How do I prevent hair loss without taking ANY tranny pill? So far Ive got. >Microneedling. >Saw Palmetto

How do I prevent hair loss without taking ANY troony pill?

So far I’ve got

>Saw Palmetto
>Castor Oil
>Oral Minoxidil
>Vitamin D

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  1. 12 months ago

    Probably not sport a combover that starts from your bald spot kek

    • 12 months ago

      I don’t comb over, I’m 18 and my hairline is just receding badly

      • 12 months ago

        idk what to tell you if you don't understand how your hair is combed over from the blatant recession in op

      • 12 months ago

        its over, get swole fast and shave it, it's the only way out

      • 12 months ago

        Bro are you seriously 18 and balding?
        >its over

        I just turned 27 and still not having any issues
        Grandpa is 70s and is blading
        Other grandpa stopped at norwood 2
        Dad never balded but died at 49

        Its genetic, otherwise do what Matthew Mcwhogivesashit did

        • 12 months ago

          How did your dad die?

          • 12 months ago

            He killed himself as soon as he noticed that he was balding.

          • 12 months ago

            Nta my dad died at 53 because of smoking and drinking almost every day. Thank you for asking.

      • 12 months ago

        it's over. Your only option is fin at this point. You would have to do fin + min to regrow some of your hairline. But you definitely need a transplant to get a normal hairline again
        >inb4 troony pill
        then enjoy being bald before 21

        • 12 months ago

          even picrel got a hair transplant

      • 12 months ago

        I'm 23. ENTER MY DOJO

      • 12 months ago

        How do I prevent hair loss without taking ANY troony pill?

        So far I’ve got

        >Saw Palmetto
        >Castor Oil
        >Oral Minoxidil
        >Vitamin D

        I looked like this at 18, now Im 23 and Im bald

      • 12 months ago

        I look like this at 21.
        Started fin a while ago. At least now I'm on fin I don't worry about it progressing.
        Grow your hair out long and part it in the middle, it will cover it up.

      • 12 months ago

        >I’m 18
        ya done son.

      • 12 months ago

        You should at least not get a haircut that accentuates it. Either way, it happens to some men very early

  2. 12 months ago

    peppermint an lavender essential oils have dermal testosterone reducing effects
    reduces DHT topically from interacting with hair

    >also reduces T in whole body

  3. 12 months ago

    1. Finasteride/dutasteride are not troony pills. Most trannies don't even take that as their estradiol is enough to regrow all their hair. Finasteride/dutasteride even raise testosterone which isn't something trannies want.
    2. Just shave it off you moron if you're not willing to take actual medicine.

    • 12 months ago

      Don't FtMs take it because the test aromatizes to DHT and rapes their hairlines. But yeah it's not really used for trannies not sure where this myth comes from. I guess they could take it to prevent hair loss until they get proper HRT idk.

      • 12 months ago

        Women are extremely sensitive to androgens. Give the average woman a male hormone profile and they'd be NW7s in a year.

        Just anecdotally from what Ive seen online and my personal experience microneedling makes a huge difference. With or without minox just on fin its worth it to dermaroll at least every other week. Seems like a gamechanger for a good number of people including myself

        Studies are very weak for microneedling alone as of now.

    • 12 months ago

      Serum T goes up because the body is trying to increase DHT production. Finasteride users cope hard

      • 12 months ago

        No, it's because testosterone is no longer being used to make DHT. If your theory was right, both testosterone and DHT would go up so you'd have zero fricking reason to complain.

      • 12 months ago

        Stick to lifting weights. Let us thinkers impart our knowledge on you meat heads. Your body converts a portion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Finasteride 1mg daily cuts dihydrotestosterone down by 60% at least. Dutasteride even more. Notice how testosterone increases most with dutasteride. This coincides with dutasteride preventing testosterone conversion more than placebo and finasteride.

