how do I truly tell if I have gyno?

I have given myself the "pinch test" and I can't really tell if I have firm masses under my nipples or not, it mostly feels squishy like in the pseudo pic. At the same time, my nipples do seem to protrude out somewhat. I gained a lot of weight in the last few years, both fat and muscle due to being on zoloft and smoking weed. I've since quit both. I know they can cause gyno in some cases but more commonly contribute to weight gain.
Can a general practitioner accurately diagnose gyno or is it too specialized of a medical issue? Is an Endocrinologist or dermatologist better to go to? I'm worried a plastic surgeon just wants to sell me surgery so I wouldn't want to go to one of them first.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    bra size?

    • 4 weeks ago

      102 ZZZ

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Go to a doctor, you can have a consultation with a surgeon and find out. I had proper gyno, had the surgery when I was 18, over 10 years ago, pic on the right was just a few months after surgery.
    They had to remove the entire nipple, remove gland (also tested for cancer since its technically a tumor) and then reattach the nipple.

    No regrets, years later no real problems.

    • 4 weeks ago

      when you say a surgeon you mean a plastic surgeon right? will they truly be honest when diagnosing you?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >will they truly be honest when diagnosing you?
        I mean, they will assess what is there and be truthful as to what the problem actually is, they wont lie to you in regards to misrepresenting the issue, the decision will be yours in the end.
        Sure they want to make the "sale" but they'll tell you wether its mostly fat or wether its the gland because its a completely different procedure.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Let's sort this out first: what's your body fat percentage?
    If it's anything above 15%, the pinch test won't tell you shit. Just focus on losing weight, ideally get down to 12%.
    If you still have tiddies while being that lean and you can feel hard rubbery tissue underneath, it's very likely gyno at that point.
    Also I think there are ways to shrink gyno through natural means (mainly upping you free testosterone and freeing up your androgen receptors), so do that while you cut. You should be doing that regardless of gyno anyway.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Around 25% if I had to guess but I hear you, losing weight has been my main focus. What are you referring to when you say natural ways of increasing test? Stuff like lifting, sleeping, sunlight, and eating clean or do you mean specific test boosting supplements?

      >will they truly be honest when diagnosing you?
      I mean, they will assess what is there and be truthful as to what the problem actually is, they wont lie to you in regards to misrepresenting the issue, the decision will be yours in the end.
      Sure they want to make the "sale" but they'll tell you wether its mostly fat or wether its the gland because its a completely different procedure.

      I see. Thanks.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >What are you referring to when you say natural ways of increasing test? Stuff like lifting, sleeping, sunlight, and eating clean or do you mean specific test boosting supplements?
        Yes to all the above. Removing microplastics and other estrogenic (whether faux or real) compounds will help.
        Here's a video that goes over freeing up your androgen receptors, it'll get you started at least.

        • 4 weeks ago

          cool, thanks.

        • 4 weeks ago

          This microplastics shit has to be some grift. Suddenly pops up, doesn't get censored in the slightest, and is even pushed in mass media.
          No way this bullshit only now gets discovered.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah bro I dont trust it either, Im going to keep lifting my lead weights in my cosy asbestos house and really stick it to the israelites

            • 4 weeks ago

              You know both of those are only dangerous if inhaled or ingested (in the case of lead even perfectly safe for plumbing), right? There's nothing inherently dangerous about making things out of asbestos, it's the fibrous material that physically fricks you up.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >he unironically defends lead and asbestos just to be contrarian
                kek, never change. Go eat some estrogen-injected chicken as that is also probably a israelite media conspiracy to raise chicken prices

              • 4 weeks ago

                And yet I'm right.
                You know what doctors also said? That butter was a carcinogen... no wait, it's margarine, no wait, butter is good for cholesterol, eggs are bad for cholesterol. Actually, cholesterol is probably independent of diet.
                Literally decades of nonsense health advice and you want me to buy this microplastics stuff on some iffy 'research' that just pops up out of nowhere.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >things arent known until they are
                >this somehow enrages and confuses anon
                Penicillin cant be real tbh, am I supposed to believe it was unknown and then just someone just discovered how to use it out of nowhere?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Bro use your intuition for a hot minute.
                Would you eat a plastic container? No? Then you probably don't want to ingest micro bits of it either.
                How dense are you?

              • 4 weeks ago

                There's a guy who ate an entire airplane and he was fine. You don't digest it so it comes out the other end. It doesn't bind so it doesn't accumulate in the organs either.
                I'm not the one being moronic.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Far be it from me to convince you. If you want to guzzle microplastics, then go hog wild my man. I'll limit my intake as much as I can as I have no interest in consuming inorganic materials.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Queue that article of italian trannies boiling waterbottles to ingest the xenoestrogen in an effort to become "women"

  4. 4 weeks ago

    DIY biopsy.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    How do you even get gyno? Asking for a friend.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    a lean person would have no trouble determining if he has gyno.
    Just saying

    • 4 weeks ago

      leanness is in the eye of the beholder

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Are you below 8% body fat?
    If not you aren't capable of ensuring you have only essential body fat.

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