How do I get super human willpower control.

How do I get super human willpower control. I want to be able to say at this exact moment that I will write a page for my novel or I will standup right now and go for a walk with no hesitation. I tried meditation but that shit doesn't work

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  1. 7 months ago

    You cant really get superhuman willpower, the same way you cant really get superhuman muscles - I mean you could take adderall or steroids and boost yourself beyond natural limits, but long term its unhealthy.
    You can still improve willpower though. You have to work it just like you would work a muscle. Meditation a form of willpower practice, but wont help unless you practice what you learn. If you want to write a page, you must start with a sentence, to write a sentence you must write a word. To take a walk you must go outside.
    You can also remove things that inhibit willpower like browsing IST or other dopamine frying activities.
    Atomic Habits is a great read and goes over points like these in better more actionable detail, highly recommend.

  2. 7 months ago

    You get the ability to perform self control by performing self control. There's no improvement, it's just a matter of which master you choose to follow at the moment.

  3. 7 months ago


  4. 7 months ago

    unless you got some really steadfast delusion like going for that walk will make you win the lotto or if you live your best life you will go to heaven or whatever you can't, thats some gay main character type shit, doubt will be in nearly everything we do

  5. 7 months ago

    you already have it.

  6. 7 months ago

    Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra and study the Will to Power

  7. 7 months ago

    >I tried meditation but that shit doesn't work
    You tried it a day and stopped. Willpower is built over extended periods of time, not over a few days or weeks.

    You probably come from dumb low IQ poor breeders that did not even teach you to have discipline and thus missed out on decades of building good habits for life. You lack both the genetics and the training for willpower.

    Give up.

    • 7 months ago

      I would bet any amount of my money my dad is more jacked than your dad

  8. 7 months ago

    What is actually stopping you from doing what you want

    I say I want to walk I go walk

    How is this hard homieh, just go for a walk lmao

    What type of intrusive thoughts are you getting homieh

  9. 7 months ago

    Honestly OP I haven't exercised willpower for a while but I guess I can share a bit of my experience and reflections with you.
    What does superhuman willpower look like to you? To me it looks like someone whose will doesn't bend to anything, feelings or external factors.

    When I was younger I had some delusions about what makes someone have superhuman willpower. That's why I ask if you to leave such presumptions aside and look at it like this for a while:

    Someone who displays superhuman willpower is someone who decides to keep going no matter what, even if for some reason all odds in the world were stacked against him, no matter whatever feelings might be dragging him down, he would just keep "moving forward".

    You don't really need any life changing advice or brain boosting drug to experience such willpower. Just start by doing something, whatever 5 or 10 pushups, and when you're done with that and wonder if you should just binge watch YouTube videos or some other distraction, take a second to practice introspection, recognize everything that doesn't mean working towards accomplishing your full potential, all of that doesn't matter, it's probably active and passive negative things that deep down you dont want.
    Now do what you consider helps you reach your full potential, this is when you exercise control and willpower, choose what's truly good for you and you will have this willpower, what makes it "superhuman" is exercising this control for far longer than anyone else, you could even keep it up forever.

    I feel like I kinda messed it up, sorry English isn't my first language.
    TLDR; You get control over your willpower by "exercising" it, if you keep doing this without giving up for long enough it turns superhuman.

    The breaking point of many people who don't give up over being just tired is when the existencial doubts kick in, "why am I doing this?", "what meaning does this have?" "isn't it meaningless?".

    • 7 months ago

      Reached character limit, I'll finish in this post:

      You can overcome the existencial dread by choosing your actions wisely, introspection helps a lot.

  10. 7 months ago

    Just do it. That's the secret

  11. 7 months ago

    Take control of your inner monologue. I used to have annoyed and angry thoughts running on autopilot all the time, but then I started consciously constructing objections to them and have been much happier since then. Do this and then use the same voice you use to temper your mood to make yourself do things.

  12. 7 months ago

    you might have undiagnosed ADHD like me and just not realise your dopamine levels are completely wrecked

    • 7 months ago

      100% but I will not succumb to the meth. I will try everything

  13. 7 months ago

    You just do it.

  14. 7 months ago

    it's really easy

  15. 7 months ago

    Stop what you’re doing, close your eyes and clear your mind, count down 5 seconds to 0, start doing thing

  16. 7 months ago

    > i want willpower
    > please tell me what to do

  17. 7 months ago

    u must generate the vibes, anon, generate the vibes!!!!

    • 7 months ago


  18. 7 months ago

    Write it ("How do I get super human willpower?") every where put on every page of the books you read. Write it in the margins of your workout journal. Make it the password to your phone, laptop and password manager. Make it so you can forget get your want for willpower.

    Or that's what I did with the phrase "you always control your actions and its the greatest gift".

  19. 7 months ago

    Habits are everything. Design the life/routine that you'd want to stick to everyday in order to achieve the things you want, then create habits based on it. Prioritise the most important ones and work on them everyday. At the end of the day evaluate what went well, what went wrong and what you will do differently tomorrow. Do not run from failure, embrace and learn from it. Iterate again and again everyday, honing your habits until they are second nature.

  20. 7 months ago

    >I tried meditation but that shit doesn't work
    Let me guess, you try things 3 times and then give up

  21. 7 months ago

    >i wanna be this
    >i wanna be that
    well grab your fricking nuts and BE it

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