How do I use this book? I got it yesterday and now I'm confused.

How do I use this book? I got it yesterday and now I'm confused.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Someone post that anon who actually got jacked from starting strength so I can see brosplit anons seethe.

    • 5 months ago

      inb4 that one dude gets posted

      >that one guy

      • 5 months ago

        >that one guy
        If one guy can make it work then it proves full body 3 times a week is worthwhile. Dunno why anyone would want to spend more time in the gym when it's not necessary.

        • 5 months ago

          >Dunno why anyone would want to spend more time in the gym when it's not necessary
          to stop thinking about her..

    • 5 months ago

      >starting strength has been out for 20 years
      >treated as holy bible of lifting
      >only one guys has gotten jacked from it

      • 5 months ago

        nta, but I ran the program for 3 months back in the day and got considerably better looking
        not jacked by any means, but went from a total dyel skinny looking guy to an actually decently shaped person who looks like who lifts. My numbers went up, as the program promised. I got a little of belly and facial fat, sure, but nothing a cut can solve when I abandoned the program altogether

        • 5 months ago

          I'm happy for you man. I'm not even saying it doesn't work. Most novices will grow on amost any program but there are much better programs that don't have the flaws SS has and that aling better with what most people want. SS is very good if you are a sprinter and out of season and want to gain some explosive power or whatever or a already big guy with little time and just wants to maintain, for a novice is just not the best.
          People don't want a stronk squat they want to feel good, not bloated, and be strong when lifting grocerie bags.

          • 5 months ago

            Could you elaborate about the flaws, and why you think it's only useful for the kind of people you mentioned?

            • 5 months ago

              Nta but he hasn’t posted body you don’t really have to listen to him. Do you own independent research.

      • 5 months ago

        >treated as holy bible of lifting
        championship bodybuilding by chris aceto is the holy bible of lifting

    • 5 months ago
  2. 5 months ago

    Open it up. Go to the first chapter. Read page. Read next page. Repeat until you have read the book.

  3. 5 months ago

    use it as toilet paper

    • 5 months ago

      This would be the top comment on Reddit. I’m surprised there aren’t more of you saying this.

  4. 5 months ago

    You don't, you're supposed to piece it all together bit by bit from forum posts over the course of a few months.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm just confused on what the actual program is. When people say they are doing starting strength, what exactly are they doing?

      • 5 months ago

        That's correct. You want to begin by reading the book & then starting strength.

        • 5 months ago

          I guess I just expected more charts, I like charts. This video seems to explain it well.


          • 5 months ago

            There is a chapter at the end on how to do the program.
            There is day A and day B
            Day A is squats, deadlifts, over head press
            Day B is squats, deadlifts, bench press
            The book tells you how to perform each exercise
            You do the program 3 times a week with 1 or 2 days rest in between: AxBxAxx, BxAxBxx, etc.
            Read the damn book

            • 5 months ago

              How many reps of chin ups am I supposed to do?

              • 5 months ago

                8 from what I remember
                You only do 1 set of deadlifts btw

            • 5 months ago

              >On the same day
              >Three times a week
              Welcome to snap city anon

              • 5 months ago

                Squats every workout is not a problem.
                You only deadlift every workout for like 2-3 weeks, then you replace deadlifts with power cleans on one of the days.
                Later you can add chin ups on one day and alternate deadlifts/power cleans on the other day, meaning that you only deadlift every fifth workout.

              • 5 months ago

                the funniest thing is thinking about people doing cleans after reading a book
                THAT is snap city

              • 5 months ago

                It's just the first week or so like that, when you're deadlifting lmao1plate and bringing it up to a decent workable weight on the quick.
                As soon as you are there (or it might be on the next change, but anyway it doesn't take long), it becomes
                >alternate ohp and bench
                >alternate chin ups and a pull from the floor (alternating deadlifts and power cleans)
                meaning you're deadlifting once every 4 workouts.

