does anyone know if weed in the form of an edible capsule has any affects on aging

      • 5 months ago

        everyone in my family has good hair except me dude. watch your norwood and intervene if you see rapid changes, as hair loss stop is easy but hair regrowth is hard

  8. 5 months ago

    Frick after 35 its over

  9. 5 months ago

    Eat collagen. Prioritize mobility over size and go the calisthenics route. Find a skin care routine that isn't based on vanity. Grow your hair long and brush it gently, but thoroughly every day, including scalp and temple massages. Filter your water. Don't use aluminum based deodorant or fluoridated toothpaste. Avoid shit that will rot your teeth. Be happy working at low stress jobs, even if they don't pay much.
    Anything that keeps mTor chronically highly active will end up looking like Alex Jones, Sam Hyde & Shawn Baker - bloated, red & leathery. It's not actually a good idea to consume lot of calories and excessive proportions of high quality animal protein if you're not very active (say BMR+1500kcal daily).
    This is why studies will often find a link between calorie restriction or meat restriction and longevity / healthspan. If you're not active, using your whole body, getting your cardio in, then feeding your body a perfect mix of all the amino acids it needs to make new body, plus all the excess energy to do so, then you're creating a breeding ground for cancer as well as a whole host of metabolic disorders that we know are associated with dietary excess. It's possible for energy dense, nutritionally dense animal foods to be both some of the highest quality food you can find, and not a good idea to consume at every stage of your life and at any activity level or lifestyle.
    If you slow down and become sedentary, you just can't eat (and don't need) the same kind of diet as if you were hitting the gym 5x a week.

  10. 5 months ago

    Being happy and content so that filters out all fitizens, sorry - its over.

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