  4. 12 months ago

    So let me get this straight, you prefer to use MK677 which fricks with yours hormones way more than fin and also oral minoxidil which fricks with your heart all because you don't want to use finasteride while also using another thing that works exactly like fin but 60% as effective? (saw palmetto).
    You are insane

    • 12 months ago

      >but 60% as effective
      Saw palmetto inhibits ~30% of serum DHT so pretty much 0% of scalp DHT. He's using a DHT inhibitor which doesn't even help your hair lmao

    • 12 months ago

      >using another thing that works exactly like fin but 60% as effective? (saw palmetto).
      i personally use saw palmetto
      it's natural, therefore my body knows what to do with it
      fin is lab-made

  5. 12 months ago

    >troony pill
    people who don't do proper research and get their "data" from /misc/ deserve to go bald. good luck, you're already halfway there.

    • 12 months ago

      actually scratch that, i see that you're all the way there lmao

      I don’t comb over, I’m 18 and my hairline is just receding badly

      it's literally over. you've earned it moron.

    • 12 months ago

      OP regularly posts this kind of thread, presumably because he's bald and hates it when ISTizens talk about finasteride in an encouraging way.

      • 12 months ago

        these people are literally crabs in a bucket and just scumbags. i have a NW1-2 thanks to being on fin for 7 years now. could have had a perfect NW0 for life if it weren't for all the FUD, I could have started a couple years sooner and save all my hair. still happy to have a better hairline than 90% people my age.

        • 12 months ago

          At this point you could try out stemoxydine and/or topical antiandrogens. Stemoxydine's mechanism means you don't have to keep using it on hair you've grown, unlike with minoxidil.

          • 12 months ago

            nah i can't be assed with more stuff, fin is super easy, i added min a year ago and i regret it because it's too much of a hassle and doesn't really do anything, but still i'm sticking to it because why not. don't wanna add more stuff. besides, i just got a new barber who told me to grow my hair out, and it looks SO MUCH better now. i used to have it too short and it exposed my temples and some diffusing. growing it out just a bit makes it look really full. i'm such an idiot for not doing it sooner.

            I started at a 1, and I have a 2 or 3. Would be nice if it stays but I need to wait longer and see.
            I would be happy to have a decent hairline when I am 35 or 40.

            it definitely works, it just takes a lot of time. i never quite realized how much fin did for me in terms of regrowth until I happened to stumble upon a pic of me from 2-3 months before I started. holy shit I had a much larger forehead. it works, but it's slow and subtle. in any case NW2-3 is still decent. if you reach NW3, that's a good candidate for a small transplant. at NW4 I would say it's all over.

            Ok im convinced. I will start to take small doses before fall.
            I'm already beyond nw2.
            Hope to regrow with Castor oil, rosemary, microneedling and maybe massages/red light therapy

            >Hope to regrow with Castor oil, rosemary, microneedling and maybe massages/red light therapy
            dump all that shit homie, it's gonna wear you out. just take fin. it's literally one pill you take with your vitamins and it's x100 more effective than all that meme shit you're doing. or you can take it every 2-3 days if you wanna microdose. if you're scared, just do what i did - consider it a "trial period". if you get sides, just stop taking it. so far my trial period is 7 years lol, never had sides.

        • 12 months ago

          I started at a 1, and I have a 2 or 3. Would be nice if it stays but I need to wait longer and see.
          I would be happy to have a decent hairline when I am 35 or 40.

          • 12 months ago

            If you're still receding with finasteride, consider adding dutasteride once or twice a week.

            Ok im convinced. I will start to take small doses before fall.
            I'm already beyond nw2.
            Hope to regrow with Castor oil, rosemary, microneedling and maybe massages/red light therapy

            Scalp massages are literally worthless. Even red light therapy has more proof behind it working.

            • 12 months ago

              So how to regrow without being autistic with minoxidil?
              What Happens if I stop fin? Any chance to get regrowth with fin and natural oils plus needling? I need my hair to look decent

              • 12 months ago

                In order to keep your hair, you need to stay on finasteride/dutasteride indefinitely. Both are also good for regrowth, especially over 2-3 years or longer. If you require more regrowth than that, you definitely need to add a growth stimulant like minoxidil or stemoxydine. The latter doesn't have to be used indefinitely, unlike minoxidil.
                Microneedling is a mixed bag. It may help with regrowth if you're also using minoxidil but without it it's probably useless.

