How do I improve grip strength

I failed a 3pl8 dead lift and I can't do a single pull up but I can do a 4pl8 sqaut and bench 275
I'm convinced grip strength is my problem

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  1. 2 years ago

    I find it hard to believe my fat ass can do sets of at least 4 pullups if you can't manage 1

    • 2 years ago

      I used to be able to do like 8 of them and I used to dead lift over 4pl8s
      but I stopped lifting for two years and all my lifts recovered and even grow except for those

      Probably an upper back tightness problem. If your upper back/read delts aren't properly braced, the weight will hang off your forearms for the most part.
      Kind of like the different of a dead hang and an active dead hang, On active dead hang your lats get tired, on passive dead hang your forearms get tired.

      I don't reall follow
      but if this is true how do I fix it?

      • 2 years ago

        Basically flex your lats, completely puff out your chest, lean back as if you're doing a lat spread, breathe in through belly and chest before the lift.
        Warning, possibility of breaking PR

        • 2 years ago

          >Warning, possibility of breaking PR
          lmao based
          >Basically flex your lats, completely puff out your chest
          yeah but this shortens my arms too much
          I have short arms, I'll never reach the bar without going really low

          • 2 years ago

            I pull sumo, dunno too much about conventional.
            Some people just have a skeletal structure that is better for sumo, others for conventional.

  2. 2 years ago

    Probably an upper back tightness problem. If your upper back/read delts aren't properly braced, the weight will hang off your forearms for the most part.
    Kind of like the different of a dead hang and an active dead hang, On active dead hang your lats get tired, on passive dead hang your forearms get tired.

  3. 2 years ago

    What happened to Tom anyways?
    I mean I know he stole money from Juji for gambling but Jujimufu has fricking sucked without Tom, it's obvious Tom was hugely important for making the youtube stuff good and Juji was just the pretty face
    I mean juji and tom were literally best friends for years and a bit of gambling made juji go full israelite and sue Tom?
    Tom is a victim of addiction and Juji as a roid addict is a hypocrite who also obviously helped Tom microdose
    Fricking sad
    Roidtrannies are seriously fricked in the head
    also do daed hangs

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off Tom

    • 2 years ago

      He had some disease like hodgekins

      • 2 years ago

        So Tom died?
        sad, I heard he shit blood from his ass a bunch

  4. 2 years ago

    Walk like a farmer

    • 2 years ago

      all the farmers around here use ATVs homosexual

  5. 2 years ago

    I can pull 3pl8 for 5 with hooks
    2 no straps or bullshit
    Tried chalk for the first time yesterday and pulled it for 4 no problem. Coulda hit 5 easy but I was having a super shit day. Everything was weak. Bad sleep. Try chalk, I bet you pull 3pl8 for a single ez

    • 2 years ago

      I don't use any kind of extra equipment besides the bar and all my lifts are conventional form

      • 2 years ago

        use chalk and you’ll lift it. You should definitely try straps though for some shit. Not saying stop lifting raw but lifting more overall helps you lift more raw. You have sweatier hands than you think. Try chalk.

        • 2 years ago

          >use chalk and you’ll lift it
          yeah but I want to lift it raw, I think everyone should be able to do 1/2/3/4 raw
          I do all my lifts raw
          >You should definitely try straps though for some shit
          Like what?
          >You have sweatier hands than you think. Try chalk.
          I don't want to be called a homosexual homosexual for using chalk for lifts under 1/2/3/4
          Also I'd have to order some from amazon
          what brand is good?

          • 2 years ago

            log off man it’s fricking chalk. you’ve let IST bury moronic shit in your brain. You will get there faster by LIFTING MORE WEIGHT. chalk will help you lift more weight. Feel free to take a longer road for no reason.

            straps, like meadows rows. You’d be surprised at how much better activation you can get in the intended muscle group when not limited by your grip. Why would you expect your comparatively tiny forearm muscles to be able to keep up with a giant muscle like your lats? You’re intentionally creating a weak link in the chain. Just make sure you do some isolated grip work. Even deadhangs will make a huge difference. If you use straps for some stuff you can stop holding yourself back and take a more focused approach to training grip at the same time.

