How do I grow my glutes?

I never get glute DOMS despite doing low bar squat, deadlift, hip thrust, cable kickback, and glute hyperextensions. It’s like the mind muscle connection is lacking.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Farmers walks.

    • 7 months ago

      I lift at home in like a 10 x 14 foot gym. I have access to dumbbells up to 100 pounds. Is holding a 100 pound dumbbell in each hand enough load? Can it be done with barbell?

  2. 7 months ago

    try donkey kicks, just to build mind muscle connection, then try Romanian deadlift

    • 7 months ago

      Ill give them a try, thank you. Ive been meaning to try Romanian deadlift for a while

      • 7 months ago

        RDLs are fricking rad.

  3. 7 months ago


  4. 7 months ago

    You're cute. Do Bulgarian Split Squats with dumbbells followed by Romanian deadlifts. 4x10-15 for each. If that's not enough do lateral step ups as well, and maybe even donkey kicks. Crush the glutes with volume. Pic unrelated

    • 7 months ago

      Th-thanks, Anon..I will add those in. I have heard a lot of good things about Bulgarian split squats. I see bodybuilders do them a lot. Will ramp up the volume too as you suggested. I had been doing 3 sets of 8 for everything


      What!? Lol

  5. 7 months ago

    >hip thrusts (hold at the top)
    >bsq (sit down on bench, extend leg, place leg on ground; this is your foot placement)
    >high bar squat (pause at the bottom)
    >donkey kicks (can do with cables but look like a giga gay)
    >abductor machine (aka bad girls)
    >step ups (work towards your knee making a 90 degree angle)
    >glute bridge (can do this raised, good as a warm up yo awaken glutes)
    >back extension (touch your glutes and focus on contraction)
    t. juicy glute haver

    • 7 months ago

      Based. Thanks for the recs, brother.

      I lift in a home gym, so I don’t mind doing giga gay lifts like cable donkey kicks lol. Unfortunately I don’t have access to the bad girl machine — could I substitute lateral band walks? Are heavy barbell glute bridges worth doing instead of barbell hip thrust? Or is the greater ROM of hip thrust beneficial?

      • 7 months ago

        >could I substitute lateral band walks?
        yeah, anything that laterally extends your leg is good. make sure to touch the side glute cause the main glute or quad can take over
        >Are heavy barbell glute bridges worth doing instead of barbell hip thrust?
        do whatever feels best. my legs are wrongly proportioned for heavy glute bridges. I'd still rec the briges for warm up, make sure to feel the glutes contracting (mind muscle connection).
        >Or is the greater ROM of hip thrust beneficial?
        you gotta decide if ROM or muscle connection is more important (ie which makes you grow more)

        • 7 months ago

          cant you just make sure ti squeeze ur cheecks together at the heigh of the glute bridge/hip thrust and that should engage them right? i have a problem where when I squeeze the cheeks at the top of a glute bridge i really start to feel it/almost pull my hamstrings.

          what does that mean? that my glutes arent activating or the weight im doing is stronger than what my hamstrings can take

          • 7 months ago

            could be your glutes are exhausted and your hammies are taking over. not a bad thing, lower the weight or change the angle/height of your back or legs.

            Thank you, glute-king. Couple more questions for ya please. Is the high bar squat with pause at the bottom like a supplement to my normal low bar squat or should I replace low bar with it? I think I will have to drop the weight a good amount if I switch to high bar since I’m not used to it, especially with the pause. And lastly, any thoughts on RDL? Just askin cus a couple of other anons recommended it.

            I don't do low bar so there's not much advice to give here. the main point is to use the glutes while squatting, if you can do that with low bar, stay with low bar.
            >And lastly, any thoughts on RDL?
            RDL is mostly for hammies, you can make it a glute movement by adjusting your torso angle and the height in which you raise and lower your chest but it seeems suboptimal to me compared to specialized glute movements; great for hammies.

            • 7 months ago

              thanks mate

            • 7 months ago

              OP here. Thank you, King. I will think of you when my glutes blow up. No homo

              • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Thank you, glute-king. Couple more questions for ya please. Is the high bar squat with pause at the bottom like a supplement to my normal low bar squat or should I replace low bar with it? I think I will have to drop the weight a good amount if I switch to high bar since I’m not used to it, especially with the pause. And lastly, any thoughts on RDL? Just askin cus a couple of other anons recommended it.

  6. 7 months ago

    there was a ted talk years ago by a male model i can't find but he gave an exercise models use to fix posture (but really it's to tone your glutes)
    goes like this:
    stand up straight with feet together
    then push heels together as hard as you can while imagining your toes going away from each other. hold for one minute.

    • 7 months ago

      Based. I will give it a shot. Thanks, Anon. My posture needs work for sure. I think I have anterior pelvic tilt maybe.

      4 sets of Sit on My Face til failure

      Th-thanks. I wish my wife would eat and/or finger my ass. It’s a shame really

  7. 7 months ago

    4 sets of Sit on My Face til failure

  8. 7 months ago

    you have to point at them in the gym and say I COMMAND YOU TO GROW! then begin squat sets

  9. 7 months ago


  10. 7 months ago

    Split squats and hip thrusts is all you need for big glutes. There are other lifts but nothing compares to these 2

  11. 7 months ago

    No thanks

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