              • 12 months ago

                Just anecdotally from what Ive seen online and my personal experience microneedling makes a huge difference. With or without minox just on fin its worth it to dermaroll at least every other week. Seems like a gamechanger for a good number of people including myself

              • 12 months ago

                same anon from

                >troony pill
                people who don't do proper research and get their "data" from /misc/ deserve to go bald. good luck, you're already halfway there.

                actually scratch that, i see that you're all the way there lmao [...] it's literally over. you've earned it moron.

                these people are literally crabs in a bucket and just scumbags. i have a NW1-2 thanks to being on fin for 7 years now. could have had a perfect NW0 for life if it weren't for all the FUD, I could have started a couple years sooner and save all my hair. still happy to have a better hairline than 90% people my age.

                nah i can't be assed with more stuff, fin is super easy, i added min a year ago and i regret it because it's too much of a hassle and doesn't really do anything, but still i'm sticking to it because why not. don't wanna add more stuff. besides, i just got a new barber who told me to grow my hair out, and it looks SO MUCH better now. i used to have it too short and it exposed my temples and some diffusing. growing it out just a bit makes it look really full. i'm such an idiot for not doing it sooner.

                it definitely works, it just takes a lot of time. i never quite realized how much fin did for me in terms of regrowth until I happened to stumble upon a pic of me from 2-3 months before I started. holy shit I had a much larger forehead. it works, but it's slow and subtle. in any case NW2-3 is still decent. if you reach NW3, that's a good candidate for a small transplant. at NW4 I would say it's all over.

                >Hope to regrow with Castor oil, rosemary, microneedling and maybe massages/red light therapy
                dump all that shit homie, it's gonna wear you out. just take fin. it's literally one pill you take with your vitamins and it's x100 more effective than all that meme shit you're doing. or you can take it every 2-3 days if you wanna microdose. if you're scared, just do what i did - consider it a "trial period". if you get sides, just stop taking it. so far my trial period is 7 years lol, never had sides.

                i actually tried dermarolling for about 2-3 months at some point and it didn't do anything for me. the research around it is also not conclusive. plus, long term you might be scarring yourself and fricking up growth.

                i'd rather focus on the easy 99% (fin) and not spend any energy on the remaining tedious 1%

              • 12 months ago

                >start oral minox
                >literally zero new hairs in temple area or temple points
                I'm so jealous of those hyper-responder gays.

                >plus, long term you might be scarring yourself and fricking up growth.
                does microneedling actually do this? Lots of people have been using it long term for facial skin.
                I only do 0.5-0.75mm since study I saw showed better results than 1mm+, the reddit gays go extreme with like 1.5-2mm needling

                Meme that dermas actually advise against as it harms the skin.


            • 12 months ago

              I am going to wait longer and see. Can't really tell if I am still receeding or not on 1mg.
              Only been on it for a month anyways.

        • 12 months ago

          Ok im convinced. I will start to take small doses before fall.
          I'm already beyond nw2.
          Hope to regrow with Castor oil, rosemary, microneedling and maybe massages/red light therapy

  6. 12 months ago

    >Prevent hairloss
    >No troony drugs
    Try finasteride

  7. 12 months ago

    You don't.

  8. 12 months ago

    OP honestly at 25 i don't think im as bad as you but i am on dutasteride

  9. 12 months ago


    These goofs take it they had children and they're just fine. Drumpf literally had a child in his 60s while on FIN.

    • 12 months ago

      >Trump takes fin
      >But his chud followers won't because of some idiotic cope
      Goddamn bro. I can't believe I'm siding with that moron.

    • 12 months ago

      i know the first 2 are open about fin, what did rob lowe say? vid is too fricking long

      • 12 months ago

        Basically shitting on William cuz he's not on fin like Lowe is.

        • 12 months ago

          did he actually say he was using fin? got a timestamp by any chance?

          • 12 months ago

            No, he just implies it like Garfield. He says that 'there's a pill'.

    • 12 months ago

      Barron Trump is like 7 feet tall. Finasteride will literally turn your children into gigachads.

  10. 12 months ago

    take the troony pill

  11. 12 months ago


  12. 12 months ago

    At 18 its aggressive, but not nearly as bad as gays in this thread make it out. But you need Fin asap because you are heading to NW3 and beyond quick

  13. 12 months ago

    Meme that dermas actually advise against as it harms the skin.