            If people call you a homosexual homosexual you look like a homosexual homo. nobody has called me a name like that in my life. It’s chalk. Any chalk. You can get a chalk ball for like £2

            • 2 years ago

              Ok but last time I was in the gym it was full of dyels and boomers, I was easily the strongest lifter there at the time
              and I saw some dyels actually wiping the fricking bar
              I don't want to ever look as stupid as that

              I pull sumo, dunno too much about conventional.
              Some people just have a skeletal structure that is better for sumo, others for conventional.

              Sumo is cheating

              • 2 years ago

                Ok why don't you start cheating then pussy?
                Oh is it because it's actually not cheating?

              • 2 years ago

                I don't cheat/do sumo because I don't have have a micro penis

                >wiping the fricking bar
                If you’re getting sweat on it why wouldn’t you wipe it?

                wiping the bar is the most moronic thing ever

              • 2 years ago

                >wiping the bar is the most moronic thing ever
                Explain why? I leave sweat all over the middle when squatting or benching and leave sweat from my hands all the time

              • 2 years ago

                >Can't hold 3 plates in his hands
                >Says others have micro penis'
                Hahahaha some jokes write themselves bro
                Stay DYEL and listening to some people that barely lift lmao every respectable DL'er knows it's not cheating.
                Yes, going into a balerina split and locking out at knees is cheating, which is why it's done in competition in order to win. Just do sumo stance with calves 90 degree vertical to the ground, you will still lock out around groin area.

              • 2 years ago

                >all tha text
                Didn't read but I can tell you're being very defensive, calm down sumo troony

              • 2 years ago

                >Can't pull more than 3 plates
                Stay DYEL, your opinion on anything is worthless

              • 2 years ago

                >sumo troony can't stop coping

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry bro but if we were ever to shake hands I would crush your hand
                I can't take an insult seriously from someone so feminime

              • 2 years ago


                >sumo troony can't stop coping

              • 2 years ago

                >I failed a 3pl8 dead lift and I can't do a single pull

              • 2 years ago


                See [...]

              • 2 years ago

                >wiping the fricking bar
                If you’re getting sweat on it why wouldn’t you wipe it?

              • 2 years ago

                I wipe and lift more than you :,(

  6. 2 years ago

    Farmer's walk, except tie a belt around the weights instead of holding it normally. Infinitely harder, makes you squeeze that hand as much as you can and calluses your finger. I recommend cheap judo belts

  7. 2 years ago

    Frickin' hangs. Even if you can't actually pull-up, do hangs instead with as slow a descent as you can muster.

    There's other ways to increase grip strength like grippers and shifting a bell between pronated and supinated etc, but pretty much all of them offer a higher risk of developing tendon/carpal tunnel than the humble hang.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    Incorporate some of this grip work into a pull workout one day a week and use grippers 3 days a week according to ironminds captains of crush guide booklet

    On one pull day a week I do 2.5" rolling handle dead hangs 5x as long as I can do, plate lat pulls with a weight that tires your grip faster than your lats 3x AMRAP (preferably less than 7 reps and use the rubber Olympic weights as they are thicker and hit your fingers harder) and I also use a rolling 2" d-handle for all machine rows. You know you've just it when you can't even pick up a coke can for the rest of they day.

    Never do mixed grip deadlifts, do all deadlifts as double overhand, if that's too hard do double overhand hookgrip you'll still build grip, if you still can't grip use straps but sparingly as they prevent you building grip it's better you take a second between reps to adjust your grip than use straps. Look up tutorials for double overhand and hookgrip from Olympic weightlifting those guys can rep 500+lb overhand without straps You also reduce the risk of bicep tear by doing overhand.

  10. 2 years ago

    john boloushi?

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