How do I tell my formerly anorexic gf she's close to getting fat without destroying her mind?

How do I tell my formerly anorexic gf she's close to getting fat without destroying her mind?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Squeeze her tummy next time you see her

  2. 2 years ago

    Tell her she's getting fat

    I told my wife and she got a bit mad but later on she was happy because she knew it already and needed a push.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm scared that if I say something she'll go back to being anorexic

      • 2 years ago

        how anorexic was she really? Was normal weight called anorexic because fatpositive slander or like genuinely under 18 bmi or whatever metric

        • 2 years ago

          If only I had a dime for every woman who told me she couldn't lose weight because when she was 15 she starved herself for a year. I spend a lot of time around women like this so, here's what you do.

          Tell her she's getting fat

          I told my wife and she got a bit mad but later on she was happy because she knew it already and needed a push.
          This. She won't start starving herself again. And if she does, BIG IF, it's only for attention. She's a grown ass adult with responsibilities now, not an attention whoring tween who needs daddy's praise. If/When she stops eating, encourage her and don't give in to the plea for pity. Treat it like a normal diet.
          >Wow, wife! You're looking great! That diet must really be working for you!
          >Didn't know you were in to fasting! I've heard great things about it, maybe we can try a weekend fast together?
          >Now that you're starting to care more about your health, we should hit the gym together!
          This will do one of two things:
          1) Encourage her to continue watching her calories and eating less, eventually making her aware of how good being healthy feels. (A few fasts won't hurt her, so don't worry.) Eventually she just becomes a normal fit person.
          2) Make her realize her weird ass, crazy, childish fit isn't getting the attention she wants. She'll either stop starving herself and try to go back to normal overeating or she'll freak out and tell you how you're an butthole for encouraging her eating disorder. If she does the latter, it's proof she doesn't have an eating disorder. Why would she try to tell you about it if it benefits her more to do it in secret? It's only for attention. Point this out then tell her the attention whoring is too much for you and give her an ultimatum.
          Regardless, she's a food addict now, there's only two ways to go from here, either she balloons to 250 or she realizes she doesn't want to die at 50 with only 1 leg.

          • 2 years ago

            >If only I had a dime for every woman who told me she couldn't lose weight because when she was 15 she starved herself for a year.

            This is what my brother's girlfriend says. Now she's at least 300 pounds and can barely walk. Like she'll just sit in her car instead of coming inside or she'll stay downstairs instead of going upstairs to my brother's room. She also works one day a week and my brother pays for her car insurance and repairs and weed and alcohol

  3. 2 years ago

    You cant say anything, its a female, tell her she is fat, she will loose her mind, if you tell her she is too skinny she will go mad, there is no solution here

  4. 2 years ago

    pay someone to ridicule her flabs

    • 2 years ago

      That won't work, it could make her stop eating altogether. The goal is to keep her ass without her gaining any more weight

      • 2 years ago

        I’m sorry you lack the imagination to make it work

      • 2 years ago

        >keep her ass without her gaining any more weight
        its called exercise

  5. 2 years ago

    Truth is she was never gonna make it…
    >started dating 5’0 120 lbs
    >now 155 lbs and climbing
    >Tried to get her to the gym but always makes bullshit excuses
    >”but anon I’m too tired” “anon my joints hurt” “there’s too many people and I’m self conscious”
    I feel like I’m in too deep at this point. Should I just take the architect pill and feed til her body gives out and go into my 40s a widower?

    • 2 years ago

      >fell for the exercise to lose weight meme

      • 2 years ago

        More muscle mass leads to a higher baseline caloric need.

    • 2 years ago

      Leave her or suffer, your choice

      • 2 years ago

        Too late, got the house, dog, etc together before she really began ballooning. Hands are pretty much tied at this point because I don’t wanna get raped financially.

        • 2 years ago

          >he fell for the relationship meme

        • 2 years ago

          That hurts man, but the pain of living with a hungry maniac is worse, i married, had kids, got us a house, cars everything but that shit was hell, she started perma bulking the day we moved in together and got angrier by the day, even started hitting me of i didnt cook for her, so i divorced her ass.
          Raped finacially, lost the house, pets, kids, everything but im feeling much much better without that psycho

          • 2 years ago


            >financially fricked
            Anon, I was once you. I had a gf. She was clingy and manipulative. I broke up with her all the time but she just kept working her way in. She took a job at my workplace. She moved two blocks away from me. And when quarantine hit, she demanded we kove I together "just for a few months". This came with all kinds of promises. We got a dog, I became financially dependent on her after I lost my job and she inherited a bunch of money.
            Up until this point, even being isolated, broke, and psychologically welded to this woman, I could have run. I could have grabbed all the shit I could carry and bolted while she was out one day. But I didnt. Then she got pregnant. And it was only AFTER I got that baby in my hands that I realized how utterfly free to leave I was before. It was an illusion. Her fragile mental state and the obligatory guilty feelings it imposed on me were a trap. She would have been no better or worse in a week than if I had stayed and the next guy would be the same way.