  14. 12 months ago

    Just take Fin, friend
    Don't be a bald moron

  15. 12 months ago

    Romero and apple vinegar. Not even memeing, is all you need.

    • 12 months ago

      jesus fricking christ. Did your boomer dad tell you about this shit?

    • 12 months ago

      >Romero and apple vinegar

    • 12 months ago

      momscience moron. literally woman IQ

  16. 12 months ago

    Don't believe anons who say the sides are fake

    • 12 months ago

      Sides aren't fake, but they are rare and reversible according to 50 years of research, 30 years of human use (which the CDC confirmed this year).

  17. 12 months ago

    Recently met a QT and think she may be the one. However, she's not thin. Not necessarily fat, but looks like pic related. Anyone with experience or tips to convince her to get fit without making her resent me? Or, is it a lost cause and she will likely gain it back after marriage?

    • 12 months ago

      OP here, sorry frens, didn't mean to post in this thread

  18. 12 months ago

    How do I wring water from a stone?

  19. 12 months ago

    no inflammation and corrected hormones helps the health in general

    • 12 months ago

      The 5ar-2 enzyme and hair follicle androgen receptors are not affected by diet. Inflammation also does not really play a role in MPB.

      • 12 months ago

        are you aware that inflammation is not the cause of things, but an automatic alert that something is wrong?
        we can get inflammation from a lot of things and certainly some of those things can and will affect the body in some way and one of those ways is by causing your hair to fall out
        better than looking for the cause among more than a million possibilities and combinations is just to remove all possibilities along with the elimination diet based on our natural diet

        there will be nothing but anecdotes
        who the hell would pay for a study that doesn't make people buy pills

        • 12 months ago

          Keto has been researched plenty of times but never was there any hair growth benefit.

    • 12 months ago

      Can I carnivore diet with eggs and Joghurts and whey protein? Maybe almond milk and some nuts?
      Meat is too expensive and not calorie dense enough.

      • 12 months ago

        yogurts, whey protein and almond milk is way more expensive than meat considering the amount you will need to grow
        just eat a lot of very fatty ruminant meat and a lot of eggs
        reminder to watch some "carnivore mistakes" by dr berry, chaffee and steak butter gal to start the diet smoothly depending on your background

        Keto has been researched plenty of times but never was there any hair growth benefit.

        plants have toxins that can frick you out, that's why you introduce them after adapting to the carnivore to see the effects
        plant toxins can be used wisely and cautiously to gain benefits
        for example
        >black pepper makes any effect 2000x stronger
        >how? blocking some liver enzymes that detox things
        >what do you do with this information? I don't know. get high faster? dunno
        no one will ever do a 5 year study to prove that carnivore reverses gray hair, makes it grow back and makes it stronger
        there are new studies coming out on keto saying obvious shit that was known for decades but due to money and greed it was never done
        of course there will be no studies on ketones helping to heal your body and stuff
        you just have to test it on yourself until the world comes back to sense someday

  20. 12 months ago

    Fricking lmao. Why aren't all you idiots using zix every day to dodge the Norwood Reaper until we get a final solution? It's cheap, fast, easy to make with widely available drug store ingredients, and has test benefits. It's like you all want to be hairlets.

    • 12 months ago

      Are redards really rubbing the equivalent of gin onto their heads to stop hair loss? KEK

  21. 12 months ago

    Fin threads should really include pictures of the posters. I wanna see the anti fin posters

  22. 12 months ago

    >Oral Minoxidil
    Don’t do this it is poisonous.

  23. 12 months ago

    Going bald will really stick it to those trannies and their hormones

  24. 12 months ago

    24yo turning 25 mid July. been on 1mg fin for the last 5 months. decided to hop on it when I noticed my temples receeding and a lot more hairs while shampooing. not anymore lol

    • 12 months ago

      forgot pic kekw. only 1mg fin. i don't do min or dermaroll

  25. 12 months ago

    >OP says "without taking ANY troony pill"
    >80% of the thread is telling him he must take the troony pill forever
    have a bump

  26. 12 months ago

    Is there a significant risk to developing ED from taking finasteride?

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