how do I rid myself of endless pimples

how do I rid myself of endless pimples

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  1. 4 months ago

    I should mention I hardly eat sugar and I want them off my face

  2. 4 months ago

    Where are the pimples? Are they only on your face or certain parts of it? Also how old are you and how often do you exercise/play sport?

  3. 4 months ago

    Always shower after getting sweaty. Eliminate stress (usually not possible, I know).

  4. 4 months ago

    unironically take steroids

  5. 4 months ago

    Find a pic on Google Images that looks similar to what you have and post it here.

  6. 4 months ago

    The most important things for me were changing and washing my pillowcases more often and using a heaband after I got out of the shower to avoid having wet/damp hair on my forehead. Also, and this might not be for everyone, I noticed a huge improvemen when I stopped using shampoo. I used to use it every day and now I only ever use it maybe once every 3-4 months and my hair and skin has never looked better

    Avoiding sugary foods/drinks, drinking enough water, getting good sleep and not being stressed also make a world of difference

  7. 4 months ago


  8. 4 months ago

    Change your bedsheets twice a week and pillowcases every day or every other day.

  9. 4 months ago

    Stop having dairy, specifically milk. Wish someone told me.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm white.

      • 4 months ago

        Elimination diet, that's the gold standard. Dairy and processed sugar are the most likely culprits. Quit both for 3 months, if you clear up, re-introduce one of them and see if the problem comes back. Or quite one for 3 months, then the other for another 3 months, your choice.

        It was dairy for me, I cleared up within like 3 weeks after quitting it. Especially cheese for some reason, a bit of milk once in a while seems to be fine. I will be trying to reintroduce lactose fee milk and cheeses to see if they are fine.

        Doesn't matter.

  10. 4 months ago

    >look up a chart to identify the type of acne you have, there are like five different types of acne and how it presents itself, cystic hormonal, bacterial, etc.
    >use product specifically designed to address issue : i.e antibacterial wash for bacterial acne, certain acids like glycolic or salicylic work good for hormonal acne.

    Once you know what it is, you can begin to treat it. Whether holistically (i.e. diet change if hormonal acne caused by IgF-1 protein in dairy, or puberty hormones based acne), or topically using products.

  11. 4 months ago

    isotretinoin will work but it has a lot of side effects

    you also have to try every prescription doctors will give before they let you have it which takes a while and is expensive

    • 4 months ago

      >isotretinoin will work
      It will not work if it's caused by diet or any other external factors. It will supress acne for the duration of using it, but won't be a permanent fix. It can only be a permanent fix if the cause was hormonal. Only try it if elimination diet did not work.

      t. been on it for a year when I was a teenager, acne persisted until i was 27 and did an elimination diet.

    • 4 months ago

      >just medicate the symptoms bro

  12. 4 months ago

    Stop eating peanut butter
    Stop using a silk pillowcase

  13. 4 months ago

    differin, ba cleanser, oil cleanser, wash pillow cases 1-2x a week, fresh clean towels for face only, water, and not being hormonal and 19

  14. 4 months ago

    Get over it.

  15. 4 months ago

    Clean the pillow case but also if you are currently using dryer sheets stop. I found that the residue that dryer sheets leave on bedding in particular had an adverse affect on my skin.

    Additionally, I don't wash my face with soap in the shower anymore, normal soap is too harsh. I use a face wash with witchhazel daily and then a very mild moisturizer/astringent at night. I found that it keeps my skin looking better and less oily. In particular I used to get pimples after shaving and do not any more. It's also a cheap routine, one bottle of the facial toner stuff was like 10 bucks. I have a big bag of cotton pads to use it with but will be switching to re-usable ones to eliminate that cost.

  16. 4 months ago

    >how do I rid myself of endless pimples
    what comes to my mind
    >shower minimum every other day
    >get sun if you can
    >no goyslop
    >clean pillowcase every third/fourth night
    >no jerking (personal opinion)

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