              • 5 months ago

                He never tells you to deadlift 3 times a week. The basic format never changes and he just adds accessories and tells you to alternate cleans and deadlifts when deadlifts get heavy.

              • 5 months ago

                Is this outdated?

              • 5 months ago

                I don’t know, the book has gone through multiple editions and somethint might have changed.

              • 5 months ago

                I don’t know, the book has gone through multiple editions and somethint might have changed.

                you deadlift every workout for at least the first few weeks

                This happens because...
                >dirty bulking
                >eating well but overdoing it
                It's cringe but that's why is useful to count calories AND check macros. Whatever the app used.
                There are a lot of dudes that can talk hours about routines and exercises and how to isolate certain parts of the body but know jackshit about eating.

                there's nothing wrong with this bulk. He gained like 60 lbs. People are just so unbelievably low IQ they can't understand how much muscle he gained, they only see the increased bodyfat

  5. 5 months ago

    It's a ton of info, some correct some incorrect, that you don't need. Do yourself a favor and do high bar squat instead of low bar, replace power cleans with rows, and add some curls.

    • 5 months ago

      How does anyone ever grow their chest with such low volume?

      • 5 months ago

        You don't do it to get a great physique. You do it to get acquainted with lifting and get stronger. When you're not getting stronger anymore, you move on.

        >do high bar squat instead of low bar, replace power cleans with rows

        High bar is less harsh on the shoulders and hips, easier/more intuitive to learn, helps prevent squatmorning, easier to load the quads, and easier to get full depth on. Rip's idea that the low bar is better because it supposedly involves more muscle mass is flawed at best. Unless you're doing a good morning, the hamstrings won't grow from squats, and both low and high bar grow the quads, glutes, adductors, and spinal erectors well. If you want to train hamstrings, you should do SLDL, RDL, good morning, or hamstring curls.

    • 5 months ago

      >do high bar squat instead of low bar, replace power cleans with rows

  6. 5 months ago

    Like this



    • 5 months ago

      I'll check this out that guy looks great.


  7. 5 months ago

    Make sure that when you start out, you only do body weight squats. i.e. if you weigh 220lbs, only put that much on the bar. You don't want to risk a back injury.

  8. 5 months ago

    is SS good if I've already been lifting for 5 months? I can bench 63kgx5 OHP 35kgx5. My squat is even more embarrassing and I've never deadlifted

    • 5 months ago

      better late than never

    • 5 months ago

      How big are you? Those are really low numbers so I assume you're very light. Either way don't do SS. Get a Fullbody rutine like Frank Zane or similar (3 sets of 8-15 reps per exercise, 2 or 3times a week) and try other methods to get bigger and stronger.
      The 5x5 system is good only for big people with a strong base and very good genetics for strength as proven by his original users, like bodybuildng champion Reg Park and out of season football players or strength athletes that followed Paul Kelso methods.
      The low rep + low volume combination in 5x5 has some benefits but as a novice you're most likely to progress for a time then stall and injure yourself because of the quick progression in intensity (weights get heavy too quick) and the low variety of exercises (very poor exercise selection for longer periods of time).

      • 5 months ago

        thanks I'm 6'2 160lbs

        • 5 months ago

          literally do SS + gomad don't listen to the midwit

        • 5 months ago

          OK perfect, you're a very tall guy who is underweight and lanky. What I recommended will work just fine for you. And some extra advice: pike pushups are really good for your shoulders and adding some extra volume to improve at pressing.
          As a tall guy expect the prgress to be slow: your leverages are probably bad (longer limbs needs more effort to move the same weight) and growing into 200 lbs is more difficult than growing into 170 (as a skinny 5'9'' would want). So be patient. Don't go full moron eating everything and getting fat. Big healthy meals (veggies, meat, eggs, etc...) will get you there in time.
          There are some SS cultists that act like SS is the only or the best way to bulk up but if you want big arms curls will help and if you don't want a fat pig's ass focusing on squats and lower body is just moronic.