            Now I wake up every day in a living nightmare life that I did not choose. I have to lie and say "I love you" twice a day and lay down on top of this hideous beast once a year or my daughter witnesses a complete psychotic episode, complete with vocal-chord shredding screams, door slamming, glass breaking and threats of suicide. Because I didnt walk away when I should have.

            My advice anon: be fair. Be fair to her and be fair to yourself. She doesnt deserve to spend her life with someone who doesnt want her any more than you deserve to spend your life with someone you dont want. It is better to be broke, lonely, and miserable in a life you choose than completely sheltered in a life of obligation.

            I think the worst thing is the denial. She has started using shapewear to squish her gut into old dresses. Another thing is talking to her about BMI and her dismissing it as pseudoscience. When I lost a lot of weight (former fatty) and was using that as one of my metrics for progress she would say things like “anon don’t pay attention to bmi, it says I’m almost obese. Do I look almost obese?” I should’ve told her then and there but didn’t have the heart.

            • 2 years ago

              Dont matter what you told her or didnt tell her, women dont care, mentally they are in a princess pretend world where they cant be wrong no matter what

            • 2 years ago

              >BMI is shit
              She's right. BMI is BS - it doesn't care if ur muscly. Only good measure is bf%. If bf% says she's too fat, she's too fat.
              Go and find out her bf%

            • 2 years ago

              >BMI is a pseudoscience
              I agree with her, it's way to flattering to no-muscle fatties

        • 2 years ago

          That hurts man, but the pain of living with a hungry maniac is worse, i married, had kids, got us a house, cars everything but that shit was hell, she started perma bulking the day we moved in together and got angrier by the day, even started hitting me of i didnt cook for her, so i divorced her ass.
          Raped finacially, lost the house, pets, kids, everything but im feeling much much better without that psycho

          Do you make significantly more money than her? Any details you can share on what exactly happens during a divorce rape? Any advice for the anons?

          • 2 years ago

            I made more money than her.
            What happens is that even if you have been good too her all your time together she will twist everything around and make everyone around you think that your a monster, her mother will pay for lawyers too make sure you get raped, then she will hate you for the rest of your lives and try her best to punish you using all methods possible.
            Any advice for anons?
            Dont get married, dont date, workout, eat healthy, spend time on hobbys, take care of yourselfs and if you feel the need for women, just yerk off and use that post nut clarity for remembering how moronic women are

            • 2 years ago

              How old are you now? Are you going monk mode for the rest of your life? Do you think you will ever set out to slay puss ever again or is that over for you?

              • 2 years ago

                No monk mode, but never any relationship again.

          • 2 years ago

            You'll get punished less for murder.

          • 2 years ago

            Make triple what she does, haven’t experienced a divorce rape yet. Haven’t even had anyone close to me experience it (all of my married family members are still with their spouses). I just know that if (when) it goes down I’m not gonna come out the winner in this one.

        • 2 years ago

          >financially fricked
          Anon, I was once you. I had a gf. She was clingy and manipulative. I broke up with her all the time but she just kept working her way in. She took a job at my workplace. She moved two blocks away from me. And when quarantine hit, she demanded we kove I together "just for a few months". This came with all kinds of promises. We got a dog, I became financially dependent on her after I lost my job and she inherited a bunch of money.
          Up until this point, even being isolated, broke, and psychologically welded to this woman, I could have run. I could have grabbed all the shit I could carry and bolted while she was out one day. But I didnt. Then she got pregnant. And it was only AFTER I got that baby in my hands that I realized how utterfly free to leave I was before. It was an illusion. Her fragile mental state and the obligatory guilty feelings it imposed on me were a trap. She would have been no better or worse in a week than if I had stayed and the next guy would be the same way.

          Now I wake up every day in a living nightmare life that I did not choose. I have to lie and say "I love you" twice a day and lay down on top of this hideous beast once a year or my daughter witnesses a complete psychotic episode, complete with vocal-chord shredding screams, door slamming, glass breaking and threats of suicide. Because I didnt walk away when I should have.

          My advice anon: be fair. Be fair to her and be fair to yourself. She doesnt deserve to spend her life with someone who doesnt want her any more than you deserve to spend your life with someone you dont want. It is better to be broke, lonely, and miserable in a life you choose than completely sheltered in a life of obligation.

          • 2 years ago

            Anons, listen to what this man has to say, listen carefully

          • 2 years ago

            >threats of suicide
            Record these, have her committed, divorce and file for full custody

            EZPZ, you can afford a lawyer right? You're not trapped and pathetically broke right? That would just be embarrassing.

          • 2 years ago

            > Then she got pregnant.
            Did you come inside her Il all the time?

        • 2 years ago

          Why tf did you buy a house with someone you don’t think is wife material? This is on you, moron.

          • 2 years ago

            That’s the problem, thought she was until after all of that was bought, then she became too comfortable and then boom here we are.

    • 2 years ago

      Ur gf doesn't know what she got.
      I would love to have a supportive bf. But irl there's only me who kicks my ass to go to gym or do home workout. Life's hard. -sadfemalenoises- on the other hand i'm independent and need no one. it's okay to live such a life.

  6. 2 years ago

    Frick her for cardio

  7. 2 years ago

    > Heyyy ughm... I noticed you're getting a bit FAT there 🙂 Wanna lay off all that cake and fries? Just "saiyan" haha alright have a good one 😉

  8. 2 years ago

    Show her the /fph/ threads.

  9. 2 years ago

    Ay guess what? You're getting in the land whale zone over here. Lose some lard will ya?

  10. 2 years ago

    This is coming from an anorexic, and while we all are spergy in our own way, don't say it plainly. Don't treat her differently.
    Eating disorders never truly leave in my experience, so perhaps she might be struggling with binging.

    Try asking her to the gym more. Ensure you guys are eating well and not like shit. Ask her how she's actually felt lately.
    Weight gain is a sign of unhappiness and lack of control.
    I'm sure she already knows she look close to getting fat.

    • 2 years ago

      Been there, tough situation. I guess wait for a moment when she eats like shit. Like, of you see her eating a good bit of junk, approach her about it. Maybe try complimenting her but asking her why exactly she's stopped taking care of herself? >"Hey, is anything wrong? Eating that much of that really doesn't seem like something you'd do, you used to love taking care of your body and worked on being healthier after leaving your ED behind. I'm worried about you, what's up?"

      Basically this line from this dude
      >Weight gain is a sign of unhappiness and lack of control

      Try to see what's the root behind her behavior

  11. 2 years ago

    >hey babe you look like a fat fricking pig!!! jokes haha
    its so easy, im a virgin btw not sure if that matters

  12. 2 years ago

    "accidentally" get caught multiple times looking at pictures of thin, athletic women

  13. 2 years ago

    "Hey, fat ass!"

  14. 2 years ago

    First off, anorexia doesn't exist, don't give into her delusion. Secondly, you have to tell her that you are trying low-carb or dieting and would be helpful if she doesn't eat infront of you..except you don't diet.

  15. 2 years ago

    Try and get her to exercise with you, change the food kept in the house. It shouldn't take much for someone to lose weight. Cutting out junk food/alcohol with some light exercise should be enough.

    • 2 years ago

      Make it sound like something you two can do together.

      • 2 years ago

        From experience I can tell you it doesn’t work, she’ll make a million excuses and mention that you see it as a hobby to enjoy while she sees it as a chore. Even if you get them there their “cardio” consists of light walking for 5 mins and lifting 5s because they “don’t want to feel sore”. Can lead a hippo to the gym but can’t make them lift

  16. 2 years ago

    I am actually thinking of breaking up with a 3 year old gf because she doesn't show interest for living a fit life. I sat down with her told her that if she doesn't start going to the gym and working out I will break up with her....worked for 2 months but she is back to doing nothing now. If the girl really loves you, she will do whatever to make you happy. If she gets mad and doesn't want to change she is doing you a big favor anon so you know early to go and find a cardio bunny

    • 2 years ago

      Do it, be happy instead

    • 2 years ago

      >3 year old gf
      >if she doesn't start going to the gym and working out I will break up with her
      >fell for the exercise to lose weight meme

  17. 2 years ago

    >hey gf-bae let's go to gym together
    >hey gf-bae I cooked some delicious stuff for us
    >hey gf-bae it's a nice outside, let's take a walk together
    >hey gf-bae let's go do some stuff outside together

  18. 2 years ago

    >formerly anorexic

    She is doomed and so do you. She is skinnier now, but it's a matter of time for her to snap her shit and get fat again. There are two tipes of fatties, those who lack any self worth and those who eat due to psychological reasons. She is the former, and the reason she lost her weight in the first place is that she is damaged up there. It'll only take another event for her to binge eat again. The sole fact that you tell her she is getting fat again may snap her shit.

    Fast fat loss through starvation isn't sustainable in any form. And getting fit is firstly a change in mindset, and the body comes as a consequence.

  19. 2 years ago

    Tell her to come to the gym with you because you want to spend more time with her.

  20. 2 years ago

    Gotta approach it with some delicacy. Like tell her you know she had eating disorder and you care and don't want her to be unhealthy. In that same vein, spiralling too far the other way is just as bad. Healthy moderation is the key yeah.

  21. 2 years ago

    Anons, remember not to ever dismiss any red flags about women. If something about her seems off, if she's delusional, in denial about something, or too clingy, there's a great chance you don't want to be with this woman in the long run. Never settle. The last thing you want is ending up in a heartrending relationship or marriage you can't escape.

    And never ever date a fat woman.

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