        • 5 months ago

          Dont listen to the noob above you. As the novice you are now is the best chance to make huge strength gains in a short period of time.
          Do SS and read this link:

          You probably need to gain 40 lbs this year so get to eating.

          • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              well, he did get in fact bigger

              • 5 months ago

                Actually mirin that waistline gainz.

                Could you elaborate about the flaws, and why you think it's only useful for the kind of people you mentioned?

                In short, I don't want to write a blog abouit it, too little volume (for a novice 45 reps a week is ridiculous), intentity too high (if you do your 3 sets with your true 5rm you will do 1 set and fail the other two), poor choice of exercises (0 isolation, 0 "dificult" movements and focus on legs), progression too fast (weights go up every week) and poor management of issues (if you fail you weren't doing the program right it's your fault drink more milk....). Also novices can be unathletic and they shoud just get more athletic before focussing on heavy liffting. Same issue with body composition.

                Nta but he hasn’t posted body you don’t really have to listen to him. Do you own independent research.

                Good advice.

                This happens because...
                >dirty bulking
                >eating well but overdoing it
                It's cringe but that's why is useful to count calories AND check macros. Whatever the app used.
                There are a lot of dudes that can talk hours about routines and exercises and how to isolate certain parts of the body but know jackshit about eating.

                you deadlift every workout for at least the first few weeks

                there's nothing wrong with this bulk. He gained like 60 lbs. People are just so unbelievably low IQ they can't understand how much muscle he gained, they only see the increased bodyfat

                He followed was supervised by Rick himself, look him up. This is a true result of SS. He got fat, not really strong and after he realized it he quit lifting. Do you know anyone successfull in strength sports or athletics that came out of training with Rip? Because this kid is the only true SS result I know.

                he probably got a lot stronger which was most likely his goal anyway

                His goal was to get stronger and more muscular and his experience and results with Rip's program and coaching delusions was so bad that he quit lifitng altogether.

              • 5 months ago

                >too little volume
                The volume is enough for getting strong.

                >intensity too high
                If you can add 2.5-5 lbs every workout (which you should be able to), then the intensity is not too high.

                >poor choice of exercises
                The exercises are enough for the goal, getting strong.
                Also, wtf is a "difficult" exercise and why would a novice need difficult exercises?

                >progression too fast
                What? If you can add 5 lbs every workout, why wouldn't you?

                >poor management of issues
                Yes, if you fail its probably your fault. SS works well if you follow the program, the problem is that 90% doesn't follow the program. You need to rest long enough between sets(8+ min is probably required when it gets real heavy), not take too big jumps in weights between workouts, and sleep and eat enough (probably minimum TDEE+1000 kcal)

                >they should just get more athletic before focusing on heavy liffting
                What does this mean? what is "athletic" and how is that related to getting strong?

            • 5 months ago

              This happens because...
              >dirty bulking
              >eating well but overdoing it
              It's cringe but that's why is useful to count calories AND check macros. Whatever the app used.
              There are a lot of dudes that can talk hours about routines and exercises and how to isolate certain parts of the body but know jackshit about eating.

            • 5 months ago

              he probably got a lot stronger which was most likely his goal anyway

  9. 5 months ago

    Toilet paper.

  10. 5 months ago

    >How do I use this book?
    You do cum tribute on that book and do timestamp on IST

  11. 5 months ago

    Get PPST instead.

  12. 5 months ago

    Usually you start by flipping open pages and reading the contents, i hope this helped.

  13. 5 months ago

    Read it cover to cover

  14. 5 months ago

    Read all of the SS articles on the website and consume the content. Ignore the morons here. SS done well is extremely good and it’s a meme to hate on it when people say they did it but only ever half assed it. It will be the fastest progress you ever make, you’ll mog most of IST and people in the gym after half a year of serious strength training and gaining weight.

    • 5 months ago

      I've been doing that, I think I have good understanding of how to do it now. My goal is to gain as much strength as fast as possible and I heard SS is the best for